index.js 7.14 KB
var crypto = require('crypto')
var stream = require('stream')
var fileType = require('file-type')
var isSvg = require('is-svg')
var parallel = require('run-parallel')

function staticValue (value) {
  return function (req, file, cb) {
    cb(null, value)

var defaultAcl = staticValue('private')
var defaultContentType = staticValue('application/octet-stream')

var defaultMetadata = staticValue(null)
var defaultCacheControl = staticValue(null)
var defaultContentDisposition = staticValue(null)
var defaultStorageClass = staticValue('STANDARD')
var defaultSSE = staticValue(null)
var defaultSSEKMS = staticValue(null)

function defaultKey (req, file, cb) {
  crypto.randomBytes(16, function (err, raw) {
    cb(err, err ? undefined : raw.toString('hex'))

function autoContentType (req, file, cb) {'data', function (firstChunk) {
    var type = fileType(firstChunk)
    var mime

    if (type) {
      mime = type.mime
    } else if (isSvg(firstChunk)) {
      mime = 'image/svg+xml'
    } else {
      mime = 'application/octet-stream'

    var outStream = new stream.PassThrough()


    cb(null, mime, outStream)

function collect (storage, req, file, cb) {
    storage.getBucket.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getKey.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getAcl.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getMetadata.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getCacheControl.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getContentDisposition.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getStorageClass.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getSSE.bind(storage, req, file),
    storage.getSSEKMS.bind(storage, req, file)
  ], function (err, values) {
    if (err) return cb(err)

    storage.getContentType(req, file, function (err, contentType, replacementStream) {
      if (err) return cb(err), null, {
        bucket: values[0],
        key: values[1],
        acl: values[2],
        metadata: values[3],
        cacheControl: values[4],
        contentDisposition: values[5],
        storageClass: values[6],
        contentType: contentType,
        replacementStream: replacementStream,
        serverSideEncryption: values[7],
        sseKmsKeyId: values[8]

function S3Storage (opts) {
  switch (typeof opts.s3) {
    case 'object': this.s3 = opts.s3; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.s3 to be object')

  switch (typeof opts.bucket) {
    case 'function': this.getBucket = opts.bucket; break
    case 'string': this.getBucket = staticValue(opts.bucket); break
    case 'undefined': throw new Error('bucket is required')
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.bucket to be undefined, string or function')

  switch (typeof opts.key) {
    case 'function': this.getKey = opts.key; break
    case 'undefined': this.getKey = defaultKey; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.key to be undefined or function')

  switch (typeof opts.acl) {
    case 'function': this.getAcl = opts.acl; break
    case 'string': this.getAcl = staticValue(opts.acl); break
    case 'undefined': this.getAcl = defaultAcl; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.acl to be undefined, string or function')

  switch (typeof opts.contentType) {
    case 'function': this.getContentType = opts.contentType; break
    case 'undefined': this.getContentType = defaultContentType; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.contentType to be undefined or function')

  switch (typeof opts.metadata) {
    case 'function': this.getMetadata = opts.metadata; break
    case 'undefined': this.getMetadata = defaultMetadata; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.metadata to be undefined or function')

  switch (typeof opts.cacheControl) {
    case 'function': this.getCacheControl = opts.cacheControl; break
    case 'string': this.getCacheControl = staticValue(opts.cacheControl); break
    case 'undefined': this.getCacheControl = defaultCacheControl; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.cacheControl to be undefined, string or function')

  switch (typeof opts.contentDisposition) {
    case 'function': this.getContentDisposition = opts.contentDisposition; break
    case 'string': this.getContentDisposition = staticValue(opts.contentDisposition); break
    case 'undefined': this.getContentDisposition = defaultContentDisposition; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.contentDisposition to be undefined, string or function')

  switch (typeof opts.storageClass) {
    case 'function': this.getStorageClass = opts.storageClass; break
    case 'string': this.getStorageClass = staticValue(opts.storageClass); break
    case 'undefined': this.getStorageClass = defaultStorageClass; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.storageClass to be undefined, string or function')

  switch (typeof opts.serverSideEncryption) {
    case 'function': this.getSSE = opts.serverSideEncryption; break
    case 'string': this.getSSE = staticValue(opts.serverSideEncryption); break
    case 'undefined': this.getSSE = defaultSSE; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.serverSideEncryption to be undefined, string or function')

  switch (typeof opts.sseKmsKeyId) {
    case 'function': this.getSSEKMS = opts.sseKmsKeyId; break
    case 'string': this.getSSEKMS = staticValue(opts.sseKmsKeyId); break
    case 'undefined': this.getSSEKMS = defaultSSEKMS; break
    default: throw new TypeError('Expected opts.sseKmsKeyId to be undefined, string, or function')

S3Storage.prototype._handleFile = function (req, file, cb) {
  collect(this, req, file, function (err, opts) {
    if (err) return cb(err)

    var currentSize = 0

    var params = {
      Bucket: opts.bucket,
      Key: opts.key,
      ACL: opts.acl,
      CacheControl: opts.cacheControl,
      ContentType: opts.contentType,
      Metadata: opts.metadata,
      StorageClass: opts.storageClass,
      ServerSideEncryption: opts.serverSideEncryption,
      SSEKMSKeyId: opts.sseKmsKeyId,
      Body: (opts.replacementStream ||

    if (opts.contentDisposition) {
      params.ContentDisposition = opts.contentDisposition

    var upload = this.s3.upload(params)

    upload.on('httpUploadProgress', function (ev) {
      if ( currentSize =

    upload.send(function (err, result) {
      if (err) return cb(err)

      cb(null, {
        size: currentSize,
        bucket: opts.bucket,
        key: opts.key,
        acl: opts.acl,
        contentType: opts.contentType,
        contentDisposition: opts.contentDisposition,
        storageClass: opts.storageClass,
        serverSideEncryption: opts.serverSideEncryption,
        metadata: opts.metadata,
        location: result.Location,
        etag: result.ETag,
        versionId: result.VersionId

S3Storage.prototype._removeFile = function (req, file, cb) {
  this.s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: file.bucket, Key: file.key }, cb)

module.exports = function (opts) {
  return new S3Storage(opts)

module.exports.AUTO_CONTENT_TYPE = autoContentType
module.exports.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = defaultContentType