PT_LOAD-overlap-section.yaml 1.98 KB
# Test behavior on strange (invalid?) elf files where the sections cross segment
# boundary. The test input was generated from this yaml file, but the program
# header was modified by hand, so this input is here for reference only.
# Right now lldb shortens sections to make sure every section is fully contained
# within a segment, but other behaviors are possible too (including outright
# rejecting such files).

# RUN: lldb-test object-file %S/Inputs/PT_LOAD-overlap-section.elf | FileCheck %s

# CHECK:      Index: 0
# CHECK-NEXT: ID: 0xffffffffffffffff
# CHECK-NEXT: Type: container
# CHECK-NEXT: Permissions: rwx
# CHECK-NEXT: Thread specific: no
# CHECK-NEXT: VM address: 0x1006
# CHECK-NEXT: VM size: 8
# CHECK-NEXT: File size: 8
# CHECK-NEXT: Showing 1 subsections
# CHECK-NEXT:   Index: 0
# CHECK-NEXT:   ID: 0x2
# CHECK-NEXT:   Name: .text
# CHECK-NEXT:   Type: code
# CHECK-NEXT:   Permissions: r-x
# CHECK-NEXT:   Thread specific: no
# CHECK-NEXT:   VM address: 0x1008
# CHECK-NEXT:   VM size: 6
# CHECK-NEXT:   File size: 8

# CHECK:      Index: 1
# CHECK-NEXT: Name: .interp
# CHECK-NEXT: Type: regular
# CHECK-NEXT: Permissions: r--
# CHECK-NEXT: Thread specific: no
# CHECK-NEXT: VM address: 0x1000
# CHECK-NEXT: VM size: 6
# CHECK-NEXT: File size: 8

  Class:           ELFCLASS32
  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
  Type:            ET_EXEC
  Machine:         EM_ARM
  - Name:            .interp
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
    Address:         0x1000
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         DEADBEEFBAADF00D
  - Name:            .text
    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
    Address:         0x1008
    AddressAlign:    0x4
    Content:         DEADBEEFBAADF00D
  - Type: PT_LOAD
    Flags: [ PF_X, PF_W, PF_R ]
    VAddr: 0x1008 # Modified by hand to start at 0x1006
    Align: 0x4
      - Section: .text