cli-options.js 12 KB
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.cliOptionsMap = void 0;
const lodash_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash"));
const cli_table_1 = __importDefault(require("cli-table"));
const chalk_1 = __importDefault(require("chalk"));
const constants_1 = require("./constants");
 * "newest" means most recently released in terms of release date, even if there are other version numbers that are higher. It includes prereleases.
 * "greatest" means the highest version number, regardless of release date. It includes prereleases.
 * "latest" is whatever the project's "latest" git tag points to. It's usually the non-prerelease version with the highest version number, but is ultimately decided by each project's maintainers.
 * "minor" means the highest minor version without incrementing the current major.
 * "patch" means the highest patch version without incrementing the current major or minor.
const getHelpTargetTable = () => {
    /* eslint-disable fp/no-mutating-methods */
    const table = new cli_table_1.default({
        colAligns: ['right', 'left'],
        `Upgrade to the highest version number, regardless of release date or tag.
Includes prereleases.`,
        `Upgrade to whatever the package's "latest" git tag points to. It's usually the
non-prerelease version with the highest version number, but is ultimately decided
by each project's maintainers. Default.`,
    table.push(['minor', 'Upgrade to the highest minor version without bumping the major version.']);
        `Upgrade to the version with the most recent publish date, even if there are
other version numbers that are higher. Includes prereleases.`,
    table.push(['patch', `Upgrade to the highest patch version without bumping the minor or major versions.`]);
    return `Set the target version that is upgraded to. (default: "latest")


You can also specify a custom function in your .ncurc.js file, or when importing npm-check-updates:

  ${chalk_1.default.gray(`/** Custom target.
    @param dependencyName The name of the dependency.
    @param parsedVersion A parsed Semver object from semver-utils.
    @returns One of the valid target values (specified in the table above).
  ${chalk_1.default.cyan('target')}: (dependencyName, [{ semver, version, operator, major, minor, patch, release, build }]) ${chalk_1.default.cyan('=>')} {
    ${'if')} (major ${'===')} ${'0')}) ${'return')} ${chalk_1.default.yellow("'minor'")}
    ${'return')} ${chalk_1.default.yellow("'latest'")}

// store CLI options separately from bin file so that they can be used to build type definitions
const cliOptions = [
        long: 'color',
        description: 'Force color in terminal',
        long: 'concurrency',
        arg: 'n',
        description: 'Max number of concurrent HTTP requests to registry.',
        parse: s => parseInt(s, 10),
        default: 8,
        long: 'configFileName',
        arg: 'filename',
        description: 'Config file name. (default: .ncurc.{json,yml,js})',
        long: 'configFilePath',
        arg: 'path',
        description: 'Directory of .ncurc config file. (default: directory of `packageFile`)',
        long: 'cwd',
        arg: 'path',
        description: 'Working directory in which npm will be executed.',
        long: 'deep',
        description: `Run recursively in current working directory. Alias of (--packageFile '${constants_1.deepPatternPrefix}package.json').`,
        type: 'boolean',
        long: 'dep',
        arg: 'value',
        description: 'Check one or more sections of dependencies only: dev, optional, peer, prod, bundle (comma-delimited).',
        default: 'prod,dev,bundle,optional',
        long: 'deprecated',
        description: 'Include deprecated packages.',
        long: 'doctor',
        description: 'Iteratively installs upgrades and runs tests to identify breaking upgrades. Run "ncu --doctor" for detailed help. Add "-u" to execute.',
        long: 'doctorInstall',
        arg: 'command',
        description: 'Specifies the install script to use in doctor mode. (default: npm install/yarn)',
        long: 'doctorTest',
        arg: 'command',
        description: 'Specifies the test script to use in doctor mode. (default: npm test)',
        long: 'enginesNode',
        description: 'Include only packages that satisfy engines.node as specified in the package file.',
        long: 'errorLevel',
        short: 'e',
        arg: 'n',
        description: 'Set the error level. 1: exits with error code 0 if no errors occur. 2: exits with error code 0 if no packages need updating (useful for continuous integration).',
        parse: s => parseInt(s, 10),
        default: 1,
        long: 'filter',
        short: 'f',
        arg: 'matches',
        description: 'Include only package names matching the given string, wildcard, glob, comma-or-space-delimited list, or /regex/.',
        type: 'string | string[] | RegExp | RegExp[] | Function',
        long: 'filterVersion',
        arg: 'matches',
        description: 'Filter on package version using comma-or-space-delimited list, or /regex/.',
        type: 'string | string[] | RegExp | RegExp[] | Function',
        long: 'format',
        arg: 'value',
        description: 'Enable additional output data, string or comma-delimited list: ownerChanged, repo. ownerChanged: shows if the package owner changed between versions. repo: infers and displays links to source code repository.',
        parse: value => (typeof value === 'string' ? value.split(',') : value),
        default: [],
        type: 'string[]',
        long: 'global',
        short: 'g',
        description: 'Check global packages instead of in the current project.',
        long: 'interactive',
        short: 'i',
        description: 'Enable interactive prompts for each dependency; implies -u unless one of the json options are set.',
        // program.json is set to true in programInit if any options that begin with 'json' are true
        long: 'jsonAll',
        short: 'j',
        description: 'Output new package file instead of human-readable message.',
        long: 'jsonDeps',
        description: 'Like `jsonAll` but only lists `dependencies`, `devDependencies`, `optionalDependencies`, etc of the new package data.',
        long: 'jsonUpgraded',
        description: 'Output upgraded dependencies in json.',
        long: 'loglevel',
        short: 'l',
        arg: 'n',
        description: 'Amount to log: silent, error, minimal, warn, info, verbose, silly.',
        default: 'warn',
        long: 'mergeConfig',
        description: `Merges nested configs with the root config file for --deep or --packageFile options. (default: false)`,
        type: 'boolean',
        long: 'minimal',
        short: 'm',
        description: 'Do not upgrade newer versions that are already satisfied by the version range according to semver.',
        long: 'packageData',
        arg: 'value',
        description: 'Package file data (you can also use stdin).',
        long: 'packageFile',
        arg: 'path|glob',
        description: 'Package file(s) location. (default: ./package.json)',
        long: 'packageManager',
        short: 'p',
        arg: 'name',
        // manual default to allow overriding auto yarn detection
        description: 'npm, yarn (default: "npm")',
        long: 'peer',
        description: 'Check peer dependencies of installed packages and filter updates to compatible versions. Run "ncu --help --peer" for details.',
        type: 'boolean',
        help: `Check peer dependencies of installed packages and filter updates to compatible versions.


