Woojin Lee

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d="M620.3,327.29a15.77,15.77,0,0,1-2.59-7.95,10.93,10.93,0,0,1,2.8-7.75c2.14-2.26,5.26-3.31,8.32-3.88S635,307,638,306a19.44,19.44,0,0,0,11.46-9.68,26.14,26.14,0,0,1,.69,7.12,8.81,8.81,0,0,1-3.06,6.27c2.33-1.4,2.35,1.29,2,2.95,1.37,1.34,4.35,1.27,4.71,3.16a12,12,0,0,1,0,5.68c-.56,1.83.57,4.84-1.32,5.17" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M647.93,309.26s11.38-.21,5.13,17.38" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff"/><rect x="220.3" y="0.4" width="325.25" height="427.62" fill="url(#d89d3977-de30-46d1-ab57-98fa636459b9)"/><rect x="219.92" width="326" height="162.99" fill="url(#1e925d76-3047-4c1e-82a0-04113f14e226)"/><rect x="224.46" y="3.71" width="316.93" height="417.67" fill="#f5f5f5"/><rect x="224.1" y="3.32" width="317.66" height="159.19" fill="#3f51b5"/><rect x="290.91" y="207.42" width="86.17" height="6.57" fill="#bdbdbd"/><rect x="290.91" y="233.71" width="86.17" height="6.57" fill="#f5f5f5"/><rect x="290.91" 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d="M474,157.06a42.28,42.28,0,1,0,56.12-40.48l.13,10.89A14.36,14.36,0,0,1,516.07,142h0a14.36,14.36,0,0,1-14.49-14.14l-.13-10.89A42.3,42.3,0,0,0,474,157.06Z" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="url(#9a56d00c-164c-4fec-8f17-f5f893f4fff9)"/><path d="M558.55,152.61a42.28,42.28,0,1,0-56.6,39.8V181.51a14.36,14.36,0,0,1,14.32-14.32h0a14.36,14.36,0,0,1,14.32,14.32v10.89A42.3,42.3,0,0,0,558.55,152.61Z" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#3f51b5"/><circle cx="280.9" cy="69.87" r="16.25" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M516.26,167.19h0a14.36,14.36,0,0,0-14.32,14.32v10.89a42.44,42.44,0,0,0,28.64,0V181.51A14.36,14.36,0,0,0,516.26,167.19Z" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M499.9,145.89a15.77,15.77,0,0,1-1.73-8.18,10.93,10.93,0,0,1,3.6-7.42c2.37-2,5.58-2.73,8.68-3s6.24-.1,9.3-.7a19.44,19.44,0,0,0,12.41-8.42,26.14,26.14,0,0,1-.07,7.15,8.81,8.81,0,0,1-3.7,5.91c2.47-1.14,2.2,1.53,1.67,3.14,1.22,1.48,4.2,1.72,4.35,3.64a12,12,0,0,1-.62,5.65c-.75,1.76.05,4.87-1.86,5" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M529.27,130.88s11.34,1,3.27,17.82" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff"/><polygon points="190.59 304.74 119.42 254.91 20.88 254.91 20.88 304.74 20.88 329.15 20.88 746.14 636.74 746.14 636.74 304.74 190.59 304.74" fill="url(#595bce0a-5d70-43e8-a094-99f33f4517de)"/><polyline points="26.15 309.78 26.15 333.48 26.15 738.25 632.52 738.25 632.52 309.78 193.25 309.78" fill="#fff"/><polyline points="193.25 309.78 123.17 261.41 26.15 261.41 26.15 309.78" fill="#bdbdbd"/><text x="-235.39" y="-76.93"></text><rect x="162.34" y="373.01" width="334" height="302" fill="url(#7d63bf16-77e8-4c09-b275-41a64fa57a97)"/><rect x="166.88" y="375.21" width="326.42" height="294.31" fill="#fff"/><rect x="268.19" y="595.49" width="128.34" height="10.51" fill="#bdbdbd"/><rect x="189.87" y="616.52" width="280.44" height="10.51" fill="#e0e0e0"/><rect x="189.87" y="637.55" width="280.44" height="10.51" fill="#e0e0e0"/><path d="M485.62,564.67a79.84,79.84,0,1,0,106-76.43l.25,20.57a27.11,27.11,0,0,1-26.7,27.36h0a27.11,27.11,0,0,1-27.36-26.7l-.25-20.57A79.87,79.87,0,0,0,485.62,564.67Z" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="url(#cafffc46-2bab-4c9b-8a17-f57a9c7cb665)"/><path d="M645.32,556.28a79.84,79.84,0,1,0-106.87,75.14V610.85a27.11,27.11,0,0,1,27-27h0a27.11,27.11,0,0,1,27,27v20.57A79.87,79.87,0,0,0,645.32,556.28Z" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#bdbdbd"/><rect x="323.18" y="488.01" width="9.6" height="33.85" rx="4.8" ry="4.8" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><circle cx="328.03" cy="461.87" r="30.69" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M563.37,577.31h0a27.11,27.11,0,0,0-27,27v20.57a80.13,80.13,0,0,0,54.07,0V604.35A27.11,27.11,0,0,0,563.37,577.31Z" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M532.47,537.1a29.77,29.77,0,0,1-3.27-15.44,20.64,20.64,0,0,1,6.8-14c4.47-3.81,10.53-5.16,16.39-5.63s11.79-.19,17.55-1.32a36.69,36.69,0,0,0,23.43-15.89c.37,4.5.74,9.07-.13,13.51s-3.15,8.79-7,11.16c4.66-2.16,4.15,2.9,3.14,5.93,2.31,2.79,7.92,3.25,8.21,6.86s.24,7.34-1.17,10.67.1,9.19-3.5,9.45" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M587.94,508.75s21.41,1.87,6.17,33.65" transform="translate(-235.39 -76.93)" fill="#fff"/></svg>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
3 + <head>
4 + <meta charset="utf-8" />
5 + <link rel="shortcut icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" />
6 + <meta
7 + name="viewport"
8 + content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"
9 + />
10 + <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
11 + <link rel="manifest" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/manifest.json" />
12 + <link
13 + href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Slab|Roboto:300,400,500,700"
14 + rel="stylesheet"
15 + />
16 + <title>React Material Dashboard</title>
17 + </head>
18 + <body>
19 + <noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
20 + <div id="root"></div>
21 + </body>
22 +</html>
1 +{
2 + "short_name": "React App",
3 + "name": "Create React App Sample",
4 + "icons": [
5 + {
6 + "src": "favicon.ico",
7 + "sizes": "64x64 32x32 24x24 16x16",
8 + "type": "image/x-icon"
9 + }
10 + ],
11 + "start_url": ".",
12 + "display": "standalone",
13 + "theme_color": "#000000",
14 + "background_color": "#ffffff"
15 +}
1 +import React, { Component } from 'react';
2 +import { Router } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';
4 +import { Chart } from 'react-chartjs-2';
5 +import { ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import validate from 'validate.js';
7 +
8 +import { chartjs } from './helpers';
9 +import theme from './theme';
10 +import 'react-perfect-scrollbar/dist/css/styles.css';
11 +import './assets/scss/index.scss';
12 +import validators from './common/validators';
13 +import Routes from './Routes';
14 +
15 +const browserHistory = createBrowserHistory();
16 +
17 +Chart.helpers.extend(Chart.elements.Rectangle.prototype, {
18 + draw: chartjs.draw
19 +});
20 +
21 +validate.validators = {
22 + ...validate.validators,
23 + ...validators
24 +};
25 +
26 +export default class App extends Component {
27 + render() {
28 + return (
29 + <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
30 + <Router history={browserHistory}>
31 + <Routes />
32 + </Router>
33 + </ThemeProvider>
34 + );
35 + }
36 +}
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { Switch, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +
4 +import { RouteWithLayout } from './components';
5 +import { Main as MainLayout, Minimal as MinimalLayout } from './layouts';
6 +
7 +import {
8 + Dashboard as DashboardView,
9 + ProductList as ProductListView,
10 + UserList as UserListView,
11 + Typography as TypographyView,
12 + Icons as IconsView,
13 + Account as AccountView,
14 + Settings as SettingsView,
15 + SignUp as SignUpView,
16 + SignIn as SignInView,
17 + NotFound as NotFoundView
18 +} from './views';
19 +
20 +const Routes = () => {
21 + return (
22 + <Switch>
23 + <Redirect
24 + exact
25 + from="/"
26 + to="/dashboard"
27 + />
28 + <RouteWithLayout
29 + component={DashboardView}
30 + exact
31 + layout={MainLayout}
32 + path="/dashboard"
33 + />
34 + <RouteWithLayout
35 + component={UserListView}
36 + exact
37 + layout={MainLayout}
38 + path="/users"
39 + />
40 + <RouteWithLayout
41 + component={ProductListView}
42 + exact
43 + layout={MainLayout}
44 + path="/products"
45 + />
46 + <RouteWithLayout
47 + component={TypographyView}
48 + exact
49 + layout={MainLayout}
50 + path="/typography"
51 + />
52 + <RouteWithLayout
53 + component={IconsView}
54 + exact
55 + layout={MainLayout}
56 + path="/icons"
57 + />
58 + <RouteWithLayout
59 + component={AccountView}
60 + exact
61 + layout={MainLayout}
62 + path="/account"
63 + />
64 + <RouteWithLayout
65 + component={SettingsView}
66 + exact
67 + layout={MainLayout}
68 + path="/settings"
69 + />
70 + <RouteWithLayout
71 + component={SignUpView}
72 + exact
73 + layout={MinimalLayout}
74 + path="/sign-up"
75 + />
76 + <RouteWithLayout
77 + component={SignInView}
78 + exact
79 + layout={MinimalLayout}
80 + path="/sign-in"
81 + />
82 + <RouteWithLayout
83 + component={NotFoundView}
84 + exact
85 + layout={MinimalLayout}
86 + path="/not-found"
87 + />
88 + <Redirect to="/not-found" />
89 + </Switch>
90 + );
91 +};
92 +
93 +export default Routes;
1 +* {
2 + box-sizing: border-box;
3 + margin: 0;
4 + padding: 0;
5 +}
6 +
7 +html {
8 + height: 100%;
9 + -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
10 + -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
11 +}
12 +
13 +body {
14 + background-color: #f4f6f8;
15 + height: 100%;
16 +}
17 +
18 +a {
19 + text-decoration: none;
20 +}
21 +
22 +#root {
23 + height: 100%;
24 +}
1 +const checked = (value, options) => {
2 + if (value !== true) {
3 + return options.message || 'must be checked';
4 + }
5 +};
6 +
7 +export default {
8 + checked
9 +};
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +
5 +const RouteWithLayout = props => {
6 + const { layout: Layout, component: Component, ...rest } = props;
7 +
8 + return (
9 + <Route
10 + {...rest}
11 + render={matchProps => (
12 + <Layout>
13 + <Component {...matchProps} />
14 + </Layout>
15 + )}
16 + />
17 + );
18 +};
19 +
20 +RouteWithLayout.propTypes = {
21 + component: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
22 + layout: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
23 + path: PropTypes.string
24 +};
25 +
26 +export default RouteWithLayout;
1 +export { default } from './RouteWithLayout';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Paper, Input } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +import SearchIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Search';
7 +
8 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
9 + root: {
10 + borderRadius: '4px',
11 + alignItems: 'center',
12 + padding: theme.spacing(1),
13 + display: 'flex',
14 + flexBasis: 420
15 + },
16 + icon: {
17 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
18 + color: theme.palette.text.secondary
19 + },
20 + input: {
21 + flexGrow: 1,
22 + fontSize: '14px',
23 + lineHeight: '16px',
24 + letterSpacing: '-0.05px'
25 + }
26 +}));
27 +
28 +const SearchInput = props => {
29 + const { className, onChange, style, ...rest } = props;
30 +
31 + const classes = useStyles();
32 +
33 + return (
34 + <Paper
35 + {...rest}
36 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
37 + style={style}
38 + >
39 + <SearchIcon className={classes.icon} />
40 + <Input
41 + {...rest}
42 + className={classes.input}
43 + disableUnderline
44 + onChange={onChange}
45 + />
46 + </Paper>
47 + );
48 +};
49 +
50 +SearchInput.propTypes = {
51 + className: PropTypes.string,
52 + onChange: PropTypes.func,
53 + style: PropTypes.object
54 +};
55 +
56 +export default SearchInput;
1 +export { default } from './SearchInput';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +
6 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
7 + root: {
8 + display: 'inline-block',
9 + borderRadius: '50%',
10 + flexGrow: 0,
11 + flexShrink: 0
12 + },
13 + sm: {
14 + height: theme.spacing(1),
15 + width: theme.spacing(1)
16 + },
17 + md: {
18 + height: theme.spacing(2),
19 + width: theme.spacing(2)
20 + },
21 + lg: {
22 + height: theme.spacing(3),
23 + width: theme.spacing(3)
24 + },
25 + neutral: {
26 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.neutral
27 + },
28 + primary: {
29 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main
30 + },
31 + info: {
32 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.info.main
33 + },
34 + warning: {
35 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.warning.main
36 + },
37 + danger: {
38 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.error.main
39 + },
40 + success: {
41 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.success.main
42 + }
43 +}));
44 +
45 +const StatusBullet = props => {
46 + const { className, size, color, ...rest } = props;
47 +
48 + const classes = useStyles();
49 +
50 + return (
51 + <span
52 + {...rest}
53 + className={clsx(
54 + {
55 + [classes.root]: true,
56 + [classes[size]]: size,
57 + [classes[color]]: color
58 + },
59 + className
60 + )}
61 + />
62 + );
63 +};
64 +
65 +StatusBullet.propTypes = {
66 + className: PropTypes.string,
67 + color: PropTypes.oneOf([
68 + 'neutral',
69 + 'primary',
70 + 'info',
71 + 'success',
72 + 'warning',
73 + 'danger'
74 + ]),
75 + size: PropTypes.oneOf(['sm', 'md', 'lg'])
76 +};
77 +
78 +StatusBullet.defaultProps = {
79 + size: 'md',
80 + color: 'default'
81 +};
82 +
83 +export default StatusBullet;
1 +export { default } from './StatusBullet'
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +export { default as SearchInput } from './SearchInput';
2 +export { default as StatusBullet } from './StatusBullet';
3 +export { default as RouteWithLayout } from './RouteWithLayout';
1 +// ChartJS extension rounded bar chart
2 +// https://codepen.io/jedtrow/full/ygRYgo
3 +function draw() {
4 + const { ctx } = this._chart;
5 + const vm = this._view;
6 + let { borderWidth } = vm;
7 +
8 + let left;
9 + let right;
10 + let top;
11 + let bottom;
12 + let signX;
13 + let signY;
14 + let borderSkipped;
15 + let radius;
16 +
17 + // If radius is less than 0 or is large enough to cause drawing errors a max
18 + // radius is imposed. If cornerRadius is not defined set it to 0.
19 + let { cornerRadius } = this._chart.config.options;
20 + if (cornerRadius < 0) {
21 + cornerRadius = 0;
22 + }
23 +
24 + if (typeof cornerRadius === 'undefined') {
25 + cornerRadius = 0;
26 + }
27 +
28 + if (!vm.horizontal) {
29 + // bar
30 + left = vm.x - vm.width / 2;
31 + right = vm.x + vm.width / 2;
32 + top = vm.y;
33 + bottom = vm.base;
34 + signX = 1;
35 + signY = bottom > top ? 1 : -1;
36 + borderSkipped = vm.borderSkipped || 'bottom';
37 + } else {
38 + // horizontal bar
39 + left = vm.base;
40 + right = vm.x;
41 + top = vm.y - vm.height / 2;
42 + bottom = vm.y + vm.height / 2;
43 + signX = right > left ? 1 : -1;
44 + signY = 1;
45 + borderSkipped = vm.borderSkipped || 'left';
46 + }
47 +
48 + // Canvas doesn't allow us to stroke inside the width so we can
49 + // adjust the sizes to fit if we're setting a stroke on the line
50 + if (borderWidth) {
51 + // borderWidth shold be less than bar width and bar height.
52 + const barSize = Math.min(Math.abs(left - right), Math.abs(top - bottom));
53 + borderWidth = borderWidth > barSize ? barSize : borderWidth;
54 + const halfStroke = borderWidth / 2;
55 + // Adjust borderWidth when bar top position is near vm.base(zero).
