window.js 9.72 KB
 * @fileoverview This module has some methods for handling popup-window
 * @author NHN.
 *         FE Development Lab <>

'use strict';

var collection = require('./collection');
var type = require('./type');
var func = require('./func');
var browser = require('./browser');
var object = require('./object');

var popupId = 0;

 * Popup management class
 * @constructor
 * @memberof tui.util
 * @example
 * // node, commonjs
 * var popup = require('tui-code-snippet').popup;
 * @example
 * // distribution file, script
 * <script src='path-to/tui-code-snippt.js'></script>
 * <script>
 * var popup = tui.util.popup;
 * <script>
function Popup() {
     * Caching the window-contexts of opened popups
     * @type {Object}
    this.openedPopup = {};

     * In IE7, an error occurs when the closeWithParent property attaches to window object.<br>
     * So, It is for saving the value of closeWithParent instead of attaching to window object.
     * @type {Object}
    this.closeWithParentPopup = {};

     * Post data bridge for IE11 popup
     * @type {string}
    this.postBridgeUrl = '';

 * public methods

 * Returns a popup-list administered by current window.
 * @param {string} [key] The key of popup.
 * @returns {Object} popup window list object
Popup.prototype.getPopupList = function(key) {
    var target;
    if (type.isExisty(key)) {
        target = this.openedPopup[key];
    } else {
        target = this.openedPopup;

    return target;

 * Open popup
 * Caution:
 *  In IE11, when transfer data to popup by POST, must set the postBridgeUrl.
 * @param {string} url - popup url
 * @param {Object} options - popup options
 *     @param {string} [options.popupName] - Key of popup window.<br>
 *      If the key is set, when you try to open by this key, the popup of this key is focused.<br>
 *      Or else a new popup window having this key is opened.
 *     @param {string} [options.popupOptionStr=""] - Option string of popup window<br>
 *      It is same with the third parameter of method.<br>
 *      See {@link}
 *     @param {boolean} [options.closeWithParent=true] - Is closed when parent window closed?
 *     @param {boolean} [options.useReload=false] - This property indicates whether reload the popup or not.<br>
 *      If true, the popup will be reloaded when you try to re-open the popup that has been opened.<br>
 *      When transmit the POST-data, some browsers alert a message for confirming whether retransmit or not.
 *     @param {string} [options.postBridgeUrl='']
 *      Use this url to avoid a certain bug occuring when transmitting POST data to the popup in IE11.<br>
 *      This specific buggy situation is known to happen because IE11 tries to open the requested url<br>
 *      not in a new popup window as intended, but in a new tab.<br>
 *      See {@link}
 *     @param {string} [options.method=get]
 *     The method of transmission when the form-data is transmitted to popup-window.
 *     @param {Object} [options.param=null]
 *     Using as parameters for transmission when the form-data is transmitted to popup-window.
Popup.prototype.openPopup = function(url, options) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
    var popup, formElement, useIEPostBridge;

    options = object.extend({
        popupName: 'popup_' + popupId + '_' + Number(new Date()),
        popupOptionStr: '',
        useReload: true,
        closeWithParent: true,
        method: 'get',
        param: {}
    }, options || {});

    options.method = options.method.toUpperCase();

    this.postBridgeUrl = options.postBridgeUrl || this.postBridgeUrl;

    useIEPostBridge = options.method === 'POST' && options.param &&
            browser.msie && browser.version === 11;

    if (!type.isExisty(url)) {
        throw new Error('Popup#open() need popup url.');

    popupId += 1;

