
Merge branch 'feature/WeatherAPI'

Showing 997 changed files with 4797 additions and 0 deletions
1 +var request = require('request');
2 +const APIKEY = "ea903679a6e5a44da75a971c0231f4f4";
3 +var userLat = 37.65835990000001;
4 +var userLng = 126.8320201;
5 +
6 +
7 +request("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=" + userLat + "&lon=" + userLng + "&appid=" + APIKEY + "&units=metric",function(error, response, body){
8 + if(!error&&response.statusCode==200)
9 + //request는 string으로 받아오기 때문에 JSON형태로 바꿔준다.
10 + var jsonObject = JSON.parse(body);
11 + var LocationName = jsonObject.name; //지역 이름
12 + var WeatherCondition = jsonObject.weather[0].main; //현재 날씨
13 + var Temp = jsonObject.main.temp; //현재 기온
14 + //console.log(body);
15 + console.log(LocationName);
16 + console.log(WeatherCondition);
17 + console.log(Temp);
18 +});
19 +
20 +// https://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions#Weather-Condition-Codes-2 -> 날씨 종류 확인 가능
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#!/bin/sh
2 +basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
3 +
4 +case `uname` in
5 + *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
6 +esac
7 +
8 +if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
9 + exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"
10 +else
11 + exec node "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"
12 +fi
1 +@ECHO off
2 +GOTO start
3 +:find_dp0
4 +SET dp0=%~dp0
5 +EXIT /b
6 +:start
8 +CALL :find_dp0
9 +
10 +IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
11 + SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
12 +) ELSE (
13 + SET "_prog=node"
15 +)
16 +
17 +endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\mime\cli.js" %*
1 +#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
2 +$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
3 +
4 +$exe=""
5 +if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
6 + # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
7 + # are installed in the same directory
8 + $exe=".exe"
9 +}
10 +$ret=0
11 +if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
12 + # Support pipeline input
13 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
14 + $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
15 + } else {
16 + & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
17 + }
19 +} else {
20 + # Support pipeline input
21 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
22 + $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
23 + } else {
24 + & "node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
25 + }
27 +}
28 +exit $ret
1 +#!/bin/sh
2 +basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
3 +
4 +case `uname` in
5 + *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
6 +esac
7 +
8 +if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
9 + exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-conv" "$@"
10 +else
11 + exec node "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-conv" "$@"
12 +fi
1 +@ECHO off
2 +GOTO start
3 +:find_dp0
4 +SET dp0=%~dp0
5 +EXIT /b
6 +:start
8 +CALL :find_dp0
9 +
10 +IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
11 + SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
12 +) ELSE (
13 + SET "_prog=node"
15 +)
16 +
17 +endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\sshpk\bin\sshpk-conv" %*
1 +#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
2 +$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
3 +
4 +$exe=""
5 +if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
6 + # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
7 + # are installed in the same directory
8 + $exe=".exe"
9 +}
10 +$ret=0
11 +if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
12 + # Support pipeline input
13 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
14 + $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-conv" $args
15 + } else {
16 + & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-conv" $args
17 + }
19 +} else {
20 + # Support pipeline input
21 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
22 + $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-conv" $args
23 + } else {
24 + & "node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-conv" $args
25 + }
27 +}
28 +exit $ret
1 +#!/bin/sh
2 +basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
3 +
4 +case `uname` in
5 + *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
6 +esac
7 +
8 +if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
9 + exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-sign" "$@"
10 +else
11 + exec node "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-sign" "$@"
12 +fi
1 +@ECHO off
2 +GOTO start
3 +:find_dp0
4 +SET dp0=%~dp0
5 +EXIT /b
6 +:start
8 +CALL :find_dp0
9 +
10 +IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
11 + SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
12 +) ELSE (
13 + SET "_prog=node"
15 +)
16 +
17 +endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\sshpk\bin\sshpk-sign" %*
1 +#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
2 +$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
3 +
4 +$exe=""
5 +if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
6 + # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
7 + # are installed in the same directory
8 + $exe=".exe"
9 +}
10 +$ret=0
11 +if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
12 + # Support pipeline input
13 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
14 + $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-sign" $args
15 + } else {
16 + & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-sign" $args
17 + }
19 +} else {
20 + # Support pipeline input
21 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
22 + $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-sign" $args
23 + } else {
24 + & "node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-sign" $args
25 + }
27 +}
28 +exit $ret
1 +#!/bin/sh
2 +basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
3 +
4 +case `uname` in
5 + *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
6 +esac
7 +
8 +if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
9 + exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-verify" "$@"
10 +else
11 + exec node "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-verify" "$@"
12 +fi
1 +@ECHO off
2 +GOTO start
3 +:find_dp0
4 +SET dp0=%~dp0
5 +EXIT /b
6 +:start
8 +CALL :find_dp0
9 +
10 +IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
11 + SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
12 +) ELSE (
13 + SET "_prog=node"
15 +)
16 +
17 +endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\sshpk\bin\sshpk-verify" %*
1 +#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
2 +$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
3 +
4 +$exe=""
5 +if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
6 + # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
7 + # are installed in the same directory
8 + $exe=".exe"
9 +}
10 +$ret=0
11 +if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
12 + # Support pipeline input
13 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
14 + $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-verify" $args
15 + } else {
16 + & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-verify" $args
17 + }
19 +} else {
20 + # Support pipeline input
21 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
22 + $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-verify" $args
23 + } else {
24 + & "node$exe" "$basedir/../sshpk/bin/sshpk-verify" $args
25 + }
27 +}
28 +exit $ret
1 +#!/bin/sh
2 +basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
3 +
4 +case `uname` in
5 + *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
6 +esac
7 +
8 +if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
9 + exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../uuid/bin/uuid" "$@"
10 +else
11 + exec node "$basedir/../uuid/bin/uuid" "$@"
12 +fi
1 +@ECHO off
2 +GOTO start
3 +:find_dp0
4 +SET dp0=%~dp0
5 +EXIT /b
6 +:start
8 +CALL :find_dp0
9 +
10 +IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
11 + SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
12 +) ELSE (
13 + SET "_prog=node"
15 +)
16 +
17 +endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\uuid\bin\uuid" %*
1 +#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
2 +$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
3 +
4 +$exe=""
5 +if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
6 + # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
7 + # are installed in the same directory
8 + $exe=".exe"
9 +}
10 +$ret=0
11 +if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
12 + # Support pipeline input
13 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
14 + $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../uuid/bin/uuid" $args
15 + } else {
16 + & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../uuid/bin/uuid" $args
17 + }
19 +} else {
20 + # Support pipeline input
21 + if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
22 + $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../uuid/bin/uuid" $args
23 + } else {
24 + & "node$exe" "$basedir/../uuid/bin/uuid" $args
25 + }
27 +}
28 +exit $ret
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +1.3.8 / 2022-02-02
2 +==================
3 +
4 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.34
5 + - deps: mime-db@~1.51.0
6 + * deps: negotiator@0.6.3
7 +
8 +1.3.7 / 2019-04-29
9 +==================
10 +
11 + * deps: negotiator@0.6.2
12 + - Fix sorting charset, encoding, and language with extra parameters
13 +
14 +1.3.6 / 2019-04-28
15 +==================
16 +
17 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.24
18 + - deps: mime-db@~1.40.0
19 +
20 +1.3.5 / 2018-02-28
21 +==================
22 +
23 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.18
24 + - deps: mime-db@~1.33.0
25 +
26 +1.3.4 / 2017-08-22
27 +==================
28 +
29 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.16
30 + - deps: mime-db@~1.29.0
31 +
32 +1.3.3 / 2016-05-02
33 +==================
34 +
35 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.11
36 + - deps: mime-db@~1.23.0
37 + * deps: negotiator@0.6.1
38 + - perf: improve `Accept` parsing speed
39 + - perf: improve `Accept-Charset` parsing speed
40 + - perf: improve `Accept-Encoding` parsing speed
41 + - perf: improve `Accept-Language` parsing speed
42 +
43 +1.3.2 / 2016-03-08
44 +==================
45 +
46 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.10
47 + - Fix extension of `application/dash+xml`
48 + - Update primary extension for `audio/mp4`
49 + - deps: mime-db@~1.22.0
50 +
51 +1.3.1 / 2016-01-19
52 +==================
53 +
54 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.9
55 + - deps: mime-db@~1.21.0
56 +
57 +1.3.0 / 2015-09-29
58 +==================
59 +
60 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.7
61 + - deps: mime-db@~1.19.0
62 + * deps: negotiator@0.6.0
63 + - Fix including type extensions in parameters in `Accept` parsing
64 + - Fix parsing `Accept` parameters with quoted equals
65 + - Fix parsing `Accept` parameters with quoted semicolons
66 + - Lazy-load modules from main entry point
67 + - perf: delay type concatenation until needed
68 + - perf: enable strict mode
69 + - perf: hoist regular expressions
70 + - perf: remove closures getting spec properties
71 + - perf: remove a closure from media type parsing
72 + - perf: remove property delete from media type parsing
73 +
74 +1.2.13 / 2015-09-06
75 +===================
76 +
77 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.6
78 + - deps: mime-db@~1.18.0
79 +
80 +1.2.12 / 2015-07-30
81 +===================
82 +
83 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.4
84 + - deps: mime-db@~1.16.0
85 +
86 +1.2.11 / 2015-07-16
87 +===================
88 +
89 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.3
90 + - deps: mime-db@~1.15.0
91 +
92 +1.2.10 / 2015-07-01
93 +===================
94 +
95 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.2
96 + - deps: mime-db@~1.14.0
97 +
98 +1.2.9 / 2015-06-08
99 +==================
100 +
101 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.1
102 + - perf: fix deopt during mapping
103 +
104 +1.2.8 / 2015-06-07
105 +==================
106 +
107 + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.0
108 + - deps: mime-db@~1.13.0
109 + * perf: avoid argument reassignment & argument slice
110 + * perf: avoid negotiator recursive construction
111 + * perf: enable strict mode
112 + * perf: remove unnecessary bitwise operator
113 +
114 +1.2.7 / 2015-05-10
115 +==================
116 +
117 + * deps: negotiator@0.5.3
118 + - Fix media type parameter matching to be case-insensitive
119 +
120 +1.2.6 / 2015-05-07
121 +==================
122 +
123 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.11
124 + - deps: mime-db@~1.9.1
125 + * deps: negotiator@0.5.2
126 + - Fix comparing media types with quoted values
127 + - Fix splitting media types with quoted commas
128 +
129 +1.2.5 / 2015-03-13
130 +==================
131 +
132 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.10
133 + - deps: mime-db@~1.8.0
134 +
135 +1.2.4 / 2015-02-14
136 +==================
137 +
138 + * Support Node.js 0.6
139 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.9
140 + - deps: mime-db@~1.7.0
141 + * deps: negotiator@0.5.1
142 + - Fix preference sorting to be stable for long acceptable lists
143 +
144 +1.2.3 / 2015-01-31
145 +==================
146 +
147 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.8
148 + - deps: mime-db@~1.6.0
149 +
150 +1.2.2 / 2014-12-30
151 +==================
152 +
153 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.7
154 + - deps: mime-db@~1.5.0
155 +
156 +1.2.1 / 2014-12-30
157 +==================
158 +
159 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.5
160 + - deps: mime-db@~1.3.1
161 +
162 +1.2.0 / 2014-12-19
163 +==================
164 +
165 + * deps: negotiator@0.5.0
166 + - Fix list return order when large accepted list
167 + - Fix missing identity encoding when q=0 exists
168 + - Remove dynamic building of Negotiator class
169 +
170 +1.1.4 / 2014-12-10
171 +==================
172 +
173 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.4
174 + - deps: mime-db@~1.3.0
175 +
176 +1.1.3 / 2014-11-09
177 +==================
178 +
179 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.3
180 + - deps: mime-db@~1.2.0
181 +
182 +1.1.2 / 2014-10-14
183 +==================
184 +
185 + * deps: negotiator@0.4.9
186 + - Fix error when media type has invalid parameter
187 +
188 +1.1.1 / 2014-09-28
189 +==================
190 +
191 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.2
192 + - deps: mime-db@~1.1.0
193 + * deps: negotiator@0.4.8
194 + - Fix all negotiations to be case-insensitive
195 + - Stable sort preferences of same quality according to client order
196 +
197 +1.1.0 / 2014-09-02
198 +==================
199 +
200 + * update `mime-types`
201 +
202 +1.0.7 / 2014-07-04
203 +==================
204 +
205 + * Fix wrong type returned from `type` when match after unknown extension
206 +
207 +1.0.6 / 2014-06-24
208 +==================
209 +
210 + * deps: negotiator@0.4.7
211 +
212 +1.0.5 / 2014-06-20
213 +==================
214 +
215 + * fix crash when unknown extension given
216 +
217 +1.0.4 / 2014-06-19
218 +==================
219 +
220 + * use `mime-types`
221 +
222 +1.0.3 / 2014-06-11
223 +==================
224 +
225 + * deps: negotiator@0.4.6
226 + - Order by specificity when quality is the same
227 +
228 +1.0.2 / 2014-05-29
229 +==================
230 +
231 + * Fix interpretation when header not in request
232 + * deps: pin negotiator@0.4.5
233 +
234 +1.0.1 / 2014-01-18
235 +==================
236 +
237 + * Identity encoding isn't always acceptable
238 + * deps: negotiator@~0.4.0
239 +
240 +1.0.0 / 2013-12-27
241 +==================
242 +
243 + * Genesis
1 +(The MIT License)
2 +
3 +Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong <me@jongleberry.com>
4 +Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson <doug@somethingdoug.com>
5 +
6 +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
7 +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
8 +'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
9 +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
10 +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
11 +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
12 +the following conditions:
13 +
14 +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
15 +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
16 +
1 +# accepts
2 +
3 +[![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url]
4 +[![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url]
5 +[![Node.js Version][node-version-image]][node-version-url]
6 +[![Build Status][github-actions-ci-image]][github-actions-ci-url]
7 +[![Test Coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
8 +
9 +Higher level content negotiation based on [negotiator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/negotiator).
10 +Extracted from [koa](https://www.npmjs.com/package/koa) for general use.
11 +
12 +In addition to negotiator, it allows:
13 +
14 +- Allows types as an array or arguments list, ie `(['text/html', 'application/json'])`
15 + as well as `('text/html', 'application/json')`.
16 +- Allows type shorthands such as `json`.
17 +- Returns `false` when no types match
18 +- Treats non-existent headers as `*`
19 +
20 +## Installation
21 +
22 +This is a [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) module available through the
23 +[npm registry](https://www.npmjs.com/). Installation is done using the
24 +[`npm install` command](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-npm-packages-locally):
25 +
26 +```sh
27 +$ npm install accepts
28 +```
29 +
30 +## API
31 +
32 +```js
33 +var accepts = require('accepts')
34 +```
35 +
36 +### accepts(req)
37 +
38 +Create a new `Accepts` object for the given `req`.
39 +
40 +#### .charset(charsets)
41 +
42 +Return the first accepted charset. If nothing in `charsets` is accepted,
43 +then `false` is returned.
44 +
45 +#### .charsets()
46 +
47 +Return the charsets that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
48 +preference (most preferred first).
49 +
50 +#### .encoding(encodings)
51 +
52 +Return the first accepted encoding. If nothing in `encodings` is accepted,
53 +then `false` is returned.
54 +
55 +#### .encodings()
56 +
57 +Return the encodings that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
58 +preference (most preferred first).
59 +
60 +#### .language(languages)
61 +
62 +Return the first accepted language. If nothing in `languages` is accepted,
63 +then `false` is returned.
64 +
65 +#### .languages()
66 +
67 +Return the languages that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
68 +preference (most preferred first).
69 +
70 +#### .type(types)
71 +
72 +Return the first accepted type (and it is returned as the same text as what
73 +appears in the `types` array). If nothing in `types` is accepted, then `false`
74 +is returned.
75 +
76 +The `types` array can contain full MIME types or file extensions. Any value
77 +that is not a full MIME types is passed to `require('mime-types').lookup`.
78 +
79 +#### .types()
80 +
81 +Return the types that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
82 +preference (most preferred first).
83 +
84 +## Examples
85 +
86 +### Simple type negotiation
87 +
88 +This simple example shows how to use `accepts` to return a different typed
89 +respond body based on what the client wants to accept. The server lists it's
90 +preferences in order and will get back the best match between the client and
91 +server.
92 +
93 +```js
94 +var accepts = require('accepts')
95 +var http = require('http')
96 +
97 +function app (req, res) {
98 + var accept = accepts(req)
99 +
100 + // the order of this list is significant; should be server preferred order
101 + switch (accept.type(['json', 'html'])) {
102 + case 'json':
103 + res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
104 + res.write('{"hello":"world!"}')
105 + break
106 + case 'html':
107 + res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
108 + res.write('<b>hello, world!</b>')
109 + break
110 + default:
111 + // the fallback is text/plain, so no need to specify it above
112 + res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
113 + res.write('hello, world!')
114 + break
115 + }
116 +
117 + res.end()
118 +}
119 +
120 +http.createServer(app).listen(3000)
121 +```
122 +
123 +You can test this out with the cURL program:
124 +```sh
125 +curl -I -H'Accept: text/html' http://localhost:3000/
126 +```
127 +
128 +## License
129 +
131 +
132 +[coveralls-image]: https://badgen.net/coveralls/c/github/jshttp/accepts/master
133 +[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/jshttp/accepts?branch=master
134 +[github-actions-ci-image]: https://badgen.net/github/checks/jshttp/accepts/master?label=ci
135 +[github-actions-ci-url]: https://github.com/jshttp/accepts/actions/workflows/ci.yml
136 +[node-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/node/accepts
137 +[node-version-url]: https://nodejs.org/en/download
138 +[npm-downloads-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/dm/accepts
139 +[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/accepts
140 +[npm-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/v/accepts
1 +/*!
2 + * accepts
3 + * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong
4 + * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
5 + * MIT Licensed
6 + */
7 +
8 +'use strict'
9 +
10 +/**
11 + * Module dependencies.
12 + * @private
13 + */
14 +
15 +var Negotiator = require('negotiator')
16 +var mime = require('mime-types')
17 +
18 +/**
19 + * Module exports.
20 + * @public
21 + */
22 +
23 +module.exports = Accepts
24 +
25 +/**
26 + * Create a new Accepts object for the given req.
27 + *
28 + * @param {object} req
29 + * @public
30 + */
31 +
32 +function Accepts (req) {
33 + if (!(this instanceof Accepts)) {
34 + return new Accepts(req)
35 + }
36 +
37 + this.headers = req.headers
38 + this.negotiator = new Negotiator(req)
39 +}
40 +
41 +/**
42 + * Check if the given `type(s)` is acceptable, returning
43 + * the best match when true, otherwise `undefined`, in which
44 + * case you should respond with 406 "Not Acceptable".
45 + *
46 + * The `type` value may be a single mime type string
47 + * such as "application/json", the extension name
48 + * such as "json" or an array `["json", "html", "text/plain"]`. When a list
49 + * or array is given the _best_ match, if any is returned.
