
starting commit

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# ppsspp.pri
# 12/26/2014 jichi
# ith.pro
# 10/13/2011 jichi
TEMPLATE = subdirs
# The order is important!
sys \
hook hookxp \
OTHER_FILES += dllconfig.pri
include(common/common.pri) # not used
include(import/mono/mono.pri) # not used
include(import/ppsspp/ppsspp.pri) # not used
# sys.pro
# CONFIG += noqt noeh staticlib
# CONFIG(noeh) {
# message(CONFIG noeh)
# CONFIG(dll) {
# }
# }
add_library(vnrsys STATIC ${vnrsys_src})
target_compile_options(vnrsys PRIVATE
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/we6hfdy0.aspx
/GR- # disable RTTI
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/1deeycx5.aspx
# /EHs-c- # disable exception handling # CMake bug 15243: http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=15243
target_link_libraries(vnrsys comctl32.lib)
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#pragma once
// ith/sys.h
// 8/23/2013 jichi
// Branch: ITH/IHF_SYS.h, rev 111
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(disable:4800) // C4800: forcing value to bool
#endif // _MSC_VER
#include "ntdll/ntdll.h"
// jichi 8/24/2013: Why extern "C"? Any specific reason to use C instead of C++ naming?
extern "C" {
//int disasm(BYTE *opcode0); // jichi 8/15/2013: move disasm to separate file
extern WORD *NlsAnsiCodePage;
int FillRange(LPCWSTR name,DWORD *lower, DWORD *upper);
int MB_WC(char *mb, wchar_t *wc);
//int MB_WC_count(char *mb, int mb_length);
int WC_MB(wchar_t *wc, char *mb);
// jichi 10/1/2013: Return 0 if failed. So, it is ambiguous if the search pattern starts at 0
DWORD SearchPattern(DWORD base, DWORD base_length, LPCVOID search, DWORD search_length); // KMP
// jichi 2/5/2014: The same as SearchPattern except it uses 0xff to match everything
// According to @Andys, 0xff seldom appear in the source code: http://sakuradite.com/topic/124
enum : BYTE { SP_ANY = 0xff };
#define SP_ANY_2 SP_ANY,SP_ANY
DWORD SearchPatternEx(DWORD base, DWORD base_length, LPCVOID search, DWORD search_length, BYTE wildcard=SP_ANY);
BOOL IthInitSystemService();
void IthCloseSystemService();
DWORD IthGetMemoryRange(LPCVOID mem, DWORD *base, DWORD *size);
BOOL IthCheckFile(LPCWSTR file);
BOOL IthFindFile(LPCWSTR file);
BOOL IthGetFileInfo(LPCWSTR file, LPVOID info, DWORD size = 0x1000);
BOOL IthCheckFileFullPath(LPCWSTR file);
HANDLE IthCreateFile(LPCWSTR name, DWORD option, DWORD share, DWORD disposition);
HANDLE IthCreateFileInDirectory(LPCWSTR name, HANDLE dir, DWORD option, DWORD share, DWORD disposition);
HANDLE IthCreateDirectory(LPCWSTR name);
HANDLE IthCreateFileFullPath(LPCWSTR fullpath, DWORD option, DWORD share, DWORD disposition);
HANDLE IthPromptCreateFile(DWORD option, DWORD share, DWORD disposition);
HANDLE IthCreateSection(LPCWSTR name, DWORD size, DWORD right);
HANDLE IthCreateEvent(LPCWSTR name, DWORD auto_reset=0, DWORD init_state=0);
HANDLE IthOpenEvent(LPCWSTR name);
void IthSetEvent(HANDLE hEvent);
void IthResetEvent(HANDLE hEvent);
HANDLE IthCreateMutex(LPCWSTR name, BOOL InitialOwner, DWORD *exist=0);
HANDLE IthOpenMutex(LPCWSTR name);
BOOL IthReleaseMutex(HANDLE hMutex);
//DWORD IthWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE hObject, DWORD dwTime);
HANDLE IthCreateThread(LPCVOID start_addr, DWORD param, HANDLE hProc=(HANDLE)-1);
DWORD GetExportAddress(DWORD hModule,DWORD hash);
void IthSleep(int time); // jichi 9/28/2013: in ms
void IthSystemTimeToLocalTime(LARGE_INTEGER *ptime);
void FreeThreadStart(HANDLE hProc);
void CheckThreadStart();
} // extern "C"
extern HANDLE hHeap; // used in ith/common/memory.h
#endif // ITH_HAS_HEAP
extern DWORD current_process_id;
extern DWORD debug;
extern BYTE LeadByteTable[];
extern LPVOID page;
extern BYTE launch_time[];
inline DWORD GetHash(LPSTR str)
DWORD hash = 0;
//for (; *str; str++)
while (*str)
hash = ((hash>>7) | (hash<<25)) + *str++;
return hash;
inline DWORD GetHash(LPCWSTR str)
DWORD hash = 0;
//for (; *str; str++)
while (*str)
hash = ((hash>>7) | (hash<<25)) + *str++;
return hash;
inline void IthBreak()
{ if (debug) __debugbreak(); }
inline LPCWSTR GetMainModulePath()
mov eax, fs:[0x30]
mov eax, [eax + 0xC]
mov eax, [eax + 0xC]
mov eax, [eax + 0x28]
// jichi 9/28/2013: Add this to lock NtWriteFile in wine
class IthMutexLocker
explicit IthMutexLocker(HANDLE mutex) : m(mutex)
{ NtWaitForSingleObject(m, 0, 0); }
~IthMutexLocker() { if (m != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) IthReleaseMutex(m); }
bool locked() const { return m != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
void unlock() { if (m != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { IthReleaseMutex(m); m = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
void IthCoolDown();
BOOL IthIsWine();
BOOL IthIsWindowsXp();
//BOOL IthIsWindows8OrGreater(); // not public
/** Get current dll path.
