pencil_brush.class.js 8.81 KB
(function() {
   * PencilBrush class
   * @class fabric.PencilBrush
   * @extends fabric.BaseBrush
  fabric.PencilBrush = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.BaseBrush, /** @lends fabric.PencilBrush.prototype */ {

     * Discard points that are less than `decimate` pixel distant from each other
     * @type Number
     * @default 0.4
    decimate: 0.4,

     * Constructor
     * @param {fabric.Canvas} canvas
     * @return {fabric.PencilBrush} Instance of a pencil brush
    initialize: function(canvas) {
      this.canvas = canvas;
      this._points = [];

     * Invoked inside on mouse down and mouse move
     * @param {Object} pointer
    _drawSegment: function (ctx, p1, p2) {
      var midPoint = p1.midPointFrom(p2);
      ctx.quadraticCurveTo(p1.x, p1.y, midPoint.x, midPoint.y);
      return midPoint;

     * Inovoked on mouse down
     * @param {Object} pointer
    onMouseDown: function(pointer, options) {
      if (!this.canvas._isMainEvent(options.e)) {
      // capture coordinates immediately
      // this allows to draw dots (when movement never occurs)

     * Inovoked on mouse move
     * @param {Object} pointer
    onMouseMove: function(pointer, options) {
      if (!this.canvas._isMainEvent(options.e)) {
      if (this._captureDrawingPath(pointer) && this._points.length > 1) {
        if (this.needsFullRender()) {
          // redraw curve
          // clear top canvas
        else {
          var points = this._points, length = points.length, ctx = this.canvas.contextTop;
          // draw the curve update
          if (this.oldEnd) {
            ctx.moveTo(this.oldEnd.x, this.oldEnd.y);
          this.oldEnd = this._drawSegment(ctx, points[length - 2], points[length - 1], true);

     * Invoked on mouse up
    onMouseUp: function(options) {
      if (!this.canvas._isMainEvent(options.e)) {
        return true;
      this.oldEnd = undefined;
      return false;

     * @private
     * @param {Object} pointer Actual mouse position related to the canvas.
    _prepareForDrawing: function(pointer) {

      var p = new fabric.Point(pointer.x, pointer.y);

      this.canvas.contextTop.moveTo(p.x, p.y);

     * @private
     * @param {fabric.Point} point Point to be added to points array
    _addPoint: function(point) {
      if (this._points.length > 1 && point.eq(this._points[this._points.length - 1])) {
        return false;
      return true;

     * Clear points array and set contextTop canvas style.
     * @private
    _reset: function() {
      this._points = [];

     * @private
     * @param {Object} pointer Actual mouse position related to the canvas.
    _captureDrawingPath: function(pointer) {
      var pointerPoint = new fabric.Point(pointer.x, pointer.y);
      return this._addPoint(pointerPoint);

     * Draw a smooth path on the topCanvas using quadraticCurveTo
     * @private
    _render: function() {
      var ctx  = this.canvas.contextTop, i, len,
          p1 = this._points[0],
          p2 = this._points[1];

      //if we only have 2 points in the path and they are the same
      //it means that the user only clicked the canvas without moving the mouse
      //then we should be drawing a dot. A path isn't drawn between two identical dots
      //that's why we set them apart a bit
      if (this._points.length === 2 && p1.x === p2.x && p1.y === p2.y) {
        var width = this.width / 1000;
        p1 = new fabric.Point(p1.x, p1.y);
        p2 = new fabric.Point(p2.x, p2.y);
        p1.x -= width;
        p2.x += width;
      ctx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);

      for (i = 1, len = this._points.length; i < len; i++) {
        // we pick the point between pi + 1 & pi + 2 as the
        // end point and p1 as our control point.
        this._drawSegment(ctx, p1, p2);
        p1 = this._points[i];
        p2 = this._points[i + 1];
      // Draw last line as a straight line while
      // we wait for the next point to be able to calculate
      // the bezier control point
      ctx.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y);

     * Converts points to SVG path
     * @param {Array} points Array of points
     * @return {String} SVG path
    convertPointsToSVGPath: function(points) {
      var path = [], i, width = this.width / 1000,
          p1 = new fabric.Point(points[0].x, points[0].y),
          p2 = new fabric.Point(points[1].x, points[1].y),
          len = points.length, multSignX = 1, multSignY = 0, manyPoints = len > 2;

      if (manyPoints) {
        multSignX = points[2].x < p2.x ? -1 : points[2].x === p2.x ? 0 : 1;
        multSignY = points[2].y < p2.y ? -1 : points[2].y === p2.y ? 0 : 1;
      path.push('M ', p1.x - multSignX * width, ' ', p1.y - multSignY * width, ' ');
      for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
        if (!p1.eq(p2)) {
          var midPoint = p1.midPointFrom(p2);
          // p1 is our bezier control point
          // midpoint is our endpoint
          // start point is p(i-1) value.
          path.push('Q ', p1.x, ' ', p1.y, ' ', midPoint.x, ' ', midPoint.y, ' ');
        p1 = points[i];
        if ((i + 1) < points.length) {
          p2 = points[i + 1];
      if (manyPoints) {
        multSignX = p1.x > points[i - 2].x ? 1 : p1.x === points[i - 2].x ? 0 : -1;
        multSignY = p1.y > points[i - 2].y ? 1 : p1.y === points[i - 2].y ? 0 : -1;
      path.push('L ', p1.x + multSignX * width, ' ', p1.y + multSignY * width);
      return path;

     * Creates fabric.Path object to add on canvas
     * @param {String} pathData Path data
     * @return {fabric.Path} Path to add on canvas
    createPath: function(pathData) {
      var path = new fabric.Path(pathData, {
        fill: null,
        stroke: this.color,
        strokeWidth: this.width,
        strokeLineCap: this.strokeLineCap,
        strokeMiterLimit: this.strokeMiterLimit,
        strokeLineJoin: this.strokeLineJoin,
        strokeDashArray: this.strokeDashArray,
      if (this.shadow) {
        this.shadow.affectStroke = true;
        path.shadow = new fabric.Shadow(this.shadow);

      return path;

     * Decimate poins array with the decimate value
    decimatePoints: function(points, distance) {
      if (points.length <= 2) {
        return points;
      var zoom = this.canvas.getZoom(), adjustedDistance = Math.pow(distance / zoom, 2),
          i, l = points.length - 1, lastPoint = points[0], newPoints = [lastPoint],
      for (i = 1; i < l; i++) {
        cDistance = Math.pow(lastPoint.x - points[i].x, 2) + Math.pow(lastPoint.y - points[i].y, 2);
        if (cDistance >= adjustedDistance) {
          lastPoint = points[i];
      if (newPoints.length === 1) {
        newPoints.push(new fabric.Point(newPoints[0].x, newPoints[0].y));
      return newPoints;

     * On mouseup after drawing the path on contextTop canvas
     * we use the points captured to create an new fabric path object
     * and add it to the fabric canvas.
    _finalizeAndAddPath: function() {
      var ctx = this.canvas.contextTop;
      if (this.decimate) {
        this._points = this.decimatePoints(this._points, this.decimate);
      var pathData = this.convertPointsToSVGPath(this._points).join('');
      if (pathData === 'M 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 L 0 0') {
        // do not create 0 width/height paths, as they are
        // rendered inconsistently across browsers
        // Firefox 4, for example, renders a dot,
        // whereas Chrome 10 renders nothing

      var path = this.createPath(pathData);
      this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop);'before:path:created', { path: path });

      // fire event 'path' created'path:created', { path: path });