50 + *
51 + * Examples:
52 + *
53 + * // Accept: text/html
54 + * this.types('html');
55 + * // => "html"
56 + *
57 + * // Accept: text/*, application/json
58 + * this.types('html');
59 + * // => "html"
60 + * this.types('text/html');
61 + * // => "text/html"
62 + * this.types('json', 'text');
63 + * // => "json"
64 + * this.types('application/json');
65 + * // => "application/json"
66 + *
67 + * // Accept: text/*, application/json
68 + * this.types('image/png');
69 + * this.types('png');
70 + * // => undefined
71 + *
72 + * // Accept: text/*;q=.5, application/json
73 + * this.types(['html', 'json']);
74 + * this.types('html', 'json');
75 + * // => "json"
76 + *
77 + * @param {String|Array} types...
78 + * @return {String|Array|Boolean}
79 + * @public
80 + */
81 +
82 +Accepts.prototype.type =
83 +Accepts.prototype.types = function (types_) {
84 + var types = types_
85 +
86 + // support flattened arguments
87 + if (types && !Array.isArray(types)) {
88 + types = new Array(arguments.length)
89 + for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
90 + types[i] = arguments[i]
91 + }
92 + }
93 +
94 + // no types, return all requested types
95 + if (!types || types.length === 0) {
96 + return this.negotiator.mediaTypes()
97 + }
98 +
99 + // no accept header, return first given type
100 + if (!this.headers.accept) {
101 + return types[0]
102 + }
103 +
104 + var mimes = types.map(extToMime)
105 + var accepts = this.negotiator.mediaTypes(mimes.filter(validMime))
106 + var first = accepts[0]
107 +
108 + return first
109 + ? types[mimes.indexOf(first)]
110 + : false
111 +}
112 +
113 +/**
114 + * Return accepted encodings or best fit based on `encodings`.
115 + *
116 + * Given `Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate`
117 + * an array sorted by quality is returned:
118 + *
119 + * ['gzip', 'deflate']
120 + *
121 + * @param {String|Array} encodings...
122 + * @return {String|Array}
123 + * @public
124 + */
125 +
126 +Accepts.prototype.encoding =
127 +Accepts.prototype.encodings = function (encodings_) {
128 + var encodings = encodings_
129 +
130 + // support flattened arguments
131 + if (encodings && !Array.isArray(encodings)) {
132 + encodings = new Array(arguments.length)
133 + for (var i = 0; i < encodings.length; i++) {
134 + encodings[i] = arguments[i]
135 + }
136 + }
137 +
138 + // no encodings, return all requested encodings
139 + if (!encodings || encodings.length === 0) {
140 + return this.negotiator.encodings()
141 + }
142 +
143 + return this.negotiator.encodings(encodings)[0] || false
144 +}
145 +
146 +/**
147 + * Return accepted charsets or best fit based on `charsets`.
148 + *
149 + * Given `Accept-Charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.2, utf-7;q=0.5`
150 + * an array sorted by quality is returned:
151 + *
152 + * ['utf-8', 'utf-7', 'iso-8859-1']
153 + *
154 + * @param {String|Array} charsets...
155 + * @return {String|Array}
156 + * @public
157 + */
158 +
159 +Accepts.prototype.charset =
160 +Accepts.prototype.charsets = function (charsets_) {
161 + var charsets = charsets_
162 +
163 + // support flattened arguments
164 + if (charsets && !Array.isArray(charsets)) {
165 + charsets = new Array(arguments.length)
166 + for (var i = 0; i < charsets.length; i++) {
167 + charsets[i] = arguments[i]
168 + }
169 + }
170 +
171 + // no charsets, return all requested charsets
172 + if (!charsets || charsets.length === 0) {
173 + return this.negotiator.charsets()
174 + }
175 +
176 + return this.negotiator.charsets(charsets)[0] || false
177 +}
178 +
179 +/**
180 + * Return accepted languages or best fit based on `langs`.
181 + *
182 + * Given `Accept-Language: en;q=0.8, es, pt`
183 + * an array sorted by quality is returned:
184 + *
185 + * ['es', 'pt', 'en']
186 + *
187 + * @param {String|Array} langs...
188 + * @return {Array|String}
189 + * @public
190 + */
191 +
192 +Accepts.prototype.lang =
193 +Accepts.prototype.langs =
194 +Accepts.prototype.language =
195 +Accepts.prototype.languages = function (languages_) {
196 + var languages = languages_
197 +
198 + // support flattened arguments
199 + if (languages && !Array.isArray(languages)) {
200 + languages = new Array(arguments.length)
201 + for (var i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
202 + languages[i] = arguments[i]
203 + }
204 + }
205 +
206 + // no languages, return all requested languages
207 + if (!languages || languages.length === 0) {
208 + return this.negotiator.languages()
209 + }
210 +
211 + return this.negotiator.languages(languages)[0] || false
212 +}
213 +
214 +/**
215 + * Convert extnames to mime.
216 + *
217 + * @param {String} type
218 + * @return {String}
219 + * @private
220 + */
221 +
222 +function extToMime (type) {
223 + return type.indexOf('/') === -1
224 + ? mime.lookup(type)
225 + : type
226 +}
227 +
228 +/**
229 + * Check if mime is valid.
230 + *
231 + * @param {String} type
232 + * @return {String}
233 + * @private
234 + */
235 +
236 +function validMime (type) {
237 + return typeof type === 'string'
238 +}
1 +{
2 + "name": "accepts",
3 + "description": "Higher-level content negotiation",
4 + "version": "1.3.8",
5 + "contributors": [
6 + "Douglas Christopher Wilson <doug@somethingdoug.com>",
7 + "Jonathan Ong <me@jongleberry.com> (http://jongleberry.com)"
8 + ],
9 + "license": "MIT",
10 + "repository": "jshttp/accepts",
11 + "dependencies": {
12 + "mime-types": "~2.1.34",
13 + "negotiator": "0.6.3"
14 + },
15 + "devDependencies": {
16 + "deep-equal": "1.0.1",
17 + "eslint": "7.32.0",
18 + "eslint-config-standard": "14.1.1",
19 + "eslint-plugin-import": "2.25.4",
20 + "eslint-plugin-markdown": "2.2.1",
21 + "eslint-plugin-node": "11.1.0",
22 + "eslint-plugin-promise": "4.3.1",
23 + "eslint-plugin-standard": "4.1.0",
24 + "mocha": "9.2.0",
25 + "nyc": "15.1.0"
26 + },
27 + "files": [
28 + "LICENSE",
29 + "HISTORY.md",
30 + "index.js"
31 + ],
32 + "engines": {
33 + "node": ">= 0.6"
34 + },
35 + "scripts": {
36 + "lint": "eslint .",
37 + "test": "mocha --reporter spec --check-leaks --bail test/",
38 + "test-ci": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text npm test",
39 + "test-cov": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text npm test"
40 + },
41 + "keywords": [
42 + "content",
43 + "negotiation",
44 + "accept",
45 + "accepts"
46 + ]
47 +}
1 +var Ajv = require('ajv');
2 +var ajv = new Ajv({allErrors: true});
3 +
4 +var schema = {
5 + "properties": {
6 + "foo": { "type": "string" },
7 + "bar": { "type": "number", "maximum": 3 }
8 + }
9 +};
10 +
11 +var validate = ajv.compile(schema);
12 +
13 +test({"foo": "abc", "bar": 2});
14 +test({"foo": 2, "bar": 4});
15 +
16 +function test(data) {
17 + var valid = validate(data);
18 + if (valid) console.log('Valid!');
19 + else console.log('Invalid: ' + ajv.errorsText(validate.errors));
20 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +The MIT License (MIT)
2 +
3 +Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Evgeny Poberezkin
4 +
5 +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
6 +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
7 +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
8 +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
9 +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10 +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11 +
12 +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
13 +copies or substantial portions of the Software.
14 +
22 +
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +
4 +var Cache = module.exports = function Cache() {
5 + this._cache = {};
6 +};
7 +
8 +
9 +Cache.prototype.put = function Cache_put(key, value) {
10 + this._cache[key] = value;
11 +};
12 +
13 +
14 +Cache.prototype.get = function Cache_get(key) {
15 + return this._cache[key];
16 +};
17 +
18 +
19 +Cache.prototype.del = function Cache_del(key) {
20 + delete this._cache[key];
21 +};
22 +
23 +
24 +Cache.prototype.clear = function Cache_clear() {
25 + this._cache = {};
26 +};
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +var MissingRefError = require('./error_classes').MissingRef;
4 +
5 +module.exports = compileAsync;
6 +
7 +
8 +/**
9 + * Creates validating function for passed schema with asynchronous loading of missing schemas.
10 + * `loadSchema` option should be a function that accepts schema uri and returns promise that resolves with the schema.
11 + * @this Ajv
12 + * @param {Object} schema schema object
13 + * @param {Boolean} meta optional true to compile meta-schema; this parameter can be skipped
14 + * @param {Function} callback an optional node-style callback, it is called with 2 parameters: error (or null) and validating function.
15 + * @return {Promise} promise that resolves with a validating function.
16 + */
17 +function compileAsync(schema, meta, callback) {
18 + /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */
19 + /* global Promise */
20 + /* jshint validthis: true */
21 + var self = this;
22 + if (typeof this._opts.loadSchema != 'function')
23 + throw new Error('options.loadSchema should be a function');
24 +
25 + if (typeof meta == 'function') {
26 + callback = meta;
27 + meta = undefined;
28 + }
29 +
30 + var p = loadMetaSchemaOf(schema).then(function () {
31 + var schemaObj = self._addSchema(schema, undefined, meta);
32 + return schemaObj.validate || _compileAsync(schemaObj);
33 + });
34 +
35 + if (callback) {
36 + p.then(
37 + function(v) { callback(null, v); },
38 + callback
39 + );
40 + }
41 +
42 + return p;
43 +
44 +
45 + function loadMetaSchemaOf(sch) {
46 + var $schema = sch.$schema;
47 + return $schema && !self.getSchema($schema)
48 + ? compileAsync.call(self, { $ref: $schema }, true)
49 + : Promise.resolve();
50 + }
51 +
52 +
53 + function _compileAsync(schemaObj) {
54 + try { return self._compile(schemaObj); }
55 + catch(e) {
56 + if (e instanceof MissingRefError) return loadMissingSchema(e);
57 + throw e;
58 + }
59 +
60 +
61 + function loadMissingSchema(e) {
62 + var ref = e.missingSchema;
63 + if (added(ref)) throw new Error('Schema ' + ref + ' is loaded but ' + e.missingRef + ' cannot be resolved');
64 +
65 + var schemaPromise = self._loadingSchemas[ref];
66 + if (!schemaPromise) {
67 + schemaPromise = self._loadingSchemas[ref] = self._opts.loadSchema(ref);
68 + schemaPromise.then(removePromise, removePromise);
69 + }
70 +
71 + return schemaPromise.then(function (sch) {
72 + if (!added(ref)) {
73 + return loadMetaSchemaOf(sch).then(function () {
74 + if (!added(ref)) self.addSchema(sch, ref, undefined, meta);
75 + });
76 + }
77 + }).then(function() {
78 + return _compileAsync(schemaObj);
79 + });
80 +
81 + function removePromise() {
82 + delete self._loadingSchemas[ref];
83 + }
84 +
85 + function added(ref) {
86 + return self._refs[ref] || self._schemas[ref];
87 + }
88 + }
89 + }
90 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +// do NOT remove this file - it would break pre-compiled schemas
4 +// https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv/issues/889
5 +module.exports = require('fast-deep-equal');
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +var resolve = require('./resolve');
4 +
5 +module.exports = {
6 + Validation: errorSubclass(ValidationError),
7 + MissingRef: errorSubclass(MissingRefError)
8 +};
9 +
10 +
11 +function ValidationError(errors) {
12 + this.message = 'validation failed';
13 + this.errors = errors;
14 + this.ajv = this.validation = true;
15 +}
16 +
17 +
18 +MissingRefError.message = function (baseId, ref) {
19 + return 'can\'t resolve reference ' + ref + ' from id ' + baseId;
20 +};
21 +
22 +
23 +function MissingRefError(baseId, ref, message) {
24 + this.message = message || MissingRefError.message(baseId, ref);
25 + this.missingRef = resolve.url(baseId, ref);
26 + this.missingSchema = resolve.normalizeId(resolve.fullPath(this.missingRef));
27 +}
28 +
29 +
30 +function errorSubclass(Subclass) {
31 + Subclass.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
32 + Subclass.prototype.constructor = Subclass;
33 + return Subclass;
34 +}
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +var URI = require('uri-js')
4 + , equal = require('fast-deep-equal')
5 + , util = require('./util')
6 + , SchemaObject = require('./schema_obj')
7 + , traverse = require('json-schema-traverse');
8 +
9 +module.exports = resolve;
10 +
11 +resolve.normalizeId = normalizeId;
12 +resolve.fullPath = getFullPath;
13 +resolve.url = resolveUrl;
14 +resolve.ids = resolveIds;
15 +resolve.inlineRef = inlineRef;
16 +resolve.schema = resolveSchema;
17 +
18 +/**
19 + * [resolve and compile the references ($ref)]
20 + * @this Ajv
21 + * @param {Function} compile reference to schema compilation funciton (localCompile)
22 + * @param {Object} root object with information about the root schema for the current schema
23 + * @param {String} ref reference to resolve
24 + * @return {Object|Function} schema object (if the schema can be inlined) or validation function
25 + */
26 +function resolve(compile, root, ref) {
27 + /* jshint validthis: true */
28 + var refVal = this._refs[ref];
29 + if (typeof refVal == 'string') {
30 + if (this._refs[refVal]) refVal = this._refs[refVal];
31 + else return resolve.call(this, compile, root, refVal);
32 + }
33 +
34 + refVal = refVal || this._schemas[ref];
35 + if (refVal instanceof SchemaObject) {
36 + return inlineRef(refVal.schema, this._opts.inlineRefs)
37 + ? refVal.schema
38 + : refVal.validate || this._compile(refVal);
39 + }
40 +
41 + var res = resolveSchema.call(this, root, ref);
42 + var schema, v, baseId;
43 + if (res) {
44 + schema = res.schema;
45 + root = res.root;
46 + baseId = res.baseId;
47 + }
48 +
49 + if (schema instanceof SchemaObject) {
50 + v = schema.validate || compile.call(this, schema.schema, root, undefined, baseId);
51 + } else if (schema !== undefined) {
52 + v = inlineRef(schema, this._opts.inlineRefs)
53 + ? schema
54 + : compile.call(this, schema, root, undefined, baseId);
55 + }
56 +
57 + return v;
58 +}
59 +
60 +
61 +/**
62 + * Resolve schema, its root and baseId
63 + * @this Ajv
64 + * @param {Object} root root object with properties schema, refVal, refs
65 + * @param {String} ref reference to resolve
66 + * @return {Object} object with properties schema, root, baseId
67 + */
68 +function resolveSchema(root, ref) {
69 + /* jshint validthis: true */
70 + var p = URI.parse(ref)
71 + , refPath = _getFullPath(p)
72 + , baseId = getFullPath(this._getId(root.schema));
73 + if (Object.keys(root.schema).length === 0 || refPath !== baseId) {
74 + var id = normalizeId(refPath);
75 + var refVal = this._refs[id];
76 + if (typeof refVal == 'string') {
77 + return resolveRecursive.call(this, root, refVal, p);
78 + } else if (refVal instanceof SchemaObject) {
79 + if (!refVal.validate) this._compile(refVal);
80 + root = refVal;
81 + } else {
82 + refVal = this._schemas[id];
83 + if (refVal instanceof SchemaObject) {
84 + if (!refVal.validate) this._compile(refVal);
85 + if (id == normalizeId(ref))
86 + return { schema: refVal, root: root, baseId: baseId };
87 + root = refVal;
88 + } else {
89 + return;
90 + }
91 + }
92 + if (!root.schema) return;
93 + baseId = getFullPath(this._getId(root.schema));
94 + }
95 + return getJsonPointer.call(this, p, baseId, root.schema, root);
96 +}
97 +
98 +
99 +/* @this Ajv */
100 +function resolveRecursive(root, ref, parsedRef) {
101 + /* jshint validthis: true */
102 + var res = resolveSchema.call(this, root, ref);
103 + if (res) {
104 + var schema = res.schema;
105 + var baseId = res.baseId;
106 + root = res.root;
107 + var id = this._getId(schema);
108 + if (id) baseId = resolveUrl(baseId, id);
109 + return getJsonPointer.call(this, parsedRef, baseId, schema, root);
110 + }
111 +}
112 +
113 +
114 +var PREVENT_SCOPE_CHANGE = util.toHash(['properties', 'patternProperties', 'enum', 'dependencies', 'definitions']);
115 +/* @this Ajv */
116 +function getJsonPointer(parsedRef, baseId, schema, root) {
117 + /* jshint validthis: true */
118 + parsedRef.fragment = parsedRef.fragment || '';
119 + if (parsedRef.fragment.slice(0,1) != '/') return;
120 + var parts = parsedRef.fragment.split('/');
121 +
122 + for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
123 + var part = parts[i];
124 + if (part) {
125 + part = util.unescapeFragment(part);
126 + schema = schema[part];
127 + if (schema === undefined) break;
128 + var id;
129 + if (!PREVENT_SCOPE_CHANGE[part]) {
130 + id = this._getId(schema);
131 + if (id) baseId = resolveUrl(baseId, id);
132 + if (schema.$ref) {
133 + var $ref = resolveUrl(baseId, schema.$ref);
134 + var res = resolveSchema.call(this, root, $ref);
135 + if (res) {
136 + schema = res.schema;
137 + root = res.root;
138 + baseId = res.baseId;
139 + }
140 + }
141 + }
142 + }
143 + }
144 + if (schema !== undefined && schema !== root.schema)
145 + return { schema: schema, root: root, baseId: baseId };
146 +}
147 +
148 +
149 +var SIMPLE_INLINED = util.toHash([
150 + 'type', 'format', 'pattern',
151 + 'maxLength', 'minLength',
152 + 'maxProperties', 'minProperties',
153 + 'maxItems', 'minItems',
154 + 'maximum', 'minimum',
155 + 'uniqueItems', 'multipleOf',
156 + 'required', 'enum'
157 +]);
158 +function inlineRef(schema, limit) {
159 + if (limit === false) return false;
160 + if (limit === undefined || limit === true) return checkNoRef(schema);
161 + else if (limit) return countKeys(schema) <= limit;
162 +}
163 +
164 +
165 +function checkNoRef(schema) {
166 + var item;
167 + if (Array.isArray(schema)) {
168 + for (var i=0; i<schema.length; i++) {
169 + item = schema[i];
170 + if (typeof item == 'object' && !checkNoRef(item)) return false;
171 + }
172 + } else {
173 + for (var key in schema) {
174 + if (key == '$ref') return false;
175 + item = schema[key];
176 + if (typeof item == 'object' && !checkNoRef(item)) return false;
177 + }
178 + }
179 + return true;
180 +}
181 +
182 +
