
week16 source code upload

1 +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)
2 +
3 +project(Capstone)
4 +set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
5 +add_compile_options(-std=c++11)
6 +
7 +find_package(PCL 1.7 REQUIRED)
8 +find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
9 +find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
10 +find_package(Boost COMPONENTS program_options filesystem REQUIRED)
11 +
12 +include_directories(
13 + include
14 + ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}
17 +)
18 +
19 +set(sources
20 +)
21 +
22 +link_directories(${PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS})
23 +add_definitions(${PCL_DEFINITIONS})
24 +
25 +add_executable(cloud src/pointcloud.cpp ${sources})
26 +target_link_libraries(cloud ${PCL_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS} ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
27 +
28 +add_executable(mesh src/mesh.cpp ${sources})
29 +target_link_libraries(mesh ${PCL_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
30 +
31 +add_executable(obj src/obj.cpp ${sources})
32 +target_link_libraries(obj ${PCL_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
33 +
34 +add_executable(densedepth src/densedepth.cpp ${sources})
35 +target_link_libraries(densedepth ${PCL_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
1 +#pragma once
2 +
3 +//common
4 +#include <string>
5 +#include <fstream>
6 +#include <iostream>
7 +#include <vector>
8 +#include <ctime>
9 +#include <cstdio>
10 +#include <algorithm>
11 +#include <stdlib.h>
12 +#include <sstream>
13 +#include <iomanip>
14 +
15 +//eigen
16 +#include <Eigen/Dense>
17 +
18 +//boost
19 +#include <boost/format.hpp>
20 +#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
21 +#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
22 +#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
23 +
24 +//opencv
25 +#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
26 +#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
27 +#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
28 +
29 +//pcl
30 +#include <pcl/point_types.h>
31 +#include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
32 +#include <pcl/io/io.h>
33 +#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
34 +#include <pcl/io/vtk_io.h>
35 +#include <pcl/io/vtk_lib_io.h>
36 +#include <pcl/kdtree/kdtree_flann.h>
37 +#include <pcl/filters/filter.h>
38 +#include <pcl/filters/radius_outlier_removal.h>
39 +#include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h>
40 +#include <pcl/features/normal_3d.h>
41 +#include <pcl/surface/mls.h>
42 +#include <pcl/surface/poisson.h>
43 +#include <pcl/surface/marching_cubes_hoppe.h>
44 +#include <pcl/surface/gp3.h>
45 +
46 +using namespace boost::filesystem;
47 +
48 +struct camInfo
49 +{
50 + double fx;
51 + double fy;
52 + double cx;
53 + double cy;
54 + double k1;
55 + double k2;
56 + double p1;
57 + double p2;
58 + int width;
59 + int height;
60 +};
61 +
62 +void realsenseSetUp(camInfo& cam)
63 +{
64 + cam.fx = 612.1810302745375;
65 + cam.fy = 612.27685546875;
66 + cam.cx = 323.64208984375;
67 + cam.cy = 234.55838012695312;
68 + cam.k1 = 0;
69 + cam.k2 = 0;
70 + cam.p1 = 0;
71 + cam.p2 = 0;
72 + cam.width = 640;
73 + cam.height = 480;
74 +}
75 +
76 +Eigen::Vector3d coordinateRotation(double x, double y, double z)
77 +{
78 + Eigen::Vector3d coord;
79 + coord << x, y, z;
80 +
81 + Eigen::Matrix3d rot;
82 + rot << 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0;
83 +
84 + coord = rot * coord;
85 + return coord;
86 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#pragma once
2 +#include "common.h"
3 +
4 +void readFolder(std::string folderPath, std::vector<cv::Mat>& depths)
5 +{
6 + path p(folderPath);
7 + try
