
Changes README.md

# Firebase Codelab: FriendlyChat
This is the source code for the Firebase FriendlyChat codelab. It includes start and end versions of the
code for Web and Cloud Functions. To get started open the codelab instructions:
- [Firebase Web Codelab](https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/firebase-web/).
- [Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions Codelab](https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/firebase-cloud-functions/).
## How to make contributions?
Please read and follow the steps in the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md)
## License
# SBM(Silver Business Model) Demo Code
- This is the source code of SBM Demo for KVP.
- Based on the Firebase FriendlyChat codelab codes.
# Firebase Web Codelab - Start code
This folder contains the starting code for the [Firebase: Build a Real Time Web Chat App Codelab](https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/firebase-web/).
If you'd like to jump directly to the end and see the finished code head to the [web](../web) directory.
# SBM Demo Actual Code
- index.html, phonecall.html, messages.html
- main.js, index.js
- Based on firebase tutorial - Friendly Chat Web-Start codes.