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new Client(config)

Client is a class representing an API client. It provides methods corresponding to messaging APIs.

Type signature

class Client {
  public config: ClientConfig

  constructor(config: ClientConfig) {}

  // requestOption
  setRequestOptionOnce(option: Partial<{
    retryKey: string;

  // Message
  pushMessage(to: string, messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>
  replyMessage(replyToken: string, messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>
  multicast(to: string[], messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>
    messages: Message | Message[],
    recipient?: ReceieptObject,
    filter?: { demographic: DemographicFilterObject },
    limit?: { max?: number, upToRemainingQuota?: boolean },
    notificationDisabled?: boolean,
  ): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>
  broadcast(messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>
  getMessageContent(messageId: string): Promise<Readable>

  // Profile
  getProfile(userId: string): Promise<Profile>

  // Group
  getGroupSummary(groupId: string): Promise<GroupSummary>
  getGroupMembersCount(groupId: string): Promise<MemberCountResponse>
  getGroupMemberProfile(groupId: string, userId: string): Promise<Profile>
  getGroupMemberIds(groupId: string): Promise<string[]>
  leaveGroup(groupId: string): Promise<any>

  // Room
  getRoomMembersCount(roomId: string): Promise<MemberCountResponse>
  getRoomMemberProfile(roomId: string, userId: string): Promise<Profile>
  getRoomMemberIds(roomId: string): Promise<string[]>
  leaveRoom(roomId: string): Promise<any>

  // Rich menu
  getRichMenu(richMenuId: string): Promise<RichMenuResponse>
  createRichMenu(richMenu: RichMenu): Promise<string>
  deleteRichMenu(richMenuId: string): Promise<any>
  getRichMenuIdOfUser(userId: string): Promise<string>
  linkRichMenuToUser(userId: string, richMenuId: string): Promise<any>
  unlinkRichMenuFromUser(userId: string, richMenuId: string): Promise<any>
  linkRichMenuToMultipleUsers(richMenuId: string, userIds: string[]): Promise<any>
  unlinkRichMenusFromMultipleUsers(userIds: string[]): Promise<any>
  getRichMenuImage(richMenuId: string): Promise<Readable>
  setRichMenuImage(richMenuId: string, data: Buffer | Readable, contentType?: string): Promise<any>
  getRichMenuList(): Promise<Array<RichMenuResponse>>
  setDefaultRichMenu(richMenuId: string): Promise<{}>
  getDefaultRichMenuId(): Promise<string>
  deleteDefaultRichMenu(): Promise<{}>

  // Account link
  getLinkToken(userId: string): Promise<string>

  // Get number of messages sent
  getNumberOfSentReplyMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>
  getNumberOfSentPushMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>
  getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>
  getTargetLimitForAdditionalMessages(): Promise<TargetLimitForAdditionalMessages>
  getNumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth(): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth>
  getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>
  getNarrowcastProgress(requestId: string): Promise<NarrowcastProgressResponse>

  // Insight
  getNumberOfMessageDeliveries(date: string): Promise<Types.NumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse>
  getNumberOfFollowers(date: string): Promise<Types.NumberOfFollowersResponse>
  getFriendDemographics(): Promise<Types.FriendDemographics>
  getUserInteractionStatistics(requestId: string): Promise<Types.UserInteractionStatistics>