183 +function countKeys(schema) {
184 + var count = 0, item;
185 + if (Array.isArray(schema)) {
186 + for (var i=0; i<schema.length; i++) {
187 + item = schema[i];
188 + if (typeof item == 'object') count += countKeys(item);
189 + if (count == Infinity) return Infinity;
190 + }
191 + } else {
192 + for (var key in schema) {
193 + if (key == '$ref') return Infinity;
194 + if (SIMPLE_INLINED[key]) {
195 + count++;
196 + } else {
197 + item = schema[key];
198 + if (typeof item == 'object') count += countKeys(item) + 1;
199 + if (count == Infinity) return Infinity;
200 + }
201 + }
202 + }
203 + return count;
204 +}
205 +
206 +
207 +function getFullPath(id, normalize) {
208 + if (normalize !== false) id = normalizeId(id);
209 + var p = URI.parse(id);
210 + return _getFullPath(p);
211 +}
212 +
213 +
214 +function _getFullPath(p) {
215 + return URI.serialize(p).split('#')[0] + '#';
216 +}
217 +
218 +
219 +var TRAILING_SLASH_HASH = /#\/?$/;
220 +function normalizeId(id) {
221 + return id ? id.replace(TRAILING_SLASH_HASH, '') : '';
222 +}
223 +
224 +
225 +function resolveUrl(baseId, id) {
226 + id = normalizeId(id);
227 + return URI.resolve(baseId, id);
228 +}
229 +
230 +
231 +/* @this Ajv */
232 +function resolveIds(schema) {
233 + var schemaId = normalizeId(this._getId(schema));
234 + var baseIds = {'': schemaId};
235 + var fullPaths = {'': getFullPath(schemaId, false)};
236 + var localRefs = {};
237 + var self = this;
238 +
239 + traverse(schema, {allKeys: true}, function(sch, jsonPtr, rootSchema, parentJsonPtr, parentKeyword, parentSchema, keyIndex) {
240 + if (jsonPtr === '') return;
241 + var id = self._getId(sch);
242 + var baseId = baseIds[parentJsonPtr];
243 + var fullPath = fullPaths[parentJsonPtr] + '/' + parentKeyword;
244 + if (keyIndex !== undefined)
245 + fullPath += '/' + (typeof keyIndex == 'number' ? keyIndex : util.escapeFragment(keyIndex));
246 +
247 + if (typeof id == 'string') {
248 + id = baseId = normalizeId(baseId ? URI.resolve(baseId, id) : id);
249 +
250 + var refVal = self._refs[id];
251 + if (typeof refVal == 'string') refVal = self._refs[refVal];
252 + if (refVal && refVal.schema) {
253 + if (!equal(sch, refVal.schema))
254 + throw new Error('id "' + id + '" resolves to more than one schema');
255 + } else if (id != normalizeId(fullPath)) {
256 + if (id[0] == '#') {
257 + if (localRefs[id] && !equal(sch, localRefs[id]))
258 + throw new Error('id "' + id + '" resolves to more than one schema');
259 + localRefs[id] = sch;
260 + } else {
261 + self._refs[id] = fullPath;
262 + }
263 + }
264 + }
265 + baseIds[jsonPtr] = baseId;
266 + fullPaths[jsonPtr] = fullPath;
267 + });
268 +
269 + return localRefs;
270 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +var ruleModules = require('../dotjs')
4 + , toHash = require('./util').toHash;
5 +
6 +module.exports = function rules() {
7 + var RULES = [
8 + { type: 'number',
9 + rules: [ { 'maximum': ['exclusiveMaximum'] },
10 + { 'minimum': ['exclusiveMinimum'] }, 'multipleOf', 'format'] },
11 + { type: 'string',
12 + rules: [ 'maxLength', 'minLength', 'pattern', 'format' ] },
13 + { type: 'array',
14 + rules: [ 'maxItems', 'minItems', 'items', 'contains', 'uniqueItems' ] },
15 + { type: 'object',
16 + rules: [ 'maxProperties', 'minProperties', 'required', 'dependencies', 'propertyNames',
17 + { 'properties': ['additionalProperties', 'patternProperties'] } ] },
18 + { rules: [ '$ref', 'const', 'enum', 'not', 'anyOf', 'oneOf', 'allOf', 'if' ] }
19 + ];
20 +
21 + var ALL = [ 'type', '$comment' ];
22 + var KEYWORDS = [
23 + '$schema', '$id', 'id', '$data', '$async', 'title',
24 + 'description', 'default', 'definitions',
25 + 'examples', 'readOnly', 'writeOnly',
26 + 'contentMediaType', 'contentEncoding',
27 + 'additionalItems', 'then', 'else'
28 + ];
29 + var TYPES = [ 'number', 'integer', 'string', 'array', 'object', 'boolean', 'null' ];
30 + RULES.all = toHash(ALL);
31 + RULES.types = toHash(TYPES);
32 +
33 + RULES.forEach(function (group) {
34 + group.rules = group.rules.map(function (keyword) {
35 + var implKeywords;
36 + if (typeof keyword == 'object') {
37 + var key = Object.keys(keyword)[0];
38 + implKeywords = keyword[key];
39 + keyword = key;
40 + implKeywords.forEach(function (k) {
41 + ALL.push(k);
42 + RULES.all[k] = true;
43 + });
44 + }
45 + ALL.push(keyword);
46 + var rule = RULES.all[keyword] = {
47 + keyword: keyword,
48 + code: ruleModules[keyword],
49 + implements: implKeywords
50 + };
51 + return rule;
52 + });
53 +
54 + RULES.all.$comment = {
55 + keyword: '$comment',
56 + code: ruleModules.$comment
57 + };
58 +
59 + if (group.type) RULES.types[group.type] = group;
60 + });
61 +
62 + RULES.keywords = toHash(ALL.concat(KEYWORDS));
63 + RULES.custom = {};
64 +
65 + return RULES;
66 +};
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +var util = require('./util');
4 +
5 +module.exports = SchemaObject;
6 +
7 +function SchemaObject(obj) {
8 + util.copy(obj, this);
9 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +// https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding
4 +// https://github.com/bestiejs/punycode.js - punycode.ucs2.decode
5 +module.exports = function ucs2length(str) {
6 + var length = 0
7 + , len = str.length
8 + , pos = 0
9 + , value;
10 + while (pos < len) {
11 + length++;
12 + value = str.charCodeAt(pos++);
13 + if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && pos < len) {
14 + // high surrogate, and there is a next character
15 + value = str.charCodeAt(pos);
16 + if ((value & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) pos++; // low surrogate
17 + }
18 + }
19 + return length;
20 +};
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +
4 +module.exports = {
5 + copy: copy,
6 + checkDataType: checkDataType,
7 + checkDataTypes: checkDataTypes,
8 + coerceToTypes: coerceToTypes,
9 + toHash: toHash,
10 + getProperty: getProperty,
11 + escapeQuotes: escapeQuotes,
12 + equal: require('fast-deep-equal'),
13 + ucs2length: require('./ucs2length'),
14 + varOccurences: varOccurences,
15 + varReplace: varReplace,
16 + schemaHasRules: schemaHasRules,
17 + schemaHasRulesExcept: schemaHasRulesExcept,
18 + schemaUnknownRules: schemaUnknownRules,
19 + toQuotedString: toQuotedString,
20 + getPathExpr: getPathExpr,
21 + getPath: getPath,
22 + getData: getData,
23 + unescapeFragment: unescapeFragment,
24 + unescapeJsonPointer: unescapeJsonPointer,
25 + escapeFragment: escapeFragment,
26 + escapeJsonPointer: escapeJsonPointer
27 +};
28 +
29 +
30 +function copy(o, to) {
31 + to = to || {};
32 + for (var key in o) to[key] = o[key];
33 + return to;
34 +}
35 +
36 +
37 +function checkDataType(dataType, data, strictNumbers, negate) {
38 + var EQUAL = negate ? ' !== ' : ' === '
39 + , AND = negate ? ' || ' : ' && '
40 + , OK = negate ? '!' : ''
41 + , NOT = negate ? '' : '!';
42 + switch (dataType) {
43 + case 'null': return data + EQUAL + 'null';
44 + case 'array': return OK + 'Array.isArray(' + data + ')';
45 + case 'object': return '(' + OK + data + AND +
46 + 'typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"object"' + AND +
47 + NOT + 'Array.isArray(' + data + '))';
48 + case 'integer': return '(typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"number"' + AND +
49 + NOT + '(' + data + ' % 1)' +
50 + AND + data + EQUAL + data +
51 + (strictNumbers ? (AND + OK + 'isFinite(' + data + ')') : '') + ')';
52 + case 'number': return '(typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"' + dataType + '"' +
53 + (strictNumbers ? (AND + OK + 'isFinite(' + data + ')') : '') + ')';
54 + default: return 'typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"' + dataType + '"';
55 + }
56 +}
57 +
58 +
59 +function checkDataTypes(dataTypes, data, strictNumbers) {
60 + switch (dataTypes.length) {
61 + case 1: return checkDataType(dataTypes[0], data, strictNumbers, true);
62 + default:
63 + var code = '';
64 + var types = toHash(dataTypes);
65 + if (types.array && types.object) {
66 + code = types.null ? '(': '(!' + data + ' || ';
67 + code += 'typeof ' + data + ' !== "object")';
68 + delete types.null;
69 + delete types.array;
70 + delete types.object;
71 + }
72 + if (types.number) delete types.integer;
73 + for (var t in types)
74 + code += (code ? ' && ' : '' ) + checkDataType(t, data, strictNumbers, true);
75 +
76 + return code;
77 + }
78 +}
79 +
80 +
81 +var COERCE_TO_TYPES = toHash([ 'string', 'number', 'integer', 'boolean', 'null' ]);
82 +function coerceToTypes(optionCoerceTypes, dataTypes) {
83 + if (Array.isArray(dataTypes)) {
84 + var types = [];
85 + for (var i=0; i<dataTypes.length; i++) {
86 + var t = dataTypes[i];
87 + if (COERCE_TO_TYPES[t]) types[types.length] = t;
88 + else if (optionCoerceTypes === 'array' && t === 'array') types[types.length] = t;
89 + }
90 + if (types.length) return types;
91 + } else if (COERCE_TO_TYPES[dataTypes]) {
92 + return [dataTypes];
93 + } else if (optionCoerceTypes === 'array' && dataTypes === 'array') {
94 + return ['array'];
95 + }
96 +}
97 +
98 +
99 +function toHash(arr) {
100 + var hash = {};
101 + for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) hash[arr[i]] = true;
102 + return hash;
103 +}
104 +
105 +
106 +var IDENTIFIER = /^[a-z$_][a-z$_0-9]*$/i;
107 +var SINGLE_QUOTE = /'|\\/g;
108 +function getProperty(key) {
109 + return typeof key == 'number'
110 + ? '[' + key + ']'
111 + : IDENTIFIER.test(key)
112 + ? '.' + key
113 + : "['" + escapeQuotes(key) + "']";
114 +}
115 +
116 +
117 +function escapeQuotes(str) {
118 + return str.replace(SINGLE_QUOTE, '\\$&')
119 + .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
120 + .replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
121 + .replace(/\f/g, '\\f')
122 + .replace(/\t/g, '\\t');
123 +}
124 +
125 +
126 +function varOccurences(str, dataVar) {
127 + dataVar += '[^0-9]';
128 + var matches = str.match(new RegExp(dataVar, 'g'));
129 + return matches ? matches.length : 0;
130 +}
131 +
132 +
133 +function varReplace(str, dataVar, expr) {
134 + dataVar += '([^0-9])';
135 + expr = expr.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$');
136 + return str.replace(new RegExp(dataVar, 'g'), expr + '$1');
137 +}
138 +
139 +
140 +function schemaHasRules(schema, rules) {
141 + if (typeof schema == 'boolean') return !schema;
142 + for (var key in schema) if (rules[key]) return true;
143 +}
144 +
145 +
146 +function schemaHasRulesExcept(schema, rules, exceptKeyword) {
147 + if (typeof schema == 'boolean') return !schema && exceptKeyword != 'not';
148 + for (var key in schema) if (key != exceptKeyword && rules[key]) return true;
149 +}
150 +
151 +
152 +function schemaUnknownRules(schema, rules) {
153 + if (typeof schema == 'boolean') return;
154 + for (var key in schema) if (!rules[key]) return key;
155 +}
156 +
157 +
158 +function toQuotedString(str) {
159 + return '\'' + escapeQuotes(str) + '\'';
160 +}
161 +
162 +
163 +function getPathExpr(currentPath, expr, jsonPointers, isNumber) {
164 + var path = jsonPointers // false by default
165 + ? '\'/\' + ' + expr + (isNumber ? '' : '.replace(/~/g, \'~0\').replace(/\\//g, \'~1\')')
166 + : (isNumber ? '\'[\' + ' + expr + ' + \']\'' : '\'[\\\'\' + ' + expr + ' + \'\\\']\'');
167 + return joinPaths(currentPath, path);
168 +}
169 +
170 +
171 +function getPath(currentPath, prop, jsonPointers) {
172 + var path = jsonPointers // false by default
173 + ? toQuotedString('/' + escapeJsonPointer(prop))
174 + : toQuotedString(getProperty(prop));
175 + return joinPaths(currentPath, path);
176 +}
177 +
178 +
179 +var JSON_POINTER = /^\/(?:[^~]|~0|~1)*$/;
180 +var RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER = /^([0-9]+)(#|\/(?:[^~]|~0|~1)*)?$/;
181 +function getData($data, lvl, paths) {
182 + var up, jsonPointer, data, matches;
183 + if ($data === '') return 'rootData';
184 + if ($data[0] == '/') {
185 + if (!JSON_POINTER.test($data)) throw new Error('Invalid JSON-pointer: ' + $data);
186 + jsonPointer = $data;
187 + data = 'rootData';
188 + } else {
189 + matches = $data.match(RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER);
190 + if (!matches) throw new Error('Invalid JSON-pointer: ' + $data);
191 + up = +matches[1];
192 + jsonPointer = matches[2];
193 + if (jsonPointer == '#') {
194 + if (up >= lvl) throw new Error('Cannot access property/index ' + up + ' levels up, current level is ' + lvl);
195 + return paths[lvl - up];
196 + }
197 +
198 + if (up > lvl) throw new Error('Cannot access data ' + up + ' levels up, current level is ' + lvl);
199 + data = 'data' + ((lvl - up) || '');
200 + if (!jsonPointer) return data;
201 + }
202 +
203 + var expr = data;
204 + var segments = jsonPointer.split('/');
205 + for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++) {
206 + var segment = segments[i];
207 + if (segment) {
208 + data += getProperty(unescapeJsonPointer(segment));
209 + expr += ' && ' + data;
210 + }
211 + }
212 + return expr;
213 +}
214 +
215 +
216 +function joinPaths (a, b) {
217 + if (a == '""') return b;
218 + return (a + ' + ' + b).replace(/([^\\])' \+ '/g, '$1');
219 +}
220 +
221 +
222 +function unescapeFragment(str) {
223 + return unescapeJsonPointer(decodeURIComponent(str));
224 +}
225 +
226 +
227 +function escapeFragment(str) {
228 + return encodeURIComponent(escapeJsonPointer(str));
229 +}
230 +
231 +
232 +function escapeJsonPointer(str) {
233 + return str.replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\//g, '~1');
234 +}
235 +
236 +
237 +function unescapeJsonPointer(str) {
238 + return str.replace(/~1/g, '/').replace(/~0/g, '~');
239 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +var KEYWORDS = [
4 + 'multipleOf',
5 + 'maximum',
6 + 'exclusiveMaximum',
7 + 'minimum',
8 + 'exclusiveMinimum',
9 + 'maxLength',
10 + 'minLength',
11 + 'pattern',
12 + 'additionalItems',
13 + 'maxItems',
14 + 'minItems',
15 + 'uniqueItems',
16 + 'maxProperties',
17 + 'minProperties',
18 + 'required',
19 + 'additionalProperties',
20 + 'enum',
21 + 'format',
22 + 'const'
23 +];
24 +
25 +module.exports = function (metaSchema, keywordsJsonPointers) {
26 + for (var i=0; i<keywordsJsonPointers.length; i++) {
27 + metaSchema = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(metaSchema));
28 + var segments = keywordsJsonPointers[i].split('/');
29 + var keywords = metaSchema;
30 + var j;
31 + for (j=1; j<segments.length; j++)
32 + keywords = keywords[segments[j]];
33 +
34 + for (j=0; j<KEYWORDS.length; j++) {
35 + var key = KEYWORDS[j];
36 + var schema = keywords[key];
37 + if (schema) {
38 + keywords[key] = {
39 + anyOf: [
40 + schema,
41 + { $ref: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajv-validator/ajv/master/lib/refs/data.json#' }
42 + ]
43 + };
44 + }
45 + }
46 + }
47 +
48 + return metaSchema;
49 +};
1 +'use strict';
2 +
3 +var metaSchema = require('./refs/json-schema-draft-07.json');
4 +
5 +module.exports = {
6 + $id: 'https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv/blob/master/lib/definition_schema.js',
7 + definitions: {
8 + simpleTypes: metaSchema.definitions.simpleTypes
9 + },
10 + type: 'object',
11 + dependencies: {
12 + schema: ['validate'],
13 + $data: ['validate'],
14 + statements: ['inline'],
15 + valid: {not: {required: ['macro']}}
16 + },
17 + properties: {
18 + type: metaSchema.properties.type,
19 + schema: {type: 'boolean'},
20 + statements: {type: 'boolean'},
21 + dependencies: {
22 + type: 'array',
23 + items: {type: 'string'}
24 + },
25 + metaSchema: {type: 'object'},
26 + modifying: {type: 'boolean'},
27 + valid: {type: 'boolean'},
28 + $data: {type: 'boolean'},
29 + async: {type: 'boolean'},
30 + errors: {
31 + anyOf: [
32 + {type: 'boolean'},
33 + {const: 'full'}
34 + ]
35 + }
36 + }
37 +};
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{## def.setExclusiveLimit:
7 + $exclusive = true;
8 + $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
9 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword;
10 +#}}
11 +
12 +{{
13 + var $isMax = $keyword == 'maximum'
14 + , $exclusiveKeyword = $isMax ? 'exclusiveMaximum' : 'exclusiveMinimum'
15 + , $schemaExcl = it.schema[$exclusiveKeyword]
16 + , $isDataExcl = it.opts.$data && $schemaExcl && $schemaExcl.$data
17 + , $op = $isMax ? '<' : '>'
18 + , $notOp = $isMax ? '>' : '<'
19 + , $errorKeyword = undefined;
20 +
21 + if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number' || $schema === undefined)) {
22 + throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number');
23 + }
24 + if (!($isDataExcl || $schemaExcl === undefined
25 + || typeof $schemaExcl == 'number'
26 + || typeof $schemaExcl == 'boolean')) {
27 + throw new Error($exclusiveKeyword + ' must be number or boolean');
28 + }
29 +}}
30 +
31 +{{? $isDataExcl }}
32 + {{
33 + var $schemaValueExcl = it.util.getData($schemaExcl.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)
34 + , $exclusive = 'exclusive' + $lvl
35 + , $exclType = 'exclType' + $lvl
36 + , $exclIsNumber = 'exclIsNumber' + $lvl
37 + , $opExpr = 'op' + $lvl
38 + , $opStr = '\' + ' + $opExpr + ' + \'';
39 + }}
40 + var schemaExcl{{=$lvl}} = {{=$schemaValueExcl}};
41 + {{ $schemaValueExcl = 'schemaExcl' + $lvl; }}
42 +
43 + var {{=$exclusive}};
44 + var {{=$exclType}} = typeof {{=$schemaValueExcl}};
45 + if ({{=$exclType}} != 'boolean' && {{=$exclType}} != 'undefined' && {{=$exclType}} != 'number') {
46 + {{ var $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; }}
47 + {{# def.error:'_exclusiveLimit' }}
48 + } else if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }}
49 + {{=$exclType}} == 'number'
50 + ? (
51 + ({{=$exclusive}} = {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined || {{=$schemaValueExcl}} {{=$op}}= {{=$schemaValue}})
52 + ? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaValueExcl}}
53 + : {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}}
54 + )
55 + : (
56 + ({{=$exclusive}} = {{=$schemaValueExcl}} === true)
