android code

Showing 110 changed files with 3560 additions and 0 deletions
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 +<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
3 + package="com.example.test">
4 +
5 + <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
6 + <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
7 + <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
8 + <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
9 +
10 + <application
11 + android:allowBackup="true"
12 + android:icon="@mipmap/ic_clothes"
13 + android:label="@string/app_name"
14 + android:roundIcon="@mipmap/ic_clothes_round"
15 + android:supportsRtl="true"
16 + android:theme="@style/Theme.Test"
17 + android:usesCleartextTraffic="true">
18 + <activity android:name=".ClothesActivity"></activity>
19 + <activity android:name=".WeatherActivity" />
20 + <activity android:name=".MainActivity"/>
21 + <activity android:name=".SplashActivity">
22 + <intent-filter>
23 + <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
24 + <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
25 + </intent-filter>
26 + </activity>
27 + </application>
28 +
29 +</manifest>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.content.Context;
4 +import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
5 +import android.view.LayoutInflater;
6 +import android.view.View;
7 +import android.view.ViewGroup;
8 +import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
9 +import android.widget.ImageView;
10 +import android.widget.TextView;
11 +
12 +import java.util.ArrayList;
13 +
14 +public class CheckListAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
15 + // Adapter에 추가된 데이터를 저장하기 위한 ArrayList
16 + private ArrayList<CheckListItem> CheckListItemList = new ArrayList<CheckListItem>();
17 +
18 + // ListViewAdapter의 생성자
19 + public CheckListAdapter() {
20 +
21 + }
22 +
23 + // Adapter에 사용되는 데이터의 개수를 리턴.
24 + @Override
25 + public int getCount() {
26 + return CheckListItemList.size();
27 + }
28 +
29 + // position에 위치한 데이터를 화면에 출력하는데 사용될 View를 리턴.
30 + @Override
31 + public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
32 + final int pos = position;
33 + final Context context = parent.getContext();
34 +
35 + // "listview_check" Layout을 inflate하여 convertView 참조 획득.
36 + if (convertView == null) {
37 + LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
38 + convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.listview_check, parent, false);
39 + }
40 +
41 + // 화면에 표시될 View(Layout이 inflate된)으로부터 위젯에 대한 참조 획득
42 + ImageView icon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.check_icon);
43 + TextView checklist = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.input_checklist);
44 +
45 + // Data Set(listViewItemList)에서 position에 위치한 데이터 참조 획득
46 + CheckListItem checklistItem = CheckListItemList.get(position);
47 +
48 + // 아이템 내 각 위젯에 데이터 반영
49 + icon.setImageDrawable(checklistItem.getIcon());
50 + checklist.setText(checklistItem.getCheckList());
51 +
52 + return convertView;
53 + }
54 +
55 + // 지정한 위치(position)에 있는 데이터와 관계된 아이템(row)의 ID를 리턴.
56 + @Override
57 + public long getItemId(int position) {
58 + return position;
59 + }
60 +
61 + // 지정한 위치(position)에 있는 데이터 리턴
62 + @Override
63 + public Object getItem(int position) {
64 + return CheckListItemList.get(position) ;
65 + }
66 +
67 + // 아이템 데이터 추가를 위한 함수
68 + public void addItem(Drawable icon, String temp) {
69 + CheckListItem item = new CheckListItem();
70 +
71 + item.setIcon(icon);
72 + item.setCheckList(temp);
73 +
74 + CheckListItemList.add(item);
75 + }
76 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
4 +
5 +public class CheckListItem {
6 + private Drawable check;
7 + private String list;
8 +
9 + public void setIcon(Drawable icon) {
10 + check = icon ;
11 + }
12 +
13 + public void setCheckList(String checklist) {
14 + list = checklist ;
15 + }
16 +
17 + public Drawable getIcon() {
18 + return this.check ;
19 + }
20 +
21 + public String getCheckList() {
22 + return this.list ;
23 + }
24 +
25 +}
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
4 +import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
5 +
6 +import android.app.AlertDialog;
7 +import android.content.DialogInterface;
8 +import android.content.Intent;
9 +import android.content.res.AssetManager;
10 +import android.graphics.Bitmap;
11 +import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
12 +import android.os.Bundle;
13 +import android.view.View;
14 +import android.view.ViewGroup;
15 +import android.widget.Button;
16 +import android.widget.ImageView;
17 +import android.widget.ListAdapter;
18 +import android.widget.ListView;
19 +import android.widget.TextView;
20 +
21 +import java.io.InputStream;
22 +import java.util.ArrayList;
23 +
24 +
25 +public class ClothesActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
26 +
27 + private Button btn_main;
28 + private Button btn_weather;
29 + public static String start = "";
30 + public static String from = "";
31 + TextView Location;
32 +
33 + ClothesRecommend mClothes;
34 + ClothesActivity cThis;
35 +
36 + TextView input_Average;
37 + TextView input_Perceived;
38 + TextView input_Wind;
39 + TextView input_Precipiation;
40 +
41 + ImageView main_Weather;
42 + ImageView main_Location;
43 + ImageView main_Average;
44 + ImageView main_Perceived;
45 + ImageView main_Wind;
46 + ImageView main_Precipitation;
47 + ImageView today_Cloth;
48 + ImageView recommend;
49 +
50 + Bitmap bitmap_Weather;
51 + Bitmap bitmap_Location;
52 + Bitmap bitmap_temperature;
53 + Bitmap bitmap_Wind;
54 + Bitmap bitmap_Precipitation;
55 + Bitmap bitmap_Today;
56 + Bitmap bitmap_Recommend;
57 +
58 + @Override
59 + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
60 + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
61 + setContentView(R.layout.activity_clothes);
62 +
63 + Initialize();
64 + }
65 +
66 + public void Initialize(){
67 + cThis = this;
68 + Location = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txt_location);
69 +
70 + btn_main = findViewById(R.id.btn_main);//btn_main 아이디 찾기
71 + btn_main.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
72 + @Override
73 + public void onClick(View v) {
74 + //버튼 클릭시 WeatherActivity 에서 MainActivity 로 이동
75 + Intent intent = new Intent(ClothesActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
76 + startActivity(intent);// 이동
77 + }
78 + });
79 +
80 + Intent intent = getIntent();
81 + String code = intent.getStringExtra("code");
82 + String start = intent.getStringExtra("start");
83 + String from = intent.getStringExtra("from");
84 + String leaf = intent.getStringExtra("leaf");
85 + String gender = intent.getStringExtra("gender");
86 +
87 + btn_weather = findViewById(R.id.btn_weather);//btn_weather 아이디 찾기
88 + btn_weather.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
89 + @Override
90 + public void onClick(View v) {
91 + //버튼 클릭시 ClothesActivity 에서 WeatherActivity 로 이동 경로
92 + Intent intent = new Intent(ClothesActivity.this, WeatherActivity.class);
93 + intent.putExtra("code", code); //code에 있는 값 이동
94 + intent.putExtra("start", start); //start에 있는 값 이동
95 + intent.putExtra("from", from); //from에 있는 값 이동
96 + intent.putExtra("leaf", leaf); //leaf에 있는 값 이동
97 + intent.putExtra("gender", gender); //gender에 있는 값 이동
98 + startActivity(intent);// 이동
99 + }
100 + });
101 +
102 +
103 + Location.setText(leaf);
104 + mClothes = new ClothesRecommend((ClothesActivity) cThis);
105 +
106 + ImgUpload();
107 + Recommend(start, from, code, gender);
108 + }
109 +
110 + public void ImgUpload(){
111 + main_Location = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_location);
112 +
113 + main_Average = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_aver);
114 + main_Perceived = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_perceived);
115 + main_Wind = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_wind);
116 + main_Precipitation = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_pop);
117 +
118 + today_Cloth = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.today_cloth);
119 +
120 + AssetManager as = getResources().getAssets();
121 + InputStream is = null;
122 +
123 + try{
124 + is = as.open("location.png");
125 + bitmap_Location = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
126 + main_Location.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Location);
127 + is.close();
128 + }catch(Exception e){
129 + e.printStackTrace();
130 + }
131 +
132 + try{
133 + is = as.open("temperature.png");
134 + bitmap_temperature = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
135 + main_Average.setImageBitmap(bitmap_temperature);
136 + main_Perceived.setImageBitmap(bitmap_temperature);
137 + is.close();
138 + }catch(Exception e){
139 + e.printStackTrace();
140 + }
141 +
142 + try{
143 + is = as.open("wind.png");
