standard.js 9.26 KB
 * @fileoverview The standard theme
 * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <>

 * Full configuration for theme.<br>
 * @typedef {object} themeConfig
 * @property {string} - Brand icon image
 * @property {string} common.bisize.width - Icon image width
 * @property {string} common.bisize.height - Icon Image Height
 * @property {string} common.backgroundImage - Background image
 * @property {string} common.backgroundColor - Background color
 * @property {string} common.border - Full area border style
 * @property {string} header.backgroundImage - header area background
 * @property {string} header.backgroundColor - header area background color
 * @property {string} header.border - header area border style
 * @property {string} loadButton.backgroundColor - load button background color
 * @property {string} loadButton.border - load button border style
 * @property {string} loadButton.color - load button foreground color
 * @property {string} loadButton.fontFamily - load button font type
 * @property {string} loadButton.fontSize - load button font size
 * @property {string} downloadButton.backgroundColor - download button background color
 * @property {string} downloadButton.border - download button border style
 * @property {string} downloadButton.color - download button foreground color
 * @property {string} downloadButton.fontFamily - download button font type
 * @property {string} downloadButton.fontSize - download button font size
 * @property {string} menu.normalIcon.color - Menu normal color for default icon
 * @property {string} menu.normalIcon.path - Menu normal icon svg bundle file path
 * @property {string} - Menu normal icon svg bundle name
 * @property {string} menu.activeIcon.color - Menu active color for default icon
 * @property {string} menu.activeIcon.path - Menu active icon svg bundle file path
 * @property {string} - Menu active icon svg bundle name
 * @property {string} menu.disabled.color - Menu disabled color for default icon
 * @property {string} menu.disabled.path - Menu disabled icon svg bundle file path
 * @property {string} - Menu disabled icon svg bundle name
 * @property {string} menu.hover.color - Menu default icon hover color
 * @property {string} menu.hover.path - Menu hover icon svg bundle file path
 * @property {string} - Menu hover icon svg bundle name
 * @property {string} menu.iconSize.width - Menu icon Size Width
 * @property {string} menu.iconSize.height - Menu Icon Size Height
 * @property {string} submenu.backgroundColor - Sub-menu area background color
 * @property {string} submenu.partition.color - Submenu partition line color
 * @property {string} submenu.normalIcon.color - Submenu normal color for default icon
 * @property {string} submenu.normalIcon.path - Submenu default icon svg bundle file path
 * @property {string} - Submenu default icon svg bundle name
 * @property {string} submenu.activeIcon.color - Submenu active color for default icon
 * @property {string} submenu.activeIcon.path - Submenu active icon svg bundle file path
 * @property {string} - Submenu active icon svg bundle name
 * @property {string} submenu.iconSize.width - Submenu icon Size Width
 * @property {string} submenu.iconSize.height - Submenu Icon Size Height
 * @property {string} submenu.normalLabel.color - Submenu default label color
 * @property {string} submenu.normalLabel.fontWeight - Sub Menu Default Label Font Thickness
 * @property {string} submenu.activeLabel.color - Submenu active label color
 * @property {string} submenu.activeLabel.fontWeight - Submenu active label Font thickness
 * @property {string} checkbox.border - Checkbox border style
 * @property {string} checkbox.backgroundColor - Checkbox background color
 * @property {string} range.pointer.color - range control pointer color
 * @property {string} - range control bar color
 * @property {string} range.subbar.color - range control subbar color
 * @property {string} range.value.color - range number box font color
 * @property {string} range.value.fontWeight - range number box font thickness
 * @property {string} range.value.fontSize - range number box font size
 * @property {string} range.value.border - range number box border style
 * @property {string} range.value.backgroundColor - range number box background color
 * @property {string} range.title.color - range title font color
 * @property {string} range.title.fontWeight - range title font weight
 * @property {string} colorpicker.button.border - colorpicker button border style
 * @property {string} colorpicker.title.color - colorpicker button title font color
 * @example
 // default keys and styles
 var customTheme = {
    '': '',
    'common.bisize.width': '251px',
    'common.bisize.height': '21px',
    'common.backgroundImage': 'none',
    'common.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
    'common.border': '0px',

    // header
    'header.backgroundImage': 'none',
    'header.backgroundColor': 'transparent',
    'header.border': '0px',

    // load button
    'loadButton.backgroundColor': '#fff',
    'loadButton.border': '1px solid #ddd',
    'loadButton.color': '#222',
    'loadButton.fontFamily': 'NotoSans, sans-serif',
    'loadButton.fontSize': '12px',