57 + ? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaValue}}
58 + : {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}}
59 + )
60 + || {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) {
61 + var op{{=$lvl}} = {{=$exclusive}} ? '{{=$op}}' : '{{=$op}}=';
62 + {{
63 + if ($schema === undefined) {
64 + $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
65 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword;
66 + $schemaValue = $schemaValueExcl;
67 + $isData = $isDataExcl;
68 + }
69 + }}
70 +{{??}}
71 + {{
72 + var $exclIsNumber = typeof $schemaExcl == 'number'
73 + , $opStr = $op; /*used in error*/
74 + }}
75 +
76 + {{? $exclIsNumber && $isData }}
77 + {{ var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; /*used in error*/ }}
78 + if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }}
79 + ( {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined
80 + || {{=$schemaExcl}} {{=$op}}= {{=$schemaValue}}
81 + ? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaExcl}}
82 + : {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}} )
83 + || {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) {
84 + {{??}}
85 + {{
86 + if ($exclIsNumber && $schema === undefined) {
87 + {{# def.setExclusiveLimit }}
88 + $schemaValue = $schemaExcl;
89 + $notOp += '=';
90 + } else {
91 + if ($exclIsNumber)
92 + $schemaValue = Math[$isMax ? 'min' : 'max']($schemaExcl, $schema);
93 +
94 + if ($schemaExcl === ($exclIsNumber ? $schemaValue : true)) {
95 + {{# def.setExclusiveLimit }}
96 + $notOp += '=';
97 + } else {
98 + $exclusive = false;
99 + $opStr += '=';
100 + }
101 + }
102 +
103 + var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; /*used in error*/
104 + }}
105 +
106 + if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }}
107 + {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}}
108 + || {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) {
109 + {{?}}
110 +{{?}}
111 + {{ $errorKeyword = $errorKeyword || $keyword; }}
112 + {{# def.error:'_limit' }}
113 + } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{# def.numberKeyword }}
7 +
8 +{{ var $op = $keyword == 'maxItems' ? '>' : '<'; }}
9 +if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} {{=$data}}.length {{=$op}} {{=$schemaValue}}) {
10 + {{ var $errorKeyword = $keyword; }}
11 + {{# def.error:'_limitItems' }}
12 +} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{# def.numberKeyword }}
7 +
8 +{{ var $op = $keyword == 'maxLength' ? '>' : '<'; }}
9 +if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} {{# def.strLength }} {{=$op}} {{=$schemaValue}}) {
10 + {{ var $errorKeyword = $keyword; }}
11 + {{# def.error:'_limitLength' }}
12 +} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{# def.numberKeyword }}
7 +
8 +{{ var $op = $keyword == 'maxProperties' ? '>' : '<'; }}
9 +if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} Object.keys({{=$data}}).length {{=$op}} {{=$schemaValue}}) {
10 + {{ var $errorKeyword = $keyword; }}
11 + {{# def.error:'_limitProperties' }}
12 +} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +{{
7 + var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId
8 + , $allSchemasEmpty = true;
9 +}}
10 +
11 +{{~ $schema:$sch:$i }}
12 + {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }}
13 + {{
14 + $allSchemasEmpty = false;
15 + $it.schema = $sch;
16 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']';
17 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i;
18 + }}
19 +
20 + {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }}
21 +
22 + {{# def.ifResultValid }}
23 + {{?}}
24 +{{~}}
25 +
26 +{{? $breakOnError }}
27 + {{? $allSchemasEmpty }}
28 + if (true) {
29 + {{??}}
30 + {{= $closingBraces.slice(0,-1) }}
31 + {{?}}
32 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +{{
7 + var $noEmptySchema = $schema.every(function($sch) {
8 + return {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }};
9 + });
10 +}}
11 +{{? $noEmptySchema }}
12 + {{ var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; }}
13 + var {{=$errs}} = errors;
14 + var {{=$valid}} = false;
15 +
16 + {{# def.setCompositeRule }}
17 +
18 + {{~ $schema:$sch:$i }}
19 + {{
20 + $it.schema = $sch;
21 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']';
22 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i;
23 + }}
24 +
25 + {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }}
26 +
27 + {{=$valid}} = {{=$valid}} || {{=$nextValid}};
28 +
29 + if (!{{=$valid}}) {
30 + {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }}
31 + {{~}}
32 +
33 + {{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
34 +
35 + {{= $closingBraces }}
36 +
37 + if (!{{=$valid}}) {
38 + {{# def.extraError:'anyOf' }}
39 + } else {
40 + {{# def.resetErrors }}
41 + {{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}}
42 +{{??}}
43 + {{? $breakOnError }}
44 + if (true) {
45 + {{?}}
46 +{{?}}
1 +{{## def.coerceType:
2 + {{
3 + var $dataType = 'dataType' + $lvl
4 + , $coerced = 'coerced' + $lvl;
5 + }}
6 + var {{=$dataType}} = typeof {{=$data}};
7 + var {{=$coerced}} = undefined;
8 +
9 + {{? it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array' }}
10 + if ({{=$dataType}} == 'object' && Array.isArray({{=$data}}) && {{=$data}}.length == 1) {
11 + {{=$data}} = {{=$data}}[0];
12 + {{=$dataType}} = typeof {{=$data}};
13 + if ({{=it.util.checkDataType(it.schema.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers)}}) {{=$coerced}} = {{=$data}};
14 + }
15 + {{?}}
16 +
17 + if ({{=$coerced}} !== undefined) ;
18 + {{~ $coerceToTypes:$type:$i }}
19 + {{? $type == 'string' }}
20 + else if ({{=$dataType}} == 'number' || {{=$dataType}} == 'boolean')
21 + {{=$coerced}} = '' + {{=$data}};
22 + else if ({{=$data}} === null) {{=$coerced}} = '';
23 + {{?? $type == 'number' || $type == 'integer' }}
24 + else if ({{=$dataType}} == 'boolean' || {{=$data}} === null
25 + || ({{=$dataType}} == 'string' && {{=$data}} && {{=$data}} == +{{=$data}}
26 + {{? $type == 'integer' }} && !({{=$data}} % 1){{?}}))
27 + {{=$coerced}} = +{{=$data}};
28 + {{?? $type == 'boolean' }}
29 + else if ({{=$data}} === 'false' || {{=$data}} === 0 || {{=$data}} === null)
30 + {{=$coerced}} = false;
31 + else if ({{=$data}} === 'true' || {{=$data}} === 1)
32 + {{=$coerced}} = true;
33 + {{?? $type == 'null' }}
34 + else if ({{=$data}} === '' || {{=$data}} === 0 || {{=$data}} === false)
35 + {{=$coerced}} = null;
36 + {{?? it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array' && $type == 'array' }}
37 + else if ({{=$dataType}} == 'string' || {{=$dataType}} == 'number' || {{=$dataType}} == 'boolean' || {{=$data}} == null)
38 + {{=$coerced}} = [{{=$data}}];
39 + {{?}}
40 + {{~}}
41 + else {
42 + {{# def.error:'type' }}
43 + }
44 +
45 + if ({{=$coerced}} !== undefined) {
46 + {{# def.setParentData }}
47 + {{=$data}} = {{=$coerced}};
48 + {{? !$dataLvl }}if ({{=$parentData}} !== undefined){{?}}
49 + {{=$parentData}}[{{=$parentDataProperty}}] = {{=$coerced}};
50 + }
51 +#}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
3 +
4 +{{ var $comment = it.util.toQuotedString($schema); }}
5 +{{? it.opts.$comment === true }}
6 + console.log({{=$comment}});
7 +{{?? typeof it.opts.$comment == 'function' }}
8 + self._opts.$comment({{=$comment}}, {{=it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)}}, validate.root.schema);
9 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{? !$isData }}
7 + var schema{{=$lvl}} = validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}};
8 +{{?}}
9 +var {{=$valid}} = equal({{=$data}}, schema{{=$lvl}});
10 +{{# def.checkError:'const' }}
11 +{{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +
7 +{{
8 + var $idx = 'i' + $lvl
9 + , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1
10 + , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt
11 + , $currentBaseId = it.baseId
12 + , $nonEmptySchema = {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }};
13 +}}
14 +
15 +var {{=$errs}} = errors;
16 +var {{=$valid}};
17 +
18 +{{? $nonEmptySchema }}
19 + {{# def.setCompositeRule }}
20 +
21 + {{
22 + $it.schema = $schema;
23 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath;
24 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath;
25 + }}
26 +
27 + var {{=$nextValid}} = false;
28 +
29 + for (var {{=$idx}} = 0; {{=$idx}} < {{=$data}}.length; {{=$idx}}++) {
30 + {{
31 + $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true);
32 + var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']';
33 + $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx;
34 + }}
35 +
36 + {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }}
37 + {{# def.optimizeValidate }}
38 +
39 + if ({{=$nextValid}}) break;
40 + }
41 +
42 + {{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
43 + {{= $closingBraces }}
44 +
45 + if (!{{=$nextValid}}) {
46 +{{??}}
47 + if ({{=$data}}.length == 0) {
48 +{{?}}
49 +
50 + {{# def.error:'contains' }}
51 + } else {
52 + {{? $nonEmptySchema }}
53 + {{# def.resetErrors }}
54 + {{?}}
55 + {{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{
7 + var $rule = this
8 + , $definition = 'definition' + $lvl
9 + , $rDef = $rule.definition
10 + , $closingBraces = '';
11 + var $validate = $rDef.validate;
12 + var $compile, $inline, $macro, $ruleValidate, $validateCode;
13 +}}
14 +
15 +{{? $isData && $rDef.$data }}
16 + {{
17 + $validateCode = 'keywordValidate' + $lvl;
18 + var $validateSchema = $rDef.validateSchema;
19 + }}
20 + var {{=$definition}} = RULES.custom['{{=$keyword}}'].definition;
21 + var {{=$validateCode}} = {{=$definition}}.validate;
22 +{{??}}
23 + {{
24 + $ruleValidate = it.useCustomRule($rule, $schema, it.schema, it);
25 + if (!$ruleValidate) return;
26 + $schemaValue = 'validate.schema' + $schemaPath;
27 + $validateCode = $ruleValidate.code;
28 + $compile = $rDef.compile;
29 + $inline = $rDef.inline;
30 + $macro = $rDef.macro;
31 + }}
32 +{{?}}
33 +
34 +{{
35 + var $ruleErrs = $validateCode + '.errors'
36 + , $i = 'i' + $lvl
37 + , $ruleErr = 'ruleErr' + $lvl
38 + , $asyncKeyword = $rDef.async;
39 +
40 + if ($asyncKeyword && !it.async)
41 + throw new Error('async keyword in sync schema');
42 +}}
43 +
44 +
45 +{{? !($inline || $macro) }}{{=$ruleErrs}} = null;{{?}}
46 +var {{=$errs}} = errors;
47 +var {{=$valid}};
48 +
49 +{{## def.callRuleValidate:
50 + {{=$validateCode}}.call(
51 + {{? it.opts.passContext }}this{{??}}self{{?}}
52 + {{? $compile || $rDef.schema === false }}
53 + , {{=$data}}
54 + {{??}}
55 + , {{=$schemaValue}}
56 + , {{=$data}}
57 + , validate.schema{{=it.schemaPath}}
58 + {{?}}
59 + , {{# def.dataPath }}
60 + {{# def.passParentData }}
61 + , rootData
62 + )
63 +#}}
64 +
65 +{{## def.extendErrors:_inline:
66 + for (var {{=$i}}={{=$errs}}; {{=$i}}<errors; {{=$i}}++) {
67 + var {{=$ruleErr}} = vErrors[{{=$i}}];
68 + if ({{=$ruleErr}}.dataPath === undefined)
69 + {{=$ruleErr}}.dataPath = (dataPath || '') + {{= it.errorPath }};
70 + {{# _inline ? 'if (\{\{=$ruleErr\}\}.schemaPath === undefined) {' : '' }}
71 + {{=$ruleErr}}.schemaPath = "{{=$errSchemaPath}}";
72 + {{# _inline ? '}' : '' }}
73 + {{? it.opts.verbose }}
74 + {{=$ruleErr}}.schema = {{=$schemaValue}};
75 + {{=$ruleErr}}.data = {{=$data}};
76 + {{?}}
77 + }
78 +#}}
79 +
80 +
81 +{{? $isData && $rDef.$data }}
82 + {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }}
83 + if ({{=$schemaValue}} === undefined) {
84 + {{=$valid}} = true;
85 + } else {
86 + {{? $validateSchema }}
87 + {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }}
88 + {{=$valid}} = {{=$definition}}.validateSchema({{=$schemaValue}});
89 + if ({{=$valid}}) {
90 + {{?}}
91 +{{?}}
92 +
93 +{{? $inline }}
94 + {{? $rDef.statements }}
95 + {{= $ruleValidate.validate }}
96 + {{??}}
97 + {{=$valid}} = {{= $ruleValidate.validate }};
98 + {{?}}
99 +{{?? $macro }}
100 + {{# def.setupNextLevel }}
101 + {{
102 + $it.schema = $ruleValidate.validate;
103 + $it.schemaPath = '';
104 + }}
105 + {{# def.setCompositeRule }}
106 + {{ var $code = it.validate($it).replace(/validate\.schema/g, $validateCode); }}
107 + {{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
108 + {{= $code }}
109 +{{??}}
110 + {{# def.beginDefOut}}
111 + {{# def.callRuleValidate }}
112 + {{# def.storeDefOut:def_callRuleValidate }}
113 +
114 + {{? $rDef.errors === false }}
115 + {{=$valid}} = {{? $asyncKeyword }}await {{?}}{{= def_callRuleValidate }};
116 + {{??}}
117 + {{? $asyncKeyword }}
118 + {{ $ruleErrs = 'customErrors' + $lvl; }}
119 + var {{=$ruleErrs}} = null;
120 + try {
121 + {{=$valid}} = await {{= def_callRuleValidate }};
122 + } catch (e) {
123 + {{=$valid}} = false;
124 + if (e instanceof ValidationError) {{=$ruleErrs}} = e.errors;
125 + else throw e;
126 + }
127 + {{??}}
128 + {{=$ruleErrs}} = null;
129 + {{=$valid}} = {{= def_callRuleValidate }};
130 + {{?}}
131 + {{?}}
132 +{{?}}
133 +
134 +{{? $rDef.modifying }}
135 + if ({{=$parentData}}) {{=$data}} = {{=$parentData}}[{{=$parentDataProperty}}];
136 +{{?}}
137 +
138 +{{= $closingBraces }}
139 +
140 +{{## def.notValidationResult:
141 + {{? $rDef.valid === undefined }}
142 + !{{? $macro }}{{=$nextValid}}{{??}}{{=$valid}}{{?}}
143 + {{??}}
144 + {{= !$rDef.valid }}
145 + {{?}}
146 +#}}
147 +
148 +{{? $rDef.valid }}
149 + {{? $breakOnError }} if (true) { {{?}}
150 +{{??}}
151 + if ({{# def.notValidationResult }}) {
152 + {{ $errorKeyword = $rule.keyword; }}
153 + {{# def.beginDefOut}}
154 + {{# def.error:'custom' }}
155 + {{# def.storeDefOut:def_customError }}
156 +
157 + {{? $inline }}
158 + {{? $rDef.errors }}
159 + {{? $rDef.errors != 'full' }}
160 + {{# def.extendErrors:true }}
161 + {{?}}
162 + {{??}}
163 + {{? $rDef.errors === false}}
164 + {{= def_customError }}
165 + {{??}}
166 + if ({{=$errs}} == errors) {
167 + {{= def_customError }}
168 + } else {
169 + {{# def.extendErrors:true }}
170 + }
171 + {{?}}
172 + {{?}}
173 + {{?? $macro }}
174 + {{# def.extraError:'custom' }}
175 + {{??}}
176 + {{? $rDef.errors === false}}
177 + {{= def_customError }}
178 + {{??}}
179 + if (Array.isArray({{=$ruleErrs}})) {
180 + if (vErrors === null) vErrors = {{=$ruleErrs}};
181 + else vErrors = vErrors.concat({{=$ruleErrs}});
182 + errors = vErrors.length;
183 + {{# def.extendErrors:false }}
184 + } else {
185 + {{= def_customError }}
186 + }
187 + {{?}}
188 + {{?}}
189 +
190 + } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
191 +{{?}}
1 +{{## def.assignDefault:
2 + {{? it.compositeRule }}
3 + {{
4 + if (it.opts.strictDefaults) {
5 + var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored for: ' + $passData;
6 + if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg);
7 + else throw new Error($defaultMsg);
8 + }
9 + }}
10 + {{??}}
11 + if ({{=$passData}} === undefined
12 + {{? it.opts.useDefaults == 'empty' }}
13 + || {{=$passData}} === null
14 + || {{=$passData}} === ''
15 + {{?}}
16 + )
17 + {{=$passData}} = {{? it.opts.useDefaults == 'shared' }}
18 + {{= it.useDefault($sch.default) }}
19 + {{??}}
20 + {{= JSON.stringify($sch.default) }}
21 + {{?}};
22 + {{?}}
23 +#}}
24 +
25 +
26 +{{## def.defaultProperties:
27 + {{
28 + var $schema = it.schema.properties
29 + , $schemaKeys = Object.keys($schema); }}
30 + {{~ $schemaKeys:$propertyKey }}
31 + {{ var $sch = $schema[$propertyKey]; }}
32 + {{? $sch.default !== undefined }}
33 + {{ var $passData = $data + it.util.getProperty($propertyKey); }}
34 + {{# def.assignDefault }}
35 + {{?}}
36 + {{~}}
37 +#}}
38 +
39 +
40 +{{## def.defaultItems:
41 + {{~ it.schema.items:$sch:$i }}
42 + {{? $sch.default !== undefined }}
43 + {{ var $passData = $data + '[' + $i + ']'; }}
44 + {{# def.assignDefault }}
45 + {{?}}
46 + {{~}}
47 +#}}
1 +{{## def.setupKeyword:
2 + {{
3 + var $lvl = it.level;
4 + var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel;
5 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
6 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword);
7 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
8 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
9 + var $errorKeyword;
10 +
11 + var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || '');
12 + var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl;
13 + var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl;
14 + }}
15 +#}}
16 +
17 +
18 +{{## def.setCompositeRule:
19 + {{
20 + var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule;
21 + it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true;
22 + }}
23 +#}}
24 +
25 +
26 +{{## def.resetCompositeRule:
27 + {{ it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; }}
28 +#}}
29 +
30 +
31 +{{## def.setupNextLevel:
32 + {{
33 + var $it = it.util.copy(it);
34 + var $closingBraces = '';
35 + $it.level++;
36 + var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level;
37 + }}
38 +#}}
39 +
40 +
41 +{{## def.ifValid:
42 + {{? $breakOnError }}
43 + if ({{=$valid}}) {
44 + {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }}
45 + {{?}}
46 +#}}
47 +
48 +
49 +{{## def.ifResultValid:
50 + {{? $breakOnError }}
51 + if ({{=$nextValid}}) {
52 + {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }}
53 + {{?}}
54 +#}}
55 +
56 +
57 +{{## def.elseIfValid:
58 + {{? $breakOnError }}
59 + {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }}
60 + else {
61 + {{?}}
62 +#}}
63 +
64 +
65 +{{## def.nonEmptySchema:_schema:
66 + (it.opts.strictKeywords
67 + ? (typeof _schema == 'object' && Object.keys(_schema).length > 0)
68 + || _schema === false
69 + : it.util.schemaHasRules(_schema, it.RULES.all))
70 +#}}
71 +
72 +
73 +{{## def.strLength:
74 + {{? it.opts.unicode === false }}
75 + {{=$data}}.length
76 + {{??}}
77 + ucs2length({{=$data}})
78 + {{?}}
79 +#}}
80 +
81 +
82 +{{## def.willOptimize:
83 + it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2
84 +#}}
85 +
86 +
87 +{{## def.generateSubschemaCode:
88 + {{
89 + var $code = it.validate($it);
90 + $it.baseId = $currentBaseId;
91 + }}
