list.js 3.75 KB
 * `list` type prompt

var _ = require("lodash");
var util = require("util");
var chalk = require("chalk");
var figures = require("figures");
var cliCursor = require("cli-cursor");
var Base = require("./base");
var observe = require("../utils/events");
var Paginator = require("../utils/paginator");

 * Module exports

module.exports = Prompt;

 * Constructor

function Prompt() {
  Base.apply( this, arguments );

  if (!this.opt.choices) {

  this.firstRender = true;
  this.selected = 0;

  var def = this.opt.default;

  // Default being a Number
  if ( _.isNumber(def) && def >= 0 && def < this.opt.choices.realLength ) {
    this.selected = def;

  // Default being a String
  if ( _.isString(def) ) {
    this.selected = this.opt.choices.pluck("value").indexOf( def );

  // Make sure no default is set (so it won't be printed)
  this.opt.default = null;

  this.paginator = new Paginator();
util.inherits( Prompt, Base );

 * Start the Inquiry session
 * @param  {Function} cb      Callback when prompt is done
 * @return {this}

Prompt.prototype._run = function( cb ) {
  this.done = cb;

  var events = observe(this.rl);
  events.normalizedUpKey.takeUntil( events.line ).forEach( this.onUpKey.bind(this) );
  events.normalizedDownKey.takeUntil( events.line ).forEach( this.onDownKey.bind(this) );
  events.numberKey.takeUntil( events.line ).forEach( this.onNumberKey.bind(this) );
  events.line.take(1).forEach( this.onSubmit.bind(this) );

  // Init the prompt

  return this;

 * Render the prompt to screen
 * @return {Prompt} self

Prompt.prototype.render = function() {
  // Render question
  var message = this.getQuestion();

  if ( this.firstRender ) {
    message += chalk.dim( "(Use arrow keys)" );

  // Render choices or answer depending on the state
  if ( this.status === "answered" ) {
    message += chalk.cyan( this.opt.choices.getChoice(this.selected).short );
  } else {
    var choicesStr = listRender(this.opt.choices, this.selected );
    var indexPosition = this.opt.choices.indexOf(this.opt.choices.getChoice(this.selected));
    message += "\n" + this.paginator.paginate(choicesStr, indexPosition, this.opt.pageSize);

  this.firstRender = false;


 * When user press `enter` key

Prompt.prototype.onSubmit = function() {
  var choice = this.opt.choices.getChoice( this.selected );
  this.status = "answered";

  // Rerender prompt

  this.done( choice.value );

 * When user press a key
Prompt.prototype.onUpKey = function() {
  var len = this.opt.choices.realLength;
  this.selected = (this.selected > 0) ? this.selected - 1 : len - 1;

Prompt.prototype.onDownKey = function() {
  var len = this.opt.choices.realLength;
  this.selected = (this.selected < len - 1) ? this.selected + 1 : 0;

Prompt.prototype.onNumberKey = function( input ) {
  if ( input <= this.opt.choices.realLength ) {
    this.selected = input - 1;

 * Function for rendering list choices
 * @param  {Number} pointer Position of the pointer
 * @return {String}         Rendered content
 function listRender(choices, pointer) {
  var output = '';
  var separatorOffset = 0;

  choices.forEach(function (choice, i) {
    if (choice.type === 'separator') {
      output += '  ' + choice + '\n';

    var isSelected = (i - separatorOffset === pointer);
    var line = (isSelected ? figures.pointer + ' ' : '  ') +;
    if (isSelected) {
      line = chalk.cyan(line);
    output += line + ' \n';

  return output.replace(/\n$/, '');