     * In form-data transmission
     * 1. Create a form before opening a popup.
     * 2. Transmit the form-data.
     * 3. Remove the form after transmission.
    if (options.param) {
        if (options.method === 'GET') {
            url = url + (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + this._parameterize(options.param);
        } else if (options.method === 'POST') {
            if (!useIEPostBridge) {
                formElement = this.createForm(url, options.param, options.method, options.popupName);
                url = 'about:blank';

    popup = this.openedPopup[options.popupName];

    if (!type.isExisty(popup)) {
        this.openedPopup[options.popupName] = popup = this._open(useIEPostBridge, options.param,
            url, options.popupName, options.popupOptionStr);
    } else if (popup.closed) {
        this.openedPopup[options.popupName] = popup = this._open(useIEPostBridge, options.param,
            url, options.popupName, options.popupOptionStr);
    } else {
        if (options.useReload) {

    this.closeWithParentPopup[options.popupName] = options.closeWithParent;

    if (!popup || popup.closed || type.isUndefined(popup.closed)) {
        alert('please enable popup windows for this website');

    if (options.param && options.method === 'POST' && !useIEPostBridge) {
        if (popup) {
        if (formElement.parentNode) {

    window.onunload = func.bind(this.closeAllPopup, this);

 * Close the popup
 * @param {boolean} [skipBeforeUnload] - If true, the 'window.onunload' will be null and skip unload event.
 * @param {Window} [popup] - Window-context of popup for closing. If omit this, current window-context will be closed.
Popup.prototype.close = function(skipBeforeUnload, popup) {
    var target = popup || window;
    skipBeforeUnload = type.isExisty(skipBeforeUnload) ? skipBeforeUnload : false;

    if (skipBeforeUnload) {
        window.onunload = null;

    if (!target.closed) {
        target.opener = window.location.href;

 * Close all the popups in current window.
 * @param {boolean} closeWithParent - If true, popups having the closeWithParentPopup property as true will be closed.
Popup.prototype.closeAllPopup = function(closeWithParent) {
    var hasArg = type.isExisty(closeWithParent);

    collection.forEachOwnProperties(this.openedPopup, function(popup, key) {
        if ((hasArg && this.closeWithParentPopup[key]) || !hasArg) {
            this.close(false, popup);
    }, this);

 * Activate(or focus) the popup of the given name.
 * @param {string} popupName - Name of popup for activation
Popup.prototype.focus = function(popupName) {

 * Return an object made of parsing the query string.
 * @returns {Object} An object having some information of the query string.
 * @private
Popup.prototype.parseQuery = function() {
    var param = {};
    var search, pair;

    search =;
    collection.forEachArray(search.split('&'), function(part) {
        pair = part.split('=');
        param[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);

    return param;

 * Create a hidden form from the given arguments and return this form.
 * @param {string} action - URL for form transmission
 * @param {Object} [data] - Data for form transmission
 * @param {string} [method] - Method of transmission
 * @param {string} [target] - Target of transmission
 * @param {HTMLElement} [container] - Container element of form.
 * @returns {HTMLElement} Form element
Popup.prototype.createForm = function(action, data, method, target, container) {
    var form = document.createElement('form'),

    container = container || document.body;

    form.method = method || 'POST';
    form.action = action || ''; = target || ''; = 'none';

    collection.forEachOwnProperties(data, function(value, key) {
        input = document.createElement('input'); = key;
        input.type = 'hidden';
        input.value = value;


    return form;

 * private methods

 * Return an query string made by parsing the given object
 * @param {Object} obj - An object that has information for query string
 * @returns {string} - Query string
 * @private
Popup.prototype._parameterize = function(obj) {
    var query = [];

    collection.forEachOwnProperties(obj, function(value, key) {
        query.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));

    return query.join('&');

 * Open popup
 * @param {boolean} useIEPostBridge - A switch option whether to use alternative
 *                                  of tossing POST data to the popup window in IE11
 * @param {Object} param - A data for tossing to popup
 * @param {string} url - Popup url
 * @param {string} popupName - Popup name
 * @param {string} optionStr - Setting for popup, ex) 'width=640,height=320,scrollbars=yes'
 * @returns {Window} Window context of popup
 * @private
Popup.prototype._open = function(useIEPostBridge, param, url, popupName, optionStr) {
    var popup;

    if (useIEPostBridge) {
        popup =, popupName, optionStr);
        setTimeout(function() {
            popup.redirect(url, param);
        }, 100);
    } else {
        popup =, popupName, optionStr);

    return popup;

module.exports = new Popup();