* @param buf
* @param len
* @return length of the path excluding \0
size_t IthGetCurrentModulePath(wchar_t *buf, size_t len);
// EOF
# sys.pri
# 8/21/2013 jichi
LIBS += -lvnrsys
HEADERS += $$PWD/sys.h
#SOURCES += $$PWD/sys.cc
#LIBS += -L$$WDK/lib/wxp/i386
# sys.pro
# 8/21/2013 jichi
# Build vnrsys.lib
CONFIG += noqt noeh staticlib
#LIBS += -L$$WDK/lib/wxp/i386
# jichi 9/22/2013: When ITH is on wine, certain NT functions are replaced
# jichi 9/14/2013: Windows XP's msvnrt does not have except handler
# jichi 11/24/2013: Disable manual heap
## Libraries
#LIBS += -lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32
#LIBS += -L$$WDK7_HOME/lib/wxp/i386 -lntdll
#LIBS += $$WDK7_HOME/lib/crt/i386/msvcrt.lib # Override msvcrt10
#LIBS += -lith_sys -lntdll
#LIBS += -lith_tls -lntdll
#LIBS += -lntoskrnl
## Sources
TARGET = vnrsys
HEADERS += sys.h
SOURCES += sys.cc
OTHER_FILES += sys.pri
Differences between xp.dll and non-xp.dll for vnrhook.
CONFIG += eh
CONFIG += noeh
CONFIG -= embed_manifest_dll # Pure dynamic determined. The manifest would break Windows XP support
#ifndef _MEMDBG_H
#define _MEMDBG_H
// memdbg.h
// 4/20/2014 jichi
# define MEMDBG_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace MemDbg {
# define MEMDBG_END_NAMESPACE } // MemDbg
typedef unsigned char byte_t;
typedef unsigned long dword_t;
//typedef void *address_t; // LPVOID
//typedef const void *const_address_t; // LPCVOID
#endif // _MEMDBG_H
# ntinspect.pri
# 4/20/2014 jichi
win32 {
$$PWD/memdbg.h \
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
// memsearch.h
// 4/20/2014 jichi
#include "memdbg/memdbg.h"
/// Estimated maximum size of the caller function, the same as ITH FindCallAndEntryAbs
enum { MaximumFunctionSize = 0x800 };
* Return the absolute address of the caller function
* The same as ITH FindCallAndEntryAbs().
* @param funcAddr callee function address
* @param funcInst the machine code where the caller function starts
* @param lowerBound the lower memory address to search
* @param upperBound the upper memory address to search
* @param* callerSearchSize the maximum size of caller
* @return the caller absolute address if succeed or 0 if fail
* Example funcInst:
* 0x55: push ebp
* 0x81,0xec: sub esp XXOO (0xec81)
* 0x83,0xec: sub esp XXOO (0xec83)
dword_t findCallerAddress(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t funcInst, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound, dword_t callerSearchSize = MaximumFunctionSize);
dword_t findCallerAddressAfterInt3(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound, dword_t callerSearchSize = MaximumFunctionSize);
dword_t findLastCallerAddress(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t funcInst, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound, dword_t callerSearchSize = MaximumFunctionSize);
dword_t findLastCallerAddressAfterInt3(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound, dword_t callerSearchSize = MaximumFunctionSize);
dword_t findMultiCallerAddress(dword_t funcAddr, const dword_t funcInsts[], dword_t funcInstCount, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound, dword_t callerSearchSize = MaximumFunctionSize);
* Return the absolute address of the long jump (not short jump) instruction address.
