no-unmodified-loop-condition.js 11 KB
 * @fileoverview Rule to disallow use of unmodified expressions in loop conditions
 * @author Toru Nagashima

"use strict";

// Requirements

const Traverser = require("../util/traverser"),
    astUtils = require("../ast-utils");

// Helpers

const pushAll = Function.apply.bind(Array.prototype.push);
const SENTINEL_PATTERN = /(?:(?:Call|Class|Function|Member|New|Yield)Expression|Statement|Declaration)$/;
const LOOP_PATTERN = /^(?:DoWhile|For|While)Statement$/;  // for-in/of statements don't have `test` property.
const GROUP_PATTERN = /^(?:BinaryExpression|ConditionalExpression)$/;
const SKIP_PATTERN = /^(?:ArrowFunction|Class|Function)Expression$/;
const DYNAMIC_PATTERN = /^(?:Call|Member|New|TaggedTemplate|Yield)Expression$/;

 * @typedef {Object} LoopConditionInfo
 * @property {escope.Reference} reference - The reference.
 * @property {ASTNode} group - BinaryExpression or ConditionalExpression nodes
 *      that the reference is belonging to.
 * @property {Function} isInLoop - The predicate which checks a given reference
 *      is in this loop.
 * @property {boolean} modified - The flag that the reference is modified in
 *      this loop.

 * Checks whether or not a given reference is a write reference.
 * @param {escope.Reference} reference - A reference to check.
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the reference is a write reference.
function isWriteReference(reference) {
    if (reference.init) {
        const def = reference.resolved && reference.resolved.defs[0];

        if (!def || def.type !== "Variable" || def.parent.kind !== "var") {
            return false;
    return reference.isWrite();

 * Checks whether or not a given loop condition info does not have the modified
 * flag.
 * @param {LoopConditionInfo} condition - A loop condition info to check.
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the loop condition info is "unmodified".
function isUnmodified(condition) {
    return !condition.modified;

 * Checks whether or not a given loop condition info does not have the modified
 * flag and does not have the group this condition belongs to.
 * @param {LoopConditionInfo} condition - A loop condition info to check.
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the loop condition info is "unmodified".
function isUnmodifiedAndNotBelongToGroup(condition) {
    return !(condition.modified ||;

 * Checks whether or not a given reference is inside of a given node.
 * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check.
 * @param {escope.Reference} reference - A reference to check.
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the reference is inside of the node.
function isInRange(node, reference) {
    const or = node.range;
    const ir = reference.identifier.range;

    return or[0] <= ir[0] && ir[1] <= or[1];

 * Checks whether or not a given reference is inside of a loop node's condition.
 * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check.
 * @param {escope.Reference} reference - A reference to check.
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the reference is inside of the loop node's
 *      condition.
const isInLoop = {
    WhileStatement: isInRange,
    DoWhileStatement: isInRange,
    ForStatement(node, reference) {
        return (
            isInRange(node, reference) &&
            !(node.init && isInRange(node.init, reference))

 * Checks whether or not a given group node has any dynamic elements.
 * @param {ASTNode} root - A node to check.
 *      This node is one of BinaryExpression or ConditionalExpression.
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is dynamic.
function hasDynamicExpressions(root) {
    let retv = false;
    const traverser = new Traverser();

    traverser.traverse(root, {
        enter(node) {
            if (DYNAMIC_PATTERN.test(node.type)) {
                retv = true;
            } else if (SKIP_PATTERN.test(node.type)) {

    return retv;

 * Creates the loop condition information from a given reference.
 * @param {escope.Reference} reference - A reference to create.
 * @returns {LoopConditionInfo|null} Created loop condition info, or null.
function toLoopCondition(reference) {
    if (reference.init) {
        return null;

    let group = null;
    let child = reference.identifier;
    let node = child.parent;

    while (node) {
        if (SENTINEL_PATTERN.test(node.type)) {
            if (LOOP_PATTERN.test(node.type) && node.test === child) {

                // This reference is inside of a loop condition.
                return {
                    isInLoop: isInLoop[node.type].bind(null, node),
                    modified: false

            // This reference is outside of a loop condition.