8 + {
9 + if(exists(p) && is_directory(p))
10 + {
11 + std::vector<std::string> imgs;
12 + for(directory_entry& x : directory_iterator(p))
13 + {
14 + std::string img = x.path().string();
15 + imgs.push_back(img);
16 + }
17 + std::sort(imgs.begin(), imgs.end());
18 +
19 + for(auto img : imgs)
20 + {
21 + cv::Mat depth = cv::imread(img, cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH); //16UC1
22 + depths.push_back(depth);
23 + }
24 + }
25 + else
26 + {
27 + std::cout << "[Error] Check Depth Map Folder Path" << std::endl;
28 + exit(0);
29 + }
30 + }
31 + catch(const filesystem_error& ex)
32 + {
33 + std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
34 + }
35 +}
36 +
37 +std::string type2str(int type)
38 +{
39 + std::string r;
40 +
41 + uchar depth = type & CV_MAT_DEPTH_MASK;
42 + uchar chans = 1 + (type >> CV_CN_SHIFT);
43 +
44 + switch ( depth )
45 + {
46 + case CV_8U: r = "8U"; break;
47 + case CV_8S: r = "8S"; break;
48 + case CV_16U: r = "16U"; break;
49 + case CV_16S: r = "16S"; break;
50 + case CV_32S: r = "32S"; break;
51 + case CV_32F: r = "32F"; break;
52 + case CV_64F: r = "64F"; break;
53 + default: r = "User"; break;
54 + }
55 +
56 + r += "C";
57 + r += (chans+'0');
58 +
59 + return r;
60 +}
61 +
62 +cv::Mat getMeanImg(std::vector<cv::Mat> depths)
63 +{
64 + if(depths.empty())
65 + {
66 + std::cout << "[Error] no input images" << std::endl;
67 + exit(0);
68 + }
69 +
70 + cv::Mat m(depths[0].rows, depths[0].cols, CV_64FC1);
71 + m.setTo(0);
72 +
73 + cv::Mat tmp;
74 + for(auto depth : depths)
75 + {
76 + depth.convertTo(tmp, CV_64FC1);
77 + m += tmp;
78 + }
79 +
80 + m.convertTo(m, CV_16UC1, 1.0 / depths.size());
81 + return m;
82 +}
83 +
84 +cv::Mat medianFilter(cv::Mat img)
85 +{
86 + cv::Mat filtered;
87 + cv::medianBlur(img, filtered, 5);
88 + return filtered;
89 +}
90 +
91 +void reconstruction3D(camInfo cam, cv::Mat img, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud)
92 +{
93 + for(int i = 0; i < img.cols; i++)
94 + {
95 + for(int j = 0; j < img.rows; j++)
96 + {
97 + auto d = img.at<u_int16_t>(j, i) / 1000.0;
98 + if(d < 0.105 || d > 3.0)
99 + { //realsense min dist && max dist
100 + continue;
101 + }
102 + double x = (i - cam.cx) * d / cam.fx;
103 + double y = (j - cam.cy) * d / cam.fy;
104 + double z = d;
105 +
106 + pcl::PointXYZ pt;
107 + pt.x = x;
108 + pt.y = y;
109 + pt.z = z;
110 + cloud->push_back(pt);
111 + }
112 + }
113 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#pragma once
2 +#include "common.h"
3 +
4 +void noise_removal(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud)
5 +{
6 + if(cloud->size() == 0)
7 + {
8 + std::cout << "[Error] pointcloud empty" << std::endl;
9 + return;
10 + }
11 +
12 + const double r = 0.1;
13 + const int min_neighbor = 50;
14 +
15 + pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval<pcl::PointXYZ> outrem;
16 + outrem.setInputCloud(cloud);
17 + outrem.setRadiusSearch(r);
18 + outrem.setMinNeighborsInRadius(min_neighbor);
19 + outrem.filter(*cloud);
20 +
21 + std::cout << "pointcloud filtered..." << std::endl;
22 +}
23 +
24 +void downsampling(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud)
25 +{
26 + if(cloud->size() == 0)
27 + {
28 + std::cout << "[Error] pointcloud empty" << std::endl;
29 + return;
30 + }
31 +
32 + const double leaf = 0.05;
33 +
34 + pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> grid;
35 + grid.setLeafSize(leaf, leaf, leaf);
36 + grid.setInputCloud(cloud);
37 + grid.filter(*cloud);
38 +
39 + std::cout << "pointcloud downsampled..." << std::endl;
40 +}
41 +
42 +void upsampling(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud)
43 +{
44 + //mls upsampling
45 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr tmp(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>);
