
update crawling_broadcasting information

1 +var async = require('async');
2 +var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
3 +var options = {desiredCapabilities: {browserName: 'chrome'}};
4 +const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');
5 +const screen = {
6 + width: 640,
7 + height: 480
8 +};
9 +var a=0
10 +var breaktheloop = false
11 +var driver = new webdriver.Builder().
12 + withCapabilities(webdriver.Capabilities.chrome()).
13 + build();
14 +
15 +
16 +
17 + let url = 'https://people.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=nexearch&query=%EC%9C%A0%EC%9E%AC%EC%84%9D&sm=tab_etc&ie=utf8&key=PeopleService&os=94702';
18 + driver
19 + .get(url)
20 + .then(() => {
21 + driver.findElement(webdriver.By.id('pagination_76'))
22 + .then ( paginationBtn => {
23 + paginationBtn.findElements(webdriver.By.className('bt_next'))
24 + .then(Btn_next => {
25 + driver.findElement(webdriver.By.id('listUI_76'))
26 + .then(contentsUI => {
27 + contentsUI.findElements(webdriver.By.tagName('li'))
28 + .then(elems => {
29 + elems.forEach(elem => {
30 + elem.getText()
31 + .then(text => {
32 + console.log(text)
33 + })
34 + })
35 + })
36 + clickandget()
37 + function clickandget() {
38 + Btn_next[0].isDisplayed().then(function(state) {
39 + if(state) {
40 + Btn_next[0].click()
41 + sleep(500).then(()=> {
42 + contentsUI.findElements(webdriver.By.tagName('li'))
43 + .then(elems => {
44 + elems.forEach(elem => {
45 + elem.getText()
46 + .then(text => {
47 + console.log(text)
48 + })
49 + })
50 + })
51 + })
52 + }
53 + else {
54 + console.log(state)
55 + }
56 + })
57 + }
58 + })
59 + })
60 + })
61 + })
62 +
63 + function getContentsandClickNext(callback) {
64 + driver.findElement(webdriver.By.id('listUI_76'))
65 + .then(contentsUI => {
66 + contentsUI.findElements(webdriver.By.tagName('li'))
67 + .then(elems => {
68 + elems.forEach(elem => {
69 + elem.getTex
70 + })
71 + })
72 + })
73 + }
74 +
75 + function sleep (time) {
76 + return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
77 + }
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