section-overlap.yaml 1.39 KB
# Test handling of (corrupt?) object files, which have sections with overlapping
# virtual addresses.
# Right now the overlapping sections get dropped, but other behaviors
# (including outright rejecting such files) are possible too.

# RUN: yaml2obj %s > %t
# RUN: lldb-test object-file %t | FileCheck %s

# CHECK-NOT: .overlap1
# CHECK-NOT: .overlap2

  Class:           ELFCLASS32
  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
  Type:            ET_EXEC
  Machine:         EM_ARM
  - Name:            .sect1
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
    Address:         0x1000
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         DEADBEEFBAADF00D
  - Name:            .overlap1
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
    Address:         0x1004
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         DEADBEEFBAADF00D
  - Name:            .sect2
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
    Address:         0x2000
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         DEADBEEFBAADF00D
  - Name:            .overlap2
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
    Address:         0x2004
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         DEADBEEFBAADF00D
  - Type: PT_LOAD
    Flags: [ PF_X, PF_W, PF_R ]
    VAddr: 0x1000
    Align: 0x4
      - Section: .sect1
      - Section: .overlap1