56 + const borderLeft =
57 + left + (borderSkipped !== 'left' ? halfStroke * signX : 0);
58 + const borderRight =
59 + right + (borderSkipped !== 'right' ? -halfStroke * signX : 0);
60 + const borderTop = top + (borderSkipped !== 'top' ? halfStroke * signY : 0);
61 + const borderBottom =
62 + bottom + (borderSkipped !== 'bottom' ? -halfStroke * signY : 0);
63 + // not become a vertical line?
64 + if (borderLeft !== borderRight) {
65 + top = borderTop;
66 + bottom = borderBottom;
67 + }
68 + // not become a horizontal line?
69 + if (borderTop !== borderBottom) {
70 + left = borderLeft;
71 + right = borderRight;
72 + }
73 + }
74 +
75 + ctx.beginPath();
76 + ctx.fillStyle = vm.backgroundColor;
77 + ctx.strokeStyle = vm.borderColor;
78 + ctx.lineWidth = borderWidth;
79 +
80 + // Corner points, from bottom-left to bottom-right clockwise
81 + // | 1 2 |
82 + // | 0 3 |
83 + const corners = [[left, bottom], [left, top], [right, top], [right, bottom]];
84 +
85 + // Find first (starting) corner with fallback to 'bottom'
86 + const borders = ['bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right'];
87 + let startCorner = borders.indexOf(borderSkipped, 0);
88 + if (startCorner === -1) {
89 + startCorner = 0;
90 + }
91 +
92 + function cornerAt(index) {
93 + return corners[(startCorner + index) % 4];
94 + }
95 +
96 + // Draw rectangle from 'startCorner'
97 + let corner = cornerAt(0);
98 + ctx.moveTo(corner[0], corner[1]);
99 +
100 + for (let i = 1; i < 4; i += 1) {
101 + corner = cornerAt(i);
102 + let nextCornerId = i + 1;
103 + if (nextCornerId === 4) {
104 + nextCornerId = 0;
105 + }
106 +
107 + const width = corners[2][0] - corners[1][0];
108 + const height = corners[0][1] - corners[1][1];
109 + const x = corners[1][0];
110 + const y = corners[1][1];
111 +
112 + radius = cornerRadius;
113 + // Fix radius being too large
114 + if (radius > Math.abs(height) / 2) {
115 + radius = Math.floor(Math.abs(height) / 2);
116 + }
117 + if (radius > Math.abs(width) / 2) {
118 + radius = Math.floor(Math.abs(width) / 2);
119 + }
120 +
121 + if (height < 0) {
122 + // Negative values in a standard bar chart
123 + const xTl = x;
124 + const xTr = x + width;
125 + const yTl = y + height;
126 + const yTr = y + height;
127 +
128 + const xBl = x;
129 + const xBr = x + width;
130 + const yBl = y;
131 + const yBr = y;
132 +
133 + // Draw
134 + ctx.moveTo(xBl + radius, yBl);
135 + ctx.lineTo(xBr - radius, yBr);
136 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xBr, yBr, xBr, yBr - radius);
137 + ctx.lineTo(xTr, yTr + radius);
138 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xTr, yTr, xTr - radius, yTr);
139 + ctx.lineTo(xTl + radius, yTl);
140 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xTl, yTl, xTl, yTl + radius);
141 + ctx.lineTo(xBl, yBl - radius);
142 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xBl, yBl, xBl + radius, yBl);
143 + } else if (width < 0) {
144 + // Negative values in a horizontal bar chart
145 + const xTl = x + width;
146 + const xTr = x;
147 + const yTl = y;
148 + const yTr = y;
149 +
150 + const xBl = x + width;
151 + const xBr = x;
152 + const yBl = y + height;
153 + const yBr = y + height;
154 +
155 + // Draw
156 + ctx.moveTo(xBl + radius, yBl);
157 + ctx.lineTo(xBr - radius, yBr);
158 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xBr, yBr, xBr, yBr - radius);
159 + ctx.lineTo(xTr, yTr + radius);
160 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xTr, yTr, xTr - radius, yTr);
161 + ctx.lineTo(xTl + radius, yTl);
162 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xTl, yTl, xTl, yTl + radius);
163 + ctx.lineTo(xBl, yBl - radius);
164 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(xBl, yBl, xBl + radius, yBl);
165 + } else {
166 + // Positive Value
167 + ctx.moveTo(x + radius, y);
168 + ctx.lineTo(x + width - radius, y);
169 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius);
170 + ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius);
171 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(
172 + x + width,
173 + y + height,
174 + x + width - radius,
175 + y + height
176 + );
177 + ctx.lineTo(x + radius, y + height);
178 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius);
179 + ctx.lineTo(x, y + radius);
180 + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y);
181 + }
182 + }
183 +
184 + ctx.fill();
185 + if (borderWidth) {
186 + ctx.stroke();
187 + }
188 +}
189 +
190 +export default {
191 + draw
192 +};
1 +export default (name = '') =>
2 + name
3 + .replace(/\s+/, ' ')
4 + .split(' ')
5 + .slice(0, 2)
6 + .map(v => v && v[0].toUpperCase())
7 + .join('');
1 +export { default as chartjs } from './chartjs';
2 +export { default as getInitials } from './getInitials';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +
3 +// Material components
4 +import { SvgIcon } from '@material-ui/core';
5 +
6 +export default function Facebook(props) {
7 + return (
8 + <SvgIcon {...props}>
9 + <path d="M9.53144612,22.005 L9.53144612,13.0552149 L6.44166667,13.0552149 L6.44166667,9.49875 L9.53144612,9.49875 L9.53144612,6.68484375 C9.53144612,5.19972656 9.95946769,4.04680661 10.8155103,3.22608401 C11.6715529,2.4053613 12.808485,1.995 14.2263057,1.995 C15.3766134,1.995 16.3129099,2.04710915 17.0351961,2.15132812 L17.0351961,5.3169726 L15.1090998,5.3169726 C14.3868137,5.3169726 13.8919142,5.47330073 13.6244006,5.78595698 C13.4103902,6.04650407 13.3033846,6.46337874 13.3033846,7.03658198 L13.3033846,9.49875 L16.71418,9.49875 L16.2326559,13.0552149 L13.3033846,13.0552149 L13.3033846,22.005 L9.53144612,22.005 Z" />
10 + </SvgIcon>
11 + );
12 +}
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +
3 +// Material components
4 +import { SvgIcon } from '@material-ui/core';
5 +
6 +export default function Google(props) {
7 + return (
8 + <SvgIcon {...props}>
9 + <path d="M21,12.2177419 C21,13.9112905 20.6311475,15.4233869 19.8934426,16.7540323 C19.1557377,18.0846776 18.1168031,19.1249998 16.7766393,19.875 C15.4364756,20.6250002 13.8934424,21 12.147541,21 C10.4999998,21 8.97540984,20.5947579 7.57377049,19.7842742 C6.17213115,18.9737905 5.05942604,17.8790323 4.23565574,16.5 C3.41188543,15.1209677 3,13.6209679 3,12 C3,10.3790321 3.41188543,8.87903226 4.23565574,7.5 C5.05942604,6.12096774 6.17213115,5.02620949 7.57377049,4.21572581 C8.97540984,3.40524212 10.4999998,3 12.147541,3 C14.5327871,3 16.5737705,3.78629051 18.2704918,5.35887097 L15.7991803,7.71774194 C15.0122953,6.96774175 14.0655738,6.52016129 12.9590164,6.375 C11.9262295,6.22983871 10.9057375,6.375 9.89754098,6.81048387 C8.88934445,7.24596774 8.07786904,7.89919355 7.46311475,8.77016129 C6.79918033,9.71370968 6.46721311,10.7903228 6.46721311,12 C6.46721311,13.0403228 6.72540984,13.9899192 7.24180328,14.8487903 C7.75819672,15.7076615 8.4467215,16.3971776 9.30737705,16.9173387 C10.1680326,17.4374998 11.1147541,17.6975806 12.147541,17.6975806 C13.2540984,17.6975806 14.2254096,17.455645 15.0614754,16.9717742 C15.7254098,16.5846772 16.2786885,16.0645161 16.7213115,15.4112903 C17.0409838,14.8790321 17.2499998,14.3467744 17.3483607,13.8145161 L12.147541,13.8145161 L12.147541,10.6935484 L20.852459,10.6935484 C20.9508199,11.2258066 21,11.7338712 21,12.2177419 Z" />
10 + </SvgIcon>
11 + );
12 +}
1 +export { default as Facebook } from './Facebook';
2 +export { default as Google } from './Google';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
3 +
4 +import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
5 +import App from './App';
6 +
7 +ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
8 +
9 +serviceWorker.unregister();
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles, useTheme } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +
7 +import { Sidebar, Topbar, Footer } from './components';
8 +
9 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
10 + root: {
11 + paddingTop: 56,
12 + height: '100%',
13 + [theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
14 + paddingTop: 64
15 + }
16 + },
17 + shiftContent: {
18 + paddingLeft: 240
19 + },
20 + content: {
21 + height: '100%'
22 + }
23 +}));
24 +
25 +const Main = props => {
26 + const { children } = props;
27 +
28 + const classes = useStyles();
29 + const theme = useTheme();
30 + const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up('lg'), {
31 + defaultMatches: true
32 + });
33 +
34 + const [openSidebar, setOpenSidebar] = useState(false);
35 +
36 + const handleSidebarOpen = () => {
37 + setOpenSidebar(true);
38 + };
39 +
40 + const handleSidebarClose = () => {
41 + setOpenSidebar(false);
42 + };
43 +
44 + const shouldOpenSidebar = isDesktop ? true : openSidebar;
45 +
46 + return (
47 + <div
48 + className={clsx({
49 + [classes.root]: true,
50 + [classes.shiftContent]: isDesktop
51 + })}
52 + >
53 + <Topbar onSidebarOpen={handleSidebarOpen} />
54 + <Sidebar
55 + onClose={handleSidebarClose}
56 + open={shouldOpenSidebar}
57 + variant={isDesktop ? 'persistent' : 'temporary'}
58 + />
59 + <main className={classes.content}>
60 + {children}
61 + <Footer />
62 + </main>
63 + </div>
64 + );
65 +};
66 +
67 +Main.propTypes = {
68 + children: PropTypes.node
69 +};
70 +
71 +export default Main;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Typography, Link } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +
7 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
8 + root: {
9 + padding: theme.spacing(4)
10 + }
11 +}));
12 +
13 +const Footer = props => {
14 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
15 +
16 + const classes = useStyles();
17 +
18 + return (
19 + <div
20 + {...rest}
21 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
22 + >
23 + <Typography variant="body1">
24 + &copy;{' '}
25 + <Link
26 + component="a"
27 + href="https://devias.io/"
28 + target="_blank"
29 + >
30 + Devias IO
31 + </Link>
32 + . 2019
33 + </Typography>
34 + <Typography variant="caption">
35 + Created with love for the environment. By designers and developers who
36 + love to work together in offices!
37 + </Typography>
38 + </div>
39 + );
40 +};
41 +
42 +Footer.propTypes = {
43 + className: PropTypes.string
44 +};
45 +
46 +export default Footer;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Divider, Drawer } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +import DashboardIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Dashboard';
7 +import PeopleIcon from '@material-ui/icons/People';
8 +import ShoppingBasketIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ShoppingBasket';
9 +import TextFieldsIcon from '@material-ui/icons/TextFields';
10 +import ImageIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Image';
11 +import AccountBoxIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AccountBox';
12 +import SettingsIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Settings';
13 +import LockOpenIcon from '@material-ui/icons/LockOpen';
14 +
15 +import { Profile, SidebarNav, UpgradePlan } from './components';
16 +
17 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
18 + drawer: {
19 + width: 240,
20 + [theme.breakpoints.up('lg')]: {
21 + marginTop: 64,
22 + height: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
23 + }
24 + },
25 + root: {
26 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.white,
27 + display: 'flex',
28 + flexDirection: 'column',
29 + height: '100%',
30 + padding: theme.spacing(2)
31 + },
32 + divider: {
33 + margin: theme.spacing(2, 0)
34 + },
35 + nav: {
36 + marginBottom: theme.spacing(2)
37 + }
38 +}));
39 +
40 +const Sidebar = props => {
41 + const { open, variant, onClose, className, ...rest } = props;
42 +
43 + const classes = useStyles();
44 +
45 + const pages = [
46 + {
47 + title: 'Dashboard',
48 + href: '/dashboard',
49 + icon: <DashboardIcon />
50 + },
51 + {
52 + title: 'Users',
53 + href: '/users',
54 + icon: <PeopleIcon />
55 + },
56 + {
57 + title: 'Products',
58 + href: '/products',
59 + icon: <ShoppingBasketIcon />
60 + },
61 + {
62 + title: 'Authentication',
63 + href: '/sign-in',
64 + icon: <LockOpenIcon />
65 + },
66 + {
67 + title: 'Typography',
68 + href: '/typography',
69 + icon: <TextFieldsIcon />
70 + },
71 + {
72 + title: 'Icons',
73 + href: '/icons',
74 + icon: <ImageIcon />
75 + },
76 + {
77 + title: 'Account',
78 + href: '/account',
79 + icon: <AccountBoxIcon />
80 + },
81 + {
82 + title: 'Settings',
83 + href: '/settings',
84 + icon: <SettingsIcon />
85 + }
86 + ];
87 +
88 + return (
89 + <Drawer
90 + anchor="left"
91 + classes={{ paper: classes.drawer }}
92 + onClose={onClose}
93 + open={open}
94 + variant={variant}
95 + >
96 + <div
97 + {...rest}
98 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
99 + >
100 + <Profile />
101 + <Divider className={classes.divider} />
102 + <SidebarNav
103 + className={classes.nav}
104 + pages={pages}
105 + />
106 + <UpgradePlan />
107 + </div>
108 + </Drawer>
109 + );
110 +};
111 +
112 +Sidebar.propTypes = {
113 + className: PropTypes.string,
114 + onClose: PropTypes.func,
115 + open: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
116 + variant: PropTypes.string.isRequired
117 +};
118 +
119 +export default Sidebar;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
5 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import { Avatar, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
7 +
8 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
9 + root: {
10 + display: 'flex',
11 + flexDirection: 'column',
12 + alignItems: 'center',
13 + minHeight: 'fit-content'
14 + },
15 + avatar: {
16 + width: 60,
17 + height: 60
18 + },
19 + name: {
20 + marginTop: theme.spacing(1)
21 + }
22 +}));
23 +
24 +const Profile = props => {
25 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
26 +
27 + const classes = useStyles();
28 +
29 + const user = {
30 + name: 'Shen Zhi',
31 + avatar: '/images/avatars/avatar_11.png',
32 + bio: 'Brain Director'
33 + };
34 +
35 + return (
36 + <div
37 + {...rest}
38 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
39 + >
40 + <Avatar
41 + alt="Person"
42 + className={classes.avatar}
43 + component={RouterLink}
44 + src={user.avatar}
45 + to="/settings"
46 + />
47 + <Typography
48 + className={classes.name}
49 + variant="h4"
50 + >
51 + {user.name}
52 + </Typography>
53 + <Typography variant="body2">{user.bio}</Typography>
54 + </div>
55 + );
56 +};
57 +
58 +Profile.propTypes = {
59 + className: PropTypes.string
60 +};
61 +
62 +export default Profile;
1 +/* eslint-disable react/no-multi-comp */
2 +/* eslint-disable react/display-name */
3 +import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
4 +import { NavLink as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
5 +import clsx from 'clsx';
6 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
7 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
8 +import { List, ListItem, Button, colors } from '@material-ui/core';
9 +
10 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
11 + root: {},
12 + item: {
13 + display: 'flex',
14 + paddingTop: 0,
15 + paddingBottom: 0
16 + },
17 + button: {
18 + color: colors.blueGrey[800],
19 + padding: '10px 8px',
20 + justifyContent: 'flex-start',
21 + textTransform: 'none',
22 + letterSpacing: 0,
23 + width: '100%',
24 + fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightMedium
25 + },
26 + icon: {
27 + color: theme.palette.icon,
28 + width: 24,
29 + height: 24,
30 + display: 'flex',
31 + alignItems: 'center',
32 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
33 + },
34 + active: {
35 + color: theme.palette.primary.main,
36 + fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightMedium,
37 + '& $icon': {
38 + color: theme.palette.primary.main
39 + }
40 + }
41 +}));
42 +
43 +const CustomRouterLink = forwardRef((props, ref) => (
44 + <div
45 + ref={ref}
46 + style={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
47 + >
48 + <RouterLink {...props} />
49 + </div>
50 +));
51 +
52 +const SidebarNav = props => {
53 + const { pages, className, ...rest } = props;
54 +
55 + const classes = useStyles();
56 +
57 + return (
58 + <List
59 + {...rest}
60 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
61 + >
62 + {pages.map(page => (
63 + <ListItem
64 + className={classes.item}
65 + disableGutters
66 + key={page.title}
67 + >
68 + <Button
69 + activeClassName={classes.active}
70 + className={classes.button}
71 + component={CustomRouterLink}
