
최종 업로드

Showing 61 changed files with 1760 additions and 0 deletions
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import traceback
import MySQLdb, json
from common.testException import TestDBException
logger = logging.getLogger("db_logger")
class TestDB():
db = None
def __init__(self):
self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='PASSWORD', db='mydb', port=3306, charset='utf8')
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot connect TestDB(%s)"%(e[1]))
def commitDB(self):
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot commit db(%s)"%(e[1]))
def rollbackDB(self):
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot rollback db(%s)"%(e[1]))
def closeDB(self):
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot close db connection(%s)"%(e[1]))
def getDictCursor(self):
return self.db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot get mysql dict cursor(%s)"%(e[1]))
def getCommonCursor(self):
return self.db.cursor()
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot get mysql common cursor(%s)"%(e[1]))
def executeQuery(self, cursor, query):
row = cursor.execute(query)
return row
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot execute query(%s)" %(query))
def executeSelectQuery(self, query, one=False):
cursor = self.getDictCursor()
self.executeQuery(cursor, query)
if one:
res = cursor.fetchone()
res = cursor.fetchall()
return res
except TestDBException as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: executeSelectQuery()")
def closeDbCursor(self, cursor):
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot close db cursor(%s)"%(e[1]))
# insert api call log function
def insertIntoApiCallLog(self, url, ip, method, response_time, result):
_id = None
cursor = self.getDictCursor()
query = ("""INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');"""
% (url, ip, method, result.get('code'), result.get('message'), response_time))
row = self.executeQuery(cursor, query)
if row > 0:
_id = cursor.lastrowid
return _id
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: insertIntoApiCallLog()")
def selectApiCallLog(self):
_id = None
cursor = self.getDictCursor()
query = """SELECT * FROM api_call_log;"""
self.executeQuery(cursor, query)
logList = cursor.fetchall()
return logList
except Exception as e:
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: selectApiCallLog()")
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class TestException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class TestDBException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
def tic(tag=None):
Start timer function.
tag = used to link a tic to a later toc. Can be any dictionary-able key.
global TIC_TIME
if tag is None:
tag = 'default'
TIC_TIME[tag] = time.time()
except NameError:
TIC_TIME = {tag: time.time()}
def toc(tag=None, save=False, fmt=False):
Timer ending function.
tag - used to link a toc to a previous tic. Allows multipler timers, nesting timers.
save - if True, returns int time to out (in ms)
fmt - if True, formats time in H:M:S, if False just seconds.
global TOC_TIME
template = 'Elapsed time is:'
if tag is None:
tag = 'default'
template = u'%s - '%tag + template
TOC_TIME[tag] = time.time()
except NameError:
TOC_TIME = {tag: time.time()}
d = int((TOC_TIME[tag]-TIC_TIME[tag]) * 1000)
if save: return d
print("no tic() start time available. Check global var settings")
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import json
import traceback
import json
import datetime
import time
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from django.http import HttpResponse
from common.testDB import TestDB
import logging
from common.testFunctions import tic, toc
logger = logging.getLogger("common_logger")
# check response time decorator
def response_timer(function=None, home_url=None, redirect_field_name=None):
def _dec(view_func):
def _view(request, *args, **kwargs):
result = {}
return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
result['code'] = 500
result['message'] = 'Internal Server Error'
return returnHttpResponseLogging(request, result)
_view.__name__ = view_func.__name__
_view.__dict__ = view_func.__dict__
_view.__doc__ = view_func.__doc__
return _view
if function is None:
return _dec
return _dec(function)
def returnHttpResponseLogging(request, result):
db = TestDB()
url = request.path
ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
method = request.method
response_time = toc(request.path, True)
db.insertIntoApiCallLog(url, ip, method, response_time, result)
json_data = json.dumps(result, default=datetime_handler)
return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type="application/json")
def monitoringGetTest(request):
result = dict()
db = TestDB()
result['data'] = db.selectApiCallLog()
result['code'] = 200
result['message'] = 'OK'
logger.info("""HTTP method used: %s, client IP : %s, message : %s, code : %s""",request.method ,request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], result['message'], result['code'])
except Exception as e:
result['code'] = 500
result['message'] = 'testMonitoring Internal Error'
raise TestException(1, "TestException: monitoringPostTest()")
return returnHttpResponseLogging(request, result)
def monitoringPostTest(request):
result = dict()
db = TestDB()
result['data'] = db.selectApiCallLog()
result['code'] = 200
result['message'] = 'OK'
logger.info("""HTTP method used: %s, client IP : %s, message : %s, code : %s""",request.method ,request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], result['message'], result['code'])
except Exception as e:
result['code'] = 500
result['message'] = 'testMonitoring Internal Error'
raise TestException(1, "TestException: monitoringPostTest()")
return returnHttpResponseLogging(request, result)
def monitoringDeleteTest(request):
result = dict()
db = TestDB()
result['data'] = db.selectApiCallLog()
result['code'] = 200
result['message'] = 'OK'
logger.info("""HTTP method used: %s, client IP : %s, message : %s, code : %s""",request.method ,request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], result['message'], result['code'])
except Exception as e:
result['code'] = 500
result['message'] = 'testMonitoring Internal Error'
raise TestException(1, "TestException: monitoring()")
return returnHttpResponseLogging(request, result)
def monitoringPutTest(request):
result = dict()
db = TestDB()
result['data'] = db.selectApiCallLog()
result['code'] = 200
result['message'] = 'OK'
logger.info("""HTTP method used: %s, client IP : %s, message : %s, code : %s""",request.method ,request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], result['message'], result['code'])
except Exception as e:
result['code'] = 500
result['message'] = 'testMonitoring Internal Error'
raise TestException(1, "TestException: monitoringPostTest()")
return returnHttpResponseLogging(request, result)
def datetime_handler(x):
if isinstance(x, datetime.datetime):
return x.isoformat()
raise TypeError("Unknown type")
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No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
from locust import HttpUser, task, between
class WebsiteTestUser(HttpUser):
wait_time = between(1, 2.5)
def my_task(self):
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[2021-06-12 17:57:09] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 17:57:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 17:58:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 19:59:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:00:55] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:00:56] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:00:58] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:00:58] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:00:59] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:06] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:06] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:09] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:09] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:10] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:11] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:15] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:15] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:17] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:18] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:18] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:20] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:22] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:22] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:23] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:23] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:24] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:25] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:27] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:34] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:34] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:34] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:37] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:37] