Recticle.cs 2.57 KB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Reticle : MonoBehaviour
	[SerializeField] private float m_DefaultDistance = 5f;      // The default distance away from the camera the reticle is placed.
	[SerializeField] private bool m_UseNormal;                  // Whether the reticle should be placed parallel to a surface.
	[SerializeField] private Image m_Image;                     // Reference to the image component that represents the reticle.
	[SerializeField] private Transform m_ReticleTransform;      // We need to affect the reticle's transform.
	[SerializeField] private Transform m_Camera;                // The reticle is always placed relative to the camera.

	private Vector3 m_OriginalScale;                            // Since the scale of the reticle changes, the original scale needs to be stored.
	private Quaternion m_OriginalRotation;                      // Used to store the original rotation of the reticle.

	public bool UseNormal
		get { return m_UseNormal; }
		set { m_UseNormal = value; }

	public Transform ReticleTransform { get { return m_ReticleTransform; } }

	private void Awake()
		// Store the original scale and rotation.
		m_OriginalScale = m_ReticleTransform.localScale;
		m_OriginalRotation = m_ReticleTransform.localRotation;

	public void Hide()
		m_Image.enabled = false;

	public void Show()
		m_Image.enabled = true;

	// This overload of SetPosition is used when the the VREyeRaycaster hasn't hit anything.
	public void SetPosition ()
		// Set the position of the reticle to the default distance in front of the camera.
		m_ReticleTransform.position = m_Camera.position + m_Camera.forward * m_DefaultDistance;

		// Set the scale based on the original and the distance from the camera.
		m_ReticleTransform.localScale = m_OriginalScale * m_DefaultDistance;

		// The rotation should just be the default.
		m_ReticleTransform.localRotation = m_OriginalRotation;

	// This overload of SetPosition is used when the VREyeRaycaster has hit something.
	public void SetPosition (RaycastHit hit)
		m_ReticleTransform.position = hit.point;
		m_ReticleTransform.localScale = m_OriginalScale * hit.distance;
		// If the reticle should use the normal of what has been hit...
		if (m_UseNormal)
			// ... set it's rotation based on it's forward vector facing along the normal.
			m_ReticleTransform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation (Vector3.forward, hit.normal);
			// However if it isn't using the normal then it's local rotation should be as it was originally.
			m_ReticleTransform.localRotation = m_OriginalRotation;