The following example demonstrates how --peer works, and how it uses peer dependencies from upgraded modules.

The package ${chalk_1.default.bold('ncu-test-peer-update')} has two versions published:

- 1.0.0 has peer dependency "ncu-test-return-version": "1.0.x"
- 1.1.0 has peer dependency "ncu-test-return-version": "1.1.x"

Our test app has the following dependencies:

    "ncu-test-peer-update": "1.0.0",
    "ncu-test-return-version": "1.0.0"

The latest versions of these packages are:

    "ncu-test-peer-update": "1.1.0",
    "ncu-test-return-version": "2.0.0"

${chalk_1.default.bold('With --peer')}

ncu upgrades packages to the highest version that still adheres to the peer dependency constraints:

 ncu-test-peer-update     1.0.0  →  1.${chalk_1.default.cyan('1.0')}
 ncu-test-return-version  1.0.0  →  1.${chalk_1.default.cyan('1.0')}

${chalk_1.default.bold('Without --peer')}

As a comparison: without using the --peer option, ncu will suggest the latest versions, ignoring peer dependencies:

 ncu-test-peer-update     1.0.0  →  1.${chalk_1.default.cyan('1.0')}
 ncu-test-return-version  1.0.0  →  ${'2.0.0')}
        long: 'pre',
        arg: 'n',
        description: 'Include -alpha, -beta, -rc. (default: 0; default with --newest and --greatest: 1)',
        type: 'number',
        parse: s => !!parseInt(s, 10),
        long: 'prefix',
        arg: 'path',
        description: 'Current working directory of npm.',
        long: 'registry',
        short: 'r',
        arg: 'url',
        description: 'Third-party npm registry.',
        long: 'reject',
        short: 'x',
        arg: 'matches',
        description: 'Exclude packages matching the given string, wildcard, glob, comma-or-space-delimited list, or /regex/.',
        type: 'string | string[] | RegExp | RegExp[] | Function',
        parse: (s, p) => p.concat([s]),
        default: [],
        long: 'rejectVersion',
        arg: 'matches',
        description: 'Exclude package.json versions using comma-or-space-delimited list, or /regex/.',
        type: 'string | string[] | RegExp | RegExp[] | Function',
        long: 'removeRange',
        description: 'Remove version ranges from the final package version.',
        long: 'retry',
        arg: 'n',
        description: 'Number of times to retry failed requests for package info.',
        parse: s => parseInt(s, 10),
        default: 3,
        long: 'silent',
        short: 's',
        description: "Don't output anything (--loglevel silent).",
        long: 'target',
        short: 't',
        arg: 'value',
        description: 'Target version or function that returns version to upgrade to: latest, newest, greatest, minor, patch. Run "ncu --help --target" for details. (default: "latest")',
        help: getHelpTargetTable(),
        type: 'string | TargetFunction',
        long: 'timeout',
        arg: 'ms',
        description: 'Global timeout in milliseconds. (default: no global timeout and 30 seconds per npm-registry-fetch)',
        long: 'upgrade',
        short: 'u',
        description: 'Overwrite package file with upgraded versions instead of just outputting to console.',
// put cliOptions into an object for O(1) lookups
exports.cliOptionsMap = cliOptions.reduce((accum, option) => ({
    ...(option.short ? { [option.short]: option } : null),
    ...(option.long ? { [option.long]: option } : null),
}), {});
const cliOptionsSorted = lodash_1.default.sortBy(cliOptions, 'long');
exports.default = cliOptionsSorted;