92 +#}}
93 +
94 +
95 +{{## def.insertSubschemaCode:
96 + {{= it.validate($it) }}
97 + {{ $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; }}
98 +#}}
99 +
100 +
101 +{{## def._optimizeValidate:
102 + it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)
103 +#}}
104 +
105 +
106 +{{## def.optimizeValidate:
107 + {{? {{# def.willOptimize}} }}
108 + {{= {{# def._optimizeValidate }} }}
109 + {{??}}
110 + var {{=$nextData}} = {{=$passData}};
111 + {{= $code }}
112 + {{?}}
113 +#}}
114 +
115 +
116 +{{## def.$data:
117 + {{
118 + var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data
119 + , $schemaValue;
120 + }}
121 + {{? $isData }}
122 + var schema{{=$lvl}} = {{= it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr) }};
123 + {{ $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; }}
124 + {{??}}
125 + {{ $schemaValue = $schema; }}
126 + {{?}}
127 +#}}
128 +
129 +
130 +{{## def.$dataNotType:_type:
131 + {{?$isData}} ({{=$schemaValue}} !== undefined && typeof {{=$schemaValue}} != _type) || {{?}}
132 +#}}
133 +
134 +
135 +{{## def.check$dataIsArray:
136 + if (schema{{=$lvl}} === undefined) {{=$valid}} = true;
137 + else if (!Array.isArray(schema{{=$lvl}})) {{=$valid}} = false;
138 + else {
139 +#}}
140 +
141 +
142 +{{## def.numberKeyword:
143 + {{? !($isData || typeof $schema == 'number') }}
144 + {{ throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); }}
145 + {{?}}
146 +#}}
147 +
148 +
149 +{{## def.beginDefOut:
150 + {{
151 + var $$outStack = $$outStack || [];
152 + $$outStack.push(out);
153 + out = '';
154 + }}
155 +#}}
156 +
157 +
158 +{{## def.storeDefOut:_variable:
159 + {{
160 + var _variable = out;
161 + out = $$outStack.pop();
162 + }}
163 +#}}
164 +
165 +
166 +{{## def.dataPath:(dataPath || ''){{? it.errorPath != '""'}} + {{= it.errorPath }}{{?}}#}}
167 +
168 +{{## def.setParentData:
169 + {{
170 + var $parentData = $dataLvl ? 'data' + (($dataLvl-1)||'') : 'parentData'
171 + , $parentDataProperty = $dataLvl ? it.dataPathArr[$dataLvl] : 'parentDataProperty';
172 + }}
173 +#}}
174 +
175 +{{## def.passParentData:
176 + {{# def.setParentData }}
177 + , {{= $parentData }}
178 + , {{= $parentDataProperty }}
179 +#}}
180 +
181 +
182 +{{## def.iterateProperties:
183 + {{? $ownProperties }}
184 + {{=$dataProperties}} = {{=$dataProperties}} || Object.keys({{=$data}});
185 + for (var {{=$idx}}=0; {{=$idx}}<{{=$dataProperties}}.length; {{=$idx}}++) {
186 + var {{=$key}} = {{=$dataProperties}}[{{=$idx}}];
187 + {{??}}
188 + for (var {{=$key}} in {{=$data}}) {
189 + {{?}}
190 +#}}
191 +
192 +
193 +{{## def.noPropertyInData:
194 + {{=$useData}} === undefined
195 + {{? $ownProperties }}
196 + || !{{# def.isOwnProperty }}
197 + {{?}}
198 +#}}
199 +
200 +
201 +{{## def.isOwnProperty:
202 + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call({{=$data}}, '{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)}}')
203 +#}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.missing }}
4 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
5 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
6 +
7 +
8 +{{## def.propertyInData:
9 + {{=$data}}{{= it.util.getProperty($property) }} !== undefined
10 + {{? $ownProperties }}
11 + && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call({{=$data}}, '{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($property)}}')
12 + {{?}}
13 +#}}
14 +
15 +
16 +{{
17 + var $schemaDeps = {}
18 + , $propertyDeps = {}
19 + , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties;
20 +
21 + for ($property in $schema) {
22 + if ($property == '__proto__') continue;
23 + var $sch = $schema[$property];
24 + var $deps = Array.isArray($sch) ? $propertyDeps : $schemaDeps;
25 + $deps[$property] = $sch;
26 + }
27 +}}
28 +
29 +var {{=$errs}} = errors;
30 +
31 +{{ var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath; }}
32 +
33 +var missing{{=$lvl}};
34 +{{ for (var $property in $propertyDeps) { }}
35 + {{ $deps = $propertyDeps[$property]; }}
36 + {{? $deps.length }}
37 + if ({{# def.propertyInData }}
38 + {{? $breakOnError }}
39 + && ({{# def.checkMissingProperty:$deps }})) {
40 + {{# def.errorMissingProperty:'dependencies' }}
41 + {{??}}
42 + ) {
43 + {{~ $deps:$propertyKey }}
44 + {{# def.allErrorsMissingProperty:'dependencies' }}
45 + {{~}}
46 + {{?}}
47 + } {{# def.elseIfValid }}
48 + {{?}}
49 +{{ } }}
50 +
51 +{{
52 + it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath;
53 + var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId;
54 +}}
55 +
56 +
57 +{{ for (var $property in $schemaDeps) { }}
58 + {{ var $sch = $schemaDeps[$property]; }}
59 + {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }}
60 + {{=$nextValid}} = true;
61 +
62 + if ({{# def.propertyInData }}) {
63 + {{
64 + $it.schema = $sch;
65 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($property);
66 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($property);
67 + }}
68 +
69 + {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }}
70 + }
71 +
72 + {{# def.ifResultValid }}
73 + {{?}}
74 +{{ } }}
75 +
76 +{{? $breakOnError }}
77 + {{= $closingBraces }}
78 + if ({{=$errs}} == errors) {
79 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{
7 + var $i = 'i' + $lvl
8 + , $vSchema = 'schema' + $lvl;
9 +}}
10 +
11 +{{? !$isData }}
12 + var {{=$vSchema}} = validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}};
13 +{{?}}
14 +var {{=$valid}};
15 +
16 +{{?$isData}}{{# def.check$dataIsArray }}{{?}}
17 +
18 +{{=$valid}} = false;
19 +
20 +for (var {{=$i}}=0; {{=$i}}<{{=$vSchema}}.length; {{=$i}}++)
21 + if (equal({{=$data}}, {{=$vSchema}}[{{=$i}}])) {
22 + {{=$valid}} = true;
23 + break;
24 + }
25 +
26 +{{? $isData }} } {{?}}
27 +
28 +{{# def.checkError:'enum' }}
29 +
30 +{{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +
3 +{{## def._error:_rule:
4 + {{ 'istanbul ignore else'; }}
5 + {{? it.createErrors !== false }}
6 + {
7 + keyword: '{{= $errorKeyword || _rule }}'
8 + , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + {{= it.errorPath }}
9 + , schemaPath: {{=it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)}}
10 + , params: {{# def._errorParams[_rule] }}
11 + {{? it.opts.messages !== false }}
12 + , message: {{# def._errorMessages[_rule] }}
13 + {{?}}
14 + {{? it.opts.verbose }}
15 + , schema: {{# def._errorSchemas[_rule] }}
16 + , parentSchema: validate.schema{{=it.schemaPath}}
17 + , data: {{=$data}}
18 + {{?}}
19 + }
20 + {{??}}
21 + {}
22 + {{?}}
23 +#}}
24 +
25 +
26 +{{## def._addError:_rule:
27 + if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err];
28 + else vErrors.push(err);
29 + errors++;
30 +#}}
31 +
32 +
33 +{{## def.addError:_rule:
34 + var err = {{# def._error:_rule }};
35 + {{# def._addError:_rule }}
36 +#}}
37 +
38 +
39 +{{## def.error:_rule:
40 + {{# def.beginDefOut}}
41 + {{# def._error:_rule }}
42 + {{# def.storeDefOut:__err }}
43 +
44 + {{? !it.compositeRule && $breakOnError }}
45 + {{ 'istanbul ignore if'; }}
46 + {{? it.async }}
47 + throw new ValidationError([{{=__err}}]);
48 + {{??}}
49 + validate.errors = [{{=__err}}];
50 + return false;
51 + {{?}}
52 + {{??}}
53 + var err = {{=__err}};
54 + {{# def._addError:_rule }}
55 + {{?}}
56 +#}}
57 +
58 +
59 +{{## def.extraError:_rule:
60 + {{# def.addError:_rule}}
61 + {{? !it.compositeRule && $breakOnError }}
62 + {{ 'istanbul ignore if'; }}
63 + {{? it.async }}
64 + throw new ValidationError(vErrors);
65 + {{??}}
66 + validate.errors = vErrors;
67 + return false;
68 + {{?}}
69 + {{?}}
70 +#}}
71 +
72 +
73 +{{## def.checkError:_rule:
74 + if (!{{=$valid}}) {
75 + {{# def.error:_rule }}
76 + }
77 +#}}
78 +
79 +
80 +{{## def.resetErrors:
81 + errors = {{=$errs}};
82 + if (vErrors !== null) {
83 + if ({{=$errs}}) vErrors.length = {{=$errs}};
84 + else vErrors = null;
85 + }
86 +#}}
87 +
88 +
89 +{{## def.concatSchema:{{?$isData}}' + {{=$schemaValue}} + '{{??}}{{=$schema}}{{?}}#}}
90 +{{## def.appendSchema:{{?$isData}}' + {{=$schemaValue}}{{??}}{{=$schemaValue}}'{{?}}#}}
91 +{{## def.concatSchemaEQ:{{?$isData}}' + {{=$schemaValue}} + '{{??}}{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)}}{{?}}#}}
92 +
93 +{{## def._errorMessages = {
94 + 'false schema': "'boolean schema is false'",
95 + $ref: "'can\\\'t resolve reference {{=it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)}}'",
96 + additionalItems: "'should NOT have more than {{=$schema.length}} items'",
97 + additionalProperties: "'{{? it.opts._errorDataPathProperty }}is an invalid additional property{{??}}should NOT have additional properties{{?}}'",
98 + anyOf: "'should match some schema in anyOf'",
99 + const: "'should be equal to constant'",
100 + contains: "'should contain a valid item'",
101 + dependencies: "'should have {{? $deps.length == 1 }}property {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps[0]) }}{{??}}properties {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps.join(\", \")) }}{{?}} when property {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($property) }} is present'",
102 + 'enum': "'should be equal to one of the allowed values'",
103 + format: "'should match format \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'",
104 + 'if': "'should match \"' + {{=$ifClause}} + '\" schema'",
105 + _limit: "'should be {{=$opStr}} {{#def.appendSchema}}",
106 + _exclusiveLimit: "'{{=$exclusiveKeyword}} should be boolean'",
107 + _limitItems: "'should NOT have {{?$keyword=='maxItems'}}more{{??}}fewer{{?}} than {{#def.concatSchema}} items'",
108 + _limitLength: "'should NOT be {{?$keyword=='maxLength'}}longer{{??}}shorter{{?}} than {{#def.concatSchema}} characters'",
109 + _limitProperties:"'should NOT have {{?$keyword=='maxProperties'}}more{{??}}fewer{{?}} than {{#def.concatSchema}} properties'",
110 + multipleOf: "'should be multiple of {{#def.appendSchema}}",
111 + not: "'should NOT be valid'",
112 + oneOf: "'should match exactly one schema in oneOf'",
113 + pattern: "'should match pattern \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'",
114 + propertyNames: "'property name \\'{{=$invalidName}}\\' is invalid'",
115 + required: "'{{? it.opts._errorDataPathProperty }}is a required property{{??}}should have required property \\'{{=$missingProperty}}\\'{{?}}'",
116 + type: "'should be {{? $typeIsArray }}{{= $typeSchema.join(\",\") }}{{??}}{{=$typeSchema}}{{?}}'",
117 + uniqueItems: "'should NOT have duplicate items (items ## ' + j + ' and ' + i + ' are identical)'",
118 + custom: "'should pass \"{{=$rule.keyword}}\" keyword validation'",
119 + patternRequired: "'should have property matching pattern \\'{{=$missingPattern}}\\''",
120 + switch: "'should pass \"switch\" keyword validation'",
121 + _formatLimit: "'should be {{=$opStr}} \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'",
122 + _formatExclusiveLimit: "'{{=$exclusiveKeyword}} should be boolean'"
123 +} #}}
124 +
125 +
126 +{{## def.schemaRefOrVal: {{?$isData}}validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}{{??}}{{=$schema}}{{?}} #}}
127 +{{## def.schemaRefOrQS: {{?$isData}}validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}{{??}}{{=it.util.toQuotedString($schema)}}{{?}} #}}
128 +
129 +{{## def._errorSchemas = {
130 + 'false schema': "false",
131 + $ref: "{{=it.util.toQuotedString($schema)}}",
132 + additionalItems: "false",
133 + additionalProperties: "false",
134 + anyOf: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
135 + const: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
136 + contains: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
137 + dependencies: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
138 + 'enum': "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
139 + format: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}",
140 + 'if': "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
141 + _limit: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
142 + _exclusiveLimit: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
143 + _limitItems: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
144 + _limitLength: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
145 + _limitProperties:"{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
146 + multipleOf: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
147 + not: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
148 + oneOf: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
149 + pattern: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}",
150 + propertyNames: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
151 + required: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
152 + type: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
153 + uniqueItems: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}",
154 + custom: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
155 + patternRequired: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
156 + switch: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}",
157 + _formatLimit: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}",
158 + _formatExclusiveLimit: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}"
159 +} #}}
160 +
161 +
162 +{{## def.schemaValueQS: {{?$isData}}{{=$schemaValue}}{{??}}{{=it.util.toQuotedString($schema)}}{{?}} #}}
163 +
164 +{{## def._errorParams = {
165 + 'false schema': "{}",
166 + $ref: "{ ref: '{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)}}' }",
167 + additionalItems: "{ limit: {{=$schema.length}} }",
168 + additionalProperties: "{ additionalProperty: '{{=$additionalProperty}}' }",
169 + anyOf: "{}",
170 + const: "{ allowedValue: schema{{=$lvl}} }",
171 + contains: "{}",
172 + dependencies: "{ property: '{{= it.util.escapeQuotes($property) }}', missingProperty: '{{=$missingProperty}}', depsCount: {{=$deps.length}}, deps: '{{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps.length==1 ? $deps[0] : $deps.join(\", \")) }}' }",
173 + 'enum': "{ allowedValues: schema{{=$lvl}} }",
174 + format: "{ format: {{#def.schemaValueQS}} }",
175 + 'if': "{ failingKeyword: {{=$ifClause}} }",
176 + _limit: "{ comparison: {{=$opExpr}}, limit: {{=$schemaValue}}, exclusive: {{=$exclusive}} }",
177 + _exclusiveLimit: "{}",
178 + _limitItems: "{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }",
179 + _limitLength: "{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }",
180 + _limitProperties:"{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }",
181 + multipleOf: "{ multipleOf: {{=$schemaValue}} }",
182 + not: "{}",
183 + oneOf: "{ passingSchemas: {{=$passingSchemas}} }",
184 + pattern: "{ pattern: {{#def.schemaValueQS}} }",
185 + propertyNames: "{ propertyName: '{{=$invalidName}}' }",
186 + required: "{ missingProperty: '{{=$missingProperty}}' }",
187 + type: "{ type: '{{? $typeIsArray }}{{= $typeSchema.join(\",\") }}{{??}}{{=$typeSchema}}{{?}}' }",
188 + uniqueItems: "{ i: i, j: j }",
189 + custom: "{ keyword: '{{=$rule.keyword}}' }",
190 + patternRequired: "{ missingPattern: '{{=$missingPattern}}' }",
191 + switch: "{ caseIndex: {{=$caseIndex}} }",
192 + _formatLimit: "{ comparison: {{=$opExpr}}, limit: {{#def.schemaValueQS}}, exclusive: {{=$exclusive}} }",
193 + _formatExclusiveLimit: "{}"
194 +} #}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +
5 +{{## def.skipFormat:
6 + {{? $breakOnError }} if (true) { {{?}}
7 + {{ return out; }}
8 +#}}
9 +
10 +{{? it.opts.format === false }}{{# def.skipFormat }}{{?}}
11 +
12 +
13 +{{# def.$data }}
14 +
15 +
16 +{{## def.$dataCheckFormat:
17 + {{# def.$dataNotType:'string' }}
18 + ({{? $unknownFormats != 'ignore' }}
19 + ({{=$schemaValue}} && !{{=$format}}
20 + {{? $allowUnknown }}
21 + && self._opts.unknownFormats.indexOf({{=$schemaValue}}) == -1
22 + {{?}}) ||
23 + {{?}}
24 + ({{=$format}} && {{=$formatType}} == '{{=$ruleType}}'
25 + && !(typeof {{=$format}} == 'function'
26 + ? {{? it.async}}
27 + (async{{=$lvl}} ? await {{=$format}}({{=$data}}) : {{=$format}}({{=$data}}))
28 + {{??}}
29 + {{=$format}}({{=$data}})
30 + {{?}}
31 + : {{=$format}}.test({{=$data}}))))
32 +#}}
33 +
34 +{{## def.checkFormat:
35 + {{
36 + var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema);
37 + if ($isObject) $formatRef += '.validate';
38 + }}
39 + {{? typeof $format == 'function' }}
40 + {{=$formatRef}}({{=$data}})
41 + {{??}}
42 + {{=$formatRef}}.test({{=$data}})
43 + {{?}}
44 +#}}
45 +
46 +
47 +{{
48 + var $unknownFormats = it.opts.unknownFormats
49 + , $allowUnknown = Array.isArray($unknownFormats);
50 +}}
51 +
52 +{{? $isData }}
53 + {{
54 + var $format = 'format' + $lvl
55 + , $isObject = 'isObject' + $lvl
56 + , $formatType = 'formatType' + $lvl;
57 + }}
58 + var {{=$format}} = formats[{{=$schemaValue}}];
59 + var {{=$isObject}} = typeof {{=$format}} == 'object'
60 + && !({{=$format}} instanceof RegExp)
61 + && {{=$format}}.validate;
62 + var {{=$formatType}} = {{=$isObject}} && {{=$format}}.type || 'string';
63 + if ({{=$isObject}}) {
64 + {{? it.async}}
65 + var async{{=$lvl}} = {{=$format}}.async;
66 + {{?}}
67 + {{=$format}} = {{=$format}}.validate;
68 + }
69 + if ({{# def.$dataCheckFormat }}) {
70 +{{??}}
71 + {{ var $format = it.formats[$schema]; }}
72 + {{? !$format }}
73 + {{? $unknownFormats == 'ignore' }}
74 + {{ it.logger.warn('unknown format "' + $schema + '" ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); }}
75 + {{# def.skipFormat }}
76 + {{?? $allowUnknown && $unknownFormats.indexOf($schema) >= 0 }}
77 + {{# def.skipFormat }}
78 + {{??}}
79 + {{ throw new Error('unknown format "' + $schema + '" is used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); }}
80 + {{?}}
81 + {{?}}
82 + {{
83 + var $isObject = typeof $format == 'object'
84 + && !($format instanceof RegExp)
85 + && $format.validate;
86 + var $formatType = $isObject && $format.type || 'string';
87 + if ($isObject) {
88 + var $async = $format.async === true;
89 + $format = $format.validate;
90 + }
