
Merge branch 'recommanded_module_test'

1 +#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 +from datetime import datetime, timedelta
3 +import re
4 +
5 +class D_day:
6 + def __init__(self, date_str):
7 + = date_str
8 +
9 + def dday_calculate(self, date):
10 + y_m_d = date.split("-")
11 + return ( - datetime(int(y_m_d[0]), int(y_m_d[1]), int(y_m_d[2]))).days
12 +
13 +
14 + def date_calculate(self):
15 + dates = re.findall(r'[0-9]{2,4}[.|-][0-9]{1,2}[.|-][0-9]{1,2}|~',
16 +
17 + for i in range(len(dates)):
18 + dates[i] = dates[i].replace(".", "-")
19 +
20 + # 날짜가 없는 경우
21 + if len(dates) == 0:
22 + return "상시"
23 +
24 + # XXX ~
25 + if dates[-1] == "~":
26 + dday = self.dday_calculate(dates[0])
27 + if dday > 0:
28 + return "진행중"
29 + else:
30 + return "준비중"
31 +
32 + # XXX
33 + if len(dates) == 1:
34 + return str(dates[0])
35 +
36 + # ~ XXX and XXX ~ XXX
37 + if dates[-1] != "~":
38 + dday = self.dday_calculate(dates[-1])
39 + if dday < 0:
40 + return "D"+str(dday)
41 + else:
42 + return "종료"
43 +
44 + # except
45 + return "상 시"
46 +
47 +
48 + def update_date(self, date):
49 + = date
50 +
51 +#### example
52 +'''
53 +a=D_day("2019.11.20")
54 +print(a.date_calculate())
55 +a.update_date("2019.11.21")
56 +print(a.date_calculate())
57 +a.update_date("~2019.11.30")
58 +print(a.date_calculate())
59 +a.update_date("2019.10.11~2019.11.27")
60 +print(a.date_calculate())
61 +a.update_date("2019.10.11~")
62 +print(a.date_calculate())
63 +'''
1 +check_policy :
2 +* hash_policy.csv를 읽어와서 RSA256해싱 결과 값으로 디비랑 달라진 값 찾음
3 +* csv 갱신하려면 policy_hash_writer(policies) 메소드 쓰면 된다.
4 +
5 +D_dayCalculator:
6 +* 날자 계산하는 클래스 파일
7 +
8 +db_updater:
9 +* DB의 날자를 갱신해주는 파일, input 없이 실행만 시키면 된다.
10 +
11 +push_messaging:
12 +* push message를 보내는 파일
13 +* 실행시켜서 input으로 카테고리 명을 띄어쓰기 없이 입력하면 해당 구독자에게 메세지 발생
14 +** ex) c1_2c3_4c11_1
15 +
16 +raw_preprocessing:
17 +* raw data 전처리 파일
18 +* D-day를 계산해서 새로운 컬럼으로 추가해주고, 카테고리 명을 str로 변환시킨다.
19 +* 주소는 정규식과 그리디로 최초 url 발견시 리턴 없으면 None
20 +* input 값은 raw를 json으로 변환 시킨 것
21 +
22 +view_counter
23 +* view_count_raw.json를 갱신 시킨다
24 +* 날자별로 정책별 조회수를 전부 긁어와서 json으로 저장
25 +* 날자별로 실행하면 그날의 조회수 조회 가능
26 +
27 +
28 +raw_calculate_Dday ->
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import hashlib
2 +from firebase_admin import db
3 +from firebase_admin import credentials
4 +import firebase_admin
5 +import csv
6 +
7 +
8 +cred = credentials.Certificate('wello_firebase_SDKKey.json')
9 +firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''})
10 +ref = db.reference()
11 +policies = ref.get()
12 +
13 +## compare dict
14 +policy_dict = dict()
15 +
16 +def policy_hash_writer(policies):
17 + with open('./hash_policy.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as csvfile:
18 + wr = csv.writer(csvfile)
19 +
20 + for policy in policies:
21 + sha = hashlib.sha256()
22 + sha.update(str(policy).encode('utf-8'))
23 + wr.writerow([policy["Value"], sha.hexdigest()])
24 +
25 +
26 +def policy_db_reader():
27 + for policy in policies:
28 + if policy["Value"] in policy_dict.keys():
29 + sha = hashlib.sha256()
30 + sha.update(str(policy).encode('utf-8'))
31 + if policy_dict[policy["Value"]] != sha.hexdigest():
32 + print("change contents : ", policy["Value"], ".", policy["Policy"])