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:37] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:37] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:41] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:41] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:46] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:48] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:49] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:50] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:51] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:51] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:51] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:51] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:53] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:55] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:57] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:57] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:57] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:58] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:01:59] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:09] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:09] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:10] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:10] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:11] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:11] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:11] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:11] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:05:32] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:07:41] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:09:18] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:09:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:14:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:14:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:14:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:15:57] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:17:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:70]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:23:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:37:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringPostTest:91]:: HTTP method used: POST, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:37:38] INFO [common_logger.monitoringDeleteTest:115]:: HTTP method used: DELETE, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:37:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringPutTest:139]:: HTTP method used: PUT, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:38:32] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:38:59] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:40:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:41:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-05-25 20:42:11] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-09 23:26:26] ERROR [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:71]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/views.py", line 59, in monitoringGetTest
db = TestDB()
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 18, in __init__
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot connect TestDB(%s)"%(e[1]))
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
[2021-06-09 23:29:03] ERROR [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:71]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/views.py", line 59, in monitoringGetTest
db = TestDB()
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 18, in __init__
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot connect TestDB(%s)"%(e[1]))
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
[2021-06-09 23:29:39] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:66]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-09 23:30:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:66]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-09 23:30:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:66]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-09 23:31:34] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:69]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-09 23:51:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:69]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
[2021-06-11 19:54:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:53] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:55] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:55] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:58] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:59] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:17:59] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:09] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:11] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:12] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:14] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:16] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:17] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:17] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:19] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:23] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:24] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:24] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:25] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:25] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:27] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:33] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:40] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:40] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:40] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:41] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:42] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:46] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:46] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:52] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:54] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:56] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:56] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:56] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:56] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:58] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:58] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:58] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:59] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:18:59] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:02] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-11 20:19:03] INFO [common_logger.monitoringGetTest:67]:: HTTP method used: GET, client IP :, message : OK, code : 200
[2021-06-12 17:57:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 17:57:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '839');
[2021-06-12 17:57:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 17:57:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '395');
[2021-06-12 17:58:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 17:58:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '463');
[2021-06-12 19:59:51] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 19:59:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '437');
[2021-06-12 20:00:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '168');
[2021-06-12 20:00:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '636');
[2021-06-12 20:00:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '57');
[2021-06-12 20:00:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '15');
[2021-06-12 20:00:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:00:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '745');
[2021-06-12 20:01:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '379');
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '396');
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '199');
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '246');
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '638');
[2021-06-12 20:01:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '711');
[2021-06-12 20:01:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '161');
[2021-06-12 20:01:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '78');
[2021-06-12 20:01:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '190');
[2021-06-12 20:01:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '96');
[2021-06-12 20:01:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '403');
[2021-06-12 20:01:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '234');
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '251');
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '584');
[2021-06-12 20:01:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '246');
[2021-06-12 20:01:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '264');
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '69');
[2021-06-12 20:01:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '215');