91 + }}
92 + {{? $formatType != $ruleType }}
93 + {{# def.skipFormat }}
94 + {{?}}
95 + {{? $async }}
96 + {{
97 + if (!it.async) throw new Error('async format in sync schema');
98 + var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema) + '.validate';
99 + }}
100 + if (!(await {{=$formatRef}}({{=$data}}))) {
101 + {{??}}
102 + if (!{{# def.checkFormat }}) {
103 + {{?}}
104 +{{?}}
105 + {{# def.error:'format' }}
106 + } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +
7 +{{## def.validateIfClause:_clause:
8 + {{
9 + $it.schema = it.schema['_clause'];
10 + $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '._clause';
11 + $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/_clause';
12 + }}
13 + {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }}
14 + {{=$valid}} = {{=$nextValid}};
15 + {{? $thenPresent && $elsePresent }}
16 + {{ $ifClause = 'ifClause' + $lvl; }}
17 + var {{=$ifClause}} = '_clause';
18 + {{??}}
19 + {{ $ifClause = '\'_clause\''; }}
20 + {{?}}
21 +#}}
22 +
23 +{{
24 + var $thenSch = it.schema['then']
25 + , $elseSch = it.schema['else']
26 + , $thenPresent = $thenSch !== undefined && {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$thenSch }}
27 + , $elsePresent = $elseSch !== undefined && {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$elseSch }}
28 + , $currentBaseId = $it.baseId;
29 +}}
30 +
31 +{{? $thenPresent || $elsePresent }}
32 + {{
33 + var $ifClause;
34 + $it.createErrors = false;
35 + $it.schema = $schema;
36 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath;
37 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath;
38 + }}
39 + var {{=$errs}} = errors;
40 + var {{=$valid}} = true;
41 +
42 + {{# def.setCompositeRule }}
43 + {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }}
44 + {{ $it.createErrors = true; }}
45 + {{# def.resetErrors }}
46 + {{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
47 +
48 + {{? $thenPresent }}
49 + if ({{=$nextValid}}) {
50 + {{# def.validateIfClause:then }}
51 + }
52 + {{? $elsePresent }}
53 + else {
54 + {{?}}
55 + {{??}}
56 + if (!{{=$nextValid}}) {
57 + {{?}}
58 +
59 + {{? $elsePresent }}
60 + {{# def.validateIfClause:else }}
61 + }
62 + {{?}}
63 +
64 + if (!{{=$valid}}) {
65 + {{# def.extraError:'if' }}
66 + }
67 + {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
68 +{{??}}
69 + {{? $breakOnError }}
70 + if (true) {
71 + {{?}}
72 +{{?}}
73 +
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +
7 +{{## def.validateItems:startFrom:
8 + for (var {{=$idx}} = {{=startFrom}}; {{=$idx}} < {{=$data}}.length; {{=$idx}}++) {
9 + {{
10 + $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true);
11 + var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']';
12 + $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx;
13 + }}
14 +
15 + {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }}
16 + {{# def.optimizeValidate }}
17 +
18 + {{? $breakOnError }}
19 + if (!{{=$nextValid}}) break;
20 + {{?}}
21 + }
22 +#}}
23 +
24 +{{
25 + var $idx = 'i' + $lvl
26 + , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1
27 + , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt
28 + , $currentBaseId = it.baseId;
29 +}}
30 +
31 +var {{=$errs}} = errors;
32 +var {{=$valid}};
33 +
34 +{{? Array.isArray($schema) }}
35 + {{ /* 'items' is an array of schemas */}}
36 + {{ var $additionalItems = it.schema.additionalItems; }}
37 + {{? $additionalItems === false }}
38 + {{=$valid}} = {{=$data}}.length <= {{= $schema.length }};
39 + {{
40 + var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath;
41 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems';
42 + }}
43 + {{# def.checkError:'additionalItems' }}
44 + {{ $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; }}
45 + {{# def.elseIfValid}}
46 + {{?}}
47 +
48 + {{~ $schema:$sch:$i }}
49 + {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }}
50 + {{=$nextValid}} = true;
51 +
52 + if ({{=$data}}.length > {{=$i}}) {
53 + {{
54 + var $passData = $data + '[' + $i + ']';
55 + $it.schema = $sch;
56 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']';
57 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i;
58 + $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $i, it.opts.jsonPointers, true);
59 + $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $i;
60 + }}
61 +
62 + {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }}
63 + {{# def.optimizeValidate }}
64 + }
65 +
66 + {{# def.ifResultValid }}
67 + {{?}}
68 + {{~}}
69 +
70 + {{? typeof $additionalItems == 'object' && {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$additionalItems }} }}
71 + {{
72 + $it.schema = $additionalItems;
73 + $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalItems';
74 + $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems';
75 + }}
76 + {{=$nextValid}} = true;
77 +
78 + if ({{=$data}}.length > {{= $schema.length }}) {
79 + {{# def.validateItems: $schema.length }}
80 + }
81 +
82 + {{# def.ifResultValid }}
83 + {{?}}
84 +
85 +{{?? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }} }}
86 + {{ /* 'items' is a single schema */}}
87 + {{
88 + $it.schema = $schema;
89 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath;
90 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath;
91 + }}
92 + {{# def.validateItems: 0 }}
93 +{{?}}
94 +
95 +{{? $breakOnError }}
96 + {{= $closingBraces }}
97 + if ({{=$errs}} == errors) {
98 +{{?}}
1 +{{## def.checkMissingProperty:_properties:
2 + {{~ _properties:$propertyKey:$i }}
3 + {{?$i}} || {{?}}
4 + {{
5 + var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey)
6 + , $useData = $data + $prop;
7 + }}
8 + ( ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) && (missing{{=$lvl}} = {{= it.util.toQuotedString(it.opts.jsonPointers ? $propertyKey : $prop) }}) )
9 + {{~}}
10 +#}}
11 +
12 +
13 +{{## def.errorMissingProperty:_error:
14 + {{
15 + var $propertyPath = 'missing' + $lvl
16 + , $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \'';
17 + if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) {
18 + it.errorPath = it.opts.jsonPointers
19 + ? it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, true)
20 + : $currentErrorPath + ' + ' + $propertyPath;
21 + }
22 + }}
23 + {{# def.error:_error }}
24 +#}}
25 +
26 +
27 +{{## def.allErrorsMissingProperty:_error:
28 + {{
29 + var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey)
30 + , $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)
31 + , $useData = $data + $prop;
32 + if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) {
33 + it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers);
34 + }
35 + }}
36 + if ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) {
37 + {{# def.addError:_error }}
38 + }
39 +#}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{# def.numberKeyword }}
7 +
8 +var division{{=$lvl}};
9 +if ({{?$isData}}
10 + {{=$schemaValue}} !== undefined && (
11 + typeof {{=$schemaValue}} != 'number' ||
12 + {{?}}
13 + (division{{=$lvl}} = {{=$data}} / {{=$schemaValue}},
14 + {{? it.opts.multipleOfPrecision }}
15 + Math.abs(Math.round(division{{=$lvl}}) - division{{=$lvl}}) > 1e-{{=it.opts.multipleOfPrecision}}
16 + {{??}}
17 + division{{=$lvl}} !== parseInt(division{{=$lvl}})
18 + {{?}}
19 + )
20 + {{?$isData}} ) {{?}} ) {
21 + {{# def.error:'multipleOf' }}
22 +} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +{{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }} }}
7 + {{
8 + $it.schema = $schema;
9 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath;
10 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath;
11 + }}
12 +
13 + var {{=$errs}} = errors;
14 +
15 + {{# def.setCompositeRule }}
16 +
17 + {{
18 + $it.createErrors = false;
19 + var $allErrorsOption;
20 + if ($it.opts.allErrors) {
21 + $allErrorsOption = $it.opts.allErrors;
22 + $it.opts.allErrors = false;
23 + }
24 + }}
25 + {{= it.validate($it) }}
26 + {{
27 + $it.createErrors = true;
28 + if ($allErrorsOption) $it.opts.allErrors = $allErrorsOption;
29 + }}
30 +
31 + {{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
32 +
33 + if ({{=$nextValid}}) {
34 + {{# def.error:'not' }}
35 + } else {
36 + {{# def.resetErrors }}
37 + {{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}}
38 +{{??}}
39 + {{# def.addError:'not' }}
40 + {{? $breakOnError}}
41 + if (false) {
42 + {{?}}
43 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +{{
7 + var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId
8 + , $prevValid = 'prevValid' + $lvl
9 + , $passingSchemas = 'passingSchemas' + $lvl;
10 +}}
11 +
12 +var {{=$errs}} = errors
13 + , {{=$prevValid}} = false
14 + , {{=$valid}} = false
15 + , {{=$passingSchemas}} = null;
16 +
17 +{{# def.setCompositeRule }}
18 +
19 +{{~ $schema:$sch:$i }}
20 + {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }}
21 + {{
22 + $it.schema = $sch;
23 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']';
24 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i;
25 + }}
26 +
27 + {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }}
28 + {{??}}
29 + var {{=$nextValid}} = true;
30 + {{?}}
31 +
32 + {{? $i }}
33 + if ({{=$nextValid}} && {{=$prevValid}}) {
34 + {{=$valid}} = false;
35 + {{=$passingSchemas}} = [{{=$passingSchemas}}, {{=$i}}];
36 + } else {
37 + {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }}
38 + {{?}}
39 +
40 + if ({{=$nextValid}}) {
41 + {{=$valid}} = {{=$prevValid}} = true;
42 + {{=$passingSchemas}} = {{=$i}};
43 + }
44 +{{~}}
45 +
46 +{{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
47 +
48 +{{= $closingBraces }}
49 +
50 +if (!{{=$valid}}) {
51 + {{# def.extraError:'oneOf' }}
52 +} else {
53 + {{# def.resetErrors }}
54 +{{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +{{
7 + var $regexp = $isData
8 + ? '(new RegExp(' + $schemaValue + '))'
9 + : it.usePattern($schema);
10 +}}
11 +
12 +if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'string' }} !{{=$regexp}}.test({{=$data}}) ) {
13 + {{# def.error:'pattern' }}
14 +} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +
7 +{{## def.validateAdditional:
8 + {{ /* additionalProperties is schema */
9 + $it.schema = $aProperties;
10 + $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalProperties';
11 + $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties';
12 + $it.errorPath = it.opts._errorDataPathProperty
13 + ? it.errorPath
14 + : it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers);
15 + var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']';
16 + $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key;
17 + }}
18 +
19 + {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }}
20 + {{# def.optimizeValidate }}
21 +#}}
22 +
23 +
24 +{{
25 + var $key = 'key' + $lvl
26 + , $idx = 'idx' + $lvl
27 + , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1
28 + , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt
29 + , $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl;
30 +
31 + var $schemaKeys = Object.keys($schema || {}).filter(notProto)
32 + , $pProperties = it.schema.patternProperties || {}
33 + , $pPropertyKeys = Object.keys($pProperties).filter(notProto)
34 + , $aProperties = it.schema.additionalProperties
35 + , $someProperties = $schemaKeys.length || $pPropertyKeys.length
36 + , $noAdditional = $aProperties === false
37 + , $additionalIsSchema = typeof $aProperties == 'object'
38 + && Object.keys($aProperties).length
39 + , $removeAdditional = it.opts.removeAdditional
40 + , $checkAdditional = $noAdditional || $additionalIsSchema || $removeAdditional
41 + , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties
42 + , $currentBaseId = it.baseId;
43 +
44 + var $required = it.schema.required;
45 + if ($required && !(it.opts.$data && $required.$data) && $required.length < it.opts.loopRequired) {
46 + var $requiredHash = it.util.toHash($required);
47 + }
48 +
49 + function notProto(p) { return p !== '__proto__'; }
50 +}}
51 +
52 +
53 +var {{=$errs}} = errors;
54 +var {{=$nextValid}} = true;
55 +{{? $ownProperties }}
56 + var {{=$dataProperties}} = undefined;
57 +{{?}}
58 +
59 +{{? $checkAdditional }}
60 + {{# def.iterateProperties }}
61 + {{? $someProperties }}
62 + var isAdditional{{=$lvl}} = !(false
63 + {{? $schemaKeys.length }}
64 + {{? $schemaKeys.length > 8 }}
65 + || validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}.hasOwnProperty({{=$key}})
66 + {{??}}
67 + {{~ $schemaKeys:$propertyKey }}
68 + || {{=$key}} == {{= it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey) }}
69 + {{~}}
70 + {{?}}
71 + {{?}}
72 + {{? $pPropertyKeys.length }}
73 + {{~ $pPropertyKeys:$pProperty:$i }}
74 + || {{= it.usePattern($pProperty) }}.test({{=$key}})
75 + {{~}}
76 + {{?}}
77 + );
78 +
79 + if (isAdditional{{=$lvl}}) {
80 + {{?}}
81 + {{? $removeAdditional == 'all' }}
82 + delete {{=$data}}[{{=$key}}];
83 + {{??}}
84 + {{
85 + var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath;
86 + var $additionalProperty = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \'';
87 + if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) {
88 + it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers);
89 + }
90 + }}
91 + {{? $noAdditional }}
92 + {{? $removeAdditional }}
93 + delete {{=$data}}[{{=$key}}];
94 + {{??}}
95 + {{=$nextValid}} = false;
96 + {{
97 + var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath;
98 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties';
99 + }}
100 + {{# def.error:'additionalProperties' }}
101 + {{ $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; }}
102 + {{? $breakOnError }} break; {{?}}
103 + {{?}}
104 + {{?? $additionalIsSchema }}
105 + {{? $removeAdditional == 'failing' }}
106 + var {{=$errs}} = errors;
107 + {{# def.setCompositeRule }}
108 +
109 + {{# def.validateAdditional }}
110 +
111 + if (!{{=$nextValid}}) {
112 + errors = {{=$errs}};
113 + if (validate.errors !== null) {
114 + if (errors) validate.errors.length = errors;
115 + else validate.errors = null;
116 + }
117 + delete {{=$data}}[{{=$key}}];
118 + }
119 +
120 + {{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
121 + {{??}}
122 + {{# def.validateAdditional }}
123 + {{? $breakOnError }} if (!{{=$nextValid}}) break; {{?}}
124 + {{?}}
125 + {{?}}
126 + {{ it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; }}
127 + {{?}}
128 + {{? $someProperties }}
129 + }
130 + {{?}}
131 + }
132 +
133 + {{# def.ifResultValid }}
134 +{{?}}
135 +
136 +{{ var $useDefaults = it.opts.useDefaults && !it.compositeRule; }}
137 +
138 +{{? $schemaKeys.length }}
139 + {{~ $schemaKeys:$propertyKey }}
140 + {{ var $sch = $schema[$propertyKey]; }}
141 +
142 + {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch}} }}
143 + {{
144 + var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey)
145 + , $passData = $data + $prop
146 + , $hasDefault = $useDefaults && $sch.default !== undefined;
147 + $it.schema = $sch;
148 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + $prop;
149 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($propertyKey);
150 + $it.errorPath = it.util.getPath(it.errorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers);
151 + $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey);
152 + }}
153 +
154 + {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }}
155 +
156 + {{? {{# def.willOptimize }} }}
157 + {{
158 + $code = {{# def._optimizeValidate }};
159 + var $useData = $passData;
160 + }}
161 + {{??}}
162 + {{ var $useData = $nextData; }}
163 + var {{=$nextData}} = {{=$passData}};
164 + {{?}}
165 +
166 + {{? $hasDefault }}
167 + {{= $code }}
168 + {{??}}
169 + {{? $requiredHash && $requiredHash[$propertyKey] }}
170 + if ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) {
171 + {{=$nextValid}} = false;
172 + {{
173 + var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath
174 + , $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath
175 + , $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey);
176 + if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) {
177 + it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers);
178 + }
179 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/required';
180 + }}
181 + {{# def.error:'required' }}
182 + {{ $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; }}
183 + {{ it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; }}
184 + } else {
185 + {{??}}
186 + {{? $breakOnError }}
187 + if ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) {
188 + {{=$nextValid}} = true;
189 + } else {
190 + {{??}}
191 + if ({{=$useData}} !== undefined
192 + {{? $ownProperties }}
193 + && {{# def.isOwnProperty }}
194 + {{?}}
195 + ) {
196 + {{?}}
197 + {{?}}
198 +
199 + {{= $code }}
200 + }
201 + {{?}} {{ /* $hasDefault */ }}
202 + {{?}} {{ /* def.nonEmptySchema */ }}
203 +
204 + {{# def.ifResultValid }}
205 + {{~}}
206 +{{?}}
207 +
208 +{{? $pPropertyKeys.length }}
209 + {{~ $pPropertyKeys:$pProperty }}
210 + {{ var $sch = $pProperties[$pProperty]; }}
211 +
212 + {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch}} }}
213 + {{
214 + $it.schema = $sch;
215 + $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.patternProperties' + it.util.getProperty($pProperty);
216 + $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/patternProperties/'
217 + + it.util.escapeFragment($pProperty);
218 + }}
219 +
220 + {{# def.iterateProperties }}
221 + if ({{= it.usePattern($pProperty) }}.test({{=$key}})) {
222 + {{
223 + $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers);
224 + var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']';
225 + $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key;
226 + }}
227 +
228 + {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }}
229 + {{# def.optimizeValidate }}
230 +
231 + {{? $breakOnError }} if (!{{=$nextValid}}) break; {{?}}
232 + }
233 + {{? $breakOnError }} else {{=$nextValid}} = true; {{?}}
