TestStepping.test 2.23 KB
# UNSUPPORTED: system-windows, system-freebsd

# This tests that stepping continues to work when replaying a reproducer.

# RUN: rm -rf %t.repro
# RUN: %clang_host %S/Inputs/stepping.c -O0 -g -o %t.out
# RUN: grep -v '#' %s > %t.in

# RUN: %lldb -x -b -s %t.in --capture --capture-path %t.repro %t.out | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK
# RUN: %lldb --replay %t.repro | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK

# Set breakpoints in a,b and c and verify we stop there when stepping.

breakpoint set -f stepping.c -l 28
# CHECK: Breakpoint 1: {{.*}} stepping.c:28

breakpoint set -f stepping.c -l 10
# CHECK: Breakpoint 2: {{.*}} stepping.c:10

breakpoint set -f stepping.c -l 19
# CHECK: Breakpoint 3: {{.*}} stepping.c:19

breakpoint set -f stepping.c -l 23
# CHECK: Breakpoint 4: {{.*}} stepping.c:23

# CHECK: Process {{.*}} stopped
# CHECK: stop reason = breakpoint 1.1

# CHECK: Process {{.*}} stopped
# CHECK: stop reason = breakpoint 2.1

# CHECK: Process {{.*}} stopped
# CHECK: stop reason = breakpoint 3.1

# CHECK: Process {{.*}} stopped
# CHECK: stop reason = breakpoint 4.1

# CHECK: frame #0: {{.*}}`c
# CHECK: frame #1: {{.*}}`b
# CHECK: frame #2: {{.*}}`a

# Continue and stop resulting from the step overs.

# CHECK: Process {{.*}} resuming
# CHECK: Process {{.*}} stopped
# CHECK: stop reason = step over
# CHECK: Process {{.*}} resuming
# CHECK: Process {{.*}} stopped
# CHECK: stop reason = step over
# CHECK: Process {{.*}} resuming
# CHECK: Process {{.*}} stopped
# CHECK: stop reason = step over

breakpoint disable 1
# CHECK: 1 breakpoints disabled.

breakpoint disable 2
# CHECK: 1 breakpoints disabled.

breakpoint disable 3
# CHECK: 1 breakpoints disabled.

breakpoint disable 4
# CHECK: 1 breakpoints disabled.

# Continue to line 48.

# CHECK: stop reason = step over
# CHECK: stop reason = step over

# Step into c.
thread step-in
# CHECK: stop reason = step in
thread step-in
# CHECK: stop reason = step in
thread step-in
# CHECK: stop reason = step in
thread step-in
# CHECK: stop reason = step in
thread step-in
# CHECK: stop reason = step in

# Finally continue until the end.

# CHECK: Process {{.*}} resuming
# CHECK: Process {{.*}} exited with status = 0

# Generate the reproducer.
reproducer generate