46 + pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
47 + pcl::MovingLeastSquares<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointNormal> mls;
48 +
49 + mls.setComputeNormals(true);
50 +
51 + mls.setInputCloud(cloud);
52 + mls.setPolynomialOrder(2);
53 + mls.setSearchMethod(tree);
54 + mls.setSearchRadius(0.03);
55 +
56 + mls.process(*tmp);
57 +
58 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr filter(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
59 + cloud->clear();
60 + pcl::copyPointCloud(*tmp, *filter);
61 +
62 + std::vector<int> idx;
63 + pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*filter, *cloud, idx); //not working
64 +}
65 +
66 +void normal_estimation(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr cloud_with_normals)
67 +{
68 + pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> n;
69 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
70 + pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
71 +
72 + tree->setInputCloud(cloud);
73 + n.setInputCloud(cloud);
74 + n.setSearchMethod(tree);
75 + n.setKSearch(30);
76 + n.compute(*normals);
77 +
78 + pcl::concatenateFields(*cloud, *normals, *cloud_with_normals);
79 +}
80 +
81 +void triangulation(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr cloud_with_normals, pcl::PolygonMesh& triangles)
82 +{
83 + pcl::GreedyProjectionTriangulation<pcl::PointNormal> gp;
84 +
85 + pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr tree_normal(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointNormal>);
86 + tree_normal->setInputCloud(cloud_with_normals);
87 +
88 + gp.setSearchRadius(0.025);
89 + gp.setMu(2.5);
90 + gp.setMaximumNearestNeighbors(200);
91 + gp.setMaximumSurfaceAngle(M_PI/4); // 45 degrees
92 + gp.setMaximumAngle(2*M_PI/3); // 120 degrees
93 + gp.setMinimumAngle(M_PI/18); // 10 degrees
94 + gp.setNormalConsistency(false);
95 + gp.setConsistentVertexOrdering(true);
96 + gp.setInputCloud(cloud_with_normals);
97 + gp.setSearchMethod(tree_normal);
98 + gp.reconstruct(triangles);
99 +}
100 +
101 +int saveOBJFile (const std::string &file_name, const pcl::TextureMesh &tex_mesh, unsigned precision,
102 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud, camInfo cam)
103 +{
104 + if (tex_mesh.cloud.data.empty ())
105 + {
106 + PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::io::saveOBJFile] Input point cloud has no data!\n");
107 + return (-1);
108 + }
109 +
110 + //Open file
111 + std::ofstream fs;
112 + fs.precision(precision);
113 + fs.open(file_name.c_str());
114 +
115 + //Define material file
116 + std::string mtl_file_name = file_name.substr(0, file_name.find_last_of ('.')) + ".mtl";
117 + //Strip path for "mtllib" command
118 + std::string mtl_file_name_nopath = mtl_file_name;
119 + mtl_file_name_nopath.erase(0, mtl_file_name.find_last_of ('/') + 1);
120 +
121 + /* Write 3D information */
122 + //number of points
123 + int nr_points = tex_mesh.cloud.width * tex_mesh.cloud.height;
124 + int point_size = tex_mesh.cloud.data.size () / nr_points;
125 +
126 + //number of meshes
127 + int nr_meshes = tex_mesh.tex_polygons.size ();
128 +
129 + //number of faces for header
130 + int nr_faces = 0;
131 + for (int m = 0; m < nr_meshes; ++m)
132 + nr_faces += tex_mesh.tex_polygons[m].size ();
133 +
134 + // Write the header information
135 + fs << "####" << std::endl;
136 + fs << "# OBJ dataFile simple version. File name: " << file_name << std::endl;
137 + fs << "# Vertices: " << nr_points << std::endl;
138 + fs << "# Faces: " << nr_faces << std::endl;
139 + fs << "# Material information:" << std::endl;
140 + fs << "mtllib " << mtl_file_name_nopath << std::endl;
141 + fs << "####" << std::endl;
142 +
143 + // Write vertex coordinates