234 + }
235 +
236 + {{# def.ifResultValid }}
237 + {{?}} {{ /* def.nonEmptySchema */ }}
238 + {{~}}
239 +{{?}}
240 +
241 +
242 +{{? $breakOnError }}
243 + {{= $closingBraces }}
244 + if ({{=$errs}} == errors) {
245 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.setupNextLevel }}
5 +
6 +var {{=$errs}} = errors;
7 +
8 +{{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }} }}
9 + {{
10 + $it.schema = $schema;
11 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath;
12 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath;
13 + }}
14 +
15 + {{
16 + var $key = 'key' + $lvl
17 + , $idx = 'idx' + $lvl
18 + , $i = 'i' + $lvl
19 + , $invalidName = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \''
20 + , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1
21 + , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt
22 + , $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl
23 + , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties
24 + , $currentBaseId = it.baseId;
25 + }}
26 +
27 + {{? $ownProperties }}
28 + var {{=$dataProperties}} = undefined;
29 + {{?}}
30 + {{# def.iterateProperties }}
31 + var startErrs{{=$lvl}} = errors;
32 +
33 + {{ var $passData = $key; }}
34 + {{# def.setCompositeRule }}
35 + {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }}
36 + {{# def.optimizeValidate }}
37 + {{# def.resetCompositeRule }}
38 +
39 + if (!{{=$nextValid}}) {
40 + for (var {{=$i}}=startErrs{{=$lvl}}; {{=$i}}<errors; {{=$i}}++) {
41 + vErrors[{{=$i}}].propertyName = {{=$key}};
42 + }
43 + {{# def.extraError:'propertyNames' }}
44 + {{? $breakOnError }} break; {{?}}
45 + }
46 + }
47 +{{?}}
48 +
49 +{{? $breakOnError }}
50 + {{= $closingBraces }}
51 + if ({{=$errs}} == errors) {
52 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +
5 +{{## def._validateRef:_v:
6 + {{? it.opts.passContext }}
7 + {{=_v}}.call(this,
8 + {{??}}
9 + {{=_v}}(
10 + {{?}}
11 + {{=$data}}, {{# def.dataPath }}{{# def.passParentData }}, rootData)
12 +#}}
13 +
14 +{{ var $async, $refCode; }}
15 +{{? $schema == '#' || $schema == '#/' }}
16 + {{
17 + if (it.isRoot) {
18 + $async = it.async;
19 + $refCode = 'validate';
20 + } else {
21 + $async = it.root.schema.$async === true;
22 + $refCode = 'root.refVal[0]';
23 + }
24 + }}
25 +{{??}}
26 + {{ var $refVal = it.resolveRef(it.baseId, $schema, it.isRoot); }}
27 + {{? $refVal === undefined }}
28 + {{ var $message = it.MissingRefError.message(it.baseId, $schema); }}
29 + {{? it.opts.missingRefs == 'fail' }}
30 + {{ it.logger.error($message); }}
31 + {{# def.error:'$ref' }}
32 + {{? $breakOnError }} if (false) { {{?}}
33 + {{?? it.opts.missingRefs == 'ignore' }}
34 + {{ it.logger.warn($message); }}
35 + {{? $breakOnError }} if (true) { {{?}}
36 + {{??}}
37 + {{ throw new it.MissingRefError(it.baseId, $schema, $message); }}
38 + {{?}}
39 + {{?? $refVal.inline }}
40 + {{# def.setupNextLevel }}
41 + {{
42 + $it.schema = $refVal.schema;
43 + $it.schemaPath = '';
44 + $it.errSchemaPath = $schema;
45 + }}
46 + {{ var $code = it.validate($it).replace(/validate\.schema/g, $refVal.code); }}
47 + {{= $code }}
48 + {{? $breakOnError}}
49 + if ({{=$nextValid}}) {
50 + {{?}}
51 + {{??}}
52 + {{
53 + $async = $refVal.$async === true || (it.async && $refVal.$async !== false);
54 + $refCode = $refVal.code;
55 + }}
56 + {{?}}
57 +{{?}}
58 +
59 +{{? $refCode }}
60 + {{# def.beginDefOut}}
61 + {{# def._validateRef:$refCode }}
62 + {{# def.storeDefOut:__callValidate }}
63 +
64 + {{? $async }}
65 + {{ if (!it.async) throw new Error('async schema referenced by sync schema'); }}
66 + {{? $breakOnError }} var {{=$valid}}; {{?}}
67 + try {
68 + await {{=__callValidate}};
69 + {{? $breakOnError }} {{=$valid}} = true; {{?}}
70 + } catch (e) {
71 + if (!(e instanceof ValidationError)) throw e;
72 + if (vErrors === null) vErrors = e.errors;
73 + else vErrors = vErrors.concat(e.errors);
74 + errors = vErrors.length;
75 + {{? $breakOnError }} {{=$valid}} = false; {{?}}
76 + }
77 + {{? $breakOnError }} if ({{=$valid}}) { {{?}}
78 + {{??}}
79 + if (!{{=__callValidate}}) {
80 + if (vErrors === null) vErrors = {{=$refCode}}.errors;
81 + else vErrors = vErrors.concat({{=$refCode}}.errors);
82 + errors = vErrors.length;
83 + } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
84 + {{?}}
85 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.missing }}
4 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
5 +{{# def.$data }}
6 +
7 +{{ var $vSchema = 'schema' + $lvl; }}
8 +
9 +{{## def.setupLoop:
10 + {{? !$isData }}
11 + var {{=$vSchema}} = validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}};
12 + {{?}}
13 +
14 + {{
15 + var $i = 'i' + $lvl
16 + , $propertyPath = 'schema' + $lvl + '[' + $i + ']'
17 + , $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \'';
18 + if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) {
19 + it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, it.opts.jsonPointers);
20 + }
21 + }}
22 +#}}
23 +
24 +
25 +{{## def.isRequiredOwnProperty:
26 + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call({{=$data}}, {{=$vSchema}}[{{=$i}}])
27 +#}}
28 +
29 +
30 +{{? !$isData }}
31 + {{? $schema.length < it.opts.loopRequired &&
32 + it.schema.properties && Object.keys(it.schema.properties).length }}
33 + {{ var $required = []; }}
34 + {{~ $schema:$property }}
35 + {{ var $propertySch = it.schema.properties[$property]; }}
36 + {{? !($propertySch && {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$propertySch}}) }}
37 + {{ $required[$required.length] = $property; }}
38 + {{?}}
39 + {{~}}
40 + {{??}}
41 + {{ var $required = $schema; }}
42 + {{?}}
43 +{{?}}
44 +
45 +
46 +{{? $isData || $required.length }}
47 + {{
48 + var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath
49 + , $loopRequired = $isData || $required.length >= it.opts.loopRequired
50 + , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties;
51 + }}
52 +
53 + {{? $breakOnError }}
54 + var missing{{=$lvl}};
55 + {{? $loopRequired }}
56 + {{# def.setupLoop }}
57 + var {{=$valid}} = true;
58 +
59 + {{?$isData}}{{# def.check$dataIsArray }}{{?}}
60 +
61 + for (var {{=$i}} = 0; {{=$i}} < {{=$vSchema}}.length; {{=$i}}++) {
62 + {{=$valid}} = {{=$data}}[{{=$vSchema}}[{{=$i}}]] !== undefined
63 + {{? $ownProperties }}
64 + && {{# def.isRequiredOwnProperty }}
65 + {{?}};
66 + if (!{{=$valid}}) break;
67 + }
68 +
69 + {{? $isData }} } {{?}}
70 +
71 + {{# def.checkError:'required' }}
72 + else {
73 + {{??}}
74 + if ({{# def.checkMissingProperty:$required }}) {
75 + {{# def.errorMissingProperty:'required' }}
76 + } else {
77 + {{?}}
78 + {{??}}
79 + {{? $loopRequired }}
80 + {{# def.setupLoop }}
81 + {{? $isData }}
82 + if ({{=$vSchema}} && !Array.isArray({{=$vSchema}})) {
83 + {{# def.addError:'required' }}
84 + } else if ({{=$vSchema}} !== undefined) {
85 + {{?}}
86 +
87 + for (var {{=$i}} = 0; {{=$i}} < {{=$vSchema}}.length; {{=$i}}++) {
88 + if ({{=$data}}[{{=$vSchema}}[{{=$i}}]] === undefined
89 + {{? $ownProperties }}
90 + || !{{# def.isRequiredOwnProperty }}
91 + {{?}}) {
92 + {{# def.addError:'required' }}
93 + }
94 + }
95 +
96 + {{? $isData }} } {{?}}
97 + {{??}}
98 + {{~ $required:$propertyKey }}
99 + {{# def.allErrorsMissingProperty:'required' }}
100 + {{~}}
101 + {{?}}
102 + {{?}}
103 +
104 + {{ it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; }}
105 +
106 +{{?? $breakOnError }}
107 + if (true) {
108 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.setupKeyword }}
4 +{{# def.$data }}
5 +
6 +
7 +{{? ($schema || $isData) && it.opts.uniqueItems !== false }}
8 + {{? $isData }}
9 + var {{=$valid}};
10 + if ({{=$schemaValue}} === false || {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined)
11 + {{=$valid}} = true;
12 + else if (typeof {{=$schemaValue}} != 'boolean')
13 + {{=$valid}} = false;
14 + else {
15 + {{?}}
16 +
17 + var i = {{=$data}}.length
18 + , {{=$valid}} = true
19 + , j;
20 + if (i > 1) {
21 + {{
22 + var $itemType = it.schema.items && it.schema.items.type
23 + , $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($itemType);
24 + }}
25 + {{? !$itemType || $itemType == 'object' || $itemType == 'array' ||
26 + ($typeIsArray && ($itemType.indexOf('object') >= 0 || $itemType.indexOf('array') >= 0)) }}
27 + outer:
28 + for (;i--;) {
29 + for (j = i; j--;) {
30 + if (equal({{=$data}}[i], {{=$data}}[j])) {
31 + {{=$valid}} = false;
32 + break outer;
33 + }
34 + }
35 + }
36 + {{??}}
37 + var itemIndices = {}, item;
38 + for (;i--;) {
39 + var item = {{=$data}}[i];
40 + {{ var $method = 'checkDataType' + ($typeIsArray ? 's' : ''); }}
41 + if ({{= it.util[$method]($itemType, 'item', it.opts.strictNumbers, true) }}) continue;
42 + {{? $typeIsArray}}
43 + if (typeof item == 'string') item = '"' + item;
44 + {{?}}
45 + if (typeof itemIndices[item] == 'number') {
46 + {{=$valid}} = false;
47 + j = itemIndices[item];
48 + break;
49 + }
50 + itemIndices[item] = i;
51 + }
52 + {{?}}
53 + }
54 +
55 + {{? $isData }} } {{?}}
56 +
57 + if (!{{=$valid}}) {
58 + {{# def.error:'uniqueItems' }}
59 + } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}}
60 +{{??}}
61 + {{? $breakOnError }} if (true) { {{?}}
62 +{{?}}
1 +{{# def.definitions }}
2 +{{# def.errors }}
3 +{{# def.defaults }}
4 +{{# def.coerce }}
5 +
6 +{{ /**
7 + * schema compilation (render) time:
8 + * it = { schema, RULES, _validate, opts }
9 + * it.validate - this template function,
10 + * it is used recursively to generate code for subschemas
11 + *
12 + * runtime:
13 + * "validate" is a variable name to which this function will be assigned
14 + * validateRef etc. are defined in the parent scope in index.js
15 + */ }}
16 +
17 +{{
18 + var $async = it.schema.$async === true
19 + , $refKeywords = it.util.schemaHasRulesExcept(it.schema, it.RULES.all, '$ref')
20 + , $id = it.self._getId(it.schema);
21 +}}
22 +
23 +{{
24 + if (it.opts.strictKeywords) {
25 + var $unknownKwd = it.util.schemaUnknownRules(it.schema, it.RULES.keywords);
26 + if ($unknownKwd) {
27 + var $keywordsMsg = 'unknown keyword: ' + $unknownKwd;
28 + if (it.opts.strictKeywords === 'log') it.logger.warn($keywordsMsg);
29 + else throw new Error($keywordsMsg);
30 + }
31 + }
32 +}}
33 +
34 +{{? it.isTop }}
35 + var validate = {{?$async}}{{it.async = true;}}async {{?}}function(data, dataPath, parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData) {
36 + 'use strict';
37 + {{? $id && (it.opts.sourceCode || it.opts.processCode) }}
38 + {{= '/\*# sourceURL=' + $id + ' */' }}
39 + {{?}}
40 +{{?}}
41 +
42 +{{? typeof it.schema == 'boolean' || !($refKeywords || it.schema.$ref) }}
43 + {{ var $keyword = 'false schema'; }}
44 + {{# def.setupKeyword }}
45 + {{? it.schema === false}}
46 + {{? it.isTop}}
47 + {{ $breakOnError = true; }}
48 + {{??}}
49 + var {{=$valid}} = false;
50 + {{?}}
51 + {{# def.error:'false schema' }}
52 + {{??}}
53 + {{? it.isTop}}
54 + {{? $async }}
55 + return data;
56 + {{??}}
57 + validate.errors = null;
58 + return true;
59 + {{?}}
60 + {{??}}
61 + var {{=$valid}} = true;
62 + {{?}}
63 + {{?}}
64 +
65 + {{? it.isTop}}
66 + };
67 + return validate;
68 + {{?}}
69 +
70 + {{ return out; }}
71 +{{?}}
72 +
73 +
74 +{{? it.isTop }}
75 + {{
76 + var $top = it.isTop
77 + , $lvl = it.level = 0
78 + , $dataLvl = it.dataLevel = 0
79 + , $data = 'data';
80 + it.rootId = it.resolve.fullPath(it.self._getId(it.root.schema));
81 + it.baseId = it.baseId || it.rootId;
82 + delete it.isTop;
83 +
84 + it.dataPathArr = [""];
85 +
86 + if (it.schema.default !== undefined && it.opts.useDefaults && it.opts.strictDefaults) {
87 + var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored in the schema root';
88 + if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg);
89 + else throw new Error($defaultMsg);
90 + }
91 + }}
92 +
93 + var vErrors = null; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }}
94 + var errors = 0; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }}
95 + if (rootData === undefined) rootData = data; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }}
96 +{{??}}
97 + {{
98 + var $lvl = it.level
99 + , $dataLvl = it.dataLevel
100 + , $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || '');
101 +
102 + if ($id) it.baseId = it.resolve.url(it.baseId, $id);
103 +
104 + if ($async && !it.async) throw new Error('async schema in sync schema');
105 + }}
106 +
107 + var errs_{{=$lvl}} = errors;
108 +{{?}}
109 +
110 +{{
111 + var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl
112 + , $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors
113 + , $closingBraces1 = ''
114 + , $closingBraces2 = '';
115 +
116 + var $errorKeyword;
117 + var $typeSchema = it.schema.type
118 + , $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($typeSchema);
119 +
120 + if ($typeSchema && it.opts.nullable && it.schema.nullable === true) {
121 + if ($typeIsArray) {
122 + if ($typeSchema.indexOf('null') == -1)
123 + $typeSchema = $typeSchema.concat('null');
124 + } else if ($typeSchema != 'null') {
125 + $typeSchema = [$typeSchema, 'null'];
126 + $typeIsArray = true;
127 + }
128 + }
129 +
130 + if ($typeIsArray && $typeSchema.length == 1) {
131 + $typeSchema = $typeSchema[0];
132 + $typeIsArray = false;
133 + }
134 +}}
135 +
136 +{{## def.checkType:
137 + {{
138 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type'
139 + , $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type'
140 + , $method = $typeIsArray ? 'checkDataTypes' : 'checkDataType';
141 + }}
142 +
143 + if ({{= it.util[$method]($typeSchema, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers, true) }}) {
144 +#}}
145 +
146 +{{? it.schema.$ref && $refKeywords }}
147 + {{? it.opts.extendRefs == 'fail' }}
148 + {{ throw new Error('$ref: validation keywords used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '" (see option extendRefs)'); }}
149 + {{?? it.opts.extendRefs !== true }}
150 + {{
151 + $refKeywords = false;
152 + it.logger.warn('$ref: keywords ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"');
153 + }}
154 + {{?}}
155 +{{?}}
156 +
157 +{{? it.schema.$comment && it.opts.$comment }}
158 + {{= it.RULES.all.$comment.code(it, '$comment') }}
159 +{{?}}
160 +
161 +{{? $typeSchema }}
162 + {{? it.opts.coerceTypes }}
163 + {{ var $coerceToTypes = it.util.coerceToTypes(it.opts.coerceTypes, $typeSchema); }}
164 + {{?}}
165 +
166 + {{ var $rulesGroup = it.RULES.types[$typeSchema]; }}
167 + {{? $coerceToTypes || $typeIsArray || $rulesGroup === true ||
168 + ($rulesGroup && !$shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup)) }}
169 + {{
170 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type'
171 + , $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type';
172 + }}
173 + {{# def.checkType }}
174 + {{? $coerceToTypes }}
175 + {{# def.coerceType }}
176 + {{??}}
177 + {{# def.error:'type' }}
178 + {{?}}
179 + }
180 + {{?}}
181 +{{?}}
182 +
183 +
184 +{{? it.schema.$ref && !$refKeywords }}
185 + {{= it.RULES.all.$ref.code(it, '$ref') }}
186 + {{? $breakOnError }}
187 + }
188 + if (errors === {{?$top}}0{{??}}errs_{{=$lvl}}{{?}}) {
189 + {{ $closingBraces2 += '}'; }}
190 + {{?}}
191 +{{??}}
192 + {{~ it.RULES:$rulesGroup }}
193 + {{? $shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup) }}
194 + {{? $rulesGroup.type }}
195 + if ({{= it.util.checkDataType($rulesGroup.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers) }}) {
196 + {{?}}
197 + {{? it.opts.useDefaults }}
198 + {{? $rulesGroup.type == 'object' && it.schema.properties }}
199 + {{# def.defaultProperties }}
200 + {{?? $rulesGroup.type == 'array' && Array.isArray(it.schema.items) }}
201 + {{# def.defaultItems }}
202 + {{?}}
203 + {{?}}
204 + {{~ $rulesGroup.rules:$rule }}
205 + {{? $shouldUseRule($rule) }}
206 + {{ var $code = $rule.code(it, $rule.keyword, $rulesGroup.type); }}
207 + {{? $code }}
208 + {{= $code }}
209 + {{? $breakOnError }}
210 + {{ $closingBraces1 += '}'; }}
211 + {{?}}
212 + {{?}}
213 + {{?}}
214 + {{~}}
215 + {{? $breakOnError }}
216 + {{= $closingBraces1 }}
217 + {{ $closingBraces1 = ''; }}
218 + {{?}}
219 + {{? $rulesGroup.type }}
220 + }
221 + {{? $typeSchema && $typeSchema === $rulesGroup.type && !$coerceToTypes }}
222 + else {
223 + {{
224 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type'
225 + , $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type';
226 + }}
227 + {{# def.error:'type' }}
228 + }
229 + {{?}}
230 + {{?}}
231 +
232 + {{? $breakOnError }}
233 + if (errors === {{?$top}}0{{??}}errs_{{=$lvl}}{{?}}) {
234 + {{ $closingBraces2 += '}'; }}
235 + {{?}}
236 + {{?}}
237 + {{~}}
238 +{{?}}
239 +
240 +{{? $breakOnError }} {{= $closingBraces2 }} {{?}}
241 +
242 +{{? $top }}
243 + {{? $async }}
244 + if (errors === 0) return data; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }}
245 + else throw new ValidationError(vErrors); {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }}
246 + {{??}}
247 + validate.errors = vErrors; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }}
248 + return errors === 0; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }}
249 + {{?}}
250 + };
251 +
252 + return validate;
253 +{{??}}
254 + var {{=$valid}} = errors === errs_{{=$lvl}};
255 +{{?}}
256 +
257 +{{
258 + function $shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup) {
259 + var rules = $rulesGroup.rules;
260 + for (var i=0; i < rules.length; i++)
261 + if ($shouldUseRule(rules[i]))
262 + return true;
263 + }
264 +
265 + function $shouldUseRule($rule) {
266 + return it.schema[$rule.keyword] !== undefined ||
267 + ($rule.implements && $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule));
268 + }
269 +
270 + function $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule) {
271 + var impl = $rule.implements;
272 + for (var i=0; i < impl.length; i++)
273 + if (it.schema[impl[i]] !== undefined)
274 + return true;
275 + }
276 +}}
1 +These files are compiled dot templates from dot folder.
