enum.js 3.79 KB
 * @fileoverview This module provides a Enum Constructor.
 * @author NHN.
 *         FE Development Lab <dl_javascript@nhn.com>
 * @example
 * // node, commonjs
 * var Enum = require('tui-code-snippet').Enum;
 * @example
 * // distribution file, script
 * <script src='path-to/tui-code-snippt.js'></script>
 * <script>
 * var Enum = tui.util.Enum;
 * <script>

'use strict';

var collection = require('./collection');
var type = require('./type');

 * Check whether the defineProperty() method is supported.
 * @type {boolean}
 * @ignore
var isSupportDefinedProperty = (function() {
    try {
        Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', {});

        return true;
    } catch (e) {
        return false;

 * A unique value of a constant.
 * @type {number}
 * @ignore
var enumValue = 0;

 * Make a constant-list that has unique values.<br>
 * In modern browsers (except IE8 and lower),<br>
 *  a value defined once can not be changed.
 * @param {...string|string[]} itemList Constant-list (An array of string is available)
 * @class
 * @memberof tui.util
 * @example
 * //-- #1. Get Module --//
 * var Enum = require('tui-code-snippet').Enum; // node, commonjs
 * var Enum = tui.util.Enum; // distribution file
 * //-- #2. Use property --//
 * var MYENUM = new Enum('TYPE1', 'TYPE2');
 * var MYENUM2 = new Enum(['TYPE1', 'TYPE2']);
 * //usage
 * if (value === MYENUM.TYPE1) {
 *      ....
 * }
 * //add (If a duplicate name is inputted, will be disregarded.)
 * MYENUM.set('TYPE3', 'TYPE4');
 * //get name of a constant by a value
 * MYENUM.getName(MYENUM.TYPE1); // 'TYPE1'
 * // In modern browsers (except IE8 and lower), a value can not be changed in constants.
 * var originalValue = MYENUM.TYPE1;
 * MYENUM.TYPE1 = 1234; // maybe TypeError
 * MYENUM.TYPE1 === originalValue; // true
function Enum(itemList) {
    if (itemList) {
        this.set.apply(this, arguments);

 * Define a constants-list
 * @param {...string|string[]} itemList Constant-list (An array of string is available)
Enum.prototype.set = function(itemList) {
    var self = this;

    if (!type.isArray(itemList)) {
        itemList = collection.toArray(arguments);

    collection.forEach(itemList, function itemListIteratee(item) {

 * Return a key of the constant.
 * @param {number} value A value of the constant.
 * @returns {string|undefined} Key of the constant.
Enum.prototype.getName = function(value) {
    var self = this;
    var foundedKey;

    collection.forEach(this, function(itemValue, key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return
        if (self._isEnumItem(key) && value === itemValue) {
            foundedKey = key;

            return false;

    return foundedKey;

 * Create a constant.
 * @private
 * @param {string} name Constant name. (It will be a key of a constant)
Enum.prototype._addItem = function(name) {
    var value;

    if (!this.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        value = this._makeEnumValue();

        if (isSupportDefinedProperty) {
            Object.defineProperty(this, name, {
                enumerable: true,
                configurable: false,
                writable: false,
                value: value
        } else {
            this[name] = value;

 * Return a unique value for assigning to a constant.
 * @private
 * @returns {number} A unique value
Enum.prototype._makeEnumValue = function() {
    var value;

    value = enumValue;
    enumValue += 1;

    return value;

 * Return whether a constant from the given key is in instance or not.
 * @param {string} key - A constant key
 * @returns {boolean} Result
 * @private
Enum.prototype._isEnumItem = function(key) {
    return type.isNumber(this[key]);

module.exports = Enum;