svg-parser.esm.js 6.27 KB
function getLocator(source, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    var offsetLine = options.offsetLine || 0;
    var offsetColumn = options.offsetColumn || 0;
    var originalLines = source.split('\n');
    var start = 0;
    var lineRanges = (line, i) {
        var end = start + line.length + 1;
        var range = { start: start, end: end, line: i };
        start = end;
        return range;
    var i = 0;
    function rangeContains(range, index) {
        return range.start <= index && index < range.end;
    function getLocation(range, index) {
        return { line: offsetLine + range.line, column: offsetColumn + index - range.start, character: index };
    function locate(search, startIndex) {
        if (typeof search === 'string') {
            search = source.indexOf(search, startIndex || 0);
        var range = lineRanges[i];
        var d = search >= range.end ? 1 : -1;
        while (range) {
            if (rangeContains(range, search))
                return getLocation(range, search);
            i += d;
            range = lineRanges[i];
    return locate;
function locate(source, search, options) {
    if (typeof options === 'number') {
        throw new Error('locate takes a { startIndex, offsetLine, offsetColumn } object as the third argument');
    return getLocator(source, options)(search, options && options.startIndex);

var validNameCharacters = /[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]/;
var whitespace = /[\s\t\r\n]/;
var quotemark = /['"]/;

function repeat(str, i) {
	var result = '';
	while (i--) { result += str; }
	return result;

function parse(source) {
	var header = '';
	var stack = [];

	var state = metadata;
	var currentElement = null;
	var root = null;

	function error(message) {
		var ref = locate(source, i);
		var line = ref.line;
		var column = ref.column;
		var before = source.slice(0, i);
		var beforeLine = /(^|\n).*$/.exec(before)[0].replace(/\t/g, '  ');
		var after = source.slice(i);
		var afterLine = /.*(\n|$)/.exec(after)[0];

		var snippet = "" + beforeLine + afterLine + "\n" + (repeat(' ', beforeLine.length)) + "^";

		throw new Error(
			(message + " (" + line + ":" + column + "). If this is valid SVG, it's probably a bug in svg-parser. Please raise an issue at – thanks!\n\n" + snippet)

	function metadata() {
		while ((i < source.length && source[i] !== '<') || !validNameCharacters.test(source[i + 1])) {
			header += source[i++];

		return neutral();

	function neutral() {
		var text = '';
		while (i < source.length && source[i] !== '<') { text += source[i++]; }

		if (/\S/.test(text)) {
			currentElement.children.push({ type: 'text', value: text });

		if (source[i] === '<') {
			return tag;

		return neutral;

	function tag() {
		var char = source[i];

		if (char === '?') { return neutral; } // <?xml...

		if (char === '!') {
			if (source.slice(i + 1, i + 3) === '--') { return comment; }
			if (source.slice(i + 1, i + 8) === '[CDATA[') { return cdata; }
			if (/doctype/i.test(source.slice(i + 1, i + 8))) { return neutral; }

		if (char === '/') { return closingTag; }

		var tagName = getName();

		var element = {
			type: 'element',
			tagName: tagName,
			properties: {},
			children: []

		if (currentElement) {
		} else {
			root = element;

		var attribute;
		while (i < source.length && (attribute = getAttribute())) {[] = attribute.value;

		var selfClosing = false;

		if (source[i] === '/') {
			i += 1;
			selfClosing = true;

		if (source[i] !== '>') {
			error('Expected >');

		if (!selfClosing) {
			currentElement = element;

		return neutral;

	function comment() {
		var index = source.indexOf('-->', i);
		if (!~index) { error('expected -->'); }

		i = index + 2;
		return neutral;

	function cdata() {
		var index = source.indexOf(']]>', i);
		if (!~index) { error('expected ]]>'); }

		currentElement.children.push(source.slice(i + 7, index));

		i = index + 2;
		return neutral;

	function closingTag() {
		var tagName = getName();

		if (!tagName) { error('Expected tag name'); }

		if (tagName !== currentElement.tagName) {
			error(("Expected closing tag </" + tagName + "> to match opening tag <" + (currentElement.tagName) + ">"));


		if (source[i] !== '>') {
			error('Expected >');

		currentElement = stack[stack.length - 1];

		return neutral;

	function getName() {
		var name = '';
		while (i < source.length && validNameCharacters.test(source[i])) { name += source[i++]; }

		return name;

	function getAttribute() {
		if (!whitespace.test(source[i])) { return null; }

		var name = getName();
		if (!name) { return null; }

		var value = true;

		if (source[i] === '=') {
			i += 1;

			value = getAttributeValue();
			if (!isNaN(value) && value.trim() !== '') { value = +value; } // TODO whitelist numeric attributes?

		return { name: name, value: value };

	function getAttributeValue() {
		return quotemark.test(source[i]) ? getQuotedAttributeValue() : getUnquotedAttributeValue();

	function getUnquotedAttributeValue() {
		var value = '';
		do {
			var char = source[i];
			if (char === ' ' || char === '>' || char === '/') {
				return value;

			value += char;
			i += 1;
		} while (i < source.length);

		return value;

	function getQuotedAttributeValue() {
		var quotemark = source[i++];

		var value = '';
		var escaped = false;

		while (i < source.length) {
			var char = source[i++];
			if (char === quotemark && !escaped) {
				return value;

			if (char === '\\' && !escaped) {
				escaped = true;

			value += escaped ? ("\\" + char) : char;
			escaped = false;

	function allowSpaces() {
		while (i < source.length && whitespace.test(source[i])) { i += 1; }

	var i = metadata.length;
	while (i < source.length) {
		if (!state) { error('Unexpected character'); }
		state = state();
		i += 1;

	if (state !== neutral) {
		error('Unexpected end of input');

	if (root.tagName === 'svg') { root.metadata = header; }
	return {
		type: 'root',
		children: [root]

export { parse };