144 + bitmap_Wind = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
145 + main_Wind.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Wind);
146 + is.close();
147 + }catch(Exception e){
148 + e.printStackTrace();
149 + }
150 +
151 + try{
152 + is = as.open("pop.png");
153 + bitmap_Precipitation = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
154 + main_Precipitation.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Precipitation);
155 + is.close();
156 + }catch(Exception e){
157 + e.printStackTrace();
158 + }
159 +
160 + try{
161 + is = as.open("today_cloth.png");
162 + bitmap_Today = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
163 + today_Cloth.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Today);
164 + is.close();
165 + }catch(Exception e){
166 + e.printStackTrace();
167 + }
168 + }
169 +
170 + public void Recommend(String start, String from, String code, String gender){
171 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> gData = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
172 +
173 + input_Average = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_aver);
174 + input_Perceived = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_perceived);
175 + input_Wind = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_wind);
176 + input_Precipiation = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_pop);
177 +
178 + // 날씨 정보 Get
179 + mClothes = new ClothesRecommend((ClothesActivity) cThis);
180 + gData = mClothes.AccessWeather(code);
181 +
182 + try {
183 + int tmp = 0;
184 + int tmx = -50; // 가장 높은 온도
185 + int tmn = 50; // 가장 낮은 온도
186 + int vmx = 0; // 가장 센 풍속
187 + int temp = 0; // 평균 온도를 구하기 위한 temp
188 + int stmp = 0; // 평균 온도를 구하기 위한 sumtmp
189 + int cnt = 0; // 평균 온도를 구하기 위한 cnt
190 + int gen = 0; // 성별
191 + int pop = 0; // 강수확률
192 + int mpop = 0; // 최대 강수확률
193 +
194 + ArrayList<Integer> wNum = new ArrayList<>();
195 +
196 + // gData에 접근
197 + for (int i = 0; i < gData.size(); i++) {
198 + String hour = gData.get(i).get(0);
199 + System.out.println(start);
200 + System.out.println(from);
201 + if (start.compareTo(hour) <= 0 && from.compareTo(hour) >= 0) {
202 +
203 + wNum.add(i);
204 + temp = Integer.parseInt(gData.get(i).get(1));
205 + stmp += temp;
206 + cnt += 1;
207 +
208 + tmp = mClothes.Cal_Perceived(gData.get(i).get(1), gData.get(i).get(4));
209 +
210 + // 최고 체감온도 설정
211 + if (tmp > tmx) tmx = tmp;
212 +
213 + // 최저 체감온도 설정
214 + if (tmp < tmn) tmn = tmp;
215 +
216 + double velo = Double.parseDouble(gData.get(i).get(4));
217 +
218 + // 최대 풍속 설정
219 + if (vmx < (int) velo)
220 + vmx = (int) velo;
221 +
222 + pop = Integer.parseInt(gData.get(i).get(6));
223 + if (pop > mpop) {
224 + mpop = pop;
225 + }
226 + }
227 + }
228 +
229 + String main = gData.get(wNum.get(0)).get(5);
230 + main = GetMainWeather(main);
231 +
232 + AssetManager as = getResources().getAssets();
233 + InputStream is = null;
234 +
235 + main_Weather = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.main_weather);
236 +
237 + try {
238 + is = as.open(main + ".png");
239 + bitmap_Weather = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
240 + main_Weather.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Weather);
241 + is.close();
242 + } catch (Exception e) {
243 + e.printStackTrace();
244 + }
245 +
246 + if (cnt != 0) stmp = (stmp / cnt);
247 + if (gender.equals("여자")) gen = 1;
248 + int gap = tmx - tmn;
249 +
250 + ArrayList<Integer> perceived = new ArrayList<Integer>();
251 + perceived.add(mClothes.Cal_Perceived(String.valueOf(stmp),String.valueOf(vmx)));
252 + perceived.add(gen);
253 +
254 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> clothes = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
255 + clothes = mClothes.Recommend(perceived);
256 +
257 + ArrayList<String> wCode = clothes.get(0);
258 + ArrayList<String> Top = clothes.get(1);
259 + ArrayList<String> Bottom = clothes.get(2);
260 +
261 + // 옷 이미지 정보 불러오기
262 + String mCode = wCode.get(0);
263 + recommend = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.recommend);
264 +
265 + try{
266 + is = as.open(mCode + ".png");
267 + bitmap_Recommend = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
268 + recommend.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Recommend);
269 + is.close();
270 + } catch(Exception e){
271 + e.printStackTrace();
272 + }
273 +
274 + input_Average.setText(String.valueOf(stmp) + "°C");
275 + input_Perceived.setText(String.valueOf(tmn) + "°C ~ " + String.valueOf(tmx) + "°C");
276 + input_Wind.setText(String.valueOf(vmx) + "m/s");
277 + input_Precipiation.setText(String.valueOf(mpop) + "%");
278 +
279 + int rain;
280 + if (mpop < 60) {
281 + rain = 0;
282 + } else {
283 + rain = 1;
284 + }
285 +
286 + GetCheckList(MergeList(Top),MergeList(Bottom), gap, vmx, rain);
287 + } catch(Exception e){
288 + AlertDialog.Builder dlg = new AlertDialog.Builder(ClothesActivity.this);
289 + dlg.setMessage("선택한 시간대에 맞는 날씨를 불러올 수 없어 \n현재 날씨로 대체합니다."); // 메시지
290 + dlg.setPositiveButton("확인",new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
291 + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
292 + }
293 + });
294 + dlg.show();
295 +
296 + ArrayList<String> Now = new ArrayList<>();
297 + Now = gData.get(0);
298 +
299 + String main = Now.get(5);
300 + main = GetMainWeather(main);
301 +
302 + AssetManager as = getResources().getAssets();
303 + InputStream is = null;
304 +
305 + main_Weather = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.main_weather);
306 +
307 + try {
308 + is = as.open(main + ".png");
309 + bitmap_Weather = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
310 + main_Weather.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Weather);
311 + is.close();
312 + } catch (Exception E) {
313 + E.printStackTrace();
314 + }
315 +
316 + int temp = mClothes.Cal_Perceived(Now.get(1), Now.get(4));
317 +
318 + input_Average.setText(Now.get(1) + "°C");
319 + input_Perceived.setText(String.valueOf(temp) + "°C");
320 + input_Wind.setText(Now.get(4) + "m/s");
321 + input_Precipiation.setText(Now.get(6) + "%");
322 +
323 + int rain;
324 + if (Integer.parseInt(Now.get(6)) < 60) {
325 + rain = 0;
326 + } else {
327 + rain = 1;
328 + }
329 +
330 + int gen = 0;
331 + if (gender.equals("여자"))
332 + gen = 1;
333 +
334 + ArrayList<Integer> perceived = new ArrayList<Integer>();
335 + perceived.add(temp);
336 + perceived.add(gen);
337 +
338 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> clothes = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
339 + clothes = mClothes.Recommend(perceived);
340 +
341 + ArrayList<String> wCode = clothes.get(0);
342 + ArrayList<String> Top = clothes.get(1);
343 + ArrayList<String> Bottom = clothes.get(2);
344 +
345 + // 옷 이미지 정보 불러오기
346 + String mCode = wCode.get(0);
347 + recommend = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.recommend);
348 +
349 + try{
350 + is = as.open(mCode + ".png");
351 + bitmap_Recommend = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
352 + recommend.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Recommend);
353 + is.close();
354 + } catch(Exception E){
355 + E.printStackTrace();
356 + }
357 +
358 + GetCheckList(MergeList(Top),MergeList(Bottom), 0, Integer.parseInt(Now.get(4)), rain);
359 + }
360 +
361 + }
362 +
363 + public String MergeList(ArrayList<String> list){
364 + String result = list.get(0);
365 +
366 + for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++){
367 + result = result + ", " + list.get(i);
368 + }
369 +
370 + return result;
371 + }
372 +
373 + public String GetMainWeather(String main){
374 + if (main.equals("Clear")) {
375 + main = "wClear";
376 + } else if (main.equals("Partly Cloudy")) {
377 + main = "wPartcloudy";
378 + } else if (main.equals("Mostly Cloudy")) {
379 + main = "wMostcloudy";
380 + } else if (main.equals("Cloudy")) {
381 + main = "wCloudy";
382 + } else if (main.equals("Rain")) {
383 + main = "wRain";
384 + } else if (main.equals("Snow/Rain")) {
385 + main = "wSnowrain";
386 + } else if (main.equals("Snow")) {
387 + main = "wSnow";
388 + }
389 +
390 + return main;
391 + }
392 +
393 + public void GetCheckList(String top, String bottom, int gap, int velo, int rain){
394 + ListView listview ;
395 + CheckListAdapter adapter;
396 +
397 + // Adapter 생성
398 + adapter = new CheckListAdapter() ;
399 +
400 + // 리스트뷰 참조 및 Adapter달기
401 + listview = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.checklist);
402 + listview.setAdapter(adapter);
403 +
404 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "상의는 " + top + "을 추천해요!");
405 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "하의는 " + bottom + "을 추천해요!");
406 +
407 + // 일교차 경고
408 + if (gap >= 10) {
409 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "일교차가 크니 옷차림에 주의하세요.");
410 + }
411 +
412 + // 풍속에 따른 옷 추천