72 + to={page.href}
73 + >
74 + <div className={classes.icon}>{page.icon}</div>
75 + {page.title}
76 + </Button>
77 + </ListItem>
78 + ))}
79 + </List>
80 + );
81 +};
82 +
83 +SidebarNav.propTypes = {
84 + className: PropTypes.string,
85 + pages: PropTypes.array.isRequired
86 +};
87 +
88 +export default SidebarNav;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Typography, Button, colors } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +
7 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
8 + root: {
9 + backgroundColor: colors.grey[50]
10 + },
11 + media: {
12 + paddingTop: theme.spacing(2),
13 + height: 80,
14 + textAlign: 'center',
15 + '& > img': {
16 + height: '100%',
17 + width: 'auto'
18 + }
19 + },
20 + content: {
21 + padding: theme.spacing(1, 2)
22 + },
23 + actions: {
24 + padding: theme.spacing(1, 2),
25 + display: 'flex',
26 + justifyContent: 'center'
27 + }
28 +}));
29 +
30 +const UpgradePlan = props => {
31 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
32 +
33 + const classes = useStyles();
34 +
35 + return (
36 + <div
37 + {...rest}
38 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
39 + >
40 + <div className={classes.media}>
41 + <img
42 + alt="Upgrade to PRO"
43 + src="/images/undraw_resume_folder_2_arse.svg"
44 + />
45 + </div>
46 + <div className={classes.content}>
47 + <Typography
48 + align="center"
49 + gutterBottom
50 + variant="h6"
51 + >
52 + Upgrade to PRO
53 + </Typography>
54 + <Typography
55 + align="center"
56 + variant="body2"
57 + >
58 + Upgrade to Devias Kit PRO and get even more components
59 + </Typography>
60 + </div>
61 + <div className={classes.actions}>
62 + <Button
63 + color="primary"
64 + component="a"
65 + href="https://devias.io/products/devias-kit-pro"
66 + variant="contained"
67 + >
68 + Upgrade
69 + </Button>
70 + </div>
71 + </div>
72 + );
73 +};
74 +
75 +UpgradePlan.propTypes = {
76 + className: PropTypes.string
77 +};
78 +
79 +export default UpgradePlan;
1 +export { default as Profile } from './Profile';
2 +export { default as SidebarNav } from './SidebarNav';
3 +export { default as UpgradePlan } from './UpgradePlan';
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
5 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import { AppBar, Toolbar, Badge, Hidden, IconButton } from '@material-ui/core';
7 +import MenuIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Menu';
8 +import NotificationsIcon from '@material-ui/icons/NotificationsOutlined';
9 +import InputIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Input';
10 +
11 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
12 + root: {
13 + boxShadow: 'none'
14 + },
15 + flexGrow: {
16 + flexGrow: 1
17 + },
18 + signOutButton: {
19 + marginLeft: theme.spacing(1)
20 + }
21 +}));
22 +
23 +const Topbar = props => {
24 + const { className, onSidebarOpen, ...rest } = props;
25 +
26 + const classes = useStyles();
27 +
28 + const [notifications] = useState([]);
29 +
30 + return (
31 + <AppBar
32 + {...rest}
33 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
34 + >
35 + <Toolbar>
36 + <RouterLink to="/">
37 + <img
38 + alt="Logo"
39 + src="/images/logos/logo--white.svg"
40 + />
41 + </RouterLink>
42 + <div className={classes.flexGrow} />
43 + <Hidden mdDown>
44 + <IconButton color="inherit">
45 + <Badge
46 + badgeContent={notifications.length}
47 + color="primary"
48 + variant="dot"
49 + >
50 + <NotificationsIcon />
51 + </Badge>
52 + </IconButton>
53 + <IconButton
54 + className={classes.signOutButton}
55 + color="inherit"
56 + >
57 + <InputIcon />
58 + </IconButton>
59 + </Hidden>
60 + <Hidden lgUp>
61 + <IconButton
62 + color="inherit"
63 + onClick={onSidebarOpen}
64 + >
65 + <MenuIcon />
66 + </IconButton>
67 + </Hidden>
68 + </Toolbar>
69 + </AppBar>
70 + );
71 +};
72 +
73 +Topbar.propTypes = {
74 + className: PropTypes.string,
75 + onSidebarOpen: PropTypes.func
76 +};
77 +
78 +export default Topbar;
1 +export { default as Footer } from './Footer';
2 +export { default as Sidebar } from './Sidebar';
3 +export { default as Topbar } from './Topbar';
1 +export { default } from './Main';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
4 +
5 +import { Topbar } from './components';
6 +
7 +const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
8 + root: {
9 + paddingTop: 64,
10 + height: '100%'
11 + },
12 + content: {
13 + height: '100%'
14 + }
15 +}));
16 +
17 +const Minimal = props => {
18 + const { children } = props;
19 +
20 + const classes = useStyles();
21 +
22 + return (
23 + <div className={classes.root}>
24 + <Topbar />
25 + <main className={classes.content}>{children}</main>
26 + </div>
27 + );
28 +};
29 +
30 +Minimal.propTypes = {
31 + children: PropTypes.node,
32 + className: PropTypes.string
33 +};
34 +
35 +export default Minimal;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
5 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import { AppBar, Toolbar } from '@material-ui/core';
7 +
8 +const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
9 + root: {
10 + boxShadow: 'none'
11 + }
12 +}));
13 +
14 +const Topbar = props => {
15 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
16 +
17 + const classes = useStyles();
18 +
19 + return (
20 + <AppBar
21 + {...rest}
22 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
23 + color="primary"
24 + position="fixed"
25 + >
26 + <Toolbar>
27 + <RouterLink to="/">
28 + <img
29 + alt="Logo"
30 + src="/images/logos/logo--white.svg"
31 + />
32 + </RouterLink>
33 + </Toolbar>
34 + </AppBar>
35 + );
36 +};
37 +
38 +Topbar.propTypes = {
39 + className: PropTypes.string
40 +};
41 +
42 +export default Topbar;
1 +export { default as Topbar } from './Topbar';
1 +export { default } from './Minimal';
1 +export { default as Main } from './Main';
2 +export { default as Minimal } from './Minimal';
1 +// This optional code is used to register a service worker.
2 +// register() is not called by default.
3 +
4 +// This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in production, and gives
5 +// it offline capabilities. However, it also means that developers (and users)
6 +// will only see deployed updates on subsequent visits to a page, after all the
7 +// existing tabs open on the page have been closed, since previously cached
8 +// resources are updated in the background.
9 +
10 +// To learn more about the benefits of this model and instructions on how to
11 +// opt-in, read http://bit.ly/CRA-PWA
12 +
13 +const isLocalhost = Boolean(
14 + window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ||
15 + // [::1] is the IPv6 localhost address.
16 + window.location.hostname === '[::1]' ||
17 + // is considered localhost for IPv4.
18 + window.location.hostname.match(
19 + /^127(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$/
20 + )
21 +);
22 +
23 +export function register(config) {
24 + if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) {
25 + // The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.
26 + const publicUrl = new URL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL, window.location.href);
27 + if (publicUrl.origin !== window.location.origin) {
28 + // Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin
29 + // from what our page is served on. This might happen if a CDN is used to
30 + // serve assets; see https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2374
31 + return;
32 + }
33 +
34 + window.addEventListener('load', () => {
35 + const swUrl = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`;
36 +
37 + if (isLocalhost) {
38 + // This is running on localhost. Let's check if a service worker still exists or not.
39 + checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config);
40 +
41 + // Add some additional logging to localhost, pointing developers to the
42 + // service worker/PWA documentation.
43 + navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(() => {
44 + console.log(
45 + 'This web app is being served cache-first by a service ' +
46 + 'worker. To learn more, visit http://bit.ly/CRA-PWA'
47 + );
48 + });
49 + } else {
50 + // Is not localhost. Just register service worker
51 + registerValidSW(swUrl, config);
52 + }
53 + });
54 + }
55 +}
56 +
57 +function registerValidSW(swUrl, config) {
58 + navigator.serviceWorker
59 + .register(swUrl)
60 + .then(registration => {
61 + registration.onupdatefound = () => {
62 + const installingWorker = registration.installing;
63 + if (installingWorker == null) {
64 + return;
65 + }
66 + installingWorker.onstatechange = () => {
67 + if (installingWorker.state === 'installed') {
68 + if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
69 + // At this point, the updated precached content has been fetched,
70 + // but the previous service worker will still serve the older
71 + // content until all client tabs are closed.
72 + console.log(
73 + 'New content is available and will be used when all ' +
74 + 'tabs for this page are closed. See http://bit.ly/CRA-PWA.'
75 + );
76 +
77 + // Execute callback
78 + if (config && config.onUpdate) {
79 + config.onUpdate(registration);
80 + }
81 + } else {
82 + // At this point, everything has been precached.
83 + // It's the perfect time to display a
84 + // "Content is cached for offline use." message.
85 + console.log('Content is cached for offline use.');
86 +
87 + // Execute callback
88 + if (config && config.onSuccess) {
89 + config.onSuccess(registration);
90 + }
91 + }
92 + }
93 + };
94 + };
95 + })
96 + .catch(error => {
97 + console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error);
98 + });
99 +}
100 +
101 +function checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config) {
102 + // Check if the service worker can be found. If it can't reload the page.
103 + fetch(swUrl)
104 + .then(response => {
105 + // Ensure service worker exists, and that we really are getting a JS file.
106 + const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');
107 + if (
108 + response.status === 404 ||
109 + (contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('javascript') === -1)
110 + ) {
111 + // No service worker found. Probably a different app. Reload the page.
112 + navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {
113 + registration.unregister().then(() => {
114 + window.location.reload();
115 + });
116 + });
117 + } else {
118 + // Service worker found. Proceed as normal.
119 + registerValidSW(swUrl, config);
120 + }
121 + })
122 + .catch(() => {
123 + console.log(
124 + 'No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.'
125 + );
126 + });
127 +}
128 +
129 +export function unregister() {
130 + if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
131 + navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {
132 + registration.unregister();
133 + });
134 + }
135 +}
1 +import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core';
2 +
3 +import palette from './palette';
4 +import typography from './typography';
5 +import overrides from './overrides';
6 +
7 +const theme = createMuiTheme({
8 + palette,
9 + typography,
10 + overrides,
11 + zIndex: {
12 + appBar: 1200,
13 + drawer: 1100
14 + }
15 +});
16 +
17 +export default theme;
1 +export default {
2 + contained: {
3 + boxShadow:
4 + '0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.14), 0 2px 1px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.12), 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.20)',
5 + backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'
6 + }
7 +};
1 +import palette from '../palette';
2 +
3 +export default {
4 + root: {
5 + color: palette.icon,
6 + '&:hover': {
7 + backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)'
8 + }
9 + }
10 +};
1 +export default {
2 + elevation1: {
3 + boxShadow: '0 0 0 1px rgba(63,63,68,0.05), 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(63,63,68,0.15)'
4 + }
5 +};
1 +import palette from '../palette';
2 +import typography from '../typography';
3 +
4 +export default {
5 + root: {
6 + ...typography.body1,
7 + borderBottom: `1px solid ${palette.divider}`
8 + }
9 +};
1 +import { colors } from '@material-ui/core';
2 +
3 +export default {
4 + root: {
5 + backgroundColor: colors.grey[50]
6 + }
7 +};
1 +import palette from '../palette';
2 +
3 +export default {
4 + root: {
5 + '&$selected': {
6 + backgroundColor: palette.background.default
7 + },
8 + '&$hover': {
9 + '&:hover': {
10 + backgroundColor: palette.background.default
11 + }
12 + }
13 + }
14 +};
1 +export default {
2 + gutterBottom: {
3 + marginBottom: 8
4 + }
5 +};
1 +import MuiButton from './MuiButton';
2 +import MuiIconButton from './MuiIconButton';
3 +import MuiPaper from './MuiPaper';
4 +import MuiTableCell from './MuiTableCell';
5 +import MuiTableHead from './MuiTableHead';
6 +import MuiTypography from './MuiTypography';
7 +
8 +export default {
9 + MuiButton,
10 + MuiIconButton,
11 + MuiPaper,
12 + MuiTableCell,
13 + MuiTableHead,
14 + MuiTypography
15 +};
1 +import { colors } from '@material-ui/core';
2 +
3 +const white = '#FFFFFF';
4 +const black = '#000000';
5 +
6 +export default {
7 + black,
8 + white,
9 + primary: {
10 + contrastText: white,
11 + dark: colors.indigo[900],
12 + main: colors.indigo[500],
13 + light: colors.indigo[100]
14 + },
15 + secondary: {
16 + contrastText: white,
17 + dark: colors.blue[900],
18 + main: colors.blue['A400'],
19 + light: colors.blue['A400']
20 + },
21 + success: {
22 + contrastText: white,
23 + dark: colors.green[900],
24 + main: colors.green[600],
25 + light: colors.green[400]
26 + },
27 + info: {
28 + contrastText: white,
29 + dark: colors.blue[900],
30 + main: colors.blue[600],
31 + light: colors.blue[400]
32 + },
33 + warning: {
34 + contrastText: white,
35 + dark: colors.orange[900],
36 + main: colors.orange[600],
37 + light: colors.orange[400]
38 + },
39 + error: {
40 + contrastText: white,
41 + dark: colors.red[900],
42 + main: colors.red[600],
43 + light: colors.red[400]
44 + },
45 + text: {
46 + primary: colors.blueGrey[900],
47 + secondary: colors.blueGrey[600],
48 + link: colors.blue[600]
49 + },
50 + background: {
51 + default: '#F4F6F8',
52 + paper: white
53 + },
54 + icon: colors.blueGrey[600],
55 + divider: colors.grey[200]
56 +};
1 +import palette from './palette';
2 +
3 +export default {
4 + h1: {
5 + color: palette.text.primary,
6 + fontWeight: 500,
7 + fontSize: '35px',
8 + letterSpacing: '-0.24px',
9 + lineHeight: '40px'
10 + },
11 + h2: {
12 + color: palette.text.primary,
13 + fontWeight: 500,
14 + fontSize: '29px',
15 + letterSpacing: '-0.24px',
16 + lineHeight: '32px'
17 + },
18 + h3: {
19 + color: palette.text.primary,
20 + fontWeight: 500,
21 + fontSize: '24px',
22 + letterSpacing: '-0.06px',
23 + lineHeight: '28px'
24 + },
25 + h4: {
26 + color: palette.text.primary,
27 + fontWeight: 500,
28 + fontSize: '20px',
29 + letterSpacing: '-0.06px',
30 + lineHeight: '24px'
31 + },
32 + h5: {
33 + color: palette.text.primary,
34 + fontWeight: 500,
35 + fontSize: '16px',
36 + letterSpacing: '-0.05px',
37 + lineHeight: '20px'
38 + },
39 + h6: {
40 + color: palette.text.primary,
41 + fontWeight: 500,
42 + fontSize: '14px',
43 + letterSpacing: '-0.05px',
44 + lineHeight: '20px'
45 + },
46 + subtitle1: {
47 + color: palette.text.primary,
48 + fontSize: '16px',
49 + letterSpacing: '-0.05px',
50 + lineHeight: '25px'
51 + },
52 + subtitle2: {
53 + color: palette.text.secondary,
54 + fontWeight: 400,
55 + fontSize: '14px',
56 + letterSpacing: '-0.05px',
57 + lineHeight: '21px'
58 + },
59 + body1: {
60 + color: palette.text.primary,
61 + fontSize: '14px',
62 + letterSpacing: '-0.05px',
63 + lineHeight: '21px'
64 + },
65 + body2: {
66 + color: palette.text.secondary,
67 + fontSize: '12px',
68 + letterSpacing: '-0.04px',
69 + lineHeight: '18px'
70 + },
71 + button: {
72 + color: palette.text.primary,
73 + fontSize: '14px'
74 + },
75 + caption: {
76 + color: palette.text.secondary,
77 + fontSize: '11px',
78 + letterSpacing: '0.33px',
79 + lineHeight: '13px'
80 + },
81 + overline: {
82 + color: palette.text.secondary,
83 + fontSize: '11px',
84 + fontWeight: 500,
85 + letterSpacing: '0.33px',
86 + lineHeight: '13px',
87 + textTransform: 'uppercase'
88 + }
89 +};
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +import { Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
4 +
5 +import { AccountProfile, AccountDetails } from './components';
6 +
