helpers.js 3.98 KB
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.getWindowFromNode = getWindowFromNode;
exports.getDocument = getDocument;
exports.runWithRealTimers = runWithRealTimers;
exports.checkContainerType = checkContainerType;
exports.TEXT_NODE = exports.jestFakeTimersAreEnabled = exports.setTimeout = exports.setImmediate = exports.clearTimeout = void 0;
const globalObj = typeof window === 'undefined' ? global : window; // Constant node.nodeType for text nodes, see:

const TEXT_NODE = 3; // Currently this fn only supports jest timers, but it could support other test runners in the future.


function runWithRealTimers(callback) {
  const fakeTimersType = getJestFakeTimersType();

  if (fakeTimersType) {

  const callbackReturnValue = callback();

  if (fakeTimersType) {

  return callbackReturnValue;

function getJestFakeTimersType() {
  // istanbul ignore if
  if (typeof jest === 'undefined' || typeof globalObj.setTimeout === 'undefined') {
    return null;

  if (typeof globalObj.setTimeout._isMockFunction !== 'undefined' && globalObj.setTimeout._isMockFunction) {
    return 'legacy';

  if (typeof globalObj.setTimeout.clock !== 'undefined' && typeof jest.getRealSystemTime !== 'undefined') {
    try {
      // jest.getRealSystemTime is only supported for Jest's `modern` fake timers and otherwise throws
      return 'modern';
    } catch {// not using Jest's modern fake timers

  return null;

const jestFakeTimersAreEnabled = () => Boolean(getJestFakeTimersType()); // we only run our tests in node, and setImmediate is supported in node.
// istanbul ignore next

exports.jestFakeTimersAreEnabled = jestFakeTimersAreEnabled;

function setImmediatePolyfill(fn) {
  return globalObj.setTimeout(fn, 0);

function getTimeFunctions() {
  // istanbul ignore next
  return {
    clearTimeoutFn: globalObj.clearTimeout,
    setImmediateFn: globalObj.setImmediate || setImmediatePolyfill,
    setTimeoutFn: globalObj.setTimeout

const {
} = runWithRealTimers(getTimeFunctions);
exports.setTimeout = setTimeoutFn;
exports.setImmediate = setImmediateFn;
exports.clearTimeout = clearTimeoutFn;

function getDocument() {
  /* istanbul ignore if */
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
    throw new Error('Could not find default container');

  return window.document;

function getWindowFromNode(node) {
  if (node.defaultView) {
    // node is document
    return node.defaultView;
  } else if (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView) {
    // node is a DOM node
    return node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
  } else if (node.window) {
    // node is window
    return node.window;
  } else if (node.then instanceof Function) {
    throw new Error(`It looks like you passed a Promise object instead of a DOM node. Did you do something like \`\` when you meant to use a \`getBy\` query \`\`, or await the findBy query \` screen.findBy...\`?`);
  } else {
    // The user passed something unusual to a calling function
    throw new Error(`Unable to find the "window" object for the given node. Please file an issue with the code that's causing you to see this error:`);

function checkContainerType(container) {
  if (!container || !(typeof container.querySelector === 'function') || !(typeof container.querySelectorAll === 'function')) {
    throw new TypeError(`Expected container to be an Element, a Document or a DocumentFragment but got ${getTypeName(container)}.`);

  function getTypeName(object) {
    if (typeof object === 'object') {
      return object === null ? 'null' :;

    return typeof object;