33 + else:
34 + print("new policy : ", policy["Value"], ". ", policy["Policy"])
35 +
36 +
37 +def policy_hash_reader():
38 + with open('./hash_policy.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
39 + rdr = csv.reader(csvfile)
40 +
41 + for r in rdr:
42 + policy_dict[r[0]] = r[1]
43 +
44 +#policy_hash_writer(policies)
45 +policy_hash_reader()
46 +policy_db_reader()
1 +from firebase_admin import db
2 +from firebase_admin import credentials
3 +import firebase_admin
4 +from D_dayCalculator import D_day
5 +import json
6 +
7 +cred = credentials.Certificate('wello_firebase_SDKKey.json')
8 +firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''})
9 +ref = db.reference()
10 +
11 +policies = ref.get()
12 +date = D_day("1970.01.01")
13 +
14 +#with open('view_count_raw.json', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
15 +# view_count = json.load(json_file)
16 +
17 +
18 +for policy in policies:
19 + # 날짜 갱신
20 + date.update_date(policy["Date"])
21 + print(date.date_calculate())
22 + ref.child(policy["Value"]).child("D_day").set(date.date_calculate())
23 +
24 +
25 +
1 +import re
2 +
3 +
4 +'''
5 +test cast:
6 +
7 +lines1 = "['', ';subAct=view&amp;bid=Notice&amp;page=1&amp;order_index=no&amp;order_type=desc&amp;seq=1571']"
8 +lines = "['']"
9 +ll ="[';bdId=20019410&amp;bmIds=10000023,10000097']"
10 +l=""
11 +t = ""
12 +'''
13 +
14 +def find_url_in_str(url) :
15 +# regex = re.compile(r'(http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?[^\'\]](\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?', re.IGNORECASE)
16 + regex = re.compile(r'https?://(\w*:\w*@)?[-\w.]+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_.]*(\?\S+)?)?[^\'\]])?', re.IGNORECASE)
17 +
18 + m =
19 + if m != None:
20 + return
21 + return None
22 +
23 +find_url_in_str()
1 +0,d24548533c984425a9a96cbd23e0085baed58a16d26d2764ee3e08f4ec9f2713
2 +1,4f2e40e552527f48278fa2cdfadfa34e61c5a1672d82dc2ff42fcb4bff484cc2
3 +2,7f41b893ec6ca567b928f9ba975c87e31db98a14fa6bc1c28431ab3a244cca43
4 +3,fb6094dc6ba8c21846557664fda37a808f9877f35f301c444194b484e6cf38ae
5 +4,121b23de7cf0d313077a208739b7a202ddfe6442c3f62dd2ed0cb475411c3bb8
6 +5,26e05536f3fc6a844af4a746ecd070157180e4787fb122cf18b5dc8b91d2ff63
7 +6,2809644d986b0226b080fdffbe7d3d1453095a12984101edbaefbf61821a8848
8 +7,c7e3ac97575b1006424d0f2a391df327dc249067f0361d604355700bbe780102
9 +8,3d7f2a439aa277c88101b08d2af865d6610f9791b614d9bbcce5a5f424736bb5
10 +9,fba861e8ecc5f5411dec793409f8a98a96cbbb738fba74be397294e288dc7a4b
1 +from firebase_admin import messaging
2 +from firebase_admin import credentials
3 +from firebase_admin import datetime
4 +from firebase_admin import db
5 +import firebase_admin
6 +import json
7 +import re
8 +
9 +
10 +cred = credentials.Certificate('wello_firebase_SDKKey.json')
11 +firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''})
12 +ref = db.reference()
13 +topics = list(ref.get())
14 +pre_topic = list()
15 +
16 +
17 +def send_to_topic(policy, topic):
18 + message = messaging.Message(
19 + android=messaging.AndroidConfig(
20 + ttl=datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600),
21 + priority='normal',
22 + notification=messaging.AndroidNotification(
23 + title='새 정책 알람',
24 + body=policy,