7 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
8 + root: {
9 + padding: theme.spacing(4)
10 + }
11 +}));
12 +
13 +const Account = () => {
14 + const classes = useStyles();
15 +
16 + return (
17 + <div className={classes.root}>
18 + <Grid
19 + container
20 + spacing={4}
21 + >
22 + <Grid
23 + item
24 + lg={4}
25 + md={6}
26 + xl={4}
27 + xs={12}
28 + >
29 + <AccountProfile />
30 + </Grid>
31 + <Grid
32 + item
33 + lg={8}
34 + md={6}
35 + xl={8}
36 + xs={12}
37 + >
38 + <AccountDetails />
39 + </Grid>
40 + </Grid>
41 + </div>
42 + );
43 +};
44 +
45 +export default Account;
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import {
6 + Card,
7 + CardHeader,
8 + CardContent,
9 + CardActions,
10 + Divider,
11 + Grid,
12 + Button,
13 + TextField
14 +} from '@material-ui/core';
15 +
16 +const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
17 + root: {}
18 +}));
19 +
20 +const AccountDetails = props => {
21 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
22 +
23 + const classes = useStyles();
24 +
25 + const [values, setValues] = useState({
26 + firstName: 'Shen',
27 + lastName: 'Zhi',
28 + email: 'shen.zhi@devias.io',
29 + phone: '',
30 + state: 'Alabama',
31 + country: 'USA'
32 + });
33 +
34 + const handleChange = event => {
35 + setValues({
36 + ...values,
37 + [event.target.name]: event.target.value
38 + });
39 + };
40 +
41 + const states = [
42 + {
43 + value: 'alabama',
44 + label: 'Alabama'
45 + },
46 + {
47 + value: 'new-york',
48 + label: 'New York'
49 + },
50 + {
51 + value: 'san-francisco',
52 + label: 'San Francisco'
53 + }
54 + ];
55 +
56 + return (
57 + <Card
58 + {...rest}
59 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
60 + >
61 + <form
62 + autoComplete="off"
63 + noValidate
64 + >
65 + <CardHeader
66 + subheader="The information can be edited"
67 + title="Profile"
68 + />
69 + <Divider />
70 + <CardContent>
71 + <Grid
72 + container
73 + spacing={3}
74 + >
75 + <Grid
76 + item
77 + md={6}
78 + xs={12}
79 + >
80 + <TextField
81 + fullWidth
82 + helperText="Please specify the first name"
83 + label="First name"
84 + margin="dense"
85 + name="firstName"
86 + onChange={handleChange}
87 + required
88 + value={values.firstName}
89 + variant="outlined"
90 + />
91 + </Grid>
92 + <Grid
93 + item
94 + md={6}
95 + xs={12}
96 + >
97 + <TextField
98 + fullWidth
99 + label="Last name"
100 + margin="dense"
101 + name="lastName"
102 + onChange={handleChange}
103 + required
104 + value={values.lastName}
105 + variant="outlined"
106 + />
107 + </Grid>
108 + <Grid
109 + item
110 + md={6}
111 + xs={12}
112 + >
113 + <TextField
114 + fullWidth
115 + label="Email Address"
116 + margin="dense"
117 + name="email"
118 + onChange={handleChange}
119 + required
120 + value={values.email}
121 + variant="outlined"
122 + />
123 + </Grid>
124 + <Grid
125 + item
126 + md={6}
127 + xs={12}
128 + >
129 + <TextField
130 + fullWidth
131 + label="Phone Number"
132 + margin="dense"
133 + name="phone"
134 + onChange={handleChange}
135 + type="number"
136 + value={values.phone}
137 + variant="outlined"
138 + />
139 + </Grid>
140 + <Grid
141 + item
142 + md={6}
143 + xs={12}
144 + >
145 + <TextField
146 + fullWidth
147 + label="Select State"
148 + margin="dense"
149 + name="state"
150 + onChange={handleChange}
151 + required
152 + select
153 + // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-sort-props
154 + SelectProps={{ native: true }}
155 + value={values.state}
156 + variant="outlined"
157 + >
158 + {states.map(option => (
159 + <option
160 + key={option.value}
161 + value={option.value}
162 + >
163 + {option.label}
164 + </option>
165 + ))}
166 + </TextField>
167 + </Grid>
168 + <Grid
169 + item
170 + md={6}
171 + xs={12}
172 + >
173 + <TextField
174 + fullWidth
175 + label="Country"
176 + margin="dense"
177 + name="country"
178 + onChange={handleChange}
179 + required
180 + value={values.country}
181 + variant="outlined"
182 + />
183 + </Grid>
184 + </Grid>
185 + </CardContent>
186 + <Divider />
187 + <CardActions>
188 + <Button
189 + color="primary"
190 + variant="contained"
191 + >
192 + Save details
193 + </Button>
194 + </CardActions>
195 + </form>
196 + </Card>
197 + );
198 +};
199 +
200 +AccountDetails.propTypes = {
201 + className: PropTypes.string
202 +};
203 +
204 +export default AccountDetails;
1 +export { default } from './AccountDetails';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import moment from 'moment';
5 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import {
7 + Card,
8 + CardActions,
9 + CardContent,
10 + Avatar,
11 + Typography,
12 + Divider,
13 + Button,
14 + LinearProgress
15 +} from '@material-ui/core';
16 +
17 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
18 + root: {},
19 + details: {
20 + display: 'flex'
21 + },
22 + avatar: {
23 + marginLeft: 'auto',
24 + height: 110,
25 + width: 100,
26 + flexShrink: 0,
27 + flexGrow: 0
28 + },
29 + progress: {
30 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2)
31 + },
32 + uploadButton: {
33 + marginRight: theme.spacing(2)
34 + }
35 +}));
36 +
37 +const AccountProfile = props => {
38 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
39 +
40 + const classes = useStyles();
41 +
42 + const user = {
43 + name: 'Shen Zhi',
44 + city: 'Los Angeles',
45 + country: 'USA',
46 + timezone: 'GTM-7',
47 + avatar: '/images/avatars/avatar_11.png'
48 + };
49 +
50 + return (
51 + <Card
52 + {...rest}
53 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
54 + >
55 + <CardContent>
56 + <div className={classes.details}>
57 + <div>
58 + <Typography
59 + gutterBottom
60 + variant="h2"
61 + >
62 + John Doe
63 + </Typography>
64 + <Typography
65 + className={classes.locationText}
66 + color="textSecondary"
67 + variant="body1"
68 + >
69 + {user.city}, {user.country}
70 + </Typography>
71 + <Typography
72 + className={classes.dateText}
73 + color="textSecondary"
74 + variant="body1"
75 + >
76 + {moment().format('hh:mm A')} ({user.timezone})
77 + </Typography>
78 + </div>
79 + <Avatar
80 + className={classes.avatar}
81 + src={user.avatar}
82 + />
83 + </div>
84 + <div className={classes.progress}>
85 + <Typography variant="body1">Profile Completeness: 70%</Typography>
86 + <LinearProgress
87 + value={70}
88 + variant="determinate"
89 + />
90 + </div>
91 + </CardContent>
92 + <Divider />
93 + <CardActions>
94 + <Button
95 + className={classes.uploadButton}
96 + color="primary"
97 + variant="text"
98 + >
99 + Upload picture
100 + </Button>
101 + <Button variant="text">Remove picture</Button>
102 + </CardActions>
103 + </Card>
104 + );
105 +};
106 +
107 +AccountProfile.propTypes = {
108 + className: PropTypes.string
109 +};
110 +
111 +export default AccountProfile;
1 +export { default } from './AccountProfile';
1 +export { default as AccountDetails } from './AccountDetails';
2 +export { default as AccountProfile } from './AccountProfile';
1 +export { default } from './Account';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +import { Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
4 +
5 +import {
6 + Budget,
7 + TotalUsers,
8 + TasksProgress,
9 + TotalProfit,
10 + LatestSales,
11 + UsersByDevice,
12 + LatestProducts,
13 + LatestOrders
14 +} from './components';
15 +
16 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
17 + root: {
18 + padding: theme.spacing(4)
19 + }
20 +}));
21 +
22 +const Dashboard = () => {
23 + const classes = useStyles();
24 +
25 + return (
26 + <div className={classes.root}>
27 + <Grid
28 + container
29 + spacing={4}
30 + >
31 + <Grid
32 + item
33 + lg={3}
34 + sm={6}
35 + xl={3}
36 + xs={12}
37 + >
38 + <Budget />
39 + </Grid>
40 + <Grid
41 + item
42 + lg={3}
43 + sm={6}
44 + xl={3}
45 + xs={12}
46 + >
47 + <TotalUsers />
48 + </Grid>
49 + <Grid
50 + item
51 + lg={3}
52 + sm={6}
53 + xl={3}
54 + xs={12}
55 + >
56 + <TasksProgress />
57 + </Grid>
58 + <Grid
59 + item
60 + lg={3}
61 + sm={6}
62 + xl={3}
63 + xs={12}
64 + >
65 + <TotalProfit />
66 + </Grid>
67 + <Grid
68 + item
69 + lg={8}
70 + md={12}
71 + xl={9}
72 + xs={12}
73 + >
74 + <LatestSales />
75 + </Grid>
76 + <Grid
77 + item
78 + lg={4}
79 + md={6}
80 + xl={3}
81 + xs={12}
82 + >
83 + <UsersByDevice />
84 + </Grid>
85 + <Grid
86 + item
87 + lg={4}
88 + md={6}
89 + xl={3}
90 + xs={12}
91 + >
92 + <LatestProducts />
93 + </Grid>
94 + <Grid
95 + item
96 + lg={8}
97 + md={12}
98 + xl={9}
99 + xs={12}
100 + >
101 + <LatestOrders />
102 + </Grid>
103 + </Grid>
104 + </div>
105 + );
106 +};
107 +
108 +export default Dashboard;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Card, CardContent, Grid, Typography, Avatar } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +import ArrowDownwardIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowDownward';
7 +import MoneyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Money';
8 +
9 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
10 + root: {
11 + height: '100%'
12 + },
13 + content: {
14 + alignItems: 'center',
15 + display: 'flex'
16 + },
17 + title: {
18 + fontWeight: 700
19 + },
20 + avatar: {
21 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.error.main,
22 + height: 56,
23 + width: 56
24 + },
25 + icon: {
26 + height: 32,
27 + width: 32
28 + },
29 + difference: {
30 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2),
31 + display: 'flex',
32 + alignItems: 'center'
33 + },
34 + differenceIcon: {
35 + color: theme.palette.error.dark
36 + },
37 + differenceValue: {
38 + color: theme.palette.error.dark,
39 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
40 + }
41 +}));
42 +
43 +const Budget = props => {
44 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
45 +
46 + const classes = useStyles();
47 +
48 + return (
49 + <Card
50 + {...rest}
51 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
52 + >
53 + <CardContent>
54 + <Grid
55 + container
56 + justify="space-between"
57 + >
58 + <Grid item>
59 + <Typography
60 + className={classes.title}
61 + color="textSecondary"
62 + gutterBottom
63 + variant="body2"
64 + >
66 + </Typography>
67 + <Typography variant="h3">$24,000</Typography>
68 + </Grid>
69 + <Grid item>
70 + <Avatar className={classes.avatar}>
71 + <MoneyIcon className={classes.icon} />
72 + </Avatar>
73 + </Grid>
74 + </Grid>
75 + <div className={classes.difference}>
76 + <ArrowDownwardIcon className={classes.differenceIcon} />
77 + <Typography
78 + className={classes.differenceValue}
79 + variant="body2"
80 + >
81 + 12%
82 + </Typography>
83 + <Typography
84 + className={classes.caption}
85 + variant="caption"
86 + >
87 + Since last month
88 + </Typography>
89 + </div>
90 + </CardContent>
91 + </Card>
92 + );
93 +};
94 +
95 +Budget.propTypes = {
96 + className: PropTypes.string
97 +};
98 +
99 +export default Budget;
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import moment from 'moment';
4 +import PerfectScrollbar from 'react-perfect-scrollbar';
5 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
6 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
7 +import {
8 + Card,
9 + CardActions,
10 + CardHeader,
11 + CardContent,
12 + Button,
13 + Divider,
14 + Table,
15 + TableBody,
16 + TableCell,
17 + TableHead,
18 + TableRow,
19 + Tooltip,
20 + TableSortLabel
21 +} from '@material-ui/core';
22 +import ArrowRightIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowRight';
23 +
24 +import mockData from './data';
25 +import { StatusBullet } from 'components';
26 +
27 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
28 + root: {},
29 + content: {
30 + padding: 0
31 + },
32 + inner: {
33 + minWidth: 800
34 + },
35 + statusContainer: {
36 + display: 'flex',
37 + alignItems: 'center'
38 + },
39 + status: {
40 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
41 + },
42 + actions: {
43 + justifyContent: 'flex-end'
44 + }
45 +}));
46 +
47 +const statusColors = {
48 + delivered: 'success',
49 + pending: 'info',
50 + refunded: 'danger'
51 +};
52 +
53 +const LatestOrders = props => {
54 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
55 +
56 + const classes = useStyles();
57 +
58 + const [orders] = useState(mockData);
59 +
60 + return (
61 + <Card
62 + {...rest}
63 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
64 + >
65 + <CardHeader
66 + action={
67 + <Button
68 + color="primary"
69 + size="small"
70 + variant="outlined"
71 + >
72 + New entry
73 + </Button>
74 + }
75 + title="Latest Orders"
76 + />
77 + <Divider />
78 + <CardContent className={classes.content}>
79 + <PerfectScrollbar>
80 + <div className={classes.inner}>
81 + <Table>
82 + <TableHead>
83 + <TableRow>
84 + <TableCell>Order Ref</TableCell>
85 + <TableCell>Customer</TableCell>
86 + <TableCell sortDirection="desc">
87 + <Tooltip
88 + enterDelay={300}
89 + title="Sort"
90 + >
91 + <TableSortLabel
92 + active
93 + direction="desc"
94 + >
95 + Date
96 + </TableSortLabel>
97 + </Tooltip>
98 + </TableCell>
99 + <TableCell>Status</TableCell>
100 + </TableRow>
101 + </TableHead>
102 + <TableBody>
103 + {orders.map(order => (
104 + <TableRow
105 + hover
106 + key={order.id}
107 + >
108 + <TableCell>{order.ref}</TableCell>
109 + <TableCell>{order.customer.name}</TableCell>
110 + <TableCell>
111 + {moment(order.createdAt).format('DD/MM/YYYY')}
112 + </TableCell>
113 + <TableCell>
114 + <div className={classes.statusContainer}>
115 + <StatusBullet
116 + className={classes.status}
117 + color={statusColors[order.status]}
118 + size="sm"
119 + />
120 + {order.status}
121 + </div>
122 + </TableCell>
123 + </TableRow>
124 + ))}
125 + </TableBody>
126 + </Table>
127 + </div>
128 + </PerfectScrollbar>
129 + </CardContent>
130 + <Divider />
131 + <CardActions className={classes.actions}>
132 + <Button
133 + color="primary"
134 + size="small"
135 + variant="text"
136 + >
137 + View all <ArrowRightIcon />
138 + </Button>
139 + </CardActions>
140 + </Card>
141 + );
142 +};
143 +
144 +LatestOrders.propTypes = {
145 + className: PropTypes.string
146 +};
147 +
148 +export default LatestOrders;
1 +import uuid from 'uuid/v1';
2 +
3 +export default [
4 + {
5 + id: uuid(),
6 + ref: 'CDD1049',
7 + amount: 30.5,
8 + customer: {
9 + name: 'Ekaterina Tankova'
10 + },
11 + createdAt: 1555016400000,
12 + status: 'pending'
13 + },
14 + {
15 + id: uuid(),
16 + ref: 'CDD1048',
17 + amount: 25.1,
18 + customer: {
19 + name: 'Cao Yu'
20 + },
21 + createdAt: 1555016400000,
22 + status: 'delivered'
23 + },
24 + {
25 + id: uuid(),
26 + ref: 'CDD1047',
27 + amount: 10.99,
28 + customer: {
29 + name: 'Alexa Richardson'
30 + },
31 + createdAt: 1554930000000,
32 + status: 'refunded'
33 + },
34 + {
35 + id: uuid(),
36 + ref: 'CDD1046',
37 + amount: 96.43,
38 + customer: {
39 + name: 'Anje Keizer'
40 + },
41 + createdAt: 1554757200000,
42 + status: 'pending'
43 + },
44 + {
45 + id: uuid(),
46 + ref: 'CDD1045',
47 + amount: 32.54,
48 + customer: {
49 + name: 'Clarke Gillebert'
50 + },
51 + createdAt: 1554670800000,
52 + status: 'delivered'
53 + },
54 + {
55 + id: uuid(),
56 + ref: 'CDD1044',
57 + amount: 16.76,
58 + customer: {
59 + name: 'Adam Denisov'
60 + },
61 + createdAt: 1554670800000,
62 + status: 'delivered'
63 + }
64 +];
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import {
6 + Card,
7 + CardHeader,
8 + CardContent,
9 + CardActions,
10 + Button,
11 + Divider,
12 + List,
13 + ListItem,
14 + ListItemAvatar,
15 + ListItemText,
16 + IconButton
17 +} from '@material-ui/core';
18 +import ArrowRightIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowRight';
19 +import MoreVertIcon from '@material-ui/icons/MoreVert';
20 +
21 +import mockData from './data';
22 +
23 +const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
24 + root: {
25 + height: '100%'
26 + },
27 + content: {
28 + padding: 0
29 + },
30 + image: {
31 + height: 48,
32 + width: 48
33 + },
34 + actions: {
35 + justifyContent: 'flex-end'
36 + }
37 +}));
38 +
39 +const LatestProducts = props => {
40 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
41 +
42 + const classes = useStyles();
43 +
44 + const [products] = useState(mockData);
45 +
46 + return (
47 + <Card
48 + {...rest}
49 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
50 + >
51 + <CardHeader
52 + subtitle={`${products.length} in total`}
53 + title="Latest products"
54 + />
55 + <Divider />
56 + <CardContent className={classes.content}>
57 + <List>
58 + {products.map((product, i) => (
59 + <ListItem
60 + divider={i < products.length - 1}
61 + key={product.id}
