DistinguishedNameParser.java 8.53 KB
package com.squareup.okhttp.internal.tls;

import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;

final class DistinguishedNameParser
  private int beg;
  private char[] chars;
  private int cur;
  private final String dn;
  private int end;
  private final int length;
  private int pos;
  public DistinguishedNameParser(X500Principal paramX500Principal)
    this.dn = paramX500Principal.getName("RFC2253");
    this.length = this.dn.length();
  private String escapedAV()
    this.beg = this.pos;
    this.end = this.pos;
      for (;;)
        if (this.pos >= this.length) {
          return new String(this.chars, this.beg, this.end - this.beg);
        switch (this.chars[this.pos])
          arrayOfChar = this.chars;
          i = this.end;
          this.end = (i + 1);
          arrayOfChar[i] = this.chars[this.pos];
          this.pos += 1;
        case '+': 
        case ',': 
        case ';': 
          return new String(this.chars, this.beg, this.end - this.beg);
        case '\\': 
          arrayOfChar = this.chars;
          i = this.end;
          this.end = (i + 1);
          arrayOfChar[i] = getEscaped();
          this.pos += 1;
      this.cur = this.end;
      this.pos += 1;
      char[] arrayOfChar = this.chars;
      int i = this.end;
      this.end = (i + 1);
      arrayOfChar[i] = ' ';
      while ((this.pos < this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] == ' '))
        arrayOfChar = this.chars;
        i = this.end;
        this.end = (i + 1);
        arrayOfChar[i] = ' ';
        this.pos += 1;
    } while ((this.pos != this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] != ',') && (this.chars[this.pos] != '+') && (this.chars[this.pos] != ';'));
    return new String(this.chars, this.beg, this.cur - this.beg);
  private int getByte(int paramInt)
    if (paramInt + 1 >= this.length) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + this.dn);
    int i = this.chars[paramInt];
    if ((i >= 48) && (i <= 57))
      i -= 48;
      paramInt = this.chars[(paramInt + 1)];
      if ((paramInt < 48) || (paramInt > 57)) {
        break label160;
      paramInt -= 48;
    for (;;)
      return (i << 4) + paramInt;
      if ((i >= 97) && (i <= 102))
        i -= 87;
      if ((i >= 65) && (i <= 70))
        i -= 55;
      throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + this.dn);
      if ((paramInt >= 97) && (paramInt <= 102))
        paramInt -= 87;
        if ((paramInt < 65) || (paramInt > 70)) {
          break label200;
        paramInt -= 55;
    throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + this.dn);
  private char getEscaped()
    this.pos += 1;
    if (this.pos == this.length) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + this.dn);
    switch (this.chars[this.pos])
      return getUTF8();
    return this.chars[this.pos];
  private char getUTF8()
    int i = getByte(this.pos);
    this.pos += 1;
    if (i < 128) {
      return (char)i;
    if ((i >= 192) && (i <= 247))
      int j;
      int m;
      int k;
      if (i <= 223)
        j = 1;
        i &= 0x1F;
        m = 0;
        k = i;
        i = m;
      for (;;)
        if (i >= j) {
          break label198;
        this.pos += 1;
        if ((this.pos == this.length) || (this.chars[this.pos] != '\\'))
          return '?';
          if (i <= 239)
            j = 2;
            i &= 0xF;
          j = 3;
          i &= 0x7;
        this.pos += 1;
        m = getByte(this.pos);
        this.pos += 1;
        if ((m & 0xC0) != 128) {
          return '?';
        k = (k << 6) + (m & 0x3F);
        i += 1;
      return (char)k;
    return '?';
  private String hexAV()
    if (this.pos + 4 >= this.length) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + this.dn);
    this.beg = this.pos;
    int k;
    for (this.pos += 1;; this.pos += 1)
      if ((this.pos == this.length) || (this.chars[this.pos] == '+') || (this.chars[this.pos] == ',') || (this.chars[this.pos] == ';')) {