25 + icon='@drawable/mini',
26 + color='#29ABE2',
27 + sound='default'
28 + ),
29 + ),
30 + data={
31 + 'score': '850',
32 + 'time': '2:45',
33 + },
34 + webpush=messaging.WebpushConfig(
35 + notification=messaging.WebpushNotification(
36 + title='웹 알림',
37 + body='TEST',
38 + icon='',
39 + ),
40 + ),
41 + topic=topic,
42 + )
43 + response = messaging.send(message)
44 + print('Successfully sent message:', response)
45 +
46 +
47 +for topic in topics:
48 + categorys = re.findall('c[0-9]+[_][0-9]+', topic)
49 + for i in range(len(categorys) - 1, -1, -1):
50 + if '1' == categorys[i].split('_')[-1]:
51 + categorys.pop(i)
52 + pre_topic.append(categorys)
53 +
54 +
55 +print('new policy category : ', end = '')
56 +policy = input()
57 +policy_category = re.findall('c[0-9]+[_][0-9]+', policy)
58 +policy_category_list = re.findall('c[0-9]+', policy)
59 +push_index = list()
60 +flag = True
61 +
62 +
63 +for i, categorys in enumerate(pre_topic):
64 + for category in categorys:
65 + if category.split('_')[0] in policy_category_list:
66 + if category not in policy_category:
67 + flag = False
68 + break
69 + if flag: push_index.append(i)
70 + flag = True
71 +
72 +
73 +for push in push_index:
74 + send_to_topic('[가정복지부] 기성이를 보유하신 가정에 지원금을 드립니다.', topics[push])
1 +#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 +from datetime import datetime, timedelta
3 +import json
4 +import re
5 +
6 +
7 +def find_url_in_str(url) :
8 + regex = re.compile(r'https?://(\w*:\w*@)?[-\w.]+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_.]*(\?\S+)?)?[^\'\]])?', re.IGNORECASE)
9 +
10 + m =
11 + if m != None:
12 + return
13 + return None
14 +
15 +
16 +def dday_calculate(date):
17 + y_m_d = date.split("-")
18 + return ( - datetime(int(y_m_d[0]), int(y_m_d[1]), int(y_m_d[2]))).days
19 +
20 +
21 +def date_calculate(url):
22 + dates = re.findall(r'[0-9]{2,4}[.|-][0-9]{1,2}[.|-][0-9]{1,2}|~', url)
23 +
24 + for i in range(len(dates)):
25 + dates[i] = dates[i].replace(".", "-")
26 +
27 + # 날짜가 없는 경우
28 + if len(dates) == 0:
29 + return "상시"
30 +
31 + # XXX ~
32 + if dates[-1] == "~":
33 + dday = dday_calculate(dates[0])
34 + if dday > 0:
35 + return "진행중"
36 + else:
37 + return "준비중"
38 +
39 + # XXX
40 + if len(dates) == 1:
41 + return "상시"
42 +
43 + # ~ XXX and XXX ~ XXX
44 + if dates[-1] != "~":
45 + dday = dday_calculate(dates[-1])
46 + if dday < 0:
47 + return "D"+str(dday)
48 + else:
49 + return "종료"
50 +
51 + # except
52 + return "상 시"
53 +
54 +
55 +
56 +with open('db (2).json', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
57 + json_data = json.load(json_file)
58 +
59 +
60 +for js in json_data:
61 + for key, value in js.items():
62 + if type(value) != str and key != 'View':
63 + js[key] = str(value)
64 + if key == "Link":
65 + js[key] = find_url_in_str(value)
66 + # critical point
67 + if key == "Keyword":
68 + js[key] = "[" + value.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") + "]"
69 + if key == "View":
70 + js["D_day"] = date_calculate(js["Date"])
71 + break
72 + ###############
73 +
74 +with open('result1.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as make_file:
75 + make_file.write('[')
76 + for i, js in enumerate(json_data):