62 + >
63 + <ListItemAvatar>
64 + <img
65 + alt="Product"
66 + className={classes.image}
67 + src={product.imageUrl}
68 + />
69 + </ListItemAvatar>
70 + <ListItemText
71 + primary={product.name}
72 + secondary={`Updated ${product.updatedAt.fromNow()}`}
73 + />
74 + <IconButton
75 + edge="end"
76 + size="small"
77 + >
78 + <MoreVertIcon />
79 + </IconButton>
80 + </ListItem>
81 + ))}
82 + </List>
83 + </CardContent>
84 + <Divider />
85 + <CardActions className={classes.actions}>
86 + <Button
87 + color="primary"
88 + size="small"
89 + variant="text"
90 + >
91 + View all <ArrowRightIcon />
92 + </Button>
93 + </CardActions>
94 + </Card>
95 + );
96 +};
97 +
98 +LatestProducts.propTypes = {
99 + className: PropTypes.string
100 +};
101 +
102 +export default LatestProducts;
1 +import uuid from 'uuid/v1';
2 +import moment from 'moment';
3 +
4 +export default [
5 + {
6 + id: uuid(),
7 + name: 'Dropbox',
8 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_1.png',
9 + updatedAt: moment().subtract(2, 'hours')
10 + },
11 + {
12 + id: uuid(),
13 + name: 'Medium Corporation',
14 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_2.png',
15 + updatedAt: moment().subtract(2, 'hours')
16 + },
17 + {
18 + id: uuid(),
19 + name: 'Slack',
20 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_3.png',
21 + updatedAt: moment().subtract(3, 'hours')
22 + },
23 + {
24 + id: uuid(),
25 + name: 'Lyft',
26 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_4.png',
27 + updatedAt: moment().subtract(5, 'hours')
28 + },
29 + {
30 + id: uuid(),
31 + name: 'GitHub',
32 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_5.png',
33 + updatedAt: moment().subtract(9, 'hours')
34 + }
35 +];
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { Bar } from 'react-chartjs-2';
5 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import {
7 + Card,
8 + CardHeader,
9 + CardContent,
10 + CardActions,
11 + Divider,
12 + Button
13 +} from '@material-ui/core';
14 +import ArrowDropDownIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowDropDown';
15 +import ArrowRightIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowRight';
16 +
17 +import { data, options } from './chart';
18 +
19 +const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
20 + root: {},
21 + chartContainer: {
22 + height: 400,
23 + position: 'relative'
24 + },
25 + actions: {
26 + justifyContent: 'flex-end'
27 + }
28 +}));
29 +
30 +const LatestSales = props => {
31 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
32 +
33 + const classes = useStyles();
34 +
35 + return (
36 + <Card
37 + {...rest}
38 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
39 + >
40 + <CardHeader
41 + action={
42 + <Button
43 + size="small"
44 + variant="text"
45 + >
46 + Last 7 days <ArrowDropDownIcon />
47 + </Button>
48 + }
49 + title="Latest Sales"
50 + />
51 + <Divider />
52 + <CardContent>
53 + <div className={classes.chartContainer}>
54 + <Bar
55 + data={data}
56 + options={options}
57 + />
58 + </div>
59 + </CardContent>
60 + <Divider />
61 + <CardActions className={classes.actions}>
62 + <Button
63 + color="primary"
64 + size="small"
65 + variant="text"
66 + >
67 + Overview <ArrowRightIcon />
68 + </Button>
69 + </CardActions>
70 + </Card>
71 + );
72 +};
73 +
74 +LatestSales.propTypes = {
75 + className: PropTypes.string
76 +};
77 +
78 +export default LatestSales;
1 +import palette from 'theme/palette';
2 +
3 +export const data = {
4 + labels: ['1 Aug', '2 Aug', '3 Aug', '4 Aug', '5 Aug', '6 Aug'],
5 + datasets: [
6 + {
7 + label: 'This year',
8 + backgroundColor: palette.primary.main,
9 + data: [18, 5, 19, 27, 29, 19, 20]
10 + },
11 + {
12 + label: 'Last year',
13 + backgroundColor: palette.neutral,
14 + data: [11, 20, 12, 29, 30, 25, 13]
15 + }
16 + ]
17 +};
18 +
19 +export const options = {
20 + responsive: true,
21 + maintainAspectRatio: false,
22 + animation: false,
23 + legend: { display: false },
24 + cornerRadius: 20,
25 + tooltips: {
26 + enabled: true,
27 + mode: 'index',
28 + intersect: false,
29 + borderWidth: 1,
30 + borderColor: palette.divider,
31 + backgroundColor: palette.white,
32 + titleFontColor: palette.text.primary,
33 + bodyFontColor: palette.text.secondary,
34 + footerFontColor: palette.text.secondary
35 + },
36 + layout: { padding: 0 },
37 + scales: {
38 + xAxes: [
39 + {
40 + barThickness: 12,
41 + maxBarThickness: 10,
42 + barPercentage: 0.5,
43 + categoryPercentage: 0.5,
44 + ticks: {
45 + fontColor: palette.text.secondary
46 + },
47 + gridLines: {
48 + display: false,
49 + drawBorder: false
50 + }
51 + }
52 + ],
53 + yAxes: [
54 + {
55 + ticks: {
56 + fontColor: palette.text.secondary,
57 + beginAtZero: true,
58 + min: 0
59 + },
60 + gridLines: {
61 + borderDash: [2],
62 + borderDashOffset: [2],
63 + color: palette.divider,
64 + drawBorder: false,
65 + zeroLineBorderDash: [2],
66 + zeroLineBorderDashOffset: [2],
67 + zeroLineColor: palette.divider
68 + }
69 + }
70 + ]
71 + }
72 +};
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import {
6 + Card,
7 + CardContent,
8 + Grid,
9 + Typography,
10 + Avatar,
11 + LinearProgress
12 +} from '@material-ui/core';
13 +import InsertChartIcon from '@material-ui/icons/InsertChartOutlined';
14 +
15 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
16 + root: {
17 + height: '100%'
18 + },
19 + content: {
20 + alignItems: 'center',
21 + display: 'flex'
22 + },
23 + title: {
24 + fontWeight: 700
25 + },
26 + avatar: {
27 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
28 + color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText,
29 + height: 56,
30 + width: 56
31 + },
32 + icon: {
33 + height: 32,
34 + width: 32
35 + },
36 + progress: {
37 + marginTop: theme.spacing(3)
38 + }
39 +}));
40 +
41 +const TasksProgress = props => {
42 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
43 +
44 + const classes = useStyles();
45 +
46 + return (
47 + <Card
48 + {...rest}
49 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
50 + >
51 + <CardContent>
52 + <Grid
53 + container
54 + justify="space-between"
55 + >
56 + <Grid item>
57 + <Typography
58 + className={classes.title}
59 + color="textSecondary"
60 + gutterBottom
61 + variant="body2"
62 + >
64 + </Typography>
65 + <Typography variant="h3">75.5%</Typography>
66 + </Grid>
67 + <Grid item>
68 + <Avatar className={classes.avatar}>
69 + <InsertChartIcon className={classes.icon} />
70 + </Avatar>
71 + </Grid>
72 + </Grid>
73 + <LinearProgress
74 + className={classes.progress}
75 + value={75.5}
76 + variant="determinate"
77 + />
78 + </CardContent>
79 + </Card>
80 + );
81 +};
82 +
83 +TasksProgress.propTypes = {
84 + className: PropTypes.string
85 +};
86 +
87 +export default TasksProgress;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Card, CardContent, Grid, Typography, Avatar } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +import AttachMoneyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AttachMoney';
7 +
8 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
9 + root: {
10 + height: '100%',
11 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
12 + color: theme.palette.primary.contrastText
13 + },
14 + content: {
15 + alignItems: 'center',
16 + display: 'flex'
17 + },
18 + title: {
19 + fontWeight: 700
20 + },
21 + avatar: {
22 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.white,
23 + color: theme.palette.primary.main,
24 + height: 56,
25 + width: 56
26 + },
27 + icon: {
28 + height: 32,
29 + width: 32
30 + }
31 +}));
32 +
33 +const TotalProfit = props => {
34 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
35 +
36 + const classes = useStyles();
37 +
38 + return (
39 + <Card
40 + {...rest}
41 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
42 + >
43 + <CardContent>
44 + <Grid
45 + container
46 + justify="space-between"
47 + >
48 + <Grid item>
49 + <Typography
50 + className={classes.title}
51 + color="inherit"
52 + gutterBottom
53 + variant="body2"
54 + >
56 + </Typography>
57 + <Typography
58 + color="inherit"
59 + variant="h3"
60 + >
61 + $23,200
62 + </Typography>
63 + </Grid>
64 + <Grid item>
65 + <Avatar className={classes.avatar}>
66 + <AttachMoneyIcon className={classes.icon} />
67 + </Avatar>
68 + </Grid>
69 + </Grid>
70 + </CardContent>
71 + </Card>
72 + );
73 +};
74 +
75 +TotalProfit.propTypes = {
76 + className: PropTypes.string
77 +};
78 +
79 +export default TotalProfit;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Card, CardContent, Grid, Typography, Avatar } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +import ArrowUpwardIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowUpward';
7 +import PeopleIcon from '@material-ui/icons/PeopleOutlined';
8 +
9 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
10 + root: {
11 + height: '100%'
12 + },
13 + content: {
14 + alignItems: 'center',
15 + display: 'flex'
16 + },
17 + title: {
18 + fontWeight: 700
19 + },
20 + avatar: {
21 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.success.main,
22 + height: 56,
23 + width: 56
24 + },
25 + icon: {
26 + height: 32,
27 + width: 32
28 + },
29 + difference: {
30 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2),
31 + display: 'flex',
32 + alignItems: 'center'
33 + },
34 + differenceIcon: {
35 + color: theme.palette.success.dark
36 + },
37 + differenceValue: {
38 + color: theme.palette.success.dark,
39 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
40 + }
41 +}));
42 +
43 +const TotalUsers = props => {
44 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
45 +
46 + const classes = useStyles();
47 +
48 + return (
49 + <Card
50 + {...rest}
51 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
52 + >
53 + <CardContent>
54 + <Grid
55 + container
56 + justify="space-between"
57 + >
58 + <Grid item>
59 + <Typography
60 + className={classes.title}
61 + color="textSecondary"
62 + gutterBottom
63 + variant="body2"
64 + >
66 + </Typography>
67 + <Typography variant="h3">1,600</Typography>
68 + </Grid>
69 + <Grid item>
70 + <Avatar className={classes.avatar}>
71 + <PeopleIcon className={classes.icon} />
72 + </Avatar>
73 + </Grid>
74 + </Grid>
75 + <div className={classes.difference}>
76 + <ArrowUpwardIcon className={classes.differenceIcon} />
77 + <Typography
78 + className={classes.differenceValue}
79 + variant="body2"
80 + >
81 + 16%
82 + </Typography>
83 + <Typography
84 + className={classes.caption}
85 + variant="caption"
86 + >
87 + Since last month
88 + </Typography>
89 + </div>
90 + </CardContent>
91 + </Card>
92 + );
93 +};
94 +
95 +TotalUsers.propTypes = {
96 + className: PropTypes.string
97 +};
98 +
99 +export default TotalUsers;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { Doughnut } from 'react-chartjs-2';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
5 +import { makeStyles, useTheme } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import {
7 + Card,
8 + CardHeader,
9 + CardContent,
10 + IconButton,
11 + Divider,
12 + Typography
13 +} from '@material-ui/core';
14 +import LaptopMacIcon from '@material-ui/icons/LaptopMac';
15 +import PhoneIphoneIcon from '@material-ui/icons/PhoneIphone';
16 +import RefreshIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Refresh';
17 +import TabletMacIcon from '@material-ui/icons/TabletMac';
18 +
19 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
20 + root: {
21 + height: '100%'
22 + },
23 + chartContainer: {
24 + position: 'relative',
25 + height: '300px'
26 + },
27 + stats: {
28 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2),
29 + display: 'flex',
30 + justifyContent: 'center'
31 + },
32 + device: {
33 + textAlign: 'center',
34 + padding: theme.spacing(1)
35 + },
36 + deviceIcon: {
37 + color: theme.palette.icon
38 + }
39 +}));
40 +
41 +const UsersByDevice = props => {
42 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
43 +
44 + const classes = useStyles();
45 + const theme = useTheme();
46 +
47 + const data = {
48 + datasets: [
49 + {
50 + data: [63, 15, 22],
51 + backgroundColor: [
52 + theme.palette.primary.main,
53 + theme.palette.error.main,
54 + theme.palette.warning.main
55 + ],
56 + borderWidth: 8,
57 + borderColor: theme.palette.white,
58 + hoverBorderColor: theme.palette.white
59 + }
60 + ],
61 + labels: ['Desktop', 'Tablet', 'Mobile']
62 + };
63 +
64 + const options = {
65 + legend: {
66 + display: false
67 + },
68 + responsive: true,
69 + maintainAspectRatio: false,
70 + animation: false,
71 + cutoutPercentage: 80,
72 + layout: { padding: 0 },
73 + tooltips: {
74 + enabled: true,
75 + mode: 'index',
76 + intersect: false,
77 + borderWidth: 1,
78 + borderColor: theme.palette.divider,
79 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.white,
80 + titleFontColor: theme.palette.text.primary,
81 + bodyFontColor: theme.palette.text.secondary,
82 + footerFontColor: theme.palette.text.secondary
83 + }
84 + };
85 +
86 + const devices = [
87 + {
88 + title: 'Desktop',
89 + value: '63',
90 + icon: <LaptopMacIcon />,
91 + color: theme.palette.primary.main
92 + },
93 + {
94 + title: 'Tablet',
95 + value: '15',
96 + icon: <TabletMacIcon />,
97 + color: theme.palette.error.main
98 + },
99 + {
100 + title: 'Mobile',
101 + value: '23',
102 + icon: <PhoneIphoneIcon />,
103 + color: theme.palette.warning.main
104 + }
105 + ];
106 +
107 + return (
108 + <Card
109 + {...rest}
110 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
111 + >
112 + <CardHeader
113 + action={
114 + <IconButton size="small">
115 + <RefreshIcon />
116 + </IconButton>
117 + }
118 + title="Users By Device"
119 + />
120 + <Divider />
121 + <CardContent>
122 + <div className={classes.chartContainer}>
123 + <Doughnut
124 + data={data}
125 + options={options}
126 + />
127 + </div>
128 + <div className={classes.stats}>
129 + {devices.map(device => (
130 + <div
131 + className={classes.device}
132 + key={device.title}
133 + >
134 + <span className={classes.deviceIcon}>{device.icon}</span>
135 + <Typography variant="body1">{device.title}</Typography>
136 + <Typography
137 + style={{ color: device.color }}
138 + variant="h2"
139 + >
140 + {device.value}%
141 + </Typography>
142 + </div>
143 + ))}
144 + </div>
145 + </CardContent>
146 + </Card>
147 + );
148 +};
149 +
150 +UsersByDevice.propTypes = {
151 + className: PropTypes.string
152 +};
153 +
154 +export default UsersByDevice;
1 +export { default as Budget } from './Budget';
2 +export { default as LatestOrders } from './LatestOrders';
3 +export { default as LatestProducts } from './LatestProducts';
4 +export { default as LatestSales } from './LatestSales';
5 +export { default as TasksProgress } from './TasksProgress';
6 +export { default as TotalProfit } from './TotalProfit';
7 +export { default as TotalUsers } from './TotalUsers';
8 +export { default as UsersByDevice } from './UsersByDevice';
1 +export { default } from './Dashboard';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +
4 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
5 + root: {
6 + padding: theme.spacing(4)
7 + },
8 + iframe: {
9 + width: '100%',
10 + minHeight: 640,
11 + border: 0
12 + }
13 +}));
14 +
15 +const Icons = () => {
16 + const classes = useStyles();
17 +
18 + return (
19 + <div className={classes.root}>
20 + <iframe
21 + className={classes.iframe}
22 + src="https://material.io/tools/icons/?icon=accessibility&style=outline"
23 + title="Material Design icons"
24 + />
25 + </div>
26 + );
27 +};
28 +
29 +export default Icons;
1 +export { default } from './Icons';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +import { Grid, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
4 +
5 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
6 + root: {
7 + padding: theme.spacing(4)
8 + },
9 + content: {
10 + paddingTop: 150,
11 + textAlign: 'center'
12 + },
13 + image: {
14 + marginTop: 50,
15 + display: 'inline-block',
16 + maxWidth: '100%',
17 + width: 560
18 + }
19 +}));
20 +
21 +const NotFound = () => {
22 + const classes = useStyles();
23 +
24 + return (
25 + <div className={classes.root}>
26 + <Grid
27 + container
28 + justify="center"
29 + spacing={4}
30 + >
31 + <Grid
32 + item
33 + lg={6}
34 + xs={12}
35 + >
36 + <div className={classes.content}>
37 + <Typography variant="h1">
38 + 404: The page you are looking for isnt here
39 + </Typography>
40 + <Typography variant="subtitle2">
41 + You either tried some shady route or you came here by mistake.