413 + if (velo < 4) {
414 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "바람이 많이 불지 않아요~");
415 + } else if (velo >= 4 && velo < 9) {
416 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "바람이 조금 부니 긴팔이나 가디건을 챙겨주세요.");
417 + } else if (velo >= 9 && velo < 14) {
418 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "바람이 강하니 바람막이나 겉옷을 챙겨주세요.");
419 + } else {
420 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "아주 강한 바람이므로 외출을 자제해주세요.");
421 + }
422 +
423 + // 강수 확률에 따른 옷 추천
424 + if (rain == 0){
425 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "오늘은 비소식이 없네요!");
426 + } else if (rain == 1){
427 + adapter.addItem(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.check), "오늘 비소식이 있으니 우산이나 우비를 챙기세요!!");
428 + }
429 +
430 + setListViewHeightBasedOnChildren(listview);
431 + }
432 +
433 + // 리스트뷰 전체 목록 보이는 함수
434 + public static void setListViewHeightBasedOnChildren(ListView listView) {
435 + ListAdapter listAdapter = listView.getAdapter();
436 + if (listAdapter == null) {
437 + // pre-condition
438 + return;
439 + }
440 +
441 + int totalHeight = 0;
442 + int desiredWidth = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(listView.getWidth(), View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
443 +
444 + for (int i = 0; i < listAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
445 + View listItem = listAdapter.getView(i, null, listView);
446 + listItem.measure(desiredWidth, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
447 + totalHeight += listItem.getMeasuredHeight();
448 + }
449 +
450 + ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = listView.getLayoutParams();
451 + params.height = totalHeight + (listView.getDividerHeight() * (listAdapter.getCount() - 1));
452 + listView.setLayoutParams(params);
453 + listView.requestLayout();
454 + }
455 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.os.StrictMode;
4 +
5 +import java.util.ArrayList;
6 +
7 +public class ClothesRecommend extends Thread {
8 +
9 + ClothesActivity cContext;
10 + WeatherActivity wContext;
11 + WeatherForCast mWeather;
12 +
13 + public ClothesRecommend(ClothesActivity mContext) {
14 + this.cContext = cContext;
15 + }
16 +
17 + public int Cal_Perceived(String Temper, String Velo) {
18 +
19 + int perceived;
20 + double temper = Double.parseDouble(Temper);
21 + double velo = Double.parseDouble(Velo);
22 + perceived = (int) (13.12 + 0.6215 * temper - 11.37 * Math.pow(velo, 0.16) + 0.3965 * Math.pow(velo, 0.16) * temper);
23 +
24 + return perceived;
25 + }
26 +
27 + // 체감온도에 따른 옷추천 (Recommend는 [체감온도, 성별]으로 이루어진 배열)
28 + public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> Recommend(ArrayList<Integer> Recommend){
29 + int perceived = Recommend.get(0);
30 + int gender = Recommend.get(1);
31 +
32 + ArrayList<String> code = new ArrayList<String>();
33 + ArrayList<String> top = new ArrayList<String>();
34 + ArrayList<String> bottom = new ArrayList<String>();
35 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> clothes = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
36 +
37 + if (perceived >= 28){
38 + top.add("민소매");
39 + top.add("반팔");
40 + bottom.add("반바지");
41 + if (gender == 1){
42 + bottom.add("치마");
43 + top.add("원피스");
44 + code.add("11");
45 + } else { code.add("10"); }
46 + } else if (perceived >= 23) {
47 + top.add("반팔");
48 + top.add("얇은 셔츠");
49 + top.add("긴팔");
50 + bottom.add("반바지");
51 + bottom.add("면바지");
52 + if (gender == 1){
53 + bottom.add("치마");
54 + code.add("21");
55 + } else { code.add("20"); }
56 + } else if (perceived >= 20) {
57 + top.add("긴팔");
58 + top.add("가디건");
59 + bottom.add("면바지");
60 + bottom.add("슬랙스");
61 + bottom.add("스키니");
62 + code.add("30");
63 + } else if (perceived >= 17) {
64 + top.add("가디건");
65 + top.add("후드티");
66 + top.add("맨투맨");
67 + bottom.add("청바지");
68 + bottom.add("면바지");
69 + code.add("40");
70 + } else if (perceived >= 12) {
71 + top.add("후드티");
72 + top.add("셔츠");
73 + top.add("가디건");
74 + bottom.add("긴바지");
75 + bottom.add("청바지");
76 + if (gender == 1){
77 + bottom.add("살색스타킹");
78 + code.add("51");
79 + } else { code.add("50"); }
80 + } else if (perceived >= 10) {
81 + top.add("자켓");
82 + top.add("니트");
83 + top.add("트렌치코트");
84 + bottom.add("긴바지");
85 + if (gender == 1){
86 + bottom.add("검정스타킹");
87 + code.add("61");
88 + } else { code.add("60"); }
89 + } else if (perceived >= 4) {
90 + top.add("코트");
91 + top.add("자켓");
92 + top.add("히트텍");
93 + bottom.add("긴바지");
94 + if (gender == 1){
95 + bottom.add("레깅스");
96 + code.add("71");
97 + } else { code.add("70"); }
98 + } else {
99 + top.add("패딩");
100 + top.add("두꺼운 코트");
101 + bottom.add("긴바지");
102 + if (gender == 1) {
103 + bottom.add("레깅스");
104 + code.add("81");
105 + } else { code.add("80"); }
106 + }
107 +
108 + clothes.add(code);
109 + clothes.add(top);
110 + clothes.add(bottom);
111 +
112 + // Return [[이미지 코드], [상의], [하의]]
113 + return clothes;
114 + }
115 +
116 + public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> AccessWeather(String code){
117 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> gData = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
118 + mWeather = new WeatherForCast(code, (WeatherActivity) wContext);
119 + gData = mWeather.GetOpenWeather(code);
120 +
121 + return gData;
122 + }
123 +
124 + @Override
125 + public void run() {
126 + super.run();
127 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
128 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
129 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
130 + }
131 + }
132 +}
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.content.ContentValues;
4 +import android.os.StrictMode;
5 +
6 +import java.io.BufferedReader;
7 +import java.io.IOException;
8 +import java.io.InputStream;
9 +import java.io.InputStreamReader;
10 +import java.net.MalformedURLException;
11 +import java.net.URL;
12 +import java.net.URLConnection;
13 +import java.util.ArrayList;
14 +import java.util.LinkedList;
15 +import java.util.List;
16 +import java.util.regex.Matcher;
17 +import java.util.regex.Pattern;
18 +
19 +import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
20 +import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
21 +import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
22 +import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
23 +
24 +
25 +public class GetAreaCode extends Thread {
26 +
27 + MainActivity mContext;
28 +
29 + public GetAreaCode(MainActivity mContext)
30 + {
31 + this.mContext = mContext;
32 + }
33 +
34 + // 시 리스트 받아오는 함수
35 + public LinkedList GetTopCode(){
36 +
37 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
38 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
39 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
40 + }
41 +
42 + String result;
43 +
44 + URL url = null;
45 +
46 + URLConnection conn;
47 +
48 + JSONParser parser;
49 + JSONArray jArr;
50 + JSONObject jobj;
51 +
52 + //시 검색
53 + try {
54 + url = new URL("http://www.kma.go.kr/DFSROOT/POINT/DATA/top.json.txt");
55 + conn = url.openConnection();
56 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
57 + e.printStackTrace();
58 + } catch (IOException e) {
59 + e.printStackTrace();
60 + }
61 +
62 + LinkedList mArea = new LinkedList();
63 +
64 + try {
65 + InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8");
66 + BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
67 +
68 + result = br.readLine().toString();
69 + br.close();
70 +
71 + parser = new JSONParser();
72 + jArr = (JSONArray) parser.parse(result);
73 +
74 + for (int i = 0; i < jArr.size(); i++) {
75 + jobj = (JSONObject) jArr.get(i);
76 + mArea.add(jobj.get("value"));
77 + }
78 +
79 + } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
80 + e.printStackTrace();
81 + }
82 +
83 + return mArea;
84 + }
85 +
86 + // 시 코드 받아와서 구 검색하는 함수
87 + public LinkedList GetMdlCode(String Top){
88 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
89 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
90 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
91 + }
92 +
93 + String result;
94 + String areaMdl = "종로구";
95 + String code = ""; //지역 코드
96 +
97 + URL url = null;
98 +
99 + URLConnection conn;
100 +
101 + JSONParser parser;
102 + JSONArray jArr;
103 + JSONObject jobj;
104 +
105 + //시 검색
106 + try {
107 + url = new URL("http://www.kma.go.kr/DFSROOT/POINT/DATA/mdl."+Top+".json.txt");
108 + conn = url.openConnection();
109 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
110 + e.printStackTrace();
111 + } catch (IOException e) {
112 + e.printStackTrace();
113 + }
114 +
115 + LinkedList mArea = new LinkedList();
116 +
117 + try {
118 + InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8");
119 + BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
120 +
121 + result = br.readLine().toString();
122 + br.close();
123 +
124 + parser = new JSONParser();