        this.end = this.pos;
      for (;;)
        k = this.end - this.beg;
        if ((k >= 5) && ((k & 0x1) != 0)) {
          break label301;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + this.dn);
        if (this.chars[this.pos] != ' ') {
        this.end = this.pos;
        for (this.pos += 1; (this.pos < this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] == ' '); this.pos += 1) {}
      if ((this.chars[this.pos] >= 'A') && (this.chars[this.pos] <= 'F'))
        localObject = this.chars;
        i = this.pos;
        localObject[i] = ((char)(localObject[i] + ' '));
    Object localObject = new byte[k / 2];
    int i = 0;
    int j = this.beg + 1;
    while (i < localObject.length)
      localObject[i] = ((byte)getByte(j));
      j += 2;
      i += 1;
    return new String(this.chars, this.beg, k);
  private String nextAT()
    while ((this.pos < this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] == ' ')) {
      this.pos += 1;
    if (this.pos == this.length) {
      return null;
    this.beg = this.pos;
    for (this.pos += 1; (this.pos < this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] != '=') && (this.chars[this.pos] != ' '); this.pos += 1) {}
    if (this.pos >= this.length) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + this.dn);
    this.end = this.pos;
    if (this.chars[this.pos] == ' ')
      while ((this.pos < this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] != '=') && (this.chars[this.pos] == ' ')) {
        this.pos += 1;
      if ((this.chars[this.pos] != '=') || (this.pos == this.length)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + this.dn);
      this.pos += 1;
    } while ((this.pos < this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] == ' '));
    if ((this.end - this.beg > 4) && (this.chars[(this.beg + 3)] == '.') && ((this.chars[this.beg] == 'O') || (this.chars[this.beg] == 'o')) && ((this.chars[(this.beg + 1)] == 'I') || (this.chars[(this.beg + 1)] == 'i')) && ((this.chars[(this.beg + 2)] == 'D') || (this.chars[(this.beg + 2)] == 'd'))) {
      this.beg += 4;
    return new String(this.chars, this.beg, this.end - this.beg);
  private String quotedAV()
    this.pos += 1;
    this.beg = this.pos;
    this.end = this.beg;
    if (this.pos == this.length) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end of DN: " + this.dn);
    if (this.chars[this.pos] == '"') {
      for (this.pos += 1; (this.pos < this.length) && (this.chars[this.pos] == ' '); this.pos += 1) {}
    if (this.chars[this.pos] == '\\') {
      this.chars[this.end] = getEscaped();
    for (;;)
      this.pos += 1;
      this.end += 1;
      this.chars[this.end] = this.chars[this.pos];
    return new String(this.chars, this.beg, this.end - this.beg);
  public final String findMostSpecific(String paramString)
    this.pos = 0;
    this.beg = 0;
    this.end = 0;
    this.cur = 0;
    this.chars = this.dn.toCharArray();
    String str1 = nextAT();
    String str2 = str1;
    if (str1 == null)
      str1 = null;
      return str1;
      str1 = "";
      if (this.pos == this.length) {
        return null;
      switch (this.chars[this.pos])
        str1 = escapedAV();
      while (!paramString.equalsIgnoreCase(str2))
        if (this.pos < this.length) {
          break label162;
        return null;
        str1 = quotedAV();
        str1 = hexAV();
      if ((this.chars[this.pos] != ',') && (this.chars[this.pos] != ';') && (this.chars[this.pos] != '+')) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + this.dn);
      this.pos += 1;
      str1 = nextAT();
      str2 = str1;
    } while (str1 != null);
    throw new IllegalStateException("Malformed DN: " + this.dn);

/* Location:              /home/merong/decompile/hackery-dex2jar.jar!/com/squareup/okhttp/internal/tls/DistinguishedNameParser.class
 * Java compiler version: 6 (50.0)
 * JD-Core Version:       0.7.1