42 + Whichever it is, try using the navigation
43 + </Typography>
44 + <img
45 + alt="Under development"
46 + className={classes.image}
47 + src="/images/undraw_page_not_found_su7k.svg"
48 + />
49 + </div>
50 + </Grid>
51 + </Grid>
52 + </div>
53 + );
54 +};
55 +
56 +export default NotFound;
1 +export { default } from './NotFound';
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +import { IconButton, Grid, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
4 +import ChevronRightIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ChevronRight';
5 +import ChevronLeftIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ChevronLeft';
6 +
7 +import { ProductsToolbar, ProductCard } from './components';
8 +import mockData from './data';
9 +
10 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
11 + root: {
12 + padding: theme.spacing(3)
13 + },
14 + content: {
15 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2)
16 + },
17 + pagination: {
18 + marginTop: theme.spacing(3),
19 + display: 'flex',
20 + alignItems: 'center',
21 + justifyContent: 'flex-end'
22 + }
23 +}));
24 +
25 +const ProductList = () => {
26 + const classes = useStyles();
27 +
28 + const [products] = useState(mockData);
29 +
30 + return (
31 + <div className={classes.root}>
32 + <ProductsToolbar />
33 + <div className={classes.content}>
34 + <Grid
35 + container
36 + spacing={3}
37 + >
38 + {products.map(product => (
39 + <Grid
40 + item
41 + key={product.id}
42 + lg={4}
43 + md={6}
44 + xs={12}
45 + >
46 + <ProductCard product={product} />
47 + </Grid>
48 + ))}
49 + </Grid>
50 + </div>
51 + <div className={classes.pagination}>
52 + <Typography variant="caption">1-6 of 20</Typography>
53 + <IconButton>
54 + <ChevronLeftIcon />
55 + </IconButton>
56 + <IconButton>
57 + <ChevronRightIcon />
58 + </IconButton>
59 + </div>
60 + </div>
61 + );
62 +};
63 +
64 +export default ProductList;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import {
6 + Card,
7 + CardContent,
8 + CardActions,
9 + Typography,
10 + Grid,
11 + Divider
12 +} from '@material-ui/core';
13 +import AccessTimeIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AccessTime';
14 +import GetAppIcon from '@material-ui/icons/GetApp';
15 +
16 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
17 + root: {},
18 + imageContainer: {
19 + height: 64,
20 + width: 64,
21 + margin: '0 auto',
22 + border: `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`,
23 + borderRadius: '5px',
24 + overflow: 'hidden',
25 + display: 'flex',
26 + alignItems: 'center',
27 + justifyContent: 'center'
28 + },
29 + image: {
30 + width: '100%'
31 + },
32 + statsItem: {
33 + display: 'flex',
34 + alignItems: 'center'
35 + },
36 + statsIcon: {
37 + color: theme.palette.icon,
38 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
39 + }
40 +}));
41 +
42 +const ProductCard = props => {
43 + const { className, product, ...rest } = props;
44 +
45 + const classes = useStyles();
46 +
47 + return (
48 + <Card
49 + {...rest}
50 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
51 + >
52 + <CardContent>
53 + <div className={classes.imageContainer}>
54 + <img
55 + alt="Product"
56 + className={classes.image}
57 + src={product.imageUrl}
58 + />
59 + </div>
60 + <Typography
61 + align="center"
62 + gutterBottom
63 + variant="h4"
64 + >
65 + {product.title}
66 + </Typography>
67 + <Typography
68 + align="center"
69 + variant="body1"
70 + >
71 + {product.description}
72 + </Typography>
73 + </CardContent>
74 + <Divider />
75 + <CardActions>
76 + <Grid
77 + container
78 + justify="space-between"
79 + >
80 + <Grid
81 + className={classes.statsItem}
82 + item
83 + >
84 + <AccessTimeIcon className={classes.statsIcon} />
85 + <Typography
86 + display="inline"
87 + variant="body2"
88 + >
89 + Updated 2hr ago
90 + </Typography>
91 + </Grid>
92 + <Grid
93 + className={classes.statsItem}
94 + item
95 + >
96 + <GetAppIcon className={classes.statsIcon} />
97 + <Typography
98 + display="inline"
99 + variant="body2"
100 + >
101 + {product.totalDownloads} Downloads
102 + </Typography>
103 + </Grid>
104 + </Grid>
105 + </CardActions>
106 + </Card>
107 + );
108 +};
109 +
110 +ProductCard.propTypes = {
111 + className: PropTypes.string,
112 + product: PropTypes.object.isRequired
113 +};
114 +
115 +export default ProductCard;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Button } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +
7 +import { SearchInput } from 'components';
8 +
9 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
10 + root: {},
11 + row: {
12 + height: '42px',
13 + display: 'flex',
14 + alignItems: 'center',
15 + marginTop: theme.spacing(1)
16 + },
17 + spacer: {
18 + flexGrow: 1
19 + },
20 + importButton: {
21 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
22 + },
23 + exportButton: {
24 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
25 + },
26 + searchInput: {
27 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
28 + }
29 +}));
30 +
31 +const ProductsToolbar = props => {
32 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
33 +
34 + const classes = useStyles();
35 +
36 + return (
37 + <div
38 + {...rest}
39 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
40 + >
41 + <div className={classes.row}>
42 + <span className={classes.spacer} />
43 + <Button className={classes.importButton}>Import</Button>
44 + <Button className={classes.exportButton}>Export</Button>
45 + <Button
46 + color="primary"
47 + variant="contained"
48 + >
49 + Add product
50 + </Button>
51 + </div>
52 + <div className={classes.row}>
53 + <SearchInput
54 + className={classes.searchInput}
55 + placeholder="Search product"
56 + />
57 + </div>
58 + </div>
59 + );
60 +};
61 +
62 +ProductsToolbar.propTypes = {
63 + className: PropTypes.string
64 +};
65 +
66 +export default ProductsToolbar;
1 +export { default as ProductCard } from './ProductCard';
2 +export { default as ProductsToolbar } from './ProductsToolbar';
1 +import uuid from 'uuid/v1';
2 +
3 +export default [
4 + {
5 + id: uuid(),
6 + title: 'Dropbox',
7 + description:
8 + 'Dropbox is a file hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, a personal cloud.',
9 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_1.png',
10 + totalDownloads: '594',
11 + updatedAt: '27/03/2019'
12 + },
13 + {
14 + id: uuid(),
15 + title: 'Medium Corporation',
16 + description:
17 + 'Medium is an online publishing platform developed by Evan Williams, and launched in August 2012.',
18 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_2.png',
19 + totalDownloads: '625',
20 + createdAt: '31/03/2019'
21 + },
22 + {
23 + id: uuid(),
24 + title: 'Slack',
25 + description:
26 + 'Slack is a cloud-based set of team collaboration tools and services, founded by Stewart Butterfield.',
27 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_3.png',
28 + totalDownloads: '857',
29 + createdAt: '03/04/2019'
30 + },
31 + {
32 + id: uuid(),
33 + title: 'Lyft',
34 + description:
35 + 'Lyft is an on-demand transportation company based in San Francisco, California.',
36 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_4.png',
37 + totalDownloads: '406',
38 + createdAt: '04/04/2019'
39 + },
40 + {
41 + id: uuid(),
42 + title: 'GitHub',
43 + description:
44 + 'GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control of code using Git.',
45 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_5.png',
46 + totalDownloads: '835',
47 + createdAt: '04/04/2019'
48 + },
49 + {
50 + id: uuid(),
51 + title: 'Squarespace',
52 + description:
53 + 'Squarespace provides software as a service for website building and hosting. Headquartered in NYC.',
54 + imageUrl: '/images/products/product_6.png',
55 + totalDownloads: '835',
56 + createdAt: '04/04/2019'
57 + }
58 +];
1 +export { default } from './ProductList';
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +import { Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
4 +
5 +import { Notifications, Password } from './components';
6 +
7 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
8 + root: {
9 + padding: theme.spacing(4)
10 + }
11 +}));
12 +
13 +const Settings = () => {
14 + const classes = useStyles();
15 +
16 + return (
17 + <div className={classes.root}>
18 + <Grid
19 + container
20 + spacing={4}
21 + >
22 + <Grid
23 + item
24 + md={7}
25 + xs={12}
26 + >
27 + <Notifications />
28 + </Grid>
29 + <Grid
30 + item
31 + md={5}
32 + xs={12}
33 + >
34 + <Password />
35 + </Grid>
36 + </Grid>
37 + </div>
38 + );
39 +};
40 +
41 +export default Settings;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import {
6 + Card,
7 + CardHeader,
8 + CardContent,
9 + CardActions,
10 + Grid,
11 + Divider,
12 + FormControlLabel,
13 + Checkbox,
14 + Typography,
15 + Button
16 +} from '@material-ui/core';
17 +
18 +const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
19 + root: {},
20 + item: {
21 + display: 'flex',
22 + flexDirection: 'column'
23 + }
24 +}));
25 +
26 +const Notifications = props => {
27 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
28 +
29 + const classes = useStyles();
30 +
31 + return (
32 + <Card
33 + {...rest}
34 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
35 + >
36 + <form>
37 + <CardHeader
38 + subheader="Manage the notifications"
39 + title="Notifications"
40 + />
41 + <Divider />
42 + <CardContent>
43 + <Grid
44 + container
45 + spacing={6}
46 + wrap="wrap"
47 + >
48 + <Grid
49 + className={classes.item}
50 + item
51 + md={4}
52 + sm={6}
53 + xs={12}
54 + >
55 + <Typography
56 + gutterBottom
57 + variant="h6"
58 + >
59 + Notifications
60 + </Typography>
61 + <FormControlLabel
62 + control={
63 + <Checkbox
64 + color="primary"
65 + defaultChecked //
66 + />
67 + }
68 + label="Email"
69 + />
70 + <FormControlLabel
71 + control={
72 + <Checkbox
73 + color="primary"
74 + defaultChecked //
75 + />
76 + }
77 + label="Push Notifications"
78 + />
79 + <FormControlLabel
80 + control={<Checkbox color="primary" />}
81 + label="Text Messages"
82 + />
83 + <FormControlLabel
84 + control={
85 + <Checkbox
86 + color="primary"
87 + defaultChecked //
88 + />
89 + }
90 + label="Phone calls"
91 + />
92 + </Grid>
93 + <Grid
94 + className={classes.item}
95 + item
96 + md={4}
97 + sm={6}
98 + xs={12}
99 + >
100 + <Typography
101 + gutterBottom
102 + variant="h6"
103 + >
104 + Messages
105 + </Typography>
106 + <FormControlLabel
107 + control={
108 + <Checkbox
109 + color="primary"
110 + defaultChecked //
111 + />
112 + }
113 + label="Email"
114 + />
115 + <FormControlLabel
116 + control={<Checkbox color="primary" />}
117 + label="Push Notifications"
118 + />
119 + <FormControlLabel
120 + control={
121 + <Checkbox
122 + color="primary"
123 + defaultChecked //
124 + />
125 + }
126 + label="Phone calls"
127 + />
128 + </Grid>
129 + </Grid>
130 + </CardContent>
131 + <Divider />
132 + <CardActions>
133 + <Button
134 + color="primary"
135 + variant="outlined"
136 + >
137 + Save
138 + </Button>
139 + </CardActions>
140 + </form>
141 + </Card>
142 + );
143 +};
144 +
145 +Notifications.propTypes = {
146 + className: PropTypes.string
147 +};
148 +
149 +export default Notifications;
1 +export { default } from './Notifications';
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import {
6 + Card,
7 + CardHeader,
8 + CardContent,
9 + CardActions,
10 + Divider,
11 + Button,
12 + TextField
13 +} from '@material-ui/core';
14 +
15 +const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
16 + root: {}
17 +}));
18 +
19 +const Password = props => {
20 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
21 +
22 + const classes = useStyles();
23 +
24 + const [values, setValues] = useState({
25 + password: '',
26 + confirm: ''
27 + });
28 +
29 + const handleChange = event => {
30 + setValues({
31 + ...values,
32 + [event.target.name]: event.target.value
33 + });
34 + };
35 +
36 + return (
37 + <Card
38 + {...rest}
39 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
40 + >
41 + <form>
42 + <CardHeader
43 + subheader="Update password"
44 + title="Password"
45 + />
46 + <Divider />
47 + <CardContent>
48 + <TextField
49 + fullWidth
50 + label="Password"
51 + name="password"
52 + onChange={handleChange}
53 + type="password"
54 + value={values.password}
55 + variant="outlined"
56 + />
57 + <TextField
58 + fullWidth
59 + label="Confirm password"
60 + name="confirm"
61 + onChange={handleChange}
62 + style={{ marginTop: '1rem' }}
63 + type="password"
64 + value={values.confirm}
65 + variant="outlined"
66 + />
67 + </CardContent>
68 + <Divider />
69 + <CardActions>
70 + <Button
71 + color="primary"
72 + variant="outlined"
73 + >
74 + Update
75 + </Button>
76 + </CardActions>
77 + </form>
78 + </Card>
79 + );
80 +};
81 +
82 +Password.propTypes = {
83 + className: PropTypes.string
84 +};
85 +
86 +export default Password;
1 +export { default as Notifications } from './Notifications';
2 +export { default as Password } from './Password';
1 +export { default } from './Settings';
1 +import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
2 +import { Link as RouterLink, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import validate from 'validate.js';
5 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import {
7 + Grid,
8 + Button,
9 + IconButton,
10 + TextField,
11 + Link,
12 + Typography
13 +} from '@material-ui/core';
14 +import ArrowBackIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowBack';
15 +
16 +import { Facebook as FacebookIcon, Google as GoogleIcon } from 'icons';
17 +
18 +const schema = {
19 + email: {
20 + presence: { allowEmpty: false, message: 'is required' },
21 + email: true,
22 + length: {
23 + maximum: 64
24 + }
25 + },
26 + password: {
27 + presence: { allowEmpty: false, message: 'is required' },
28 + length: {
29 + maximum: 128
30 + }
31 + }
32 +};
33 +
34 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
35 + root: {
36 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default,
37 + height: '100%'
38 + },
39 + grid: {
40 + height: '100%'
41 + },
42 + quoteContainer: {
43 + [theme.breakpoints.down('md')]: {
44 + display: 'none'
45 + }
46 + },
47 + quote: {
48 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.neutral,
49 + height: '100%',
50 + display: 'flex',
51 + justifyContent: 'center',
52 + alignItems: 'center',
53 + backgroundImage: 'url(/images/auth.jpg)',
54 + backgroundSize: 'cover',
55 + backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
56 + backgroundPosition: 'center'
57 + },
58 + quoteInner: {
59 + textAlign: 'center',
60 + flexBasis: '600px'
61 + },
62 + quoteText: {
63 + color: theme.palette.white,
64 + fontWeight: 300
65 + },
66 + name: {
67 + marginTop: theme.spacing(3),
68 + color: theme.palette.white
69 + },
70 + bio: {
71 + color: theme.palette.white
72 + },
73 + contentContainer: {},
74 + content: {
75 + height: '100%',
76 + display: 'flex',
77 + flexDirection: 'column'
78 + },
79 + contentHeader: {
80 + display: 'flex',
81 + alignItems: 'center',
82 + paddingTop: theme.spacing(5),
83 + paddingBototm: theme.spacing(2),
84 + paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
85 + paddingRight: theme.spacing(2)
86 + },
87 + logoImage: {
88 + marginLeft: theme.spacing(4)
89 + },
90 + contentBody: {
91 + flexGrow: 1,
92 + display: 'flex',
93 + alignItems: 'center',
94 + [theme.breakpoints.down('md')]: {
95 + justifyContent: 'center'
96 + }
97 + },
98 + form: {
99 + paddingLeft: 100,
100 + paddingRight: 100,
101 + paddingBottom: 125,
102 + flexBasis: 700,
103 + [theme.breakpoints.down('sm')]: {
104 + paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
105 + paddingRight: theme.spacing(2)
106 + }
107 + },
108 + title: {
109 + marginTop: theme.spacing(3)
110 + },
111 + socialButtons: {
112 + marginTop: theme.spacing(3)
113 + },
114 + socialIcon: {
115 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
116 + },
117 + sugestion: {
118 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2)
119 + },
120 + textField: {
121 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2)
122 + },
123 + signInButton: {
124 + margin: theme.spacing(2, 0)
125 + }
126 +}));
127 +
128 +const SignIn = props => {
129 + const { history } = props;
130 +
131 + const classes = useStyles();
132 +
133 + const [formState, setFormState] = useState({
134 + isValid: false,
135 + values: {},
136 + touched: {},
137 + errors: {}
138 + });
139 +
140 + useEffect(() => {
141 + const errors = validate(formState.values, schema);
142 +
143 + setFormState(formState => ({
144 + ...formState,
145 + isValid: errors ? false : true,
146 + errors: errors || {}
147 + }));
148 + }, [formState.values]);
149 +
150 + const handleBack = () => {
151 + history.goBack();
152 + };
153 +
154 + const handleChange = event => {
155 + event.persist();
156 +
157 + setFormState(formState => ({
158 + ...formState,
159 + values: {
160 + ...formState.values,
161 + [event.target.name]:
162 + event.target.type === 'checkbox'
163 + ? event.target.checked
164 + : event.target.value
165 + },
166 + touched: {
167 + ...formState.touched,
168 + [event.target.name]: true
169 + }
170 + }));
171 + };
172 +
173 + const handleSignIn = event => {
174 + event.preventDefault();
175 + history.push('/');
176 + };
177 +
178 + const hasError = field =>
179 + formState.touched[field] && formState.errors[field] ? true : false;
180 +
181 + return (
182 + <div className={classes.root}>
183 + <Grid
184 + className={classes.grid}
185 + container
186 + >
187 + <Grid
188 + className={classes.quoteContainer}
189 + item
190 + lg={5}
191 + >
192 + <div className={classes.quote}>
193 + <div className={classes.quoteInner}>
194 + <Typography
195 + className={classes.quoteText}
196 + variant="h1"
197 + >
198 + Hella narwhal Cosby sweater McSweeney's, salvia kitsch before
199 + they sold out High Life.