  // AudienceGroup
  createUploadAudienceGroup(uploadAudienceGroup: {
    description: string;
    isIfaAudience?: boolean;
    audiences?: { id: string }[];
    uploadDescription?: string;
  }) : Promise<{
      audienceGroupId: number;
      type: string;
      description: string;
      created: number;
      requestId: string;
  createUploadAudienceGroupByFile(uploadAudienceGroup: {
    description: string;
    isIfaAudience?: boolean;
    uploadDescription?: string;
    file: Buffer | Readable;
  }) : Promise<{
      audienceGroupId: number;
      type: "UPLOAD";
      description: string;
      created: number;
    uploadAudienceGroup: {
      audienceGroupId: number;
      description?: string;
      uploadDescription?: string;
      audiences: { id: string }[];
    // for set request timeout
    httpConfig?: Partial<AxiosRequestConfig>,
  ) : Promise<{}>
    uploadAudienceGroup: {
      audienceGroupId: number;
      uploadDescription?: string;
      file: Buffer | Readable;
    // for set request timeout
    httpConfig?: Partial<AxiosRequestConfig>,
  }) : Promise<{}>
  createClickAudienceGroup(clickAudienceGroup: {
    description: string;
    requestId: string;
    clickUrl?: string;
  }) :Promise<{
      audienceGroupId: number;
      type: string;
      created: number;
      description: string;
      requestId: string;
      clickUrl: string;
  createImpAudienceGroup(impAudienceGroup: {
    requestId: string;
    description: string;
  }): Promise<{
      audienceGroupId: number;
      type: string;
      description: string;
      created: number;
      requestId: string;
    description: string,
    audienceGroupId: string,
  ): Promise<{}>
  deleteAudienceGroup(audienceGroupId: string): Promise<{}>
  getAudienceGroup(audienceGroupId: string): Promise<AudienceGroup>
    page: number,
    description?: string,
    status?: AudienceGroupStatus,
    size?: number,
    createRoute?: AudienceGroupCreateRoute,
    includesExternalPublicGroups?: boolean,
  ): Promise<{
      audienceGroups: AudienceGroups;
      hasNextPage: boolean;
      totalCount: number;
      readWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount: number;
      page: number;
      size: number;
  getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel(): Promise<{
    authorityLevel: Types.AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
    authorityLevel: Types.AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
  ): Promise<{}>

  // Bot
  getBotInfo(): Promise<BotInfoResponse>

  // Webhook
  setWebhookEndpointUrl(endpoint: string): Promise<{}>
  getWebhookEndpointInfo(): Promise<{
    endpoint: string;
    active: boolean;
  testWebhookEndpoint(endpoint?: string): Promise<{
    success: boolean;
    timestamp: string;
    statusCode: number;
    reason: string;
    detail: string;

Message is a valid message object. About message object structure, please refer to Message and event objects on this guide, or Send message object on the official documentation.

ClientConfig type is like below.

interface ClientConfig {
  channelAccessToken: string;
  channelSecret?: string;

Common Specifications

Regarding to things like Retrying an API request, there's an API called setRequestOptionOnce. When you call this first and call the API support that request option, then it will be set to that request and will be cleared automatically.


For a parameter messages: messages: Message | Message[], you can provide a message object or an array of message objects. Both will work, but please beware that there can be a limit on the number of the messages to be sent simultaneously. About the API detail, please refer to the official documentation.

For functions returning Promise, there will be errors thrown if something goes wrong, such as HTTP errors or parsing errors. You can catch them with the .catch() method of the promises. The detailed error handling is explained in the Client guide.


pushMessage(to: string, messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>

It corresponds to the Push message API.

The first argument is an ID of a receiver, and the second is messages to be sent.

client.pushMessage('user_or_group_or_room_id', {
  type: 'text',
  text: 'hello, world',

replyMessage(replyToken: string, messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>

It corresponds to the Reply message API.

The first argument is a reply token, which is retrieved from a webhook event object. For the list of replyable events, please refer to Webhook event object of the official documentation. The second argument is the same with one in pushMessage().

client.replyMessage(event.replyToken, {
  type: 'text',
  text: 'hello, world',

multicast(to: string[], messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<MessageAPIResponseBase>

It corresponds to the Multicast API.

The first argument is a list of receiver IDs, and the second is messages to be sent.

client.multicast(['user_id_1', 'user_id_2', 'room_id_1'], {
  type: 'text',
  text: 'hello, world',

broadcast(messages: Message | Message[], notificationDisabled: boolean = false): Promise<any>

Sends push messages to multiple users at any time.

Note: LINE@ accounts cannot call this API endpoint. Please migrate it to a LINE official account. For more information, see Migration of LINE@ accounts.

  type: 'text',
  text: 'hello, world',

getMessageContent(messageId: string): Promise<Readable>

It corresponds to the Content API.