[2021-06-12 20:01:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '18');
[2021-06-12 20:01:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '248');
[2021-06-12 20:01:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '380');
[2021-06-12 20:01:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '735');
[2021-06-12 20:01:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1318');
[2021-06-12 20:01:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '51');
[2021-06-12 20:01:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '14');
[2021-06-12 20:01:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '223');
[2021-06-12 20:01:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '158');
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '240');
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '124');
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '57');
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '143');
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '85');
[2021-06-12 20:01:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:17] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '969');
[2021-06-12 20:01:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '234');
[2021-06-12 20:01:19] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:19] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '516');
[2021-06-12 20:01:19] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '851');
[2021-06-12 20:01:19] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '210');
[2021-06-12 20:01:19] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1028');
[2021-06-12 20:01:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '299');
[2021-06-12 20:01:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '263');
[2021-06-12 20:01:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:22] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:22] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:22] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1042');
[2021-06-12 20:01:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '323');
[2021-06-12 20:01:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '897');
[2021-06-12 20:01:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:24] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '58');
[2021-06-12 20:01:24] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:24] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:24] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:26] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '918');
[2021-06-12 20:01:26] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1216');
[2021-06-12 20:01:26] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:27] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:27] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '674');
[2021-06-12 20:01:27] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '877');
[2021-06-12 20:01:28] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '468');
[2021-06-12 20:01:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2181');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2247');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2236');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '260');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '406');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '42');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '73');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '157');
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '221');
[2021-06-12 20:01:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '453');
[2021-06-12 20:01:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '462');
[2021-06-12 20:01:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '36');
[2021-06-12 20:01:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:33] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '736');
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '766');
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '962');
[2021-06-12 20:01:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '980');
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1545');
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1560');
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '86');
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '0');
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '407');
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '110');
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '135');
[2021-06-12 20:01:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '308');
[2021-06-12 20:01:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '109');
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '153');
[2021-06-12 20:01:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '143');
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '58');
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '163');
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '0');
[2021-06-12 20:01:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '116');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '116');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '552');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '571');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '582');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '602');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '602');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '22');
[2021-06-12 20:01:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '635');
[2021-06-12 20:01:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '173');
[2021-06-12 20:01:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '50');
[2021-06-12 20:01:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '25');
[2021-06-12 20:01:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '443');
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '208');
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '637');
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1');
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '21');
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '459');
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '447');
[2021-06-12 20:01:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '480');
[2021-06-12 20:01:46] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1058');
[2021-06-12 20:01:46] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '633');
[2021-06-12 20:01:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '522');
[2021-06-12 20:01:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:50] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '19');
[2021-06-12 20:01:50] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:50] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '529');
[2021-06-12 20:01:51] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:51] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '277');
[2021-06-12 20:01:51] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '994');
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '19');
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '398');
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '433');
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '463');
[2021-06-12 20:01:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '474');
[2021-06-12 20:01:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '98');
[2021-06-12 20:01:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '70');
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '13');
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '205');
[2021-06-12 20:01:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '168');
[2021-06-12 20:01:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '59');
[2021-06-12 20:01:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '179');
[2021-06-12 20:01:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '300');
[2021-06-12 20:01:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '541');
[2021-06-12 20:01:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:01:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '154');
[2021-06-12 20:01:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:02:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:02:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:02:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:02:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:02:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '207');
[2021-06-12 20:02:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '84');
[2021-06-12 20:02:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:02:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '353');
[2021-06-12 20:02:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-12 20:02:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '973');
[2021-06-12 20:02:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1970');
[2021-06-12 20:02:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2604');
[2021-06-12 20:02:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2822');