200 + </Typography>
201 + <div className={classes.person}>
202 + <Typography
203 + className={classes.name}
204 + variant="body1"
205 + >
206 + Takamaru Ayako
207 + </Typography>
208 + <Typography
209 + className={classes.bio}
210 + variant="body2"
211 + >
212 + Manager at inVision
213 + </Typography>
214 + </div>
215 + </div>
216 + </div>
217 + </Grid>
218 + <Grid
219 + className={classes.content}
220 + item
221 + lg={7}
222 + xs={12}
223 + >
224 + <div className={classes.content}>
225 + <div className={classes.contentHeader}>
226 + <IconButton onClick={handleBack}>
227 + <ArrowBackIcon />
228 + </IconButton>
229 + </div>
230 + <div className={classes.contentBody}>
231 + <form
232 + className={classes.form}
233 + onSubmit={handleSignIn}
234 + >
235 + <Typography
236 + className={classes.title}
237 + variant="h2"
238 + >
239 + Sign in
240 + </Typography>
241 + <Typography
242 + color="textSecondary"
243 + gutterBottom
244 + >
245 + Sign in with social media
246 + </Typography>
247 + <Grid
248 + className={classes.socialButtons}
249 + container
250 + spacing={2}
251 + >
252 + <Grid item>
253 + <Button
254 + color="primary"
255 + onClick={handleSignIn}
256 + size="large"
257 + variant="contained"
258 + >
259 + <FacebookIcon className={classes.socialIcon} />
260 + Login with Facebook
261 + </Button>
262 + </Grid>
263 + <Grid item>
264 + <Button
265 + onClick={handleSignIn}
266 + size="large"
267 + variant="contained"
268 + >
269 + <GoogleIcon className={classes.socialIcon} />
270 + Login with Google
271 + </Button>
272 + </Grid>
273 + </Grid>
274 + <Typography
275 + align="center"
276 + className={classes.sugestion}
277 + color="textSecondary"
278 + variant="body1"
279 + >
280 + or login with email address
281 + </Typography>
282 + <TextField
283 + className={classes.textField}
284 + error={hasError('email')}
285 + fullWidth
286 + helperText={
287 + hasError('email') ? formState.errors.email[0] : null
288 + }
289 + label="Email address"
290 + name="email"
291 + onChange={handleChange}
292 + type="text"
293 + value={formState.values.email || ''}
294 + variant="outlined"
295 + />
296 + <TextField
297 + className={classes.textField}
298 + error={hasError('password')}
299 + fullWidth
300 + helperText={
301 + hasError('password') ? formState.errors.password[0] : null
302 + }
303 + label="Password"
304 + name="password"
305 + onChange={handleChange}
306 + type="password"
307 + value={formState.values.password || ''}
308 + variant="outlined"
309 + />
310 + <Button
311 + className={classes.signInButton}
312 + color="primary"
313 + disabled={!formState.isValid}
314 + fullWidth
315 + size="large"
316 + type="submit"
317 + variant="contained"
318 + >
319 + Sign in now
320 + </Button>
321 + <Typography
322 + color="textSecondary"
323 + variant="body1"
324 + >
325 + Don't have an account?{' '}
326 + <Link
327 + component={RouterLink}
328 + to="/sign-up"
329 + variant="h6"
330 + >
331 + Sign up
332 + </Link>
333 + </Typography>
334 + </form>
335 + </div>
336 + </div>
337 + </Grid>
338 + </Grid>
339 + </div>
340 + );
341 +};
342 +
343 +SignIn.propTypes = {
344 + history: PropTypes.object
345 +};
346 +
347 +export default withRouter(SignIn);
1 +export { default } from './SignIn';
1 +import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
2 +import { Link as RouterLink, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import validate from 'validate.js';
5 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
6 +import {
7 + Grid,
8 + Button,
9 + IconButton,
10 + TextField,
11 + Link,
12 + FormHelperText,
13 + Checkbox,
14 + Typography
15 +} from '@material-ui/core';
16 +import ArrowBackIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowBack';
17 +
18 +const schema = {
19 + firstName: {
20 + presence: { allowEmpty: false, message: 'is required' },
21 + length: {
22 + maximum: 32
23 + }
24 + },
25 + lastName: {
26 + presence: { allowEmpty: false, message: 'is required' },
27 + length: {
28 + maximum: 32
29 + }
30 + },
31 + email: {
32 + presence: { allowEmpty: false, message: 'is required' },
33 + email: true,
34 + length: {
35 + maximum: 64
36 + }
37 + },
38 + password: {
39 + presence: { allowEmpty: false, message: 'is required' },
40 + length: {
41 + maximum: 128
42 + }
43 + },
44 + policy: {
45 + presence: { allowEmpty: false, message: 'is required' },
46 + checked: true
47 + }
48 +};
49 +
50 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
51 + root: {
52 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default,
53 + height: '100%'
54 + },
55 + grid: {
56 + height: '100%'
57 + },
58 + quoteContainer: {
59 + [theme.breakpoints.down('md')]: {
60 + display: 'none'
61 + }
62 + },
63 + quote: {
64 + backgroundColor: theme.palette.neutral,
65 + height: '100%',
66 + display: 'flex',
67 + justifyContent: 'center',
68 + alignItems: 'center',
69 + backgroundImage: 'url(/images/auth.jpg)',
70 + backgroundSize: 'cover',
71 + backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
72 + backgroundPosition: 'center'
73 + },
74 + quoteInner: {
75 + textAlign: 'center',
76 + flexBasis: '600px'
77 + },
78 + quoteText: {
79 + color: theme.palette.white,
80 + fontWeight: 300
81 + },
82 + name: {
83 + marginTop: theme.spacing(3),
84 + color: theme.palette.white
85 + },
86 + bio: {
87 + color: theme.palette.white
88 + },
89 + contentContainer: {},
90 + content: {
91 + height: '100%',
92 + display: 'flex',
93 + flexDirection: 'column'
94 + },
95 + contentHeader: {
96 + display: 'flex',
97 + alignItems: 'center',
98 + paddingTop: theme.spacing(5),
99 + paddingBototm: theme.spacing(2),
100 + paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
101 + paddingRight: theme.spacing(2)
102 + },
103 + logoImage: {
104 + marginLeft: theme.spacing(4)
105 + },
106 + contentBody: {
107 + flexGrow: 1,
108 + display: 'flex',
109 + alignItems: 'center',
110 + [theme.breakpoints.down('md')]: {
111 + justifyContent: 'center'
112 + }
113 + },
114 + form: {
115 + paddingLeft: 100,
116 + paddingRight: 100,
117 + paddingBottom: 125,
118 + flexBasis: 700,
119 + [theme.breakpoints.down('sm')]: {
120 + paddingLeft: theme.spacing(2),
121 + paddingRight: theme.spacing(2)
122 + }
123 + },
124 + title: {
125 + marginTop: theme.spacing(3)
126 + },
127 + textField: {
128 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2)
129 + },
130 + policy: {
131 + marginTop: theme.spacing(1),
132 + display: 'flex',
133 + alignItems: 'center'
134 + },
135 + policyCheckbox: {
136 + marginLeft: '-14px'
137 + },
138 + signUpButton: {
139 + margin: theme.spacing(2, 0)
140 + }
141 +}));
142 +
143 +const SignUp = props => {
144 + const { history } = props;
145 +
146 + const classes = useStyles();
147 +
148 + const [formState, setFormState] = useState({
149 + isValid: false,
150 + values: {},
151 + touched: {},
152 + errors: {}
153 + });
154 +
155 + useEffect(() => {
156 + const errors = validate(formState.values, schema);
157 +
158 + setFormState(formState => ({
159 + ...formState,
160 + isValid: errors ? false : true,
161 + errors: errors || {}
162 + }));
163 + }, [formState.values]);
164 +
165 + const handleChange = event => {
166 + event.persist();
167 +
168 + setFormState(formState => ({
169 + ...formState,
170 + values: {
171 + ...formState.values,
172 + [event.target.name]:
173 + event.target.type === 'checkbox'
174 + ? event.target.checked
175 + : event.target.value
176 + },
177 + touched: {
178 + ...formState.touched,
179 + [event.target.name]: true
180 + }
181 + }));
182 + };
183 +
184 + const handleBack = () => {
185 + history.goBack();
186 + };
187 +
188 + const handleSignUp = event => {
189 + event.preventDefault();
190 + history.push('/');
191 + };
192 +
193 + const hasError = field =>
194 + formState.touched[field] && formState.errors[field] ? true : false;
195 +
196 + return (
197 + <div className={classes.root}>
198 + <Grid
199 + className={classes.grid}
200 + container
201 + >
202 + <Grid
203 + className={classes.quoteContainer}
204 + item
205 + lg={5}
206 + >
207 + <div className={classes.quote}>
208 + <div className={classes.quoteInner}>
209 + <Typography
210 + className={classes.quoteText}
211 + variant="h1"
212 + >
213 + Hella narwhal Cosby sweater McSweeney's, salvia kitsch before
214 + they sold out High Life.