         * If it's inside of a group, OK if either operand is modified.
         * So stores the group this reference belongs to.
        if (GROUP_PATTERN.test(node.type)) {

            // If this expression is dynamic, no need to check.
            if (hasDynamicExpressions(node)) {
            } else {
                group = node;

        child = node;
        node = node.parent;

    return null;

 * Gets the function which encloses a given reference.
 * This supports only FunctionDeclaration.
 * @param {escope.Reference} reference - A reference to get.
 * @returns {ASTNode|null} The function node or null.
function getEncloseFunctionDeclaration(reference) {
    let node = reference.identifier;

    while (node) {
        if (node.type === "FunctionDeclaration") {
            return ? node : null;

        node = node.parent;

    return null;

 * Updates the "modified" flags of given loop conditions with given modifiers.
 * @param {LoopConditionInfo[]} conditions - The loop conditions to be updated.
 * @param {escope.Reference[]} modifiers - The references to update.
 * @returns {void}
function updateModifiedFlag(conditions, modifiers) {
    let funcNode, funcVar;

    for (let i = 0; i < conditions.length; ++i) {
        const condition = conditions[i];

        for (let j = 0; !condition.modified && j < modifiers.length; ++j) {
            const modifier = modifiers[j];

             * Besides checking for the condition being in the loop, we want to
             * check the function that this modifier is belonging to is called
             * in the loop.
             * FIXME: This should probably be extracted to a function.
            const inLoop = condition.isInLoop(modifier) || Boolean(
                (funcNode = getEncloseFunctionDeclaration(modifier)) &&
                (funcVar = astUtils.getVariableByName(modifier.from.upper, &&

            condition.modified = inLoop;

// Rule Definition

module.exports = {
    meta: {
        docs: {
            description: "disallow unmodified loop conditions",
            category: "Best Practices",
            recommended: false

        schema: []

    create(context) {
        let groupMap = null;

         * Reports a given condition info.
         * @param {LoopConditionInfo} condition - A loop condition info to report.
         * @returns {void}
        function report(condition) {
            const node = condition.reference.identifier;

                message: "'{{name}}' is not modified in this loop.",
                data: node

         * Registers given conditions to the group the condition belongs to.
         * @param {LoopConditionInfo[]} conditions - A loop condition info to
         *      register.
         * @returns {void}
        function registerConditionsToGroup(conditions) {
            for (let i = 0; i < conditions.length; ++i) {
                const condition = conditions[i];

                if ( {
                    let group = groupMap.get(;

                    if (!group) {
                        group = [];
                        groupMap.set(, group);

         * Reports references which are inside of unmodified groups.
         * @param {LoopConditionInfo[]} conditions - A loop condition info to report.
         * @returns {void}
        function checkConditionsInGroup(conditions) {
            if (conditions.every(isUnmodified)) {

         * Finds unmodified references which are inside of a loop condition.
         * Then reports the references which are outside of groups.
         * @param {escope.Variable} variable - A variable to report.
         * @returns {void}
        function checkReferences(variable) {

            // Gets references that exist in loop conditions.
            const conditions = variable

            if (conditions.length === 0) {

            // Registers the conditions to belonging groups.

            // Check the conditions are modified.
            const modifiers = variable.references.filter(isWriteReference);

            if (modifiers.length > 0) {
                updateModifiedFlag(conditions, modifiers);

             * Reports the conditions which are not belonging to groups.
             * Others will be reported after all variables are done.

        return {
            "Program:exit"() {
                const queue = [context.getScope()];

                groupMap = new Map();

                let scope;

                while ((scope = queue.pop())) {
                    pushAll(queue, scope.childScopes);

                groupMap = null;