[2021-06-12 20:02:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5248');
[2021-06-12 20:02:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5857');
[2021-06-12 20:02:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5881');
[2021-06-12 20:02:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '6123');
[2021-06-12 20:02:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '7244');
[2021-06-12 20:02:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '7431');
[2021-06-12 20:02:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '7561');
[2021-06-12 20:02:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '7695');
[2021-06-12 20:02:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '7799');
[2021-06-12 20:02:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '7946');
[2021-06-12 20:02:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '8644');
[2021-06-12 20:02:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '9428');
[2021-06-12 20:02:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '9929');
[2021-06-12 20:02:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '10374');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '10606');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '10623');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '10631');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '10710');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '10772');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '10903');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '11536');
[2021-06-12 20:02:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '11536');
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '11553');
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '11910');
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '12091');
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '12092');
[2021-06-12 20:02:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '12095');
[2021-05-25 20:05:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:05:32] ERROR [db_logger.insertIntoApiCallLog:110]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 98, in insertIntoApiCallLog
% (url, calcIPValue(src_ipaddr_str), src_ipaddr_str, method, result.get('code'), result.get('message'), response_time))
NameError: global name 'calcIPValue' is not defined
[2021-05-25 20:07:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:07:41] ERROR [db_logger.insertIntoApiCallLog:110]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 98, in insertIntoApiCallLog
% (url, ip, method, result.get('code'), result.get('message'), response_time))
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
[2021-05-25 20:09:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:09:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/getTest/',, 'GET', '200', 'OK', '21');
[2021-05-25 20:09:18] ERROR [db_logger.executeQuery:59]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 56, in executeQuery
row = cursor.execute(query)
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 205, in execute
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 36, in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.0.1, 'GET', '200', 'OK', '21')' at line 1")
[2021-05-25 20:09:18] ERROR [db_logger.executeQuery:60]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/getTest/',, 'GET', '200', 'OK', '21');
[2021-05-25 20:09:18] ERROR [db_logger.insertIntoApiCallLog:110]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 99, in insertIntoApiCallLog
row = self.executeQuery(cursor, query)
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 61, in executeQuery
raise TestDBException(-1, "TestDBException: cannot execute query(%s)" %(query))
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
[2021-05-25 20:09:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:09:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/getTest/', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '27');
[2021-05-25 20:14:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:14:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/getTest/', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '28');
[2021-05-25 20:14:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:14:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/getTest/', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '8');
[2021-05-25 20:14:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:14:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/getTest/', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3');
[2021-05-25 20:15:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:15:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '22');
[2021-05-25 20:17:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:17:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '14');
[2021-05-25 20:17:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '500', 'Internal Server Error', '36');
[2021-05-25 20:23:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:23:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '27');
[2021-05-25 20:37:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:37:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringPostTest', '', 'POST', '200', 'OK', '17');
[2021-05-25 20:37:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:37:38] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringDeleteTest', '', 'DELETE', '200', 'OK', '10');
[2021-05-25 20:37:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-05-25 20:37:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringPutTest', '', 'PUT', '200', 'OK', '3');
[2021-05-25 20:38:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-05-25 20:38:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '17');
[2021-05-25 20:38:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-05-25 20:38:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '20');
[2021-05-25 20:40:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-05-25 20:40:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '21');
[2021-05-25 20:41:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-05-25 20:41:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2');
[2021-05-25 20:42:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-05-25 20:42:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1');
[2021-06-09 23:26:26] ERROR [db_logger.__init__:17]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 15, in __init__
self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='', db='mydb', port=3306, charset='utf8')
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 81, in Connect
return Connection(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 193, in __init__
super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)")
[2021-06-09 23:26:26] ERROR [db_logger.__init__:17]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 15, in __init__
self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='', db='mydb', port=3306, charset='utf8')
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 81, in Connect
return Connection(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 193, in __init__
super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)")
[2021-06-09 23:29:03] ERROR [db_logger.__init__:17]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 15, in __init__
self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='', db='mydb', port=3306, charset='utf8')
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 81, in Connect
return Connection(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 193, in __init__
super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)")
[2021-06-09 23:29:03] ERROR [db_logger.__init__:17]:: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/common/testDB.py", line 15, in __init__
self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='', db='mydb', port=3306, charset='utf8')
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 81, in Connect
return Connection(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/nhn/.pyenv/versions/testVirenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 193, in __init__
super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)")
[2021-06-09 23:29:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-06-09 23:29:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '13');
[2021-06-09 23:30:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-06-09 23:30:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2');
[2021-06-09 23:30:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-06-09 23:30:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3');
[2021-06-09 23:31:33] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-06-09 23:31:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1016');
[2021-06-09 23:51:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log LIMIT 10;
[2021-06-09 23:51:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '18');
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
[2021-06-11 19:54:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 19:54:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '284');