125 + jArr = (JSONArray) parser.parse(result);
126 +
127 + for (int i = 0; i < jArr.size(); i++) {
128 + jobj = (JSONObject) jArr.get(i);
129 +
130 + mArea.add(jobj.get("value"));
131 +
132 + if (jobj.get("value").equals(areaMdl)) {
133 + code = (String) jobj.get("code");
134 + }
135 + }
136 + } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
137 + e.printStackTrace();
138 + }
139 +
140 + return mArea;
141 + }
142 +
143 + // 구 코드 받아와서 동 검색 함수
144 + public LinkedList GetLeafCode(String Mdl){
145 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
146 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
147 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
148 + }
149 +
150 + String result;
151 + String areaLeaf = "종로1가동";
152 + String code = "";
153 +
154 + URL url = null;
155 + URLConnection conn;
156 +
157 + JSONParser parser;
158 + JSONArray jArr;
159 + JSONObject jobj;
160 +
161 + //시 검색
162 + try {
163 + url = new URL("http://www.kma.go.kr/DFSROOT/POINT/DATA/leaf."+Mdl+".json.txt");
164 + conn = url.openConnection();
165 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
166 + e.printStackTrace();
167 + } catch (IOException e) {
168 + e.printStackTrace();
169 + }
170 +
171 + LinkedList mArea = new LinkedList();
172 +
173 + try {
174 + InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8");
175 + BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
176 +
177 + result = br.readLine().toString();
178 + br.close();
179 +
180 + parser = new JSONParser();
181 + jArr = (JSONArray) parser.parse(result);
182 +
183 + for (int i = 0; i < jArr.size(); i++) {
184 + jobj = (JSONObject) jArr.get(i);
185 +
186 + mArea.add(jobj.get("value"));
187 +
188 + if (jobj.get("value").equals(areaLeaf)) {
189 + code = (String) jobj.get("code");
190 + }
191 + }
192 + } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
193 + e.printStackTrace();
194 + }
195 +
196 + return mArea;
197 + }
198 +
199 + // 시 코드 검색하는 함수
200 + public String SearchTop(Object areaTop) {
201 + //areaTop은 시 이름!!! (코드가 아님)
202 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
203 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
204 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
205 + }
206 +
207 + String result;
208 + String code = ""; //지역 코드
209 +
210 + URL url = null;
211 + URLConnection conn;
212 +
213 + JSONParser parser;
214 + JSONArray jArr;
215 + JSONObject jobj;
216 +
217 + //시 검색
218 + try {
219 + url = new URL("http://www.kma.go.kr/DFSROOT/POINT/DATA/top.json.txt");
220 +
221 + conn = url.openConnection();
222 +
223 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
224 + e.printStackTrace();
225 + } catch (IOException e) {
226 + e.printStackTrace();
227 + }
228 +
229 + try {
230 + InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8");
231 + BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
232 +
233 + result = br.readLine().toString();
234 + br.close();
235 +
236 + parser = new JSONParser();
237 + jArr = (JSONArray) parser.parse(result);
238 +
239 + for (int i = 0; i < jArr.size(); i++) {
240 + jobj = (JSONObject) jArr.get(i);
241 +
242 + if (jobj.get("value").equals(areaTop)) {
243 + code = (String) jobj.get("code");
244 + break;
245 + }
246 + }
247 +
248 + } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
249 + e.printStackTrace();
250 + }
251 +
252 + return code;
253 + }
254 +
255 + // 구 코드 검색하는 함수
256 + public String SearchMdl(Object areaMdl, Object Top) {
257 + // areaMdl은 구 이름!! 코드가 아님
258 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
259 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
260 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
261 + }
262 +
263 + String result;
264 + String code = ""; //지역 코드
265 +
266 + URL url = null;
267 + URLConnection conn;
268 +
269 + JSONParser parser;
270 + JSONArray jArr;
271 + JSONObject jobj;
272 +
273 + //시 검색
274 + try {
275 + url = new URL("http://www.kma.go.kr/DFSROOT/POINT/DATA/mdl."+Top+".json.txt");
276 + conn = url.openConnection();
277 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
278 + e.printStackTrace();
279 + } catch (IOException e) {
280 + e.printStackTrace();
281 + }
282 +
283 + try {
284 + InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8");
285 + BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
286 +
287 + result = br.readLine().toString();
288 + br.close();
289 +
290 + parser = new JSONParser();
291 + jArr = (JSONArray) parser.parse(result);
292 +
293 + for (int i = 0; i < jArr.size(); i++) {
294 + jobj = (JSONObject) jArr.get(i);
295 +
296 + if (jobj.get("value").equals(areaMdl)) {
297 + code = (String) jobj.get("code");
298 + break;
299 + }
300 + }
301 +
302 + } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
303 + e.printStackTrace();
304 + }
305 +
306 + return code;
307 + }
308 +
309 +
310 + // 동 검색하는 함수
311 + public String SearchLeaf(Object areaLeaf, Object Mdl) {
312 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
313 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
314 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
315 + }
316 +
317 + String result;
318 + String code = ""; //지역 코드
319 +
320 + URL url = null;
321 + URLConnection conn;
322 +
323 + JSONParser parser;
324 + JSONArray jArr;
325 + JSONObject jobj;
326 +
327 + //시 검색
328 + try {
329 + url = new URL("http://www.kma.go.kr/DFSROOT/POINT/DATA/leaf."+Mdl+".json.txt");
330 + conn = url.openConnection();
331 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
332 + e.printStackTrace();
333 + } catch (IOException e) {
334 + e.printStackTrace();
335 + }
336 +
337 + try {
338 + InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8");
339 + BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
340 +
341 + result = br.readLine().toString();
342 + br.close();
343 +
344 + parser = new JSONParser();
345 + jArr = (JSONArray) parser.parse(result);
346 +
347 + for (int i = 0; i < jArr.size(); i++) {
348 + jobj = (JSONObject) jArr.get(i);
349 +
350 + if (jobj.get("value").equals(areaLeaf)) {
351 + code = (String) jobj.get("code");
352 + break;
353 + }
354 + }
355 +
356 + } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
357 + e.printStackTrace();
358 + }
359 +
360 + return code;
361 + }
362 +
363 +
364 + @Override
365 + public void run() {
366 + super.run();
367 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
368 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
369 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
370 + }
371 + }
372 +}
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.content.Context;
4 +import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
5 +import android.view.LayoutInflater;
6 +import android.view.View;
7 +import android.view.ViewGroup;
8 +import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
9 +import android.widget.ImageView;
10 +import android.widget.TextView;
11 +
12 +import java.util.ArrayList;
13 +
14 +public class ListViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
15 + // Adapter에 추가된 데이터를 저장하기 위한 ArrayList
16 + private ArrayList<ListViewItem> listViewItemList = new ArrayList<ListViewItem>();
17 +
18 + // ListViewAdapter의 생성자
19 + public ListViewAdapter() {
20 +
21 + }
22 +
23 + // Adapter에 사용되는 데이터의 개수를 리턴.
24 + @Override
25 + public int getCount() {
26 + return listViewItemList.size();
27 + }
28 +
29 + // position에 위치한 데이터를 화면에 출력하는데 사용될 View를 리턴.
30 + @Override
31 + public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
32 + final int pos = position;
33 + final Context context = parent.getContext();
34 +
35 + // "listview_item" Layout을 inflate하여 convertView 참조 획득.
36 + if (convertView == null) {
37 + LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
38 + convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.listview_item, parent, false);
39 + }
40 +
41 + // 화면에 표시될 View(Layout이 inflate된)으로부터 위젯에 대한 참조 획득
42 + TextView time = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.input_time);
43 + ImageView weather = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.input_weather);
44 + TextView temperature = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.input_temperature);
45 + TextView wind = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.input_wind);
46 + TextView pop = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.input_precipitation);
47 +
48 + // Data Set(listViewItemList)에서 position에 위치한 데이터 참조 획득
49 + ListViewItem listViewItem = listViewItemList.get(position);
50 +
51 + // 아이템 내 각 위젯에 데이터 반영
52 + time.setText(listViewItem.getTime());
53 + weather.setImageDrawable(listViewItem.getWeather());
54 + temperature.setText(listViewItem.getTemperature());
55 + wind.setText(listViewItem.getWind());
56 + pop.setText(listViewItem.getPrecipitation());
57 +
58 + return convertView;
59 + }
60 +
61 + // 지정한 위치(position)에 있는 데이터와 관계된 아이템(row)의 ID를 리턴.
