List.js 4.46 KB
import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2";
import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray";
import * as React from 'react';
import warning from "rc-util/es/warning";
import FieldContext from './FieldContext';
import Field from './Field';
import { move as _move, getNamePath } from './utils/valueUtil';

var List = function List(_ref) {
  var name =,
      initialValue = _ref.initialValue,
      children = _ref.children,
      rules = _ref.rules,
      validateTrigger = _ref.validateTrigger;
  var context = React.useContext(FieldContext);
  var keyRef = React.useRef({
    keys: [],
    id: 0
  var keyManager = keyRef.current; // User should not pass `children` as other type.

  if (typeof children !== 'function') {
    warning(false, 'Form.List only accepts function as children.');
    return null;

  var parentPrefixName = getNamePath(context.prefixName) || [];
  var prefixName = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(parentPrefixName), _toConsumableArray(getNamePath(name)));

  var shouldUpdate = function shouldUpdate(prevValue, nextValue, _ref2) {
    var source = _ref2.source;

    if (source === 'internal') {
      return false;

    return prevValue !== nextValue;

  return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(FieldContext.Provider, {
    value: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, context), {}, {
      prefixName: prefixName
  }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Field, {
    name: [],
    shouldUpdate: shouldUpdate,
    rules: rules,
    validateTrigger: validateTrigger,
    initialValue: initialValue,
    isList: true
  }, function (_ref3, meta) {
    var _ref3$value = _ref3.value,
        value = _ref3$value === void 0 ? [] : _ref3$value,
        onChange = _ref3.onChange;
    var getFieldValue = context.getFieldValue;

    var getNewValue = function getNewValue() {
      var values = getFieldValue(prefixName || []);
      return values || [];
     * Always get latest value in case user update fields by `form` api.

    var operations = {
      add: function add(defaultValue, index) {
        // Mapping keys
        var newValue = getNewValue();

        if (index >= 0 && index <= newValue.length) {
          keyManager.keys = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(keyManager.keys.slice(0, index)), [], _toConsumableArray(keyManager.keys.slice(index)));
          onChange([].concat(_toConsumableArray(newValue.slice(0, index)), [defaultValue], _toConsumableArray(newValue.slice(index))));
        } else {
          if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && (index < 0 || index > newValue.length)) {
            warning(false, 'The second parameter of the add function should be a valid positive number.');

          keyManager.keys = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(keyManager.keys), []);
          onChange([].concat(_toConsumableArray(newValue), [defaultValue]));
        } += 1;
      remove: function remove(index) {
        var newValue = getNewValue();
        var indexSet = new Set(Array.isArray(index) ? index : [index]);

        if (indexSet.size <= 0) {

        keyManager.keys = keyManager.keys.filter(function (_, keysIndex) {
          return !indexSet.has(keysIndex);
        }); // Trigger store change

        onChange(newValue.filter(function (_, valueIndex) {
          return !indexSet.has(valueIndex);
      move: function move(from, to) {
        if (from === to) {

        var newValue = getNewValue(); // Do not handle out of range

        if (from < 0 || from >= newValue.length || to < 0 || to >= newValue.length) {

        keyManager.keys = _move(keyManager.keys, from, to); // Trigger store change

        onChange(_move(newValue, from, to));
    var listValue = value || [];

    if (!Array.isArray(listValue)) {
      listValue = [];

      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
        warning(false, "Current value of '".concat(prefixName.join(' > '), "' is not an array type."));

    return children( (__, index) {
      var key = keyManager.keys[index];

      if (key === undefined) {
        keyManager.keys[index] =;
        key = keyManager.keys[index]; += 1;

      return {
        name: index,
        key: key,
        isListField: true
    }), operations, meta);

export default List;