    // download button
    'downloadButton.backgroundColor': '#fdba3b',
    'downloadButton.border': '1px solid #fdba3b',
    'downloadButton.color': '#fff',
    'downloadButton.fontFamily': 'NotoSans, sans-serif',
    'downloadButton.fontSize': '12px',

    // icons default
    'menu.normalIcon.color': '#8a8a8a',
    'menu.activeIcon.color': '#555555',
    'menu.disabledIcon.color': '#434343',
    'menu.hoverIcon.color': '#e9e9e9',
    'submenu.normalIcon.color': '#8a8a8a',
    'submenu.activeIcon.color': '#e9e9e9',

    'menu.iconSize.width': '24px',
    'menu.iconSize.height': '24px',
    'submenu.iconSize.width': '32px',
    'submenu.iconSize.height': '32px',

    // submenu primary color
    'submenu.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
    'submenu.partition.color': '#858585',

    // submenu labels
    'submenu.normalLabel.color': '#858585',
    'submenu.normalLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',
    'submenu.activeLabel.color': '#fff',
    'submenu.activeLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',

    // checkbox style
    'checkbox.border': '1px solid #ccc',
    'checkbox.backgroundColor': '#fff',

    // rango style
    'range.pointer.color': '#fff',
    '': '#666',
    'range.subbar.color': '#d1d1d1',

    'range.disabledPointer.color': '#414141',
    'range.disabledBar.color': '#282828',
    'range.disabledSubbar.color': '#414141',

    'range.value.color': '#fff',
    'range.value.fontWeight': 'lighter',
    'range.value.fontSize': '11px',
    'range.value.border': '1px solid #353535',
    'range.value.backgroundColor': '#151515',
    'range.title.color': '#fff',
    'range.title.fontWeight': 'lighter',

    // colorpicker style
    'colorpicker.button.border': '1px solid #1e1e1e',
    'colorpicker.title.color': '#fff'
export default {
  '': '',
  'common.bisize.width': '251px',
  'common.bisize.height': '21px',
  'common.backgroundImage': 'none',
  'common.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
  'common.border': '0px',

  // header
  'header.backgroundImage': 'none',
  'header.backgroundColor': 'transparent',
  'header.border': '0px',

  // load button
  'loadButton.backgroundColor': '#fff',
  'loadButton.border': '1px solid #ddd',
  'loadButton.color': '#222',
  'loadButton.fontFamily': "'Noto Sans', sans-serif",
  'loadButton.fontSize': '12px',

  // download button
  'downloadButton.backgroundColor': '#fdba3b',
  'downloadButton.border': '1px solid #fdba3b',
  'downloadButton.color': '#fff',
  'downloadButton.fontFamily': "'Noto Sans', sans-serif",
  'downloadButton.fontSize': '12px',

  // main icons
  'menu.normalIcon.color': '#8a8a8a',
  'menu.activeIcon.color': '#555555',
  'menu.disabledIcon.color': '#434343',
  'menu.hoverIcon.color': '#e9e9e9',

  // submenu icons
  'submenu.normalIcon.color': '#8a8a8a',
  'submenu.activeIcon.color': '#e9e9e9',

  'menu.iconSize.width': '24px',
  'menu.iconSize.height': '24px',

  'submenu.iconSize.width': '32px',
  'submenu.iconSize.height': '32px',

  // submenu primary color
  'submenu.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
  'submenu.partition.color': '#3c3c3c',

  // submenu labels
  'submenu.normalLabel.color': '#8a8a8a',
  'submenu.normalLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',
  'submenu.activeLabel.color': '#fff',
  'submenu.activeLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',

  // checkbox style
  'checkbox.border': '0px',
  'checkbox.backgroundColor': '#fff',

  // range style
  'range.pointer.color': '#fff',
  '': '#666',
  'range.subbar.color': '#d1d1d1',

  'range.disabledPointer.color': '#414141',
  'range.disabledBar.color': '#282828',
  'range.disabledSubbar.color': '#414141',

  'range.value.color': '#fff',
  'range.value.fontWeight': 'lighter',
  'range.value.fontSize': '11px',
  'range.value.border': '1px solid #353535',
  'range.value.backgroundColor': '#151515',
  'range.title.color': '#fff',
  'range.title.fontWeight': 'lighter',

  // colorpicker style
  'colorpicker.button.border': '1px solid #1e1e1e',
  'colorpicker.title.color': '#fff',