144 + PCL_INFO ("Writing vertices...\n");
145 + fs << "# Vertices" << std::endl;
146 + for (int i = 0; i < nr_points; ++i)
147 + {
148 + int xyz = 0;
149 + // "v" just be written one
150 + bool v_written = false;
151 + for (std::size_t d = 0; d < tex_mesh.cloud.fields.size (); ++d)
152 + {
153 + // adding vertex
154 + if ((tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].datatype == pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32) && (
155 + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].name == "x" ||
156 + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].name == "y" ||
157 + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].name == "z"))
158 + {
159 + if (!v_written)
160 + {
161 + // write vertices beginning with v
162 + fs << "v ";
163 + v_written = true;
164 + }
165 + float value;
166 + memcpy (&value, &tex_mesh.cloud.data[i * point_size + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].offset], sizeof (float));
167 + fs << value;
168 + if (++xyz == 3)
169 + break;
170 + fs << " ";
171 + }
172 + }
173 + if (xyz != 3)
174 + {
175 + PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::io::saveOBJFile] Input point cloud has no XYZ data!\n");
176 + return (-2);
177 + }
178 + fs << std::endl;
179 + }
180 + fs << "# "<< nr_points <<" vertices" << std::endl;
181 +
182 + // Write vertex texture
183 + PCL_INFO ("Writing textures...\n");
184 + fs << "# " << cloud->size() << " vertex textures in mesh " << std::endl;
185 + for (int i = 0; i < cloud->size(); ++i)
186 + {
187 + auto pt = cloud->at(i);
188 + fs << "vt ";
189 + fs << (pt.x * cam.fx / pt.z + cam.cx) / cam.width << " ";
190 + fs << 1.0 - ((pt.y * cam.fy / pt.z + cam.cy) / cam.height) << std::endl;
191 + }
192 +
193 + // Write vertex normals
194 + PCL_INFO ("Writing normals...\n");
195 + for (int i = 0; i < nr_points; ++i)
196 + {
197 + int xyz = 0;
198 + // "vn" just be written one
199 + bool v_written = false;
200 + for (std::size_t d = 0; d < tex_mesh.cloud.fields.size (); ++d)
201 + {
202 + // adding vertex
203 + if ((tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].datatype == pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32) && (
204 + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].name == "normal_x" ||
205 + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].name == "normal_y" ||
206 + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].name == "normal_z"))
207 + {
208 + if (!v_written)
209 + {
210 + // write vertices beginning with vn
211 + fs << "vn ";
212 + v_written = true;
213 + }
214 + float value;
215 + memcpy (&value, &tex_mesh.cloud.data[i * point_size + tex_mesh.cloud.fields[d].offset], sizeof (float));
216 + fs << value;
217 + if (++xyz == 3)
218 + break;
219 + fs << " ";
220 + }
221 + }
222 + if (xyz != 3)
223 + {
224 + PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::io::saveOBJFile] Input point cloud has no normals!\n");
225 + return (-2);
226 + }
227 + fs << std::endl;
228 + }
229 +
230 + PCL_INFO ("Writing faces...\n");
231 + int f_idx = 0;
232 + for (int m = 0; m < nr_meshes; ++m)
233 + {
234 + if (m > 0)
235 + f_idx += tex_mesh.tex_polygons[m-1].size ();
236 +
237 + if(!tex_mesh.tex_materials.empty ())
238 + {
239 + fs << "# The material will be used for mesh " << m << std::endl;
240 + //TODO pbl here with multi texture and unseen faces
241 + fs << "usemtl " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_name << std::endl;
242 + fs << "# Faces" << std::endl;
243 + }
244 + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tex_mesh.tex_polygons[m].size(); ++i)
245 + {
246 + // Write faces with "f"
247 + fs << "f";
248 + // There's one UV per vertex per face, i.e., the same vertex can have
249 + // different UV depending on the face.