215 + </Typography>
216 + <div className={classes.person}>
217 + <Typography
218 + className={classes.name}
219 + variant="body1"
220 + >
221 + Takamaru Ayako
222 + </Typography>
223 + <Typography
224 + className={classes.bio}
225 + variant="body2"
226 + >
227 + Manager at inVision
228 + </Typography>
229 + </div>
230 + </div>
231 + </div>
232 + </Grid>
233 + <Grid
234 + className={classes.content}
235 + item
236 + lg={7}
237 + xs={12}
238 + >
239 + <div className={classes.content}>
240 + <div className={classes.contentHeader}>
241 + <IconButton onClick={handleBack}>
242 + <ArrowBackIcon />
243 + </IconButton>
244 + </div>
245 + <div className={classes.contentBody}>
246 + <form
247 + className={classes.form}
248 + onSubmit={handleSignUp}
249 + >
250 + <Typography
251 + className={classes.title}
252 + variant="h2"
253 + >
254 + Create new account
255 + </Typography>
256 + <Typography
257 + color="textSecondary"
258 + gutterBottom
259 + >
260 + Use your email to create new account
261 + </Typography>
262 + <TextField
263 + className={classes.textField}
264 + error={hasError('firstName')}
265 + fullWidth
266 + helperText={
267 + hasError('firstName') ? formState.errors.firstName[0] : null
268 + }
269 + label="First name"
270 + name="firstName"
271 + onChange={handleChange}
272 + type="text"
273 + value={formState.values.firstName || ''}
274 + variant="outlined"
275 + />
276 + <TextField
277 + className={classes.textField}
278 + error={hasError('lastName')}
279 + fullWidth
280 + helperText={
281 + hasError('lastName') ? formState.errors.lastName[0] : null
282 + }
283 + label="Last name"
284 + name="lastName"
285 + onChange={handleChange}
286 + type="text"
287 + value={formState.values.lastName || ''}
288 + variant="outlined"
289 + />
290 + <TextField
291 + className={classes.textField}
292 + error={hasError('email')}
293 + fullWidth
294 + helperText={
295 + hasError('email') ? formState.errors.email[0] : null
296 + }
297 + label="Email address"
298 + name="email"
299 + onChange={handleChange}
300 + type="text"
301 + value={formState.values.email || ''}
302 + variant="outlined"
303 + />
304 + <TextField
305 + className={classes.textField}
306 + error={hasError('password')}
307 + fullWidth
308 + helperText={
309 + hasError('password') ? formState.errors.password[0] : null
310 + }
311 + label="Password"
312 + name="password"
313 + onChange={handleChange}
314 + type="password"
315 + value={formState.values.password || ''}
316 + variant="outlined"
317 + />
318 + <div className={classes.policy}>
319 + <Checkbox
320 + checked={formState.values.policy || false}
321 + className={classes.policyCheckbox}
322 + color="primary"
323 + name="policy"
324 + onChange={handleChange}
325 + />
326 + <Typography
327 + className={classes.policyText}
328 + color="textSecondary"
329 + variant="body1"
330 + >
331 + I have read the{' '}
332 + <Link
333 + color="primary"
334 + component={RouterLink}
335 + to="#"
336 + underline="always"
337 + variant="h6"
338 + >
339 + Terms and Conditions
340 + </Link>
341 + </Typography>
342 + </div>
343 + {hasError('policy') && (
344 + <FormHelperText error>
345 + {formState.errors.policy[0]}
346 + </FormHelperText>
347 + )}
348 + <Button
349 + className={classes.signUpButton}
350 + color="primary"
351 + disabled={!formState.isValid}
352 + fullWidth
353 + size="large"
354 + type="submit"
355 + variant="contained"
356 + >
357 + Sign up now
358 + </Button>
359 + <Typography
360 + color="textSecondary"
361 + variant="body1"
362 + >
363 + Have an account?{' '}
364 + <Link
365 + component={RouterLink}
366 + to="/sign-in"
367 + variant="h6"
368 + >
369 + Sign in
370 + </Link>
371 + </Typography>
372 + </form>
373 + </div>
374 + </div>
375 + </Grid>
376 + </Grid>
377 + </div>
378 + );
379 +};
380 +
381 +SignUp.propTypes = {
382 + history: PropTypes.object
383 +};
384 +
385 +export default withRouter(SignUp);
1 +export { default } from './SignUp';
1 +import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +import { Grid, Typography as MuiTypography } from '@material-ui/core';
4 +
5 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
6 + root: {
7 + padding: theme.spacing(4)
8 + }
9 +}));
10 +
11 +const variants = {
12 + h1: 'Nisi euismod ante senectus consequat phasellus ut',
13 + h2: 'Nisi euismod ante senectus consequat phasellus ut',
14 + h3: 'Nisi euismod ante senectus consequat phasellus ut',
15 + h4: 'Nisi euismod ante senectus consequat phasellus ut',
16 + h5: 'Nisi euismod ante senectus consequat phasellus ut',
17 + h6: 'Nisi euismod ante senectus consequat phasellus ut',
18 + subtitle1: 'Leo varius justo aptent arcu urna felis pede nisl',
19 + subtitle2: 'Leo varius justo aptent arcu urna felis pede nisl',
20 + body1:
21 + 'Justo proin curabitur dictumst semper auctor, consequat tempor, nostra aenean neque turpis nunc. Leo. Sapien aliquet facilisi turpis, elit facilisi praesent porta metus leo. Dignissim amet dis nec ac integer inceptos erat dis Turpis sodales ad torquent. Dolor, erat convallis.Laoreet velit a fames commodo tristique hendrerit sociosqu rhoncus vel sapien penatibus facilisis faucibus ad. Mus purus vehicula imperdiet tempor lectus, feugiat Sapien erat viverra netus potenti mattis purus turpis. Interdum curabitur potenti tristique. Porta velit dignissim tristique ultrices primis.',
22 + body2:
23 + 'Justo proin curabitur dictumst semper auctor, consequat tempor, nostra aenean neque turpis nunc. Leo. Sapien aliquet facilisi turpis, elit facilisi praesent porta metus leo. Dignissim amet dis nec ac integer inceptos erat dis Turpis sodales ad torquent. Dolor, erat convallis.',
24 + caption: 'Accumsan leo pretium conubia ullamcorper.',
25 + overline: 'Accumsan leo pretium conubia ullamcorper.',
26 + button: 'Vivamus ultrices rutrum fames dictumst'
27 +};
28 +
29 +const Typography = () => {
30 + const classes = useStyles();
31 +
32 + return (
33 + <div className={classes.root}>
34 + <Grid
35 + container
36 + spacing={4}
37 + >
38 + {Object.keys(variants).map((key, i) => (
39 + <Fragment key={i}>
40 + <Grid
41 + item
42 + sm={3}
43 + xs={12}
44 + >
45 + <MuiTypography variant="caption">{key}</MuiTypography>
46 + </Grid>
47 + <Grid
48 + item
49 + sm={9}
50 + xs={12}
51 + >
52 + <MuiTypography variant={key}>{variants[key]}</MuiTypography>
53 + </Grid>
54 + </Fragment>
55 + ))}
56 + </Grid>
57 + </div>
58 + );
59 +};
60 +
61 +export default Typography;
1 +export { default } from './Typography';
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
3 +
4 +import { UsersToolbar, UsersTable } from './components';
5 +import mockData from './data';
6 +
7 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
8 + root: {
9 + padding: theme.spacing(3)
10 + },
11 + content: {
12 + marginTop: theme.spacing(2)
13 + }
14 +}));
15 +
16 +const UserList = () => {
17 + const classes = useStyles();
18 +
19 + const [users] = useState(mockData);
20 +
21 + return (
22 + <div className={classes.root}>
23 + <UsersToolbar />
24 + <div className={classes.content}>
25 + <UsersTable users={users} />
26 + </div>
27 + </div>
28 + );
29 +};
30 +
31 +export default UserList;
1 +import React, { useState } from 'react';
2 +import clsx from 'clsx';
3 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
4 +import moment from 'moment';
5 +import PerfectScrollbar from 'react-perfect-scrollbar';
6 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
7 +import {
8 + Card,
9 + CardActions,
10 + CardContent,
11 + Avatar,
12 + Checkbox,
13 + Table,
14 + TableBody,
15 + TableCell,
16 + TableHead,
17 + TableRow,
18 + Typography,
19 + TablePagination
20 +} from '@material-ui/core';
21 +
22 +import { getInitials } from 'helpers';
23 +
24 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
25 + root: {},
26 + content: {
27 + padding: 0
28 + },
29 + inner: {
30 + minWidth: 1050
31 + },
32 + nameContainer: {
33 + display: 'flex',
34 + alignItems: 'center'
35 + },
36 + avatar: {
37 + marginRight: theme.spacing(2)
38 + },
39 + actions: {
40 + justifyContent: 'flex-end'
41 + }
42 +}));
43 +
44 +const UsersTable = props => {
45 + const { className, users, ...rest } = props;
46 +
47 + const classes = useStyles();
48 +
49 + const [selectedUsers, setSelectedUsers] = useState([]);
50 + const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(10);
51 + const [page, setPage] = useState(0);
52 +
53 + const handleSelectAll = event => {
54 + const { users } = props;
55 +
56 + let selectedUsers;
57 +
58 + if (event.target.checked) {
59 + selectedUsers = users.map(user => user.id);
60 + } else {
61 + selectedUsers = [];
62 + }
63 +
64 + setSelectedUsers(selectedUsers);
65 + };
66 +
67 + const handleSelectOne = (event, id) => {
68 + const selectedIndex = selectedUsers.indexOf(id);
69 + let newSelectedUsers = [];
70 +
71 + if (selectedIndex === -1) {
72 + newSelectedUsers = newSelectedUsers.concat(selectedUsers, id);
73 + } else if (selectedIndex === 0) {
74 + newSelectedUsers = newSelectedUsers.concat(selectedUsers.slice(1));
75 + } else if (selectedIndex === selectedUsers.length - 1) {
76 + newSelectedUsers = newSelectedUsers.concat(selectedUsers.slice(0, -1));
77 + } else if (selectedIndex > 0) {
78 + newSelectedUsers = newSelectedUsers.concat(
79 + selectedUsers.slice(0, selectedIndex),
80 + selectedUsers.slice(selectedIndex + 1)
81 + );
82 + }
83 +
84 + setSelectedUsers(newSelectedUsers);
85 + };
86 +
87 + const handlePageChange = (event, page) => {
88 + setPage(page);
89 + };
90 +
91 + const handleRowsPerPageChange = event => {
92 + setRowsPerPage(event.target.value);
93 + };
94 +
95 + return (
96 + <Card
97 + {...rest}
98 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
99 + >
100 + <CardContent className={classes.content}>
101 + <PerfectScrollbar>
102 + <div className={classes.inner}>
103 + <Table>
104 + <TableHead>
105 + <TableRow>
106 + <TableCell padding="checkbox">
107 + <Checkbox
108 + checked={selectedUsers.length === users.length}
109 + color="primary"
110 + indeterminate={
111 + selectedUsers.length > 0 &&
112 + selectedUsers.length < users.length
113 + }
114 + onChange={handleSelectAll}
115 + />
116 + </TableCell>
117 + <TableCell>Name</TableCell>
118 + <TableCell>Email</TableCell>
119 + <TableCell>Location</TableCell>
120 + <TableCell>Phone</TableCell>
121 + <TableCell>Registration date</TableCell>
122 + </TableRow>
123 + </TableHead>
124 + <TableBody>
125 + {users.slice(0, rowsPerPage).map(user => (
126 + <TableRow
127 + className={classes.tableRow}
128 + hover
129 + key={user.id}
130 + selected={selectedUsers.indexOf(user.id) !== -1}
131 + >
132 + <TableCell padding="checkbox">
133 + <Checkbox
134 + checked={selectedUsers.indexOf(user.id) !== -1}
135 + color="primary"
136 + onChange={event => handleSelectOne(event, user.id)}
137 + value="true"
138 + />
139 + </TableCell>
140 + <TableCell>
141 + <div className={classes.nameContainer}>
142 + <Avatar
143 + className={classes.avatar}
144 + src={user.avatarUrl}
145 + >
146 + {getInitials(user.name)}
147 + </Avatar>
148 + <Typography variant="body1">{user.name}</Typography>
149 + </div>
150 + </TableCell>
151 + <TableCell>{user.email}</TableCell>
152 + <TableCell>
153 + {user.address.city}, {user.address.state},{' '}
154 + {user.address.country}
155 + </TableCell>
156 + <TableCell>{user.phone}</TableCell>
157 + <TableCell>
158 + {moment(user.createdAt).format('DD/MM/YYYY')}
159 + </TableCell>
160 + </TableRow>
161 + ))}
162 + </TableBody>
163 + </Table>
164 + </div>
165 + </PerfectScrollbar>
166 + </CardContent>
167 + <CardActions className={classes.actions}>
168 + <TablePagination
169 + component="div"
170 + count={users.length}
171 + onChangePage={handlePageChange}
172 + onChangeRowsPerPage={handleRowsPerPageChange}
173 + page={page}
174 + rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage}
175 + rowsPerPageOptions={[5, 10, 25]}
176 + />
177 + </CardActions>
178 + </Card>
179 + );
180 +};
181 +
182 +UsersTable.propTypes = {
183 + className: PropTypes.string,
184 + users: PropTypes.array.isRequired
185 +};
186 +
187 +export default UsersTable;
1 +import React from 'react';
2 +import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
3 +import clsx from 'clsx';
4 +import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
5 +import { Button } from '@material-ui/core';
6 +
7 +import { SearchInput } from 'components';
8 +
9 +const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
10 + root: {},
11 + row: {
12 + height: '42px',
13 + display: 'flex',
14 + alignItems: 'center',
15 + marginTop: theme.spacing(1)
16 + },
17 + spacer: {
18 + flexGrow: 1
19 + },
20 + importButton: {
21 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
22 + },
23 + exportButton: {
24 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
25 + },
26 + searchInput: {
27 + marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
28 + }
29 +}));
30 +
31 +const UsersToolbar = props => {
32 + const { className, ...rest } = props;
33 +
34 + const classes = useStyles();
35 +
36 + return (
37 + <div
38 + {...rest}
39 + className={clsx(classes.root, className)}
40 + >
41 + <div className={classes.row}>
42 + <span className={classes.spacer} />
43 + <Button className={classes.importButton}>Import</Button>
44 + <Button className={classes.exportButton}>Export</Button>
45 + <Button
46 + color="primary"
47 + variant="contained"
48 + >
49 + Add user
50 + </Button>
51 + </div>
52 + <div className={classes.row}>
53 + <SearchInput
54 + className={classes.searchInput}
55 + placeholder="Search user"
56 + />
57 + </div>
58 + </div>
59 + );
60 +};
61 +
62 +UsersToolbar.propTypes = {
63 + className: PropTypes.string
64 +};
65 +
66 +export default UsersToolbar;
1 +export { default as UsersTable } from './UsersTable';
2 +export { default as UsersToolbar } from './UsersToolbar';
1 +import uuid from 'uuid/v1';
2 +
3 +export default [
4 + {
5 + id: uuid(),
6 + name: 'Ekaterina Tankova',
7 + address: {
8 + country: 'USA',
9 + state: 'West Virginia',
10 + city: 'Parkersburg',
11 + street: '2849 Fulton Street'
12 + },
13 + email: 'ekaterina.tankova@devias.io',
14 + phone: '304-428-3097',
15 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_3.png',
16 + createdAt: 1555016400000
17 + },
18 + {
19 + id: uuid(),
20 + name: 'Cao Yu',
21 + address: {
22 + country: 'USA',
23 + state: 'Bristow',
24 + city: 'Iowa',
25 + street: '1865 Pleasant Hill Road'
26 + },
27 + email: 'cao.yu@devias.io',
28 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_4.png',
29 + phone: '712-351-5711',
30 + createdAt: 1555016400000
31 + },
32 + {
33 + id: uuid(),
34 + name: 'Alexa Richardson',
35 + address: {
36 + country: 'USA',
37 + state: 'Georgia',
38 + city: 'Atlanta',
39 + street: '4894 Lakeland Park Drive'
40 + },
41 + email: 'alexa.richardson@devias.io',
42 + phone: '770-635-2682',
43 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_2.png',
44 + createdAt: 1555016400000
45 + },
46 + {
47 + id: uuid(),
48 + name: 'Anje Keizer',
49 + address: {
50 + country: 'USA',
51 + state: 'Ohio',
52 + city: 'Dover',
53 + street: '4158 Hedge Street'
54 + },
55 + email: 'anje.keizer@devias.io',
56 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_5.png',
57 + phone: '908-691-3242',
58 + createdAt: 1554930000000
59 + },
60 + {
61 + id: uuid(),
62 + name: 'Clarke Gillebert',
63 + address: {
64 + country: 'USA',
65 + state: 'Texas',
66 + city: 'Dallas',
67 + street: '75247'
68 + },
69 + email: 'clarke.gillebert@devias.io',
70 + phone: '972-333-4106',
71 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_6.png',
72 + createdAt: 1554757200000
73 + },
74 + {
75 + id: uuid(),
76 + name: 'Adam Denisov',
77 + address: {
78 + country: 'USA',
79 + state: 'California',
80 + city: 'Bakerfield',
81 + street: '317 Angus Road'
82 + },
83 + email: 'adam.denisov@devias.io',
84 + phone: '858-602-3409',
85 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_1.png',
86 + createdAt: 1554670800000
87 + },
88 + {
89 + id: uuid(),
90 + name: 'Ava Gregoraci',
91 + address: {
92 + country: 'USA',
93 + state: 'California',
94 + city: 'Redondo Beach',
95 + street: '2188 Armbrester Drive'
96 + },
97 + email: 'ava.gregoraci@devias.io',
98 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_7.png',
99 + phone: '415-907-2647',
100 + createdAt: 1554325200000
101 + },
102 + {
103 + id: uuid(),
104 + name: 'Emilee Simchenko',
105 + address: {
106 + country: 'USA',
107 + state: 'Nevada',
108 + city: 'Las Vegas',
109 + street: '1798 Hickory Ridge Drive'
110 + },
111 + email: 'emilee.simchenko@devias.io',
112 + phone: '702-661-1654',
113 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_8.png',
114 + createdAt: 1523048400000
115 + },
116 + {
117 + id: uuid(),
118 + name: 'Kwak Seong-Min',
119 + address: {
120 + country: 'USA',
121 + state: 'Michigan',
122 + city: 'Detroit',
123 + street: '3934 Wildrose Lane'
124 + },
125 + email: 'kwak.seong.min@devias.io',
126 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_9.png',
127 + phone: '313-812-8947'
128 + },
129 + {
130 + id: uuid(),
131 + name: 'Merrile Burgett',
132 + address: {
133 + country: 'USA',
134 + state: 'Utah',
135 + city: 'Salt Lake City',
136 + street: '368 Lamberts Branch Road'
137 + },
138 + email: 'merrile.burgett@devias.io',
139 + phone: '801-301-7894',
140 + avatarUrl: '/images/avatars/avatar_10.png',
141 + createdAt: 1522702800000
142 + }
143 +];
1 +export { default } from './UserList';
1 +export { default as Account } from './Account';
2 +export { default as Dashboard } from './Dashboard';
3 +export { default as Icons } from './Icons';
4 +export { default as NotFound } from './NotFound';
5 +export { default as ProductList } from './ProductList';
6 +export { default as Settings } from './Settings';
7 +export { default as SignIn } from './SignIn';
8 +export { default as SignUp } from './SignUp';
9 +export { default as Typography } from './Typography';
10 +export { default as UserList } from './UserList';