62 + @Override
63 + public long getItemId(int position) {
64 + return position;
65 + }
66 +
67 + // 지정한 위치(position)에 있는 데이터 리턴
68 + @Override
69 + public Object getItem(int position) {
70 + return listViewItemList.get(position) ;
71 + }
72 +
73 + // 아이템 데이터 추가를 위한 함수
74 + public void addItem(String time, Drawable weather, String temp, String wind, String pop) {
75 + ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
76 +
77 + item.setTime(time);
78 + item.setWeather(weather);
79 + item.setTemperature(temp);
80 + item.setWind(wind);
81 + item.setPrecipitation(pop);
82 +
83 + listViewItemList.add(item);
84 + }
85 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
4 +
5 +public class ListViewItem {
6 + private Drawable weather;
7 + private String time;
8 + private String temperature;
9 + private String wind;
10 + private String precipitation;
11 +
12 + public void setWeather(Drawable icon) {
13 + weather = icon ;
14 + }
15 +
16 + public void setTime(String mtime) {
17 + time = mtime ;
18 + }
19 +
20 + public void setTemperature(String temp) {
21 + temperature = temp ;
22 + }
23 +
24 + public void setWind(String mwind) {
25 + wind = mwind ;
26 + }
27 +
28 + public void setPrecipitation(String prec) {
29 + precipitation = prec ;
30 + }
31 +
32 + public Drawable getWeather() {
33 + return this.weather ;
34 + }
35 +
36 + public String getTime() {
37 + return this.time ;
38 + }
39 +
40 + public String getTemperature() {
41 + return this.temperature ;
42 + }
43 +
44 + public String getWind() {
45 + return this.wind;
46 + }
47 +
48 + public String getPrecipitation() {
49 + return this.precipitation;
50 + }
51 +
52 +
53 +
54 +
55 +
56 +}
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog;
4 +import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
5 +
6 +import android.content.DialogInterface;
7 +import android.content.Intent;
8 +import android.content.res.AssetManager;
9 +import android.graphics.Bitmap;
10 +import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
11 +import android.location.Address;
12 +import android.location.Geocoder;
13 +import android.location.LocationManager;
14 +import android.os.Bundle;
15 +import android.os.Handler;
16 +import android.os.Message;
17 +import android.util.Log;
18 +import android.view.View;
19 +import android.widget.AdapterView;
20 +import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
21 +import android.widget.Button;
22 +import android.widget.DatePicker;
23 +import android.widget.ImageView;
24 +import android.widget.RadioButton;
25 +import android.widget.RadioGroup;
26 +import android.widget.Spinner;
27 +import android.widget.TextView;
28 +import android.widget.Toast;
29 +
30 +import java.io.InputStream;
31 +import java.util.ArrayList;
32 +
33 +import java.io.IOException;
34 +import java.util.Calendar;
35 +import java.util.LinkedList;
36 +import java.util.List;
37 +import java.util.Locale;
38 +
39 +public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
40 +
41 + public static String start = "";
42 + public static String from = "";
43 +
44 + private Spinner spinner;
45 + ArrayList<String> arrayArea;
46 + ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter;
47 +
48 + MainActivity mThis;
49 + GetAreaCode mArea;
50 +
51 + Button btn_clothes;
52 +
53 + String code;
54 + private static final int GPS_ENABLE_REQUEST_CODE = 2000;
55 +
56 + // 날짜 받아오는 함수 초기화
57 + Spinner sMonth;
58 + Spinner sDay;
59 + Spinner sHour;
60 + Spinner fMonth;
61 + Spinner fDay;
62 + Spinner fHour;
63 + ArrayAdapter<String> ArrayAdapter2;
64 + ArrayAdapter<String> ArrayAdapter3;
65 + ArrayAdapter<String> ArrayAdapter4;
66 +
67 + ImageView Angel;
68 + Bitmap bitmap_angel;
69 +
70 +
71 + @Override
72 + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
73 + {
74 + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
75 + setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
76 +
77 + Initialize();
78 + }
79 +
80 + public void Initialize() {
81 + mThis = this;
82 + Angel = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.angel);
83 +
84 + AssetManager as = getResources().getAssets();
85 + InputStream is = null;
86 + try{
87 + is = as.open("angel.png");
88 +
89 + bitmap_angel = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
90 +
91 + Angel.setImageBitmap(bitmap_angel);
92 +
93 + is.close();
94 + }catch(Exception e){
95 + e.printStackTrace();
96 + }
97 +
98 + SelectDate();
99 + SaveTop();
100 + }
101 +
102 + public void SaveTop() {
103 + mArea = new GetAreaCode(this);
104 +
105 + LinkedList area = new LinkedList();
106 +
107 + area = mArea.GetTopCode();
108 +
109 + arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(),
110 + android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, area);
111 +
112 + spinner = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.TopList);
113 + spinner.setAdapter(arrayAdapter);
114 + LinkedList finalArea = area;
115 + spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
116 + @Override
117 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
118 + SaveMdl(mArea.SearchTop(finalArea.get(i)));
119 + }
120 +
121 + @Override
122 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
123 + }
124 + });
125 +
126 + }
127 +
128 + public void SaveMdl(String Top) {
129 + arrayArea = new ArrayList<>();
130 + mArea = new GetAreaCode(this);
131 +
132 + LinkedList area = new LinkedList();
133 +
134 + area = mArea.GetMdlCode(Top);
135 +
136 + arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(),
137 + android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, area);
138 +
139 + spinner = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.MdlList);
140 + spinner.setAdapter(arrayAdapter);
141 + LinkedList finalArea = area;
142 + spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
143 + @Override
144 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
145 + System.out.println(mArea.SearchMdl(finalArea.get(i), Top));
146 + SaveLeaf(mArea.SearchMdl(finalArea.get(i), Top));
147 + }
148 +
149 + @Override
150 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
151 + }
152 + });
153 +
154 + }
155 +
156 + public void SaveLeaf(String Mdl) {
157 + arrayArea = new ArrayList<>();
158 + mArea = new GetAreaCode(this);
159 + final RadioGroup rg = (RadioGroup)findViewById(R.id.radioGender);
160 +
161 + LinkedList area = new LinkedList();
162 +
163 + area = mArea.GetLeafCode(Mdl);
164 +
165 + arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(),
166 + android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, area);
167 +
168 + spinner = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.LeafList);
169 + spinner.setAdapter(arrayAdapter);
170 + LinkedList finalArea = area;
171 + spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
172 + @Override
173 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
174 + code = mArea.SearchLeaf(finalArea.get(i), Mdl);
175 +
176 + View.OnClickListener listener = new View.OnClickListener()
177 + {
178 + @Override
179 + public void onClick(View v) {
180 +
181 + start = "";
182 + String month = sMonth.getSelectedItem().toString();
183 + start += String.format("%2s",month.substring(0,month.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
184 + String day = sDay.getSelectedItem().toString();
185 + start += String.format("%2s",day.substring(0,day.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
186 + String hour = sHour.getSelectedItem().toString();
187 + start += String.format("%2s",hour.substring(0,hour.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
188 +
189 +
190 + from = "";
191 + String month2 = fMonth.getSelectedItem().toString();
192 + from += String.format("%2s",month2.substring(0,month2.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
193 + String day2 = fDay.getSelectedItem().toString();
194 + from += String.format("%2s",day2.substring(0,day2.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
195 + String hour2 = fHour.getSelectedItem().toString();
196 + from += String.format("%2s",hour2.substring(0,hour2.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
197 +
198 + String leaf = spinner.getSelectedItem().toString();
199 +
200 + int gender = rg.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
201 + RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)findViewById(gender);
202 +
203 + Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, WeatherActivity.class);
204 + intent.putExtra("code", code); //code에 있는 값 이동
205 + intent.putExtra("start", start); //start에 있는 값 이동
206 + intent.putExtra("from", from); //from에 있는 값 이동
207 + intent.putExtra("leaf", leaf); //leaf에 있는 값 이동
208 + intent.putExtra("gender", rb.getText().toString());
209 + startActivity(intent); // 이동
210 + }
211 + };
212 +
213 + Button btn_weather = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn_weather);
214 + btn_weather.setOnClickListener(listener);
215 +
216 + btn_clothes = findViewById(R.id.btn_clothes);
217 + btn_clothes.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { //선언
218 +
219 +
220 + @Override
221 + public void onClick(View v) {
222 + //MainActivity 에서 ClothesActivity 로 이동
223 + start = "";
224 + String month = sMonth.getSelectedItem().toString();
225 + start += String.format("%2s",month.substring(0,month.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
226 + String day = sDay.getSelectedItem().toString();
227 + start += String.format("%2s",day.substring(0,day.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
228 + String hour = sHour.getSelectedItem().toString();
229 + start += String.format("%2s",hour.substring(0,hour.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
230 +
231 + from = "";
232 + String month2 = fMonth.getSelectedItem().toString();
233 + from += String.format("%2s",month2.substring(0,month2.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
234 + String day2 = fDay.getSelectedItem().toString();
235 + from += String.format("%2s",day2.substring(0,day2.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