250 + for (std::size_t j = 0; j < tex_mesh.tex_polygons[m][i].vertices.size (); ++j)
251 + {
252 + unsigned int idx = tex_mesh.tex_polygons[m][i].vertices[j] + 1;
253 + fs << " " << idx
254 + << "/" << idx
255 + << "/" << idx; // vertex index in obj file format starting with 1
256 + }
257 + fs << std::endl;
258 + }
259 + //PCL_INFO ("%d faces in mesh %d \n", tex_mesh.tex_polygons[m].size () , m);
260 + fs << "# "<< tex_mesh.tex_polygons[m].size() << " faces in mesh " << m << std::endl;
261 + }
262 + fs << "# End of File";
263 +
264 + // Close obj file
265 + PCL_INFO ("Closing obj file\n");
266 + fs.close ();
267 +
268 + /* Write material definition for OBJ file*/
269 + // Open file
270 + PCL_INFO ("Writing material files\n");
271 + //don't do it if no material to write
272 + if(tex_mesh.tex_materials.empty ())
273 + return (0);
274 +
275 + std::ofstream m_fs;
276 + m_fs.precision(precision);
277 + m_fs.open(mtl_file_name.c_str ());
278 +
279 + //default
280 + m_fs << "#" << std::endl;
281 + m_fs << "# Wavefront material file" << std::endl;
282 + m_fs << "#" << std::endl;
283 + for(int m = 0; m < nr_meshes; ++m)
284 + {
285 + m_fs << "newmtl " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_name << std::endl;
286 + m_fs << "Ka "<< tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Ka.r << " " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Ka.g << " " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Ka.b << std::endl; // defines the ambient color of the material to be (r,g,b).
287 + m_fs << "Kd "<< tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Kd.r << " " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Kd.g << " " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Kd.b << std::endl; // defines the diffuse color of the material to be (r,g,b).
288 + m_fs << "Ks "<< tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Ks.r << " " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Ks.g << " " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Ks.b << std::endl; // defines the specular color of the material to be (r,g,b). This color shows up in highlights.
289 + m_fs << "d " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_d << std::endl; // defines the transparency of the material to be alpha.
290 + m_fs << "Ns "<< tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_Ns << std::endl; // defines the shininess of the material to be s.
291 + m_fs << "illum "<< tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_illum << std::endl; // denotes the illumination model used by the material.
292 + // illum = 1 indicates a flat material with no specular highlights, so the value of Ks is not used.
293 + // illum = 2 denotes the presence of specular highlights, and so a specification for Ks is required.
294 + m_fs << "map_Kd " << tex_mesh.tex_materials[m].tex_file << std::endl;
295 + m_fs << "###" << std::endl;
296 + }
297 + m_fs.close ();
298 + return (0);
299 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#include "common.h"
2 +#include "cv_func.h"
3 +#include "pcl_func.h"
4 +
5 +/*
6 +[input]
7 +argc = 2
8 +argv[0] = program
9 +argv[1] = densedepth.png (320 x 240)
10 +
11 +[output]
12 +interpolated_densedepth.png (640 x 480)
13 +densedepth.pcd
14 +*/
15 +
16 +int main(int argc, char** argv)
17 +{
18 + if(argc != 2)
19 + {
20 + std::cout << "[Error] Program Usage: [./densedepth] [densedepth.png]" << std::endl;
21 + return -1;
22 + }
23 +
24 + //intrinsic setup
25 + camInfo cam;
26 + realsenseSetUp(cam);
27 +
28 + cv::Mat img, interpolated_img;
29 + img = cv::imread(argv[1], cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH);
30 + //std::cout << type2str(img.type()) << std::endl; -> 16UC1
31 +
32 + //interpolation to (320, 240) -> (640, 480)
33 + cv::resize(img, interpolated_img, cv::Size(640, 480), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
34 + std::string inputPath = argv[1];
35 + std::size_t div = inputPath.find_last_of("/\\");
36 + std::string outputPath = inputPath.substr(0, div + 1);
37 + cv::imwrite(outputPath + "interpolated_densedepth.png", interpolated_img);
