formatDate.js 6.28 KB
 * @fileoverview This module has a function for date format.
 * @author NHN.
 *         FE Development Lab <>

'use strict';

var type = require('./type');
var object = require('./object');

var tokens = /[\\]*YYYY|[\\]*YY|[\\]*MMMM|[\\]*MMM|[\\]*MM|[\\]*M|[\\]*DD|[\\]*D|[\\]*HH|[\\]*H|[\\]*A/gi;
var MONTH_STR = [
    'Invalid month', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
    'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
var MONTH_DAYS = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
var replaceMap = {
    M: function(date) {
        return Number(date.month);
    MM: function(date) {
        var month = date.month;

        return (Number(month) < 10) ? '0' + month : month;
    MMM: function(date) {
        return MONTH_STR[Number(date.month)].substr(0, 3);
    MMMM: function(date) {
        return MONTH_STR[Number(date.month)];
    D: function(date) {
        return Number(;
    d: function(date) {
        return replaceMap.D(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
    DD: function(date) {
        var dayInMonth =;

        return (Number(dayInMonth) < 10) ? '0' + dayInMonth : dayInMonth;
    dd: function(date) {
        return replaceMap.DD(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
    YY: function(date) {
        return Number(date.year) % 100;
    yy: function(date) {
        return replaceMap.YY(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
    YYYY: function(date) {
        var prefix = '20',
            year = date.year;
        if (year > 69 && year < 100) {
            prefix = '19';

        return (Number(year) < 100) ? prefix + String(year) : year;
    yyyy: function(date) {
        return replaceMap.YYYY(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
    A: function(date) {
        return date.meridiem;
    a: function(date) {
        return date.meridiem;
    hh: function(date) {
        var hour = date.hour;

        return (Number(hour) < 10) ? '0' + hour : hour;
    HH: function(date) {
        return replaceMap.hh(date);
    h: function(date) {
        return String(Number(date.hour));
    H: function(date) {
        return replaceMap.h(date);
    m: function(date) {
        return String(Number(date.minute));
    mm: function(date) {
        var minute = date.minute;

        return (Number(minute) < 10) ? '0' + minute : minute;

 * Check whether the given variables are valid date or not.
 * @param {number} year - Year
 * @param {number} month - Month
 * @param {number} date - Day in month.
 * @returns {boolean} Is valid?
 * @private
function isValidDate(year, month, date) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
    var isValidYear, isValidMonth, isValid, lastDayInMonth;

    year = Number(year);
    month = Number(month);
    date = Number(date);

    isValidYear = (year > -1 && year < 100) || ((year > 1969) && (year < 2070));
    isValidMonth = (month > 0) && (month < 13);

    if (!isValidYear || !isValidMonth) {
        return false;

    lastDayInMonth = MONTH_DAYS[month];
    if (month === 2 && year % 4 === 0) {
        if (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0) {
            lastDayInMonth = 29;

    isValid = (date > 0) && (date <= lastDayInMonth);

    return isValid;

 * Return a string that transformed from the given form and date.
 * @param {string} form - Date form
 * @param {Date|Object} date - Date object
 * @param {{meridiemSet: {AM: string, PM: string}}} option - Option
 * @returns {boolean|string} A transformed string or false.
 * @memberof tui.util
 * @example
 *  // key             | Shorthand
 *  // --------------- |-----------------------
 *  // years           | YY / YYYY / yy / yyyy
 *  // months(n)       | M / MM
 *  // months(str)     | MMM / MMMM
 *  // days            | D / DD / d / dd
 *  // hours           | H / HH / h / hh
 *  // minutes         | m / mm
 *  // meridiem(AM,PM) | A / a
 * //-- #1. Get Module --//
 * var util = require('tui-code-snippet'); // node, commonjs
 * var util = tui.util; // distribution file
 * //-- #2. Use property --//
 * var dateStr1 = util.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd', {
 *     year: 2014,
 *     month: 12,
 *     date: 12
 * });
 * alert(dateStr1); // '2014-12-12'
 * var dateStr2 = util.formatDate('MMM DD YYYY HH:mm', {
 *     year: 1999,
 *     month: 9,
 *     date: 9,
 *     hour: 0,
 *     minute: 2
 * });
 * alert(dateStr2); // 'Sep 09 1999 00:02'
 * var dt = new Date(2010, 2, 13),
 *     dateStr3 = util.formatDate('yyyy년 M월 dd일', dt);
 * alert(dateStr3); // '2010년 3월 13일'
 * var option4 = {
 *     meridiemSet: {
 *         AM: '오전',
 *         PM: '오후'
 *     }
 * };
 * var date4 = {year: 1999, month: 9, date: 9, hour: 13, minute: 2};
 * var dateStr4 = util.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd A hh:mm', date4, option4));
 * alert(dateStr4); // '1999-09-09 오후 01:02'
function formatDate(form, date, option) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
    var am = object.pick(option, 'meridiemSet', 'AM') || 'AM';
    var pm = object.pick(option, 'meridiemSet', 'PM') || 'PM';
    var meridiem, nDate, resultStr;

    if (type.isDate(date)) {
        nDate = {
            year: date.getFullYear(),
            month: date.getMonth() + 1,
            date: date.getDate(),
            hour: date.getHours(),
            minute: date.getMinutes()
    } else {
        nDate = {
            year: date.year,
            month: date.month,
            hour: date.hour,
            minute: date.minute

    if (!isValidDate(nDate.year, nDate.month, {
        return false;

    nDate.meridiem = '';
    if (/([^\\]|^)[aA]\b/.test(form)) {
        meridiem = (nDate.hour > 11) ? pm : am;
        if (nDate.hour > 12) { // See the clock system:
            nDate.hour %= 12;
        if (nDate.hour === 0) {
            nDate.hour = 12;
        nDate.meridiem = meridiem;

    resultStr = form.replace(tokens, function(key) {
        if (key.indexOf('\\') > -1) { // escape character
            return key.replace(/\\/, '');

        return replaceMap[key](nDate) || '';

    return resultStr;

module.exports = formatDate;