
data utils code

1 +import hickle as hkl
2 +import numpy as np
3 +from keras import backend as K
4 +from keras.preprocessing.image import Iterator
5 +
6 +# Data generator that creates sequences for input into PredNet.
7 +class SequenceGenerator(Iterator):
8 + def __init__(self, data_file, source_file, nt,
9 + batch_size=8, shuffle=False, seed=None,
10 + output_mode='error', sequence_start_mode='all', N_seq=None,
11 + data_format=K.image_data_format()):
12 + self.X = hkl.load(data_file) # X will be like (n_images, nb_cols, nb_rows, nb_channels)
13 + self.sources = hkl.load(source_file) # source for each image so when creating sequences can assure that consecutive frames are from same video
14 + self.nt = nt
15 + self.batch_size = batch_size
16 + self.data_format = data_format
17 + assert sequence_start_mode in {'all', 'unique'}, 'sequence_start_mode must be in {all, unique}'
18 + self.sequence_start_mode = sequence_start_mode
19 + assert output_mode in {'error', 'prediction'}, 'output_mode must be in {error, prediction}'
20 + self.output_mode = output_mode
21 +
22 + if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
23 + self.X = np.transpose(self.X, (0, 3, 1, 2))
24 + self.im_shape = self.X[0].shape
25 +
26 + if self.sequence_start_mode == 'all': # allow for any possible sequence, starting from any frame
27 + self.possible_starts = np.array([i for i in range(self.X.shape[0] - self.nt) if self.sources[i] == self.sources[i + self.nt - 1]])
28 + elif self.sequence_start_mode == 'unique': #create sequences where each unique frame is in at most one sequence
29 + curr_location = 0
30 + possible_starts = []
31 + while curr_location < self.X.shape[0] - self.nt + 1:
32 + if self.sources[curr_location] == self.sources[curr_location + self.nt - 1]:
33 + possible_starts.append(curr_location)
34 + curr_location += self.nt
35 + else:
36 + curr_location += 1
37 + self.possible_starts = possible_starts
38 +
39 + if shuffle:
40 + self.possible_starts = np.random.permutation(self.possible_starts)
41 + if N_seq is not None and len(self.possible_starts) > N_seq: # select a subset of sequences if want to
42 + self.possible_starts = self.possible_starts[:N_seq]
43 + self.N_sequences = len(self.possible_starts)
44 + super(SequenceGenerator, self).__init__(len(self.possible_starts), batch_size, shuffle, seed)
45 +
46 + def __getitem__(self, null):
47 + return self.next()
48 +
49 + def next(self):
50 + with self.lock:
51 + current_index = (self.batch_index * self.batch_size) % self.n
52 + index_array, current_batch_size = next(self.index_generator), self.batch_size
53 + batch_x = np.zeros((current_batch_size, self.nt) + self.im_shape, np.float32)
54 + for i, idx in enumerate(index_array):
55 + idx = self.possible_starts[idx]
56 + batch_x[i] = self.preprocess(self.X[idx:idx+self.nt])
57 + if self.output_mode == 'error': # model outputs errors, so y should be zeros
58 + batch_y = np.zeros(current_batch_size, np.float32)
59 + elif self.output_mode == 'prediction': # output actual pixels
60 + batch_y = batch_x
61 + return batch_x, batch_y
62 +
63 + def preprocess(self, X):
64 + return X.astype(np.float32) / 255
65 +
66 + def create_all(self):
67 + X_all = np.zeros((self.N_sequences, self.nt) + self.im_shape, np.float32)
68 + for i, idx in enumerate(self.possible_starts):
69 + X_all[i] = self.preprocess(self.X[idx:idx+self.nt])
70 + return X_all
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