option-assertions.js 7.18 KB
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.msg = msg;
exports.access = access;
exports.assertRootMode = assertRootMode;
exports.assertSourceMaps = assertSourceMaps;
exports.assertCompact = assertCompact;
exports.assertSourceType = assertSourceType;
exports.assertCallerMetadata = assertCallerMetadata;
exports.assertInputSourceMap = assertInputSourceMap;
exports.assertString = assertString;
exports.assertFunction = assertFunction;
exports.assertBoolean = assertBoolean;
exports.assertObject = assertObject;
exports.assertArray = assertArray;
exports.assertIgnoreList = assertIgnoreList;
exports.assertConfigApplicableTest = assertConfigApplicableTest;
exports.assertConfigFileSearch = assertConfigFileSearch;
exports.assertBabelrcSearch = assertBabelrcSearch;
exports.assertPluginList = assertPluginList;

function msg(loc) {
  switch (loc.type) {
    case "root":
      return ``;

    case "env":
      return `${msg(loc.parent)}.env["${loc.name}"]`;

    case "overrides":
      return `${msg(loc.parent)}.overrides[${loc.index}]`;

    case "option":
      return `${msg(loc.parent)}.${loc.name}`;

    case "access":
      return `${msg(loc.parent)}[${JSON.stringify(loc.name)}]`;

      throw new Error(`Assertion failure: Unknown type ${loc.type}`);

function access(loc, name) {
  return {
    type: "access",
    parent: loc

function assertRootMode(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && value !== "root" && value !== "upward" && value !== "upward-optional") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a "root", "upward", "upward-optional" or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertSourceMaps(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && value !== "inline" && value !== "both") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, "inline", "both", or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertCompact(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && value !== "auto") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, "auto", or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertSourceType(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && value !== "module" && value !== "script" && value !== "unambiguous") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be "module", "script", "unambiguous", or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertCallerMetadata(loc, value) {
  const obj = assertObject(loc, value);

  if (obj) {
    if (typeof obj["name"] !== "string") {
      throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} set but does not contain "name" property string`);

    for (const prop of Object.keys(obj)) {
      const propLoc = access(loc, prop);
      const value = obj[prop];

      if (value != null && typeof value !== "boolean" && typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number") {
        throw new Error(`${msg(propLoc)} must be null, undefined, a boolean, a string, or a number.`);

  return value;

function assertInputSourceMap(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && (typeof value !== "object" || !value)) {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, object, or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertString(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "string") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string, or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertFunction(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "function") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a function, or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertBoolean(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a boolean, or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertObject(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && (typeof value !== "object" || Array.isArray(value) || !value)) {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be an object, or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertArray(loc, value) {
  if (value != null && !Array.isArray(value)) {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be an array, or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertIgnoreList(loc, value) {
  const arr = assertArray(loc, value);

  if (arr) {
    arr.forEach((item, i) => assertIgnoreItem(access(loc, i), item));

  return arr;

function assertIgnoreItem(loc, value) {
  if (typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "function" && !(value instanceof RegExp)) {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be an array of string/Function/RegExp values, or undefined`);

  return value;

function assertConfigApplicableTest(loc, value) {
  if (value === undefined) return value;

  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
    value.forEach((item, i) => {
      if (!checkValidTest(item)) {
        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, i))} must be a string/Function/RegExp.`);
  } else if (!checkValidTest(value)) {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string/Function/RegExp, or an array of those`);

  return value;

function checkValidTest(value) {
  return typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "function" || value instanceof RegExp;

function assertConfigFileSearch(loc, value) {
  if (value !== undefined && typeof value !== "boolean" && typeof value !== "string") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a undefined, a boolean, a string, ` + `got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);

  return value;

function assertBabelrcSearch(loc, value) {
  if (value === undefined || typeof value === "boolean") return value;

  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
    value.forEach((item, i) => {
      if (!checkValidTest(item)) {
        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, i))} must be a string/Function/RegExp.`);
  } else if (!checkValidTest(value)) {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a undefined, a boolean, a string/Function/RegExp ` + `or an array of those, got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);

  return value;

function assertPluginList(loc, value) {
  const arr = assertArray(loc, value);

  if (arr) {
    arr.forEach((item, i) => assertPluginItem(access(loc, i), item));

  return arr;

function assertPluginItem(loc, value) {
  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
    if (value.length === 0) {
      throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must include an object`);

    if (value.length > 3) {
      throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} may only be a two-tuple or three-tuple`);

    assertPluginTarget(access(loc, 0), value[0]);

    if (value.length > 1) {
      const opts = value[1];

      if (opts !== undefined && opts !== false && (typeof opts !== "object" || Array.isArray(opts) || opts === null)) {
        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, 1))} must be an object, false, or undefined`);

    if (value.length === 3) {
      const name = value[2];

      if (name !== undefined && typeof name !== "string") {
        throw new Error(`${msg(access(loc, 2))} must be a string, or undefined`);
  } else {
    assertPluginTarget(loc, value);

  return value;

function assertPluginTarget(loc, value) {
  if ((typeof value !== "object" || !value) && typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "function") {
    throw new Error(`${msg(loc)} must be a string, object, function`);

  return value;