p-as-heading-matches.js 643 Bytes
function pAsHeadingMatches(node) {
	const children = Array.from(node.parentNode.childNodes);
	const nodeText = node.textContent.trim();
	const isSentence = /[.!?:;](?![.!?:;])/g;

	// Check that there is text, and it is not more than a single sentence
	if (nodeText.length === 0 || (nodeText.match(isSentence) || []).length >= 2) {
		return false;

	// Grab sibling p element following the current node
	const siblingsAfter = children
		.slice(children.indexOf(node) + 1)
			elm => elm.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'P' && elm.textContent.trim() !== ''

	return siblingsAfter.length !== 0;

export default pAsHeadingMatches;