38 +
39 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
40 +
41 + for(int i = 0; i < interpolated_img.cols; i++)
42 + {
43 + for(int j = 0; j < interpolated_img.rows; j++)
44 + {
45 + auto d = (-interpolated_img.at<u_int16_t>(j, i)) / 1000.0; // closer - darker reversed
46 + double x = (i - cam.cx) * d / cam.fx;
47 + double y = (j - cam.cy) * d / cam.fy;
48 + double z = d;
49 +
50 + pcl::PointXYZ pt;
51 + pt.x = x;
52 + pt.y = y;
53 + pt.z = z;
54 + cloud->push_back(pt);
55 + }
56 + }
57 + pcl::io::savePCDFile(outputPath + "densedepth.pcd", *cloud);
58 +
59 + return 0;
60 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#include "common.h"
2 +#include "cv_func.h"
3 +#include "pcl_func.h"
4 +
5 +/*
6 +[input]
7 +argc = 3
8 +argv[0] = program
9 +argv[1] = original pointcloud
10 +argv[2] = filtered pointcloud
11 +
12 +[output]
13 +original mesh -> vtk format
14 +filtered mesh -> vtk format
15 +*/
16 +
17 +int main(int argc, char** argv)
18 +{
19 + if(argc != 3)
20 + {
21 + std::cout << "[Error] Program Usage: [./mesh] [original_cloud.pcd] [filtered_cloud.pcd]" << std::endl;
22 + return -1;
23 + }
24 +
25 + //save path
26 + std::string inputPath = argv[1];
27 + std::size_t div = inputPath.find_last_of("/\\");
28 + std::string outputPath = inputPath.substr(0, div + 1);
29 +
30 + //load pointcloud data
31 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_original(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
32 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_filtered(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
33 + pcl::io::loadPCDFile(argv[1], *cloud_original);
34 + pcl::io::loadPCDFile(argv[2], *cloud_filtered);
35 + std::cout << "[Processing] reading pointcloud done..." << std::endl;
36 +
37 + //origianl cloud needs upsampling
38 + //(triangulation process impossible for noisy normal estimation)
39 + //upsampling(cloud_original);
40 + //std::cout << "original cloud upsampling done..." << std::endl;
41 +
42 + //normal estimation
43 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr original_with_normals(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>);
44 + normal_estimation(cloud_original, original_with_normals);
45 +
46 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr filtered_with_normals(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>);
47 + normal_estimation(cloud_filtered, filtered_with_normals);
48 + std::cout << "[Processing] normal estimation done..." << std::endl;
49 +
50 + //triangulation
51 + pcl::PolygonMesh triangles_original, triangles_filtered;
52 + triangulation(original_with_normals, triangles_original);
53 + triangulation(filtered_with_normals, triangles_filtered);
54 + std::cout << "[Processing] triangulation done..." << std::endl;
55 +
56 + //save output
57 + pcl::io::saveVTKFile(outputPath + "original_mesh.vtk", triangles_original);
58 + pcl::io::saveVTKFile(outputPath + "filtered_mesh.vtk", triangles_filtered);
59 +
60 + return 0;
61 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#include "common.h"
2 +#include "cv_func.h"
3 +#include "pcl_func.h"
4 +
5 +/*
6 +[input]
7 +argc = 3
8 +argv[0] = program
9 +argv[1] = vtk file
10 +artv[2] = color img
11 +
12 +[output]
13 +obj file
14 +mtl file
15 +*/
16 +
17 +int main(int argc, char** argv)
18 +{
19 + if(argc != 3)
20 + {
21 + std::cout << "[Error] Program Usage: [./obj] [mesh.vtk] [color_img.png]" << std::endl;
22 + return -1;
23 + }
24 +
25 + //read vtk file
26 + pcl::PolygonMesh vtk_mesh;
27 + pcl::io::loadPolygonFileVTK(argv[1], vtk_mesh);
28 +
29 + //copy pointcloud from vtk file (vertices)
30 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
31 + pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(vtk_mesh.cloud, *cloud);
32 +
33 + //mesh initialization
34 + pcl::TextureMesh mesh;
35 + mesh.cloud = vtk_mesh.cloud;
36 + std::vector<pcl::Vertices> vertices;
37 +
38 + //copy faces from vtk file
39 + vertices.resize(vtk_mesh.polygons.size());
40 + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vtk_mesh.polygons.size(); i++)