* The same as ITH FindCallOrJmpAbs(false).
* @param funcAddr callee function address
* @param lowerBound the lower memory address to search
* @param upperBound the upper memory address to search
* @return the call instruction address if succeed or 0 if fail
dword_t findJumpAddress(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound);
* Return the absolute address of the far call (inter-module) instruction address.
* The same as ITH FindCallOrJmpAbs(true).
* @param funcAddr callee function address
* @param lowerBound the lower memory address to search
* @param upperBound the upper memory address to search
* @return the call instruction address if succeed or 0 if fail
dword_t findFarCallAddress(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound);
/// Near call (intra-module)
dword_t findNearCallAddress(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound);
/// Default to far call
inline dword_t findCallAddress(dword_t funcAddr, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound)
{ return findFarCallAddress(funcAddr, lowerBound, upperBound); }
/// Push value >= 0xff
dword_t findPushDwordAddress(dword_t value, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound);
/// Push value <= 0xff
dword_t findPushByteAddress(byte_t value, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound);
/// Default to push DWORD
inline dword_t findPushAddress(dword_t value, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound)
{ return findPushDwordAddress(value, lowerBound, upperBound); }
* Return the enclosing function address outside the given address.
* The same as ITH FindEntryAligned().
* "Aligned" here means the function must be after in3 (0xcc) or nop (0x90).
* If the function does NOT exist, this function might raise without admin privilege.
* It is safer to wrap this function within SEH.
* @param addr address within th function
* @param searchSize max backward search size
* @return beginning address of the function
* @exception illegal memory access
dword_t findEnclosingAlignedFunction(dword_t addr, dword_t searchSize = MaximumFunctionSize);
* Return the address of the first matched pattern.
* Return 0 if failed. The return result is ambiguous if the pattern address is 0.
* This function simpily traverse all bytes in memory range and would raise
* if no access to the region.
* @param pattern array of bytes to match
* @param patternSize size of the pattern array
* @param lowerBound search start address
* @param upperBound search stop address
* @return absolute address
* @exception illegal memory access
dword_t findBytes(const void *pattern, dword_t patternSize, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound);
* jichi 2/5/2014: The same as findBytes except it uses widecard to match everything.
* The widecard should use the byte seldom appears in the pattern.
* See: http://sakuradite.com/topic/124
* @param pattern array of bytes to match
* @param patternSize size of the pattern array
* @param lowerBound search start address
* @param upperBound search stop address
* @param* widecard the character to match everything
* @return absolute address
* @exception illegal memory access
enum : byte_t { WidecardByte = 0x11 }; // jichi 7/17/2014: 0x11 seldom appear in PSP code pattern
//enum : WORD { WidecardWord = 0xffff };
dword_t matchBytes(const void *pattern, dword_t patternSize, dword_t lowerBound, dword_t upperBound,
byte_t wildcard = WidecardByte);
// User space: 0 - 2G (0 - 0x7ffeffff)
// Kernel space: 2G - 4G (0x80000000 - 0xffffffff)
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff560042%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
// http://codesequoia.wordpress.com/2008/11/28/understand-process-address-space-usage/
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17244912/open-process-with-debug-privileges-and-read-write-memory
enum MemoryRange : dword_t {
UserMemoryStartAddress = 0, UserMemoryStopAddress = 0x7ffeffff
, KernelMemoryStartAddress = 0x80000000, KernelMemoryStopAddress = 0xffffffff
, MappedMemoryStartAddress = 0x01000000
, MemoryStartAddress = UserMemoryStartAddress, MemoryStopAddress = UserMemoryStopAddress
#if 0 // not used
* Traverse memory continues pages and return the address of the first matched pattern.
* @param pattern array of bytes to match
* @param patternSize size of the pattern array
* @param lowerBound search start address
* @param upperBound search stop address
* @param* search search all pages (SearchAll) or stop on first illegal access (SearchFirst)
* @return absolute address
enum SearchType : byte_t { SearchAll = 0 , SearchFirst };
dword_t findBytesInPages(const void *pattern, dword_t patternSize,
dword_t lowerBound = MemoryStartAddress, dword_t upperBound = MemoryStopAddress,
SearchType search = SearchAll);
dword_t matchBytesInPages(const void *pattern, dword_t patternSize,
dword_t lowerBound = MemoryStartAddress, dword_t upperBound = MemoryStopAddress,
byte_t wildcard = WidecardByte, SearchType search = SearchAll);
#endif // 0