236 + String hour2 = fHour.getSelectedItem().toString();
237 + from += String.format("%2s",hour2.substring(0,hour2.length()-1)).replace(" ","0");
238 +
239 + String leaf = spinner.getSelectedItem().toString();
240 +
241 + int gender = rg.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
242 + RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)findViewById(gender);
243 +
244 + Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ClothesActivity.class);
245 + intent.putExtra("code", code); //code에 있는 값 이동
246 + intent.putExtra("start", start); //start에 있는 값 이동
247 + intent.putExtra("from", from); //from에 있는 값 이동
248 + intent.putExtra("leaf", leaf); //leaf에 있는 값 이동
249 + intent.putExtra("code", code);//code에 있는 값 이동
250 + intent.putExtra("gender", rb.getText().toString()); //gender에 있는 값 이동
251 + startActivity(intent);//액티비티 이동
252 + }
253 + });
254 + }
255 + @Override
256 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
257 + }
258 + });
259 +
260 + }
261 +
262 + public void SelectDate(){
263 + Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
264 +
265 + int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
266 + int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
267 + int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
268 +
269 + // *** 초기 위젯에 현재 시각 박기
270 + LinkedList LMonth = new LinkedList();
271 + LinkedList LDay = new LinkedList();
272 + LinkedList LHour = new LinkedList();
273 +
274 + LMonth.add(String.valueOf(month) + "월");
275 +
276 + int day1 = day;
277 + int day2 = day + 1;
278 + int day3 = day + 2;
279 + int day4 = day + 3;
280 +
281 + switch(month){
282 + case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12:
283 + if (day4 > 31){
284 + LMonth.add(String.valueOf(month + 1) + "월");
285 + if (day1 > 31){
286 + day1 -= 31;
287 + day2 -= 31;
288 + day3 -= 31;
289 + day4 -= 31;
290 + break;
291 + } else if (day2 > 31){
292 + day2 -= 31;
293 + day3 -= 31;
294 + day4 -= 31;
295 + break;
296 + } else if (day3 > 31){
297 + day3 -= 31;
298 + day4 -= 31;
299 + break;
300 + } else if (day4 > 31) {
301 + day4 -= 31;
302 + }
303 + } else{
304 + break;
305 + }
306 + case 2:
307 + if (day4 > 28){
308 + LMonth.add(String.valueOf(month + 1) + "월");
309 + if (day1 > 28){
310 + day1 -= 28;
311 + day2 -= 28;
312 + day3 -= 28;
313 + day4 -= 28;
314 + break;
315 + } else if (day2 > 28){
316 + day2 -= 28;
317 + day3 -= 28;
318 + day4 -= 28;
319 + break;
320 + } else if (day3 > 28){
321 + day3 -= 28;
322 + day4 -= 28;
323 + break;
324 + } else if (day4 > 28) {
325 + day4 -= 28;
326 + }
327 + } else{
328 + break;
329 + }
330 + case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
331 + if (day4 > 30){
332 + LMonth.add(String.valueOf(month + 1) + "월");
333 + if (day1 > 30){
334 + day1 -= 30;
335 + day2 -= 30;
336 + day3 -= 30;
337 + day4 -= 30;
338 + break;
339 + } else if (day2 > 30){
340 + day2 -= 30;
341 + day3 -= 30;
342 + day4 -= 30;
343 + break;
344 + } else if (day3 > 30){
345 + day3 -= 30;
346 + day4 -= 30;
347 + break;
348 + } else if (day4 > 30) {
349 + day4 -= 30;
350 + }
351 + } else {
352 + break;
353 + }
354 + }
355 +
356 + LDay.add(String.valueOf(day1) + "일");
357 + LDay.add(String.valueOf(day2) + "일");
358 + LDay.add(String.valueOf(day3) + "일");
359 + LDay.add(String.valueOf(day4) + "일");
360 +
361 + for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++){
362 + LHour.add(String.valueOf(i)+"시");
363 + }
364 +
365 +
366 + // 월 select
367 + ArrayAdapter2 = new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(),
368 + android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, LMonth);
369 +
370 +
371 + sMonth = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.start_month);
372 + sMonth.setAdapter(ArrayAdapter2);
373 + sMonth.setSelection(getIndex(sMonth, String.valueOf(month) + "월"));
374 + LinkedList finalmonth = LMonth;
375 + sMonth.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
376 + @Override
377 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
378 + }
379 +
380 + @Override
381 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
382 + }
383 + });
384 +
385 + fMonth = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.from_month);
386 + fMonth.setAdapter(ArrayAdapter2);
387 + fMonth.setSelection(getIndex(fMonth, String.valueOf(month) + "월"));
388 + LinkedList frommonth = LMonth;
389 + fMonth.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
390 + @Override
391 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
392 + }
393 +
394 + @Override
395 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
396 + }
397 + });
398 +
399 + // 일 select
400 + ArrayAdapter3 = new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(),
401 + android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, LDay);
402 +
403 + sDay = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.start_day);
404 + sDay.setAdapter(ArrayAdapter3);
405 + sDay.setSelection(getIndex(sDay, String.valueOf(day) + "일"));
406 + LinkedList finalday = LDay;
407 + sDay.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
408 + @Override
409 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
410 + }
411 +
412 + @Override
413 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
414 + }
415 + });
416 +
417 + fDay = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.from_day);
418 + fDay.setAdapter(ArrayAdapter3);
419 + fDay.setSelection(getIndex(fDay, String.valueOf(day) + "일"));
420 + LinkedList fromday = LDay;
421 + fDay.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
422 + @Override
423 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
424 + }
425 +
426 + @Override
427 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
428 + }
429 + });
430 +
431 + // 시간 select
432 + ArrayAdapter4 = new ArrayAdapter<>(getApplicationContext(),
433 + android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, LHour);
434 +
435 + sHour = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.start_hour);
436 + sHour.setAdapter(ArrayAdapter4);
437 + sHour.setSelection(getIndex(sHour, String.valueOf(hour) + "시"));
438 + LinkedList finalhour = LHour;
439 + sHour.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
440 + @Override
441 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
442 + }
443 +
444 + @Override
445 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
446 + }
447 + });
448 +
449 + fHour = (Spinner)findViewById(R.id.from_hour);
450 + fHour.setAdapter(ArrayAdapter4);
451 + fHour.setSelection(getIndex(fHour, String.valueOf(hour) + "시"));
452 + LinkedList fromhour = LHour;
453 + fHour.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
454 + @Override
455 + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
456 + }
457 +
458 + @Override
459 + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) {
460 + }
461 + });
462 + }
463 +
464 + private int getIndex(Spinner spinner, String item){
465 + for (int i = 0; i < spinner.getCount(); i++){
466 + if (spinner.getItemAtPosition(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(item)){
467 + return i;
468 + }
469 + }
470 + return 0;
471 + }
472 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.app.Activity;
4 +import android.content.Intent;
5 +import android.content.res.AssetManager;
6 +import android.graphics.Bitmap;
7 +import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
8 +import android.os.Bundle;
9 +import android.os.Handler;
10 +import android.widget.ImageView;
11 +
12 +import java.io.InputStream;
13 +
14 +public class SplashActivity extends Activity {
15 +
16 + @Override
17 + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
18 + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
19 + setContentView(R.layout.activity_splash);
20 +
21 + try {
22 + Thread.sleep(3000); //대기 초 설정
23 + startActivity(new Intent(SplashActivity.this, MainActivity.class));
24 + finish();
25 + } catch (Exception e) {
26 + e.printStackTrace();
27 + }
28 + }
29 +}
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
4 +import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
5 +
6 +
7 +import android.content.Intent;
8 +import android.content.res.AssetManager;
9 +import android.graphics.Bitmap;
10 +import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
11 +import android.os.Bundle;
12 +import android.os.Handler;
13 +import android.os.Message;
14 +import android.view.View;
15 +import android.view.ViewGroup;
16 +import android.widget.Button;
17 +import android.widget.ImageView;
18 +import android.widget.ListAdapter;
19 +import android.widget.ListView;
20 +import android.widget.TextView;
21 +
22 +import java.io.InputStream;
23 +import java.util.ArrayList;
24 +
25 +public class WeatherActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
26 +
27 + private Button btn_main;
28 + private Button btn_clothes;
29 + TextView Location;
30 + WeatherForCast mForeCast;
31 + WeatherActivity wThis;
32 +
33 + ImageView main_Weather;
34 + ImageView main_Location;
35 + ImageView main_Average;
36 + ImageView main_MinMax;
37 + ImageView main_Perceived;
38 + ImageView main_Wind;
39 + ImageView main_Precipitation;
40 + ImageView today_Weather;
41 + ImageView weather_Blank;
42 +
43 + Bitmap bitmap_Weather;
44 + Bitmap bitmap_Location;
45 + Bitmap bitmap_temperature;
46 + Bitmap bitmap_wind;
47 + Bitmap bitmap_Precipitation;
48 + Bitmap bitmap_Today;
49 + Bitmap bitmap_Blank;
50 +
51 + TextView Now;
52 + TextView Perceived;
53 + TextView Wind;
54 + TextView Precipitation;
55 + TextView Select;
56 +
57 +
58 + @Override
59 + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
60 + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
61 + setContentView(R.layout.activity_weather);
62 +
63 + Initialize();
64 + }
65 +
66 + public void Initialize(){
67 + wThis = this;
68 + Location = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txt_location);
69 +
70 + Intent intent = getIntent();
71 + String code = intent.getStringExtra("code");
