index.js 3.09 KB
import toDate from '../toDate/index.js';
import requiredArgs from '../_lib/requiredArgs/index.js';
 * @name eachDayOfInterval
 * @category Interval Helpers
 * @summary Return the array of dates within the specified time interval.
 * @description
 * Return the array of dates within the specified time interval.
 * ### v2.0.0 breaking changes:
 * - [Changes that are common for the whole library](
 * - The function was renamed from `eachDay` to `eachDayOfInterval`.
 *   This change was made to mirror the use of the word "interval" in standard ISO 8601:2004 terminology:
 *   ```
 *   2.1.3
 *   time interval
 *   part of the time axis limited by two instants
 *   ```
 *   Also, this function now accepts an object with `start` and `end` properties
 *   instead of two arguments as an interval.
 *   This function now throws `RangeError` if the start of the interval is after its end
 *   or if any date in the interval is `Invalid Date`.
 *   ```javascript
 *   // Before v2.0.0
 *   eachDay(new Date(2014, 0, 10), new Date(2014, 0, 20))
 *   // v2.0.0 onward
 *   eachDayOfInterval(
 *     { start: new Date(2014, 0, 10), end: new Date(2014, 0, 20) }
 *   )
 *   ```
 * @param {Interval} interval - the interval. See [Interval]{@link docs/types/Interval}
 * @param {Object} [options] - an object with options.
 * @param {Number} [options.step=1] - the step to increment by. The value should be more than 1.
 * @returns {Date[]} the array with starts of days from the day of the interval start to the day of the interval end
 * @throws {TypeError} 1 argument required
 * @throws {RangeError} `options.step` must be a number greater than 1
 * @throws {RangeError} The start of an interval cannot be after its end
 * @throws {RangeError} Date in interval cannot be `Invalid Date`
 * @example
 * // Each day between 6 October 2014 and 10 October 2014:
 * var result = eachDayOfInterval({
 *   start: new Date(2014, 9, 6),
 *   end: new Date(2014, 9, 10)
 * })
 * //=> [
 * //   Mon Oct 06 2014 00:00:00,
 * //   Tue Oct 07 2014 00:00:00,
 * //   Wed Oct 08 2014 00:00:00,
 * //   Thu Oct 09 2014 00:00:00,
 * //   Fri Oct 10 2014 00:00:00
 * // ]

export default function eachDayOfInterval(dirtyInterval, options) {
  requiredArgs(1, arguments);
  var interval = dirtyInterval || {};
  var startDate = toDate(interval.start);
  var endDate = toDate(interval.end);
  var endTime = endDate.getTime(); // Throw an exception if start date is after end date or if any date is `Invalid Date`

  if (!(startDate.getTime() <= endTime)) {
    throw new RangeError('Invalid interval');

  var dates = [];
  var currentDate = startDate;
  currentDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
  var step = options && 'step' in options ? Number(options.step) : 1;
  if (step < 1 || isNaN(step)) throw new RangeError('`options.step` must be a number greater than 1');

  while (currentDate.getTime() <= endTime) {
    currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + step);
    currentDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

  return dates;