The argument is an ID of media messages, such as image, video, and audio. The ID can be retrieved from a message object of a message event.

Please beware that what it returns is promise of readable stream. You can pipe the stream into a file, an HTTP response, etc.

  .then((stream) => {
    stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
    stream.on('error', (err) => {


getProfile(userId: string): Promise<Profile>

It corresponds to the Profile API.

The argument is a user ID.

client.getProfile('user_id').then((profile) => {


getGroupSummary(groupId: string): Promise<GroupSummary>

It corresponds to the Group Summary API.

The argument is a group ID.

client.getGroupSummary('group_id').then((summary) => {

getGroupMembersCount(groupId: string): Promise<MemberCountResponse>

It corresponds to the Group Members Count API.

The argument is a group ID.

client.getGroupMembersCount('group_id').then((count) => {

getGroupMemberProfile(groupId: string, userId: string): Promise<Profile>

It corresponds to the Group Member Profile API.

The arguments are a group ID and an ID of a user in the group. Please refer to the official documentation for the difference between this API and getProfile().

client.getGroupMemberProfile('group_id', 'user_id').then((profile) => {

getGroupMemberIds(groupId: string): Promise<string[]>

It corresponds to the Group Member IDs API.

FYI: This feature is only available for LINE@ Approved accounts or official accounts.

The argument is a group ID and the method returns a promise of an array of user IDs.

client.getGroupMemberIds('group_id').then((ids) => {
  ids.forEach((id) => console.log(id));

leaveGroup(groupId: string): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the Leave group API.

The argument is a group ID.



getRoomMembersCount(roomId: string): Promise<MembersCountResponse>

It corresponds to the Room Members Count API.

The argument is a room ID.

client.getRoomMembersCount('room_id').then((count) => {

getRoomMemberProfile(roomId: string, userId: string): Promise<Profile>

It corresponds to the Room Member Profile API.

The arguments are a room ID and an ID of a user in the room. Please refer to the official documentation for the difference between this API and getProfile().

client.getRoomMemberProfile('room_id', 'user_id').then((profile) => {

getRoomMemberIds(roomId: string): Promise<string[]>

It corresponds to the Room Member IDs API.

FYI: This feature is only available for LINE@ Approved accounts or official accounts.

The argument is a room ID and the method returns a promise of an array of user IDs.

client.getRoomMemberIds('room_id').then((ids) => {
  ids.forEach((id) => console.log(id));

leaveRoom(roomId: string): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the Leave room API.

The argument is a room ID.


Rich menu

getRichMenu(richMenuId: string): Promise<RichMenuResponse>

It corresponds to the Get rich menu API.

The argument is a rich menu ID. The return type is a rich menu response object.

client.getRichMenu('rich_menu_id').then((richMenu) => {

createRichMenu(richMenu: RichMenu): Promise<string>

It corresponds to the Create rich menu API.

The argument is a rich menu object. For the detail of the object format, please refer to the official documentation. It returns the result rich menu ID.

client.createRichMenu({ size: { width: 2500, height: 1686 }, ... })
  .then((richMenuId) => console.log(richMenuId))

deleteRichMenu(richMenuId: string): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the Delete rich menu API.

The argument is a rich menu ID.


getRichMenuIdOfUser(userId: string): Promise<string>

It corresponds to the Get rich menu ID of user API.

The argument is a user ID. It returns a rich menu ID to be used with other APIs.

client.getRichMenuIdOfUser('user_id').then((richMenuId) => {

linkRichMenuToUser(userId: string, richMenuId: string): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the Link rich menu to user API.

The arguments are a user ID and a rich menu ID.

client.linkRichMenuToUser('user_id', 'rich_menu_id')

unlinkRichMenuFromUser(userId: string, richMenuId: string): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the Unlink rich menu from user API.

The arguments are a user ID and a rich menu ID.

client.unlinkRichMenuFromUser('user_id', 'rich_menu_id')

linkRichMenuToMultipleUsers(richMenuId: string, userIds: string[]): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the [Link rich menu to multiple users]( API.