41 + {
42 + vertices[i] = vtk_mesh.polygons[i];
43 + }
44 + mesh.tex_polygons.push_back(vertices);
45 + PCL_INFO("Input mesh contains %zu faces and %zu vertices\n",
46 + mesh.tex_polygons[0].size(),
47 + static_cast<std::size_t>(cloud->size()));
48 + PCL_INFO("...Done.\n");
49 +
50 + //intrinsic setup
51 + camInfo cam;
52 + realsenseSetUp(cam);
53 +
54 + //one material
55 + mesh.tex_materials.resize(1);
56 +
57 + pcl::TexMaterial mesh_material;
58 + mesh_material.tex_name = "texture image";
59 + std::string color_img = argv[2];
60 + color_img = color_img.substr(color_img.find_last_of("/\\") + 1);
61 + mesh_material.tex_file = color_img;
62 +
63 + mesh_material.tex_Ka.r = 0.2f;
64 + mesh_material.tex_Ka.g = 0.2f;
65 + mesh_material.tex_Ka.b = 0.2f;
66 +
67 + mesh_material.tex_Kd.r = 0.8f;
68 + mesh_material.tex_Kd.g = 0.8f;
69 + mesh_material.tex_Kd.b = 0.8f;
70 +
71 + mesh_material.tex_Ks.r = 1.0f;
72 + mesh_material.tex_Ks.g = 1.0f;
73 + mesh_material.tex_Ks.b = 1.0f;
74 +
75 + mesh_material.tex_d = 1.0f;
76 + mesh_material.tex_Ns = 75.0f;
77 + mesh_material.tex_illum = 2;
78 +
79 + mesh.tex_materials[0] = mesh_material;
80 +
81 + //normal estimation
82 + PCL_INFO ("\nEstimating normals...\n");
83 + pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> n;
84 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
85 + pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
86 + tree->setInputCloud(cloud);
87 + n.setInputCloud(cloud);
88 + n.setSearchMethod(tree);
89 + n.setKSearch(20);
90 + n.compute(*normals);
91 +
92 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr cloud_with_normals(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>);
93 + pcl::concatenateFields(*cloud, *normals, *cloud_with_normals);
94 + pcl::toPCLPointCloud2(*cloud_with_normals, mesh.cloud);
95 + PCL_INFO("...Done.\n");
96 +
97 + //obj file creating
98 + PCL_INFO("\nSaving mesh to textured_mesh.obj\n");
99 + saveOBJFile("mesh.obj", mesh, 5, cloud, cam);
100 +
101 + return 0;
102 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +#include "common.h"
2 +#include "cv_func.h"
3 +#include "pcl_func.h"
4 +
5 +/*
6 +[input]
7 +argc = 2
8 +argv[0] = program
9 +argv[1] = depth folder (containing depth images)
10 +
11 +[output]
12 +single frame depth image & point cloud
13 +average depth image & point cloud
14 +*/
15 +
16 +int main(int argc, char** argv)
17 +{
18 + if(argc != 2)
19 + {
20 + std::cout << "[Error] Program Usage: [./cloud] [depth image folder]" << std::endl;
21 + return -1;
22 + }
23 +
24 + //intrinsic setup
25 + camInfo cam;
26 + realsenseSetUp(cam);
27 + std::cout << "[Processing] Intrinsic parameters for Realsense setting done..." << std::endl;
28 +
29 + //get raw, filtered img
30 + std::string folderPath = argv[1];
31 + std::vector<cv::Mat> depths;
32 + readFolder(folderPath, depths);
33 + cv::Mat meanImg = getMeanImg(depths);
34 + cv::Mat filtered = medianFilter(meanImg);
35 + cv::Mat raw = depths[0];
36 + std::cout << "[Processing] image filtering done..." << std::endl;
37 +
38 + //3D reconstruction
39 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_original(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
40 + pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_filtered(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
41 +
42 + reconstruction3D(cam, raw, cloud_original);
43 + reconstruction3D(cam, filtered, cloud_filtered);
44 + std::cout << "[Processing] 3d reconstruction done..." << std::endl;
45 +
46 + //create output folder
47 + std::size_t div = folderPath.find_last_of("/\\");
48 + std::string outputPath = folderPath.substr(0, div + 1) + "result";
49 + path p(outputPath);
50 + create_directory(p);
51 +
52 + //save output
53 + pcl::io::savePCDFile(outputPath + "/cloud_original.pcd", *cloud_original);
54 + pcl::io::savePCDFile(outputPath + "/cloud_filtered.pcd", *cloud_filtered);
55 + cv::imwrite(outputPath + "/img_original.png", raw);
56 + cv::imwrite(outputPath + "/img_filtered.png", filtered);
57 +
58 + return 0;
59 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file