72 +
73 + mForeCast = new WeatherForCast(code, (WeatherActivity) wThis);
74 +
75 + String start = intent.getStringExtra("start");
76 + String from = intent.getStringExtra("from");
77 + String leaf = intent.getStringExtra("leaf");
78 + String gender = intent.getStringExtra("gender");
79 +
80 + Location.setText(leaf);
81 +
82 + main_Location = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_location);
83 + AssetManager as = getResources().getAssets();
84 + InputStream is = null;
85 +
86 + try{
87 + is = as.open("location.png");
88 + bitmap_Location = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
89 + main_Location.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Location);
90 + is.close();
91 + }catch(Exception e){
92 + e.printStackTrace();
93 + }
94 +
95 + ImgUpload();
96 + GetWeather(start, from, code);
97 +
98 + btn_main = findViewById(R.id.btn_main);//btn_first 아이디을 찾아라
99 + btn_main.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
100 + @Override
101 + public void onClick(View v) {
102 + //버튼 클릭시 SecondActivity 에서 MainActivity 로 이동 경로
103 + Intent intent = new Intent(WeatherActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
104 + startActivity(intent);// 이동
105 + }
106 + });
107 +
108 + btn_clothes = findViewById(R.id.btn_clothes);//btn_clothes 아이디 찾기
109 + btn_clothes.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
110 + @Override
111 + public void onClick(View v) {
112 + //버튼 클릭시 WeatherActivity 에서 ClothesActivity 로 이동 경로
113 + Intent intent = new Intent(WeatherActivity.this, ClothesActivity.class);
114 + intent.putExtra("code", code); //code에 있는 값 이동
115 + intent.putExtra("start", start); //start에 있는 값 이동
116 + intent.putExtra("from", from); //from에 있는 값 이동
117 + intent.putExtra("leaf", leaf); //leaf에 있는 값 이동
118 + intent.putExtra("gender", gender); //gender에 있는 값 이동
119 + startActivity(intent);// 이동
120 + }
121 + });
122 + }
123 +
124 + public void ImgUpload(){
125 + main_Location = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_location);
126 + main_Average = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_aver);
127 + main_MinMax = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_minmax);
128 + main_Perceived = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_perceived);
129 + main_Wind = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_wind);
130 + main_Precipitation = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_pop);
131 + today_Weather = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.today_weather);
132 +
133 +
134 + AssetManager as = getResources().getAssets();
135 + InputStream is = null;
136 +
137 + try{
138 + is = as.open("location.png");
139 + bitmap_Location = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
140 + main_Location.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Location);
141 + is.close();
142 + }catch(Exception e){
143 + e.printStackTrace();
144 + }
145 +
146 + try{
147 + is = as.open("wind.png");
148 + bitmap_wind = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
149 + main_Wind.setImageBitmap(bitmap_wind);
150 + is.close();
151 + }catch(Exception e){
152 + e.printStackTrace();
153 + }
154 +
155 + try{
156 + is = as.open("temperature.png");
157 + bitmap_temperature = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
158 + main_Average.setImageBitmap(bitmap_temperature);
159 + main_MinMax.setImageBitmap(bitmap_temperature);
160 + is.close();
161 + }catch(Exception e){
162 + e.printStackTrace();
163 + }
164 +
165 + try{
166 + is = as.open("pop.png");
167 + bitmap_Precipitation = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
168 + main_Precipitation.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Precipitation);
169 + is.close();
170 + }catch(Exception e){
171 + e.printStackTrace();
172 + }
173 +
174 + try{
175 + is = as.open("today_weather.png");
176 + bitmap_Today = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
177 + today_Weather.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Today);
178 + is.close();
179 + }catch(Exception e){
180 + e.printStackTrace();
181 + }
182 + }
183 +
184 + public void GetWeather(String start, String from, String code){
185 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> wData = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
186 + wData = mForeCast.GetOpenWeather(code);
187 + System.out.println("Start GetWeather");
188 + System.out.println(wData);
189 + String mData = "";
190 +
191 + int sMonth = Integer.parseInt(start.substring(0,2));
192 + int sDay = Integer.parseInt(start.substring(2,4));
193 + int sHour = Integer.parseInt(start.substring(4,6));
194 +
195 + int fMonth = Integer.parseInt(from.substring(0,2));
196 + int fDay = Integer.parseInt(from.substring(2,4));
197 + int fHour = Integer.parseInt(from.substring(4,6));
198 +
199 + String select = String.valueOf(sMonth) + "월 " + String.valueOf(sDay) + "일 " + String.valueOf(sHour) + "시부터 "
200 + + String.valueOf(fMonth) + "월 " + String.valueOf(fDay) + "일 " + String.valueOf(fHour) + "시까지";
201 +
202 + // TextView 연결
203 + Now = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_now);
204 + Perceived = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_perceived);
205 + Wind = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_wind);
206 + Precipitation = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.input_pop);
207 + Select = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.select_time);
208 +
209 +
210 + // 현재 날씨 input
211 + Now.setText(wData.get(0).get(1) + "°C");
212 + Perceived.setText(mForeCast.GetPerceived(wData.get(0).get(1), wData.get(0).get(4)) + "°C");
213 + Wind.setText(wData.get(0).get(4) + "m/s");
214 + Precipitation.setText(wData.get(0).get(6) + "%");
215 + Select.setText(select);
216 +
217 + ListView listview ;
218 + ListViewAdapter adapter;
219 +
220 + // Adapter 생성
221 + adapter = new ListViewAdapter() ;
222 +
223 + // 리스트뷰 참조 및 Adapter달기
224 + listview = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listview1);
225 + listview.setAdapter(adapter);
226 +
227 + // 날씨에 맞는 id값 받아오기
228 + int clear = R.drawable.clear;
229 + int cloudy = R.drawable.cloudy;
230 + int mostcloudy = R.drawable.mostcloudy;
231 + int partcloudy = R.drawable.partcloudy;
232 + int rain = R.drawable.rain;
233 + int snow = R.drawable.snow;
234 + int snowrain = R.drawable.snowrain;
235 +
236 + int weather = clear;
237 +
238 + String main = wData.get(0).get(5);
239 + if (main.equals("Clear")){
240 + main = "wClear";
241 + } else if (main.equals("Partly Cloudy")){
242 + main = "wPartcloudy";
243 + } else if (main.equals("Mostly Cloudy")){
244 + main = "wMostcloudy";
245 + } else if (main.equals("Cloudy")){
246 + main = "wCloudy";
247 + } else if (main.equals("Rain")){
248 + main = "wRain";
249 + } else if (main.equals("Snow/Rain")){
250 + main = "wSnowrain";
251 + } else if (main.equals("Snow")){
252 + main = "wSnow";
253 + }
254 +
255 +
256 + AssetManager as = getResources().getAssets();
257 + InputStream is = null;
258 +
259 + main_Weather = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.main_weather);
260 +
261 + try{
262 + is = as.open(main + ".png");
263 + bitmap_Weather = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
264 + main_Weather.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Weather);
265 + is.close();
266 + }catch(Exception e){
267 + e.printStackTrace();
268 + }
269 +
270 + for (int i = 0; i < wData.size(); i++){
271 + String hour = wData.get(i).get(0);
272 +
273 + String time = "";
274 + time = hour.substring(4,6);
275 + int num = Integer.parseInt(time);
276 + if (num <= 12){
277 + time = "오전 " + String.valueOf(num) + "시";
278 + } else {
279 + time = "오후 " + String.valueOf(num) + "시";
280 + }
281 +
282 +
283 + if (start.compareTo(hour) <= 0 && from.compareTo(hour) >= 0){
284 + if (wData.get(i).get(5).equals("Clear")){
285 + weather = clear;
286 + } else if (wData.get(i).get(5).equals("Partly Cloudy")){
287 + weather = partcloudy;
288 + } else if (wData.get(i).get(5).equals("Mostly Cloudy")){
289 + weather = mostcloudy;
290 + } else if (wData.get(i).get(5).equals("Cloudy")){
291 + weather = cloudy;
292 + } else if (wData.get(i).get(5).equals("Rain")){
293 + weather = rain;
294 + } else if (wData.get(i).get(5).equals("Snow/Rain")){
295 + weather = snowrain;
296 + } else if (wData.get(i).get(5).equals("Snow")){
297 + weather = snow;
298 + }
299 +
300 + adapter.addItem(time,ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, weather),
301 + wData.get(i).get(1) + "°C", wData.get(i).get(4) + "m/s", wData.get(i).get(6) + "%") ;
302 + }
303 + }
304 + setListViewHeightBasedOnChildren(listview);
305 +
306 +
307 + if (adapter.getCount() == 0){
308 + weather_Blank = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.Img_blank);
309 +
310 + try{
311 + is = as.open("blank.png");
312 + bitmap_Blank = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
313 + weather_Blank.setImageBitmap(bitmap_Blank);
314 + is.close();
315 + }catch(Exception e){
316 + e.printStackTrace();
317 + }
318 + }
319 + }
320 +
321 + // 리스트뷰 전체 목록 보이는 함수
322 + public static void setListViewHeightBasedOnChildren(ListView listView) {
323 + ListAdapter listAdapter = listView.getAdapter();
324 + if (listAdapter == null) {
325 + // pre-condition
326 + return;
327 + }
328 +
329 + int totalHeight = 0;
330 + int desiredWidth = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(listView.getWidth(), View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
331 +
332 + for (int i = 0; i < listAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
333 + View listItem = listAdapter.getView(i, null, listView);
334 + listItem.measure(desiredWidth, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
335 + totalHeight += listItem.getMeasuredHeight();
336 + }
337 +
338 + ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = listView.getLayoutParams();