2 +
3 +Do NOT edit them directly, edit the templates and run `npm run build` from main ajv folder.
1 +'use strict';
2 +module.exports = function generate__limit(it, $keyword, $ruleType) {
3 + var out = ' ';
4 + var $lvl = it.level;
5 + var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel;
6 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
7 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword);
8 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
9 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
10 + var $errorKeyword;
11 + var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || '');
12 + var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data,
13 + $schemaValue;
14 + if ($isData) {
15 + out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; ';
16 + $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl;
17 + } else {
18 + $schemaValue = $schema;
19 + }
20 + var $isMax = $keyword == 'maximum',
21 + $exclusiveKeyword = $isMax ? 'exclusiveMaximum' : 'exclusiveMinimum',
22 + $schemaExcl = it.schema[$exclusiveKeyword],
23 + $isDataExcl = it.opts.$data && $schemaExcl && $schemaExcl.$data,
24 + $op = $isMax ? '<' : '>',
25 + $notOp = $isMax ? '>' : '<',
26 + $errorKeyword = undefined;
27 + if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number' || $schema === undefined)) {
28 + throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number');
29 + }
30 + if (!($isDataExcl || $schemaExcl === undefined || typeof $schemaExcl == 'number' || typeof $schemaExcl == 'boolean')) {
31 + throw new Error($exclusiveKeyword + ' must be number or boolean');
32 + }
33 + if ($isDataExcl) {
34 + var $schemaValueExcl = it.util.getData($schemaExcl.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr),
35 + $exclusive = 'exclusive' + $lvl,
36 + $exclType = 'exclType' + $lvl,
37 + $exclIsNumber = 'exclIsNumber' + $lvl,
38 + $opExpr = 'op' + $lvl,
39 + $opStr = '\' + ' + $opExpr + ' + \'';
40 + out += ' var schemaExcl' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + '; ';
41 + $schemaValueExcl = 'schemaExcl' + $lvl;
42 + out += ' var ' + ($exclusive) + '; var ' + ($exclType) + ' = typeof ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + '; if (' + ($exclType) + ' != \'boolean\' && ' + ($exclType) + ' != \'undefined\' && ' + ($exclType) + ' != \'number\') { ';
43 + var $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
44 + var $$outStack = $$outStack || [];
45 + $$outStack.push(out);
46 + out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */
47 + if (it.createErrors !== false) {
48 + out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_exclusiveLimit') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} ';
49 + if (it.opts.messages !== false) {
50 + out += ' , message: \'' + ($exclusiveKeyword) + ' should be boolean\' ';
51 + }
52 + if (it.opts.verbose) {
53 + out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' ';
54 + }
55 + out += ' } ';
56 + } else {
57 + out += ' {} ';
58 + }
59 + var __err = out;
60 + out = $$outStack.pop();
61 + if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) {
62 + /* istanbul ignore if */
63 + if (it.async) {
64 + out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); ';
65 + } else {
66 + out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; ';
67 + }
68 + } else {
69 + out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ';
70 + }
71 + out += ' } else if ( ';
72 + if ($isData) {
73 + out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || ';
74 + }
75 + out += ' ' + ($exclType) + ' == \'number\' ? ( (' + ($exclusive) + ' = ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined || ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' ' + ($op) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ') ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) : ( (' + ($exclusive) + ' = ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' === true) ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { var op' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($exclusive) + ' ? \'' + ($op) + '\' : \'' + ($op) + '=\'; ';
76 + if ($schema === undefined) {
77 + $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
78 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword;
79 + $schemaValue = $schemaValueExcl;
80 + $isData = $isDataExcl;
81 + }
82 + } else {
83 + var $exclIsNumber = typeof $schemaExcl == 'number',
84 + $opStr = $op;
85 + if ($exclIsNumber && $isData) {
86 + var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\'';
87 + out += ' if ( ';
88 + if ($isData) {
89 + out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || ';
90 + }
91 + out += ' ( ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined || ' + ($schemaExcl) + ' ' + ($op) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaExcl) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { ';
92 + } else {
93 + if ($exclIsNumber && $schema === undefined) {
94 + $exclusive = true;
95 + $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
96 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword;
97 + $schemaValue = $schemaExcl;
98 + $notOp += '=';
99 + } else {
100 + if ($exclIsNumber) $schemaValue = Math[$isMax ? 'min' : 'max']($schemaExcl, $schema);
101 + if ($schemaExcl === ($exclIsNumber ? $schemaValue : true)) {
102 + $exclusive = true;
103 + $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword;
104 + $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword;
105 + $notOp += '=';
106 + } else {
107 + $exclusive = false;
108 + $opStr += '=';
109 + }
110 + }
111 + var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\'';
112 + out += ' if ( ';
113 + if ($isData) {
114 + out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || ';
115 + }
116 + out += ' ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { ';
117 + }
118 + }
119 + $errorKeyword = $errorKeyword || $keyword;
120 + var $$outStack = $$outStack || [];
121 + $$outStack.push(out);
122 + out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */
123 + if (it.createErrors !== false) {
124 + out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limit') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { comparison: ' + ($opExpr) + ', limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ', exclusive: ' + ($exclusive) + ' } ';
125 + if (it.opts.messages !== false) {
126 + out += ' , message: \'should be ' + ($opStr) + ' ';
127 + if ($isData) {
128 + out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue);
129 + } else {
130 + out += '' + ($schemaValue) + '\'';
131 + }
132 + }
133 + if (it.opts.verbose) {
134 + out += ' , schema: ';
135 + if ($isData) {
136 + out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath);
137 + } else {
138 + out += '' + ($schema);
139 + }
140 + out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' ';
141 + }
142 + out += ' } ';
143 + } else {
144 + out += ' {} ';
145 + }
146 + var __err = out;
147 + out = $$outStack.pop();
148 + if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) {
149 + /* istanbul ignore if */
150 + if (it.async) {
151 + out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); ';
152 + } else {
153 + out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; ';
154 + }
155 + } else {
156 + out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ';
157 + }
158 + out += ' } ';
159 + if ($breakOnError) {
160 + out += ' else { ';
161 + }
162 + return out;
163 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +module.exports = function generate__limitItems(it, $keyword, $ruleType) {
3 + var out = ' ';
4 + var $lvl = it.level;
5 + var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel;
6 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
7 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword);
8 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
9 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
10 + var $errorKeyword;
11 + var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || '');
12 + var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data,
13 + $schemaValue;
14 + if ($isData) {
15 + out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; ';
16 + $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl;
17 + } else {
18 + $schemaValue = $schema;
19 + }
20 + if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) {
21 + throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number');
22 + }
23 + var $op = $keyword == 'maxItems' ? '>' : '<';
24 + out += 'if ( ';
25 + if ($isData) {
26 + out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || ';
27 + }
28 + out += ' ' + ($data) + '.length ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { ';
29 + var $errorKeyword = $keyword;
30 + var $$outStack = $$outStack || [];
31 + $$outStack.push(out);
32 + out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */
33 + if (it.createErrors !== false) {
34 + out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitItems') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } ';
35 + if (it.opts.messages !== false) {
36 + out += ' , message: \'should NOT have ';
37 + if ($keyword == 'maxItems') {
38 + out += 'more';
39 + } else {
40 + out += 'fewer';
41 + }
42 + out += ' than ';
43 + if ($isData) {
44 + out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \'';
45 + } else {
46 + out += '' + ($schema);
47 + }
48 + out += ' items\' ';
49 + }
50 + if (it.opts.verbose) {
51 + out += ' , schema: ';
52 + if ($isData) {
53 + out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath);
54 + } else {
55 + out += '' + ($schema);
56 + }
57 + out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' ';
58 + }
59 + out += ' } ';
60 + } else {
61 + out += ' {} ';
62 + }
63 + var __err = out;
64 + out = $$outStack.pop();
65 + if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) {
66 + /* istanbul ignore if */
67 + if (it.async) {
68 + out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); ';
69 + } else {
70 + out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; ';
71 + }
72 + } else {
73 + out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ';
74 + }
75 + out += '} ';
76 + if ($breakOnError) {
77 + out += ' else { ';
78 + }
79 + return out;
80 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +module.exports = function generate__limitLength(it, $keyword, $ruleType) {
3 + var out = ' ';
4 + var $lvl = it.level;
5 + var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel;
6 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
7 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword);
8 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
9 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
10 + var $errorKeyword;
11 + var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || '');
12 + var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data,
13 + $schemaValue;
14 + if ($isData) {
15 + out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; ';
16 + $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl;
17 + } else {
18 + $schemaValue = $schema;
19 + }
20 + if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) {
21 + throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number');
22 + }
23 + var $op = $keyword == 'maxLength' ? '>' : '<';
24 + out += 'if ( ';
25 + if ($isData) {
26 + out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || ';
27 + }
28 + if (it.opts.unicode === false) {
29 + out += ' ' + ($data) + '.length ';
30 + } else {
31 + out += ' ucs2length(' + ($data) + ') ';
32 + }
33 + out += ' ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { ';
34 + var $errorKeyword = $keyword;
35 + var $$outStack = $$outStack || [];
36 + $$outStack.push(out);
37 + out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */
38 + if (it.createErrors !== false) {
39 + out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitLength') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } ';
40 + if (it.opts.messages !== false) {
41 + out += ' , message: \'should NOT be ';
42 + if ($keyword == 'maxLength') {
43 + out += 'longer';
44 + } else {
45 + out += 'shorter';
46 + }
47 + out += ' than ';
48 + if ($isData) {
49 + out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \'';
50 + } else {
51 + out += '' + ($schema);
52 + }
53 + out += ' characters\' ';
54 + }
55 + if (it.opts.verbose) {
56 + out += ' , schema: ';
57 + if ($isData) {
58 + out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath);
59 + } else {
60 + out += '' + ($schema);
61 + }
62 + out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' ';
63 + }
64 + out += ' } ';
65 + } else {
66 + out += ' {} ';
67 + }
68 + var __err = out;
69 + out = $$outStack.pop();
70 + if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) {
71 + /* istanbul ignore if */
72 + if (it.async) {
73 + out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); ';
74 + } else {
75 + out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; ';
76 + }
77 + } else {
78 + out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ';
79 + }
80 + out += '} ';
81 + if ($breakOnError) {
82 + out += ' else { ';
83 + }
84 + return out;
85 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +module.exports = function generate__limitProperties(it, $keyword, $ruleType) {
3 + var out = ' ';
4 + var $lvl = it.level;
5 + var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel;
6 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
7 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword);
8 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
9 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
10 + var $errorKeyword;
11 + var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || '');
12 + var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data,
13 + $schemaValue;
14 + if ($isData) {
15 + out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; ';
16 + $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl;
17 + } else {
18 + $schemaValue = $schema;
19 + }
20 + if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) {
21 + throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number');
22 + }
23 + var $op = $keyword == 'maxProperties' ? '>' : '<';
24 + out += 'if ( ';
25 + if ($isData) {
26 + out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || ';
27 + }
28 + out += ' Object.keys(' + ($data) + ').length ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { ';
29 + var $errorKeyword = $keyword;
30 + var $$outStack = $$outStack || [];
31 + $$outStack.push(out);
32 + out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */
33 + if (it.createErrors !== false) {
34 + out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitProperties') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } ';
35 + if (it.opts.messages !== false) {
36 + out += ' , message: \'should NOT have ';
37 + if ($keyword == 'maxProperties') {
38 + out += 'more';
39 + } else {
40 + out += 'fewer';
41 + }
42 + out += ' than ';
43 + if ($isData) {
44 + out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \'';
45 + } else {
46 + out += '' + ($schema);
47 + }
48 + out += ' properties\' ';
49 + }
50 + if (it.opts.verbose) {
51 + out += ' , schema: ';
52 + if ($isData) {
53 + out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath);
54 + } else {
55 + out += '' + ($schema);
56 + }
57 + out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' ';
58 + }
59 + out += ' } ';
60 + } else {
61 + out += ' {} ';
62 + }
63 + var __err = out;
64 + out = $$outStack.pop();
65 + if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) {
66 + /* istanbul ignore if */
67 + if (it.async) {
68 + out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); ';
69 + } else {
70 + out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; ';
71 + }
72 + } else {
73 + out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ';
74 + }
75 + out += '} ';
76 + if ($breakOnError) {
77 + out += ' else { ';
78 + }
79 + return out;
80 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +module.exports = function generate_allOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) {
3 + var out = ' ';
4 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
5 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword);
6 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
7 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
8 + var $it = it.util.copy(it);
9 + var $closingBraces = '';
10 + $it.level++;
11 + var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level;
12 + var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId,
13 + $allSchemasEmpty = true;
14 + var arr1 = $schema;
15 + if (arr1) {
16 + var $sch, $i = -1,
17 + l1 = arr1.length - 1;
18 + while ($i < l1) {
19 + $sch = arr1[$i += 1];
20 + if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) {
21 + $allSchemasEmpty = false;
22 + $it.schema = $sch;
23 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']';
24 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i;
25 + out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' ';
26 + $it.baseId = $currentBaseId;
27 + if ($breakOnError) {
28 + out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { ';
29 + $closingBraces += '}';
30 + }
31 + }
32 + }
33 + }
34 + if ($breakOnError) {
35 + if ($allSchemasEmpty) {
36 + out += ' if (true) { ';
37 + } else {
38 + out += ' ' + ($closingBraces.slice(0, -1)) + ' ';
39 + }
40 + }
41 + return out;
42 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +module.exports = function generate_anyOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) {
3 + var out = ' ';
4 + var $lvl = it.level;
5 + var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel;
6 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
7 + var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword);
8 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
9 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
10 + var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || '');
11 + var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl;
12 + var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl;
13 + var $it = it.util.copy(it);
14 + var $closingBraces = '';
15 + $it.level++;
16 + var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level;
17 + var $noEmptySchema = $schema.every(function($sch) {
18 + return (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all));
19 + });
20 + if ($noEmptySchema) {
21 + var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId;
22 + out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; var ' + ($valid) + ' = false; ';
23 + var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule;
24 + it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true;
25 + var arr1 = $schema;
26 + if (arr1) {
27 + var $sch, $i = -1,
28 + l1 = arr1.length - 1;
29 + while ($i < l1) {
30 + $sch = arr1[$i += 1];
31 + $it.schema = $sch;
32 + $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']';
33 + $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i;
34 + out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' ';
35 + $it.baseId = $currentBaseId;
36 + out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($valid) + ' || ' + ($nextValid) + '; if (!' + ($valid) + ') { ';
37 + $closingBraces += '}';
38 + }
39 + }
40 + it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite;
41 + out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */
42 + if (it.createErrors !== false) {
43 + out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('anyOf') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} ';
44 + if (it.opts.messages !== false) {
45 + out += ' , message: \'should match some schema in anyOf\' ';
46 + }
47 + if (it.opts.verbose) {
48 + out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' ';
49 + }
50 + out += ' } ';
51 + } else {
52 + out += ' {} ';
53 + }
54 + out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ';
55 + if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) {
56 + /* istanbul ignore if */
57 + if (it.async) {
58 + out += ' throw new ValidationError(vErrors); ';
59 + } else {
60 + out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; return false; ';
61 + }
62 + }
63 + out += ' } else { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } ';
64 + if (it.opts.allErrors) {
65 + out += ' } ';
66 + }
67 + } else {
68 + if ($breakOnError) {
69 + out += ' if (true) { ';
70 + }
71 + }
72 + return out;
73 +}
1 +'use strict';
2 +module.exports = function generate_comment(it, $keyword, $ruleType) {
3 + var out = ' ';
4 + var $schema = it.schema[$keyword];
5 + var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword;
6 + var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors;
7 + var $comment = it.util.toQuotedString($schema);
8 + if (it.opts.$comment === true) {
9 + out += ' console.log(' + ($comment) + ');';
10 + } else if (typeof it.opts.$comment == 'function') {
11 + out += ' self._opts.$comment(' + ($comment) + ', ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ', validate.root.schema);';
12 + }
13 + return out;
14 +}
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.