77 + json.dump(js, make_file, indent="\t", ensure_ascii=False)
78 + if i != len(json_data) - 1:
79 + make_file.write(',')
80 + make_file.write(']')
1 +#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 +from datetime import datetime, timedelta
3 +import json
4 +import re
5 +
6 +
7 +def dday_calculate(date):
8 + y_m_d = date.split("-")
9 + return ( - datetime(int(y_m_d[0]), int(y_m_d[1]), int(y_m_d[2]))).days
10 +
11 +
12 +def date_calculate(url):
13 + dates = re.findall(r'[0-9]{2,4}[.|-][0-9]{1,2}[.|-][0-9]{1,2}|~', url)
14 +
15 + for i in range(len(dates)):
16 + dates[i] = dates[i].replace(".", "-")
17 +
18 + # 날짜가 없는 경우
19 + if len(dates) == 0:
20 + return "상시"
21 +
22 + # XXX ~
23 + if dates[-1] == "~":
24 + dday = dday_calculate(dates[0])
25 + if dday > 0:
26 + return "진행중"
27 + else:
28 + return "준비중"
29 +
30 + # ~ XXX and XXX ~ XXX
31 + if dates[-1] != "~":
32 + dday = dday_calculate(dates[-1])
33 + if dday < 0:
34 + return "D"+str(dday)
35 + else:
36 + return "종료"
37 +
38 + # except
39 + return "상 시"
40 +
41 +
42 +
43 +with open('d.json', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
44 + json_data = json.load(json_file)
45 +
46 +
47 +for js in json_data:
48 + for key, value in js.items():
49 + if type(value) != str and key != 'View':
50 + js[key] = str(value)
51 + if key == "Link" and value[0] == '[':
52 + js[key] = value[1:-1]
53 +
54 + # critical point
55 + if key == "View":
56 + js["D_day"] = date_calculate(js["Date"])
57 + break
58 + ###############
59 +
60 +with open('result.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as make_file:
61 + make_file.write('[')
62 + for i, js in enumerate(json_data):
63 + json.dump(js, make_file, indent="\t", ensure_ascii=False)
64 + if i != len(json_data) - 1:
65 + make_file.write(',')
66 + make_file.write(']')
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 +{
2 + "0": {
3 + "2019-11-20": 27
4 + },
5 + "1": {
6 + "2019-11-20": 3
7 + },
8 + "2": {
9 + "2019-11-20": 26
10 + },
11 + "3": {
12 + "2019-11-20": 4
13 + },
14 + "4": {
15 + "2019-11-20": 3
16 + },
17 + "5": {
18 + "2019-11-20": 4
19 + },
20 + "6": {
21 + "2019-11-20": 7
22 + },
23 + "7": {
24 + "2019-11-20": 3
25 + },
26 + "8": {
27 + "2019-11-20": 4
28 + },
29 + "9": {
30 + "2019-11-20": 22
31 + },
32 + "10": {
33 + "2019-11-20": 0
34 + },
35 + "11": {
36 + "2019-11-20": 0
37 + },
38 + "12": {
39 + "2019-11-20": 0
40 + },
41 + "13": {
42 + "2019-11-20": 0
43 + },
44 + "14": {
45 + "2019-11-20": 0
46 + },
47 + "15": {
48 + "2019-11-20": 0
49 + },
50 + "16": {
51 + "2019-11-20": 0
52 + },
53 + "17": {
54 + "2019-11-20": 0
55 + },
56 + "18": {
57 + "2019-11-20": 0
58 + },
59 + "19": {
60 + "2019-11-20": 0
61 + },
62 + "20": {
63 + "2019-11-20": 0
64 + },
65 + "21": {
66 + "2019-11-20": 0
67 + },
68 + "22": {
69 + "2019-11-20": 0
70 + },
71 + "23": {
72 + "2019-11-20": 0
73 + },
74 + "24": {
75 + "2019-11-20": 0
76 + },
77 + "25": {
78 + "2019-11-20": 0
79 + },
80 + "26": {
81 + "2019-11-20": 0
82 + },
83 + "27": {
84 + "2019-11-20": 0
85 + },
86 + "28": {
87 + "2019-11-20": 0
88 + },
89 + "29": {
90 + "2019-11-20": 0
91 + },
92 + "30": {
93 + "2019-11-20": 0
94 + },
95 + "31": {
96 + "2019-11-20": 0
97 + },
98 + "32": {
99 + "2019-11-20": 0
100 + },
101 + "33": {