The arguments are a richMenuId and a array of userIds.

``` js
client.linkRichMenuToMultipleUsers('rich_menu_id', ['user_id'])

unlinkRichMenusFromMultipleUsers(userIds: string[]): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the [Unlink rich menus from multiple users]( API.

The argument is a array of userIds.

``` js

getRichMenuImage(richMenuId: string): Promise<Readable>

It corresponds to the Download rich menu image API.

The argument is a rich menu ID.

Please beware that what it returns is promise of readable stream. You can pipe the stream into a file, an HTTP response, etc.

  .then((stream) => {
    stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
    stream.on('error', (err) => {

setRichMenuImage(richMenuId: string, data: Buffer | Readable, contentType?: string): Promise<any>

It corresponds to the Upload rich menu image API.

The 1st argument is a rich menu ID. For 2nd argument, a buffer or a readable stream of an image should be provided. For the restriction of the image, please refer to the official documentation. The last argument is optional. If it's not provided, the mime type will be guessted from data. Only image/jpeg or image/png is allowed for the content type.

client.setRichMenuImage('rich_menu_id', fs.createReadStream('./some_image.png'))

getRichMenuList(): Promise<Array<RichMenuResponse>>

It corresponds to the Get rich menu list API.

The return type is a list of rich menu response objects.

setDefaultRichMenu(richMenuId: string): Promise<{}>

It corresponds to the Set default rich menu API.

getDefaultRichMenuId(): Promise<string>

It corresponds to the Get default rich menu ID API.

deleteDefaultRichMenu(): Promise<{}>

It corresponds to the Cancel default rich menu API.

Account link

getLinkToken(userId: string): Promise<string>

Send an HTTP POST request to the /bot/user/{userId}/linkToken endpoint, and issue a link token for the user you are attempting to link.

If the request succeeds, a link token will be returned. Link tokens are valid for 10 minutes and can only be used once.

Get number of messages sent

getNumberOfSentReplyMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>

Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/reply endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE@ Manager.

client.getNumberOfSentReplyMessages('20191231').then((response) => {

getNumberOfSentPushMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>

Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/push endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE@ Manager.

client.getNumberOfSentPushMessages('20191231').then((response) => {

getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>

Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/multicast endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE@ Manager.

client.getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages('20191231').then((response) => {

getTargetLimitForAdditionalMessages(): Promise<TargetLimitForAdditionalMessages>

Gets the target limit for additional messages in the current month.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation includes the number of messages sent from LINE Official Account Manager.

Set a target limit with LINE Official Account Manager. For the procedures, refer to the LINE Official Account Manager manual.

Note: LINE@ accounts cannot call this API endpoint.

client.getTargetLimitForAdditionalMessages().then((response) => {

getNumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth(): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth>

Gets the number of messages sent in the current month.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation includes the number of messages sent from LINE Official Account Manager.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation is approximate. To get the correct number of sent messages, use LINE Official Account Manager or execute API operations for getting the number of sent messages.

Note: LINE@ accounts cannot call this API endpoint.

client.getNumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth().then((response) => {

getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>

Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/broadcast endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE Official Account Manager.

Note: LINE@ accounts cannot call this API endpoint. Please migrate it to a LINE official account. For more information, see Migration of LINE@ accounts.

client.getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages('20191231').then((response) => {


getNumberOfMessageDeliveries(date: string): Promise<NumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse>

It corresponds to the Get number of message deliveries API.

getNumberOfFollowers(date: string): Promise<NumberOfFollowersResponse>

It corresponds to the Get number of followers API.

getFriendDemographics(): Promise<Types.FriendDemographics>

It corresponds to the Get friend demographics API.


getBotInfo(): Promise<BotInfoResponse>

It corresponds to the Get bot info API.


setWebhookEndpointUrl(endpoint: string): Promise<{}}>

It corresponds to the Set webhook endpoint URL API.

getWebhookEndpointInfo(): Promise<Types.WebhookEndpointInfoResponse>

It corresponds to the Get webhook endpoint information API.

testWebhookEndpoint(endpoint?: string): Promise<Types.TestWebhookEndpointResponse>

It corresponds to the Test webhook endpoint API.