relativize.js 1.03 KB
"use strict";

var pathUtils = require("../util/path");

	Get a path relative to the site path.
function relatePath(absolutePath, siteAbsolutePath)
	var relativePath = [];
	// At this point, it's related to the host/port
	var related = true;
	var parentIndex = -1;
	// Find parents
	siteAbsolutePath.forEach( function(siteAbsoluteDir, i)
		if (related)
			if (absolutePath[i] !== siteAbsoluteDir)
				related = false;
				parentIndex = i;
		if (!related)
			// Up one level
	// Form path
	absolutePath.forEach( function(dir, i)
		if (i > parentIndex)
	return relativePath;

function relativize(urlObj, siteUrlObj, options)
	if (urlObj.extra.relation.minimumScheme)
		var pathArray = relatePath(urlObj.path.absolute.array, siteUrlObj.path.absolute.array);
		urlObj.path.relative.array  = pathArray;
		urlObj.path.relative.string = pathUtils.join(pathArray);

module.exports = relativize;