tests.js 1.17 KB
'use strict';

var inspect = require('object-inspect');
var forEach = require('foreach');

module.exports = function (flatMap, t) {
	t.test('callback function', function (st) {
		forEach([[], {}, true, false, 42, 'foo', /a/g, null], function (nonFunction) {
				function () { flatMap([], nonFunction); },
				inspect(nonFunction) + ' is not a function'


	t.test('flatMaps', function (st) {
		var mapped = flatMap([1, [2], [3, 4]], function (x, i) {
			return [x, i];

		var expected = [1, 0, [2], 1, [3, 4], 2];
		st.deepEqual(mapped, expected, 'array is flattened and mapped to tuples of item/index');
		st.equal(mapped.length, expected.length, 'array has expected length');

		var context = {};
		var actual;
		flatMap([1], function () { actual = this; }, context);
		st.equal(actual, context, 'thisArg works as expected');


	t.test('sparse arrays', function (st) {
		var identity = function (x) { return x; };
		// eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays
		st.deepEqual(flatMap([, [1]], identity), flatMap([[], [1]], identity), 'an array hole is treated the same as an empty array');