102 + "2019-11-20": 0
103 + },
104 + "34": {
105 + "2019-11-20": 0
106 + },
107 + "35": {
108 + "2019-11-20": 0
109 + },
110 + "36": {
111 + "2019-11-20": 0
112 + },
113 + "37": {
114 + "2019-11-20": 0
115 + },
116 + "38": {
117 + "2019-11-20": 0
118 + },
119 + "39": {
120 + "2019-11-20": 0
121 + },
122 + "40": {
123 + "2019-11-20": 0
124 + },
125 + "41": {
126 + "2019-11-20": 0
127 + },
128 + "42": {
129 + "2019-11-20": 0
130 + },
131 + "43": {
132 + "2019-11-20": 0
133 + },
134 + "44": {
135 + "2019-11-20": 0
136 + },
137 + "45": {
138 + "2019-11-20": 0
139 + },
140 + "46": {
141 + "2019-11-20": 0
142 + },
143 + "47": {
144 + "2019-11-20": 0
145 + },
146 + "48": {
147 + "2019-11-20": 0
148 + },
149 + "49": {
150 + "2019-11-20": 0
151 + },
152 + "50": {
153 + "2019-11-20": 0
154 + },
155 + "51": {
156 + "2019-11-20": 0
157 + },
158 + "52": {
159 + "2019-11-20": 0
160 + },
161 + "53": {
162 + "2019-11-20": 0
163 + },
164 + "54": {
165 + "2019-11-20": 0
166 + },
167 + "55": {
168 + "2019-11-20": 0
169 + },
170 + "56": {
171 + "2019-11-20": 0
172 + },
173 + "57": {
174 + "2019-11-20": 0
175 + },
176 + "58": {
177 + "2019-11-20": 0
178 + },
179 + "59": {
180 + "2019-11-20": 0
181 + },
182 + "60": {
183 + "2019-11-20": 0
184 + },
185 + "61": {
186 + "2019-11-20": 0
187 + },
188 + "62": {
189 + "2019-11-20": 0
190 + },
191 + "63": {
192 + "2019-11-20": 0
193 + },
194 + "64": {
195 + "2019-11-20": 0
196 + },
197 + "65": {
198 + "2019-11-20": 0
199 + },
200 + "66": {
201 + "2019-11-20": 0
202 + },
203 + "67": {
204 + "2019-11-20": 0
205 + },
206 + "68": {
207 + "2019-11-20": 0
208 + },
209 + "69": {
210 + "2019-11-20": 0
211 + },
212 + "70": {
213 + "2019-11-20": 0
214 + },
215 + "71": {
216 + "2019-11-20": 0
217 + },
218 + "72": {
219 + "2019-11-20": 0
220 + },
221 + "73": {
222 + "2019-11-20": 0
223 + },
224 + "74": {
225 + "2019-11-20": 0
226 + },
227 + "75": {
228 + "2019-11-20": 0
229 + },
230 + "76": {
231 + "2019-11-20": 0
232 + },
233 + "77": {
234 + "2019-11-20": 0
235 + },
236 + "78": {
237 + "2019-11-20": 0
238 + },
239 + "79": {
240 + "2019-11-20": 0
241 + },
242 + "80": {
243 + "2019-11-20": 0
244 + },
245 + "81": {
246 + "2019-11-20": 0
247 + },
248 + "82": {
249 + "2019-11-20": 0
250 + },
251 + "83": {
252 + "2019-11-20": 0
253 + },
254 + "84": {
255 + "2019-11-20": 0
256 + },
257 + "85": {
258 + "2019-11-20": 0
259 + },
260 + "86": {
261 + "2019-11-20": 0
262 + },
263 + "87": {
264 + "2019-11-20": 0
265 + },
266 + "88": {
267 + "2019-11-20": 0
268 + },
269 + "89": {
270 + "2019-11-20": 0
271 + },
272 + "90": {
273 + "2019-11-20": 1
274 + },
275 + "91": {
276 + "2019-11-20": 0
277 + },
278 + "92": {
279 + "2019-11-20": 0
280 + },
281 + "93": {
282 + "2019-11-20": 0
283 + },
284 + "94": {
285 + "2019-11-20": 0
286 + },
287 + "95": {
288 + "2019-11-20": 0
289 + },
290 + "96": {
291 + "2019-11-20": 0
292 + },
293 + "97": {
294 + "2019-11-20": 0
295 + },
296 + "98": {
297 + "2019-11-20": 0
298 + },
299 + "99": {
300 + "2019-11-20": 0
301 + },
302 + "100": {
303 + "2019-11-20": 0
304 + },
305 + "101": {
306 + "2019-11-20": 0
307 + },
308 + "102": {
309 + "2019-11-20": 0
310 + },
311 + "103": {
312 + "2019-11-20": 0
313 + },
314 + "104": {
315 + "2019-11-20": 0
316 + },