339 + params.height = totalHeight + (listView.getDividerHeight() * (listAdapter.getCount() - 1));
340 + listView.setLayoutParams(params);
341 + listView.requestLayout();
342 + }
343 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package com.example.test;
2 +
3 +import android.os.StrictMode;
4 +
5 +import org.w3c.dom.Document;
6 +import org.w3c.dom.Element;
7 +import org.w3c.dom.Node;
8 +import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
9 +import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
10 +
11 +import java.io.IOException;
12 +import java.net.MalformedURLException;
13 +import java.util.ArrayList;
14 +import java.util.Calendar;
15 +
16 +import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
17 +import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
18 +import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
19 +
20 +public class WeatherForCast extends Thread {
21 +
22 + String code;
23 + //MainActivity mContext;
24 + WeatherActivity wContext;
25 + String mWeather;
26 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> gWeather;
27 +
28 + public String getWeather()
29 + {
30 + return mWeather;
31 + }
32 +
33 + public WeatherForCast(String code, WeatherActivity wContext)
34 + {
35 + this.code = code;
36 + this.wContext = wContext;
37 + }
38 +
39 + // tag값의 정보를 가져오는 메소드
40 + private static String getTagValue(String tag, Element eElement) {
41 + NodeList nlList = eElement.getElementsByTagName(tag).item(0).getChildNodes();
42 + Node nValue = (Node) nlList.item(0);
43 + if(nValue == null)
44 + return null;
45 + return nValue.getNodeValue();
46 + }
47 +
48 + public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> GetOpenWeather(String code)
49 + {
50 +
51 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> wData = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
52 +
53 + try{
54 + String url = "http://www.kma.go.kr/wid/queryDFSRSS.jsp?zone="+ code;
55 +
56 + DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
57 + DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
58 + Document doc = dBuilder.parse(url);
59 +
60 + // root tag
61 + doc.getDocumentElement().normalize();
62 +
63 + NodeList nlDate = doc.getElementsByTagName("header");
64 + Node ndate = nlDate.item(0);
65 + Element eDate = (Element) ndate;
66 + String date = getTagValue("tm", eDate);
67 +
68 + int thour = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(8,10));
69 + date = date.substring(4,8);
70 +
71 + if (thour >= 21) {
72 + date = String.format("%4s",String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(date) + 1)).replace(" ", "0");
73 + }
74 +
75 + // 파싱할 tag
76 + NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("data");
77 + for(int temp = 0; temp < nList.getLength(); temp++){
78 + Node nNode = nList.item(temp);
79 + ArrayList<String> tData = new ArrayList<String>();
80 + if(nNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
81 +
82 + Element eElement = (Element) nNode;
83 + String hour = getTagValue("hour",eElement);
84 + hour = String.format("%2s",hour).replace(" ","0");
85 + tData.add(date + hour); // 0.시간
86 + if (getTagValue("hour",eElement).equals("24")){
87 + int tmp;
88 + tmp = Integer.parseInt(date);
89 + tmp += 1;
90 + date = String.format("%4s",String.valueOf(tmp)).replace(" ", "0");
91 + }
92 + tData.add(IntCast(getTagValue("temp", eElement))); // 1.온도
93 + tData.add(GetTemperature(IntCast(getTagValue("tmx", eElement)))); // 2.최고 온도
94 + tData.add(GetTemperature(IntCast(getTagValue("tmn", eElement)))); // 3.최저 온도
95 + tData.add(IntCast(getTagValue("ws", eElement))); // 4.풍속
96 + tData.add(getTagValue("wfEn", eElement)); // 5.하늘상태
97 + tData.add(getTagValue("pop", eElement)); // 6.강수확률
98 + } // for end
99 + wData.add(tData);
100 + } // if end
101 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
102 + e.printStackTrace();
103 + } catch (IOException e) {
104 + e.printStackTrace();
105 + } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
106 + e.printStackTrace();
107 + } catch (SAXException e) {
108 + e.printStackTrace();
109 + }
110 +
111 + return wData;
112 + }
113 +
114 + public String IntCast(String tmp){
115 + double temp = Double.parseDouble(tmp);
116 + int result = (int) temp;
117 +
118 + return String.valueOf(result);
119 + }
120 +
121 + // 체감온도에 필요한 값만 Return
122 + public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> GetPerceived(String code)
123 + {
124 + ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> gData = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
125 +
126 + try{
127 + String url = "http://www.kma.go.kr/wid/queryDFSRSS.jsp?zone="+ code;
128 +
129 + DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
130 + DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
131 + Document doc = dBuilder.parse(url);
132 +
133 + // root tag
134 + doc.getDocumentElement().normalize();
135 +
136 + NodeList nlDate = doc.getElementsByTagName("header");
137 + Node ndate = nlDate.item(0);
138 + Element eDate = (Element) ndate;
139 + String date = getTagValue("tm", eDate);
140 + date = date.substring(4,8);
141 +
142 + // 파싱할 tag
143 + NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("data");
144 +
145 + for(int temp = 0; temp < nList.getLength(); temp++){
146 + Node nNode = nList.item(temp);
147 + ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();
148 + if(nNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
149 + Element eElement = (Element) nNode;
150 + String hour = getTagValue("hour",eElement);
151 + hour = String.format("%2s",hour).replace(" ","0");
152 + data.add(date + hour);
153 +
154 + if (getTagValue("hour",eElement).equals("24")){
155 + int tmp;
156 + tmp = Integer.parseInt(date);
157 + tmp += 1;
158 + date = String.format("%4s",String.valueOf(tmp)).replace(" ", "0");
159 + }
160 + data.add(getTagValue("temp",eElement));
161 + data.add(getTagValue("ws",eElement));
162 + } // for end
163 + gData.add(data);
164 + } // if end
165 + } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
166 + e.printStackTrace();
167 + } catch (IOException e) {
168 + e.printStackTrace();
169 + } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
170 + e.printStackTrace();
171 + } catch (SAXException e) {
172 + e.printStackTrace();
173 + }
174 +
175 + return gData;
176 + }
177 +
178 + public String GetTemperature(String temp)
179 + {
180 + if (temp.equals("999"))
181 + return "정보 없음";
182 + else if (temp.equals("-999"))
183 + return "정보 없음";
184 +
185 + return temp;
186 + }
187 +
188 + public String GetPerceived(String temp, String velo){
189 + int perceived;
190 + double temper = Double.parseDouble(temp);
191 + double veloc = Double.parseDouble(velo);
192 + perceived = (int) (13.12 + 0.6215 * temper - 11.37 * Math.pow(veloc, 0.16) + 0.3965 * Math.pow(veloc, 0.16) * temper);
193 +
194 + return String.valueOf(perceived);
195 + }
196 +
197 + @Override
198 + public void run() {
199 + super.run();
200 + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
201 + StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
202 + StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
203 + }
204 + }
205 +}
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
No preview for this file type
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92 +
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130 +
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218 + android:text="강수 확률 input" />
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280 +
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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40 + android:text="1. 도시를 입력해주세요."
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69 +
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76 + android:layout_height="wrap_content"
77 + android:fontFamily="@font/scdream5"
78 + android:text="2. 날짜 및 시간을 입력해주세요."
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80 + android:layout_margin = "10dp"
81 + android:textColor="#000000"/>
82 +
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144 + />
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150 + android:layout_height="wrap_content"
151 + android:textSize="7pt"
152 + android:text="3. 성별을 입력해주세요."
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154 + android:textColor="#000000"
155 + android:layout_margin = "10dp"/>
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182 +
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200 +
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207 + android:layout_margin = "10dp"
208 + android:text="옷 추천받기" />
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212 +
213 +</androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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23 +
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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89 +
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99 +
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130 +
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137 + android:textColor="#000000" />
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182 + android:text="풍속 input"
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188 + android:orientation="horizontal"
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288 +
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336 +
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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64 +
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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5 +</resources>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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12 + <!-- Status bar color. -->
13 + <item name="android:statusBarColor" tools:targetApi="l">?attr/colorPrimaryVariant</item>
14 + <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
15 + </style>
16 +</resources>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file