[2021-06-11 20:17:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '144');
[2021-06-11 20:17:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '43');
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '84');
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '322');
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '52');
[2021-06-11 20:17:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '280');
[2021-06-11 20:17:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '147');
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '70');
[2021-06-11 20:17:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '651');
[2021-06-11 20:17:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '206');
[2021-06-11 20:17:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:17:59] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '96');
[2021-06-11 20:18:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '374');
[2021-06-11 20:18:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '459');
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '118');
[2021-06-11 20:18:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '290');
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '298');
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '516');
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '405');
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '420');
[2021-06-11 20:18:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '455');
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '682');
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '35');
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '47');
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '17');
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '47');
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:04] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2');
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '417');
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:05] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '0');
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '136');
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '258');
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '283');
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '310');
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '346');
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '40');
[2021-06-11 20:18:06] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '45');
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '18');
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '83');
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '22');
[2021-06-11 20:18:07] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '24');
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '230');
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '661');
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '120');
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:08] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:09] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1241');
[2021-06-11 20:18:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:10] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:11] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '341');
[2021-06-11 20:18:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:12] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '685');
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '22');
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:13] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '573');
[2021-06-11 20:18:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '575');
[2021-06-11 20:18:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:14] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '834');
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:15] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:16] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1008');
[2021-06-11 20:18:17] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:17] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '116');
[2021-06-11 20:18:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '7');
[2021-06-11 20:18:18] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '131');
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '147');
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '39');
[2021-06-11 20:18:20] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '80');
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '19');
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '34');
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '100');
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '172');
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '4');
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:21] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '24');
[2021-06-11 20:18:22] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '63');
[2021-06-11 20:18:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '127');
[2021-06-11 20:18:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '157');
[2021-06-11 20:18:23] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:24] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '675');
[2021-06-11 20:18:25] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1069');
[2021-06-11 20:18:25] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:26] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '919');
[2021-06-11 20:18:27] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:27] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1129');
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1152');
[2021-06-11 20:18:28] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '0');
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '391');
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '408');
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '183');
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '192');
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '240');
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '447');
[2021-06-11 20:18:29] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '505');
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1761');
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1');
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2');
[2021-06-11 20:18:30] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '55');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '191');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '191');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '192');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '245');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '342');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '88');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '124');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '11');
[2021-06-11 20:18:31] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '253');
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '587');
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '777');
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '21');
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '70');
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '64');
[2021-06-11 20:18:32] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '300');
[2021-06-11 20:18:33] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:33] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '229');
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '72');
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '103');
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:34] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3');
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:35] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '27');
[2021-06-11 20:18:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:36] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:37] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '504');
[2021-06-11 20:18:39] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:40] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1993');
[2021-06-11 20:18:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2041');
[2021-06-11 20:18:41] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:42] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '4');
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1623');
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1736');
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1819');
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2015');
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2037');
[2021-06-11 20:18:43] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2039');
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '46');
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '93');
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '150');
[2021-06-11 20:18:44] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '121');