317 + "105": {
318 + "2019-11-20": 0
319 + },
320 + "106": {
321 + "2019-11-20": 0
322 + },
323 + "107": {
324 + "2019-11-20": 0
325 + },
326 + "108": {
327 + "2019-11-20": 0
328 + },
329 + "109": {
330 + "2019-11-20": 0
331 + },
332 + "110": {
333 + "2019-11-20": 0
334 + },
335 + "111": {
336 + "2019-11-20": 0
337 + },
338 + "112": {
339 + "2019-11-20": 0
340 + },
341 + "113": {
342 + "2019-11-20": 0
343 + },
344 + "114": {
345 + "2019-11-20": 0
346 + },
347 + "115": {
348 + "2019-11-20": 0
349 + },
350 + "116": {
351 + "2019-11-20": 0
352 + },
353 + "117": {
354 + "2019-11-20": 0
355 + },
356 + "118": {
357 + "2019-11-20": 0
358 + },
359 + "119": {
360 + "2019-11-20": 0
361 + },
362 + "120": {
363 + "2019-11-20": 0
364 + },
365 + "121": {
366 + "2019-11-20": 0
367 + },
368 + "122": {
369 + "2019-11-20": 0
370 + },
371 + "123": {
372 + "2019-11-20": 0
373 + },
374 + "124": {
375 + "2019-11-20": 0
376 + },
377 + "125": {
378 + "2019-11-20": 0
379 + },
380 + "126": {
381 + "2019-11-20": 0
382 + },
383 + "127": {
384 + "2019-11-20": 0
385 + },
386 + "128": {
387 + "2019-11-20": 0
388 + },
389 + "129": {
390 + "2019-11-20": 0
391 + },
392 + "130": {
393 + "2019-11-20": 0
394 + },
395 + "131": {
396 + "2019-11-20": 0
397 + },
398 + "132": {
399 + "2019-11-20": 0
400 + },
401 + "133": {
402 + "2019-11-20": 0
403 + },
404 + "134": {
405 + "2019-11-20": 0
406 + },
407 + "135": {
408 + "2019-11-20": 0
409 + },
410 + "136": {
411 + "2019-11-20": 0
412 + },
413 + "137": {
414 + "2019-11-20": 0
415 + },
416 + "138": {
417 + "2019-11-20": 0
418 + },
419 + "139": {
420 + "2019-11-20": 0
421 + },
422 + "140": {
423 + "2019-11-20": 0
424 + },
425 + "141": {
426 + "2019-11-20": 1
427 + },
428 + "142": {
429 + "2019-11-20": 0
430 + },
431 + "143": {
432 + "2019-11-20": 0
433 + }
434 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +from firebase_admin import db
2 +from firebase_admin import credentials
3 +import firebase_admin
4 +import json
5 +from datetime import datetime
6 +
7 +cred = credentials.Certificate('wello_firebase_SDKKey.json')
8 +firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''})
9 +ref = db.reference()
10 +policies = ref.get()
11 +
12 +## compare dict
13 +json_data = dict()
14 +today = str( + "-" + str( + "-" + str(
15 +
16 +def view_count_raw_writer():
17 + with open('./view_count_raw.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as make_file:
18 + json.dump(json_data, make_file, indent="\t")
19 +
20 +
21 +def count_update():
22 + for policy in policies:
23 + if policy["Value"] in json_data.keys():
24 + if today in json_data[policy["Value"]].keys():
25 + json_data[policy["Value"]][today] = abs(policy["View"])
26 + else:
27 + json_data[policy["Value"]][today] = dict()
28 + json_data[policy["Value"]][today] = abs(policy["View"])
29 + else:
30 + json_data[policy["Value"]] = dict()
31 + json_data[policy["Value"]][today] = abs(policy["View"])
32 +
33 +
34 +def view_count_raw_reader():
35 + with open('./view_count_raw.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
36 + global json_data
37 + json_data = json.load(json_file)
38 +
39 +
40 +view_count_raw_reader()
41 +count_update()
42 +print(json.dumps(json_data, indent="\t"))
43 +view_count_raw_writer()