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '122');
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '231');
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '560');
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '655');
[2021-06-11 20:18:45] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:46] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '840');
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2');
[2021-06-11 20:18:46] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '944');
[2021-06-11 20:18:46] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '238');
[2021-06-11 20:18:46] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '307');
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '0');
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '70');
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '136');
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '471');
[2021-06-11 20:18:47] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:46] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '1000');
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '99');
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '0');
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '223');
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '280');
[2021-06-11 20:18:48] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '42');
[2021-06-11 20:18:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '110');
[2021-06-11 20:18:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '398');
[2021-06-11 20:18:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:49] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:50] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:51] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '139');
[2021-06-11 20:18:52] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '752');
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '4');
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5');
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '53');
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '63');
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:53] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:54] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '615');
[2021-06-11 20:18:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '79');
[2021-06-11 20:18:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:55] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '929');
[2021-06-11 20:18:56] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '101');
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '136');
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '122');
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:57] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: SELECT * FROM api_call_log;
[2021-06-11 20:18:58] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '284');
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2304');
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2448');
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2600');
[2021-06-11 20:19:00] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '2600');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3406');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3428');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3462');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3470');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3598');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3714');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3725');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3846');
[2021-06-11 20:19:01] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '3854');
[2021-06-11 20:19:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '4237');
[2021-06-11 20:19:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '4294');
[2021-06-11 20:19:02] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '4397');
[2021-06-11 20:19:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '4911');
[2021-06-11 20:19:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5043');
[2021-06-11 20:19:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5163');
[2021-06-11 20:19:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5163');
[2021-06-11 20:19:03] INFO [db_logger.executeQuery:55]:: INSERT INTO api_call_log (url, ip, method, ret_code, ret_message, response_time) VALUES ('/tests/monitoringGetTest', '', 'GET', '200', 'OK', '5450');
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "testMonitoring.settings")
from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
except ImportError:
# The above import may fail for some other reason. Ensure that the
# issue is really that Django is missing to avoid masking other
# exceptions on Python 2.
import django
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
"available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you "
"forget to activate a virtual environment?"
Django settings for testMonitoring project.
Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 1.11.5.
For more information on this file, see
For the full list of settings and their values, see
import os
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/howto/deployment/checklist/
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = 'n8(d7&b)3mg(518^8=vn-5!_1+iu#a*nf%a)l(!dryh5%9#7++'
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True
# Application definition
ROOT_URLCONF = 'testMonitoring.urls'
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'context_processors': [
WSGI_APPLICATION = 'testMonitoring.wsgi.application'
# Database
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/settings/#databases
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
# Password validation
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/settings/#auth-password-validators
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator',
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator',
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator',
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator',
# Internationalization
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/topics/i18n/
TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Seoul'
USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
USE_TZ = True
# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/howto/static-files/
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': False,
'filters': {
'require_debug_false': {
'()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse',
'formatters': {
'simple': {
'format': '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s:: %(message)s',
'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
'verbose': {
'format': '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s [%(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d]:: %(message)s',
'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
'handlers': {
'console': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'formatter': 'simple'
'db_logfile': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler',
'when': "midnight",
'filename': '/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/logs/db.log',
'formatter': 'verbose'
'common_logfile': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler',
'when': "midnight",
'filename': '/Users/nhn/Desktop/capstone/testMonitoring/logs/common.log',
'formatter': 'verbose'
'loggers': {
'db_logger': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'handlers': ['db_logfile'],
'common_logger': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'handlers': ['common_logfile'],
\ No newline at end of file
"""testMonitoring URL Configuration
The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see:
Function views
1. Add an import: from my_app import views
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', views.home, name='home')
Class-based views
1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', Home.as_view(), name='home')
Including another URLconf
1. Import the include() function: from django.conf.urls import url, include
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls'))
from django.conf.urls import include, url
from django.contrib import admin
from common import views as common
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^tests/', include('urls.tests_url')),
WSGI config for testMonitoring project.
It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.
For more information on this file, see
import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "testMonitoring.settings")
application = get_wsgi_application()
No preview for this file type
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'Minseok'
from django.conf.urls import url
from common import views as tests
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^monitoringGetTest$', tests.monitoringGetTest),
url(r'^monitoringPostTest$', tests.monitoringPostTest),
url(r'^monitoringDeleteTest$', tests.monitoringDeleteTest),
url(r'^monitoringPutTest$', tests.monitoringPutTest),
\ No newline at end of file