sync.js 7.94 KB
// Sync
// ---------------
import _ from 'lodash';
import Promise from './base/promise';

// Sync is the dispatcher for any database queries,
// taking the "syncing" `model` or `collection` being queried, along with
// a hash of options that are used in the various query methods.
// If the `transacting` option is set, the query is assumed to be
// part of a transaction, and this information is passed along to `Knex`.
const Sync = function(syncing, options) {
  options = options || {};
  this.query   = syncing.query();
  this.syncing = syncing.resetQuery();
  this.options = options;
  if (options.debug) this.query.debug();
  if (options.transacting) this.query.transacting(options.transacting);

_.extend(Sync.prototype, {

  // Prefix all keys of the passed in object with the
  // current table name
  prefixFields: function(fields) {
    const tableName = this.syncing.tableName;
    const prefixed = {};
    for (const key in fields) {
      prefixed[tableName + '.' + key] = fields[key];
    return prefixed;

  // Select the first item from the database - only used by models.
  first: Promise.method(function(attributes) {

    const model = this.syncing;
    const query = this.query;

    // We'll never use an JSON object for a search, because even
    // PostgreSQL, which has JSON type columns, does not support the `=`
    // operator.
    // NOTE: `_.omit` returns an empty object, even if attributes are null.
    const whereAttributes = _.omitBy(attributes, _.isPlainObject);

    if (!_.isEmpty(whereAttributes)) {

      // Format and prefix attributes.
      const formatted = this.prefixFields(model.format(whereAttributes));

    // Limit to a single result.


  // Runs a `count` query on the database, adding any necessary relational
  // constraints. Returns a promise that resolves to an integer count.
  count: Promise.method(function (column) {
    const knex      = this.query
      , options     = this.options
      , relatedData = this.syncing.relatedData
      , fks         = {};

    return Promise.bind(this).then(function () {
      // Inject all appropriate select costraints dealing with the relation
      // into the `knex` query builder for the current instance.
      if (relatedData) return Promise.try(function () {
        if (relatedData.isThrough()) {
          fks[relatedData.key('foreignKey')] = relatedData.parentFk;
          const through = new relatedData.throughTarget(fks);
          relatedData.pivotColumns = through.parse(relatedData.pivotColumns);
        } else if(relatedData.type === 'hasMany') {
          const fk = relatedData.key('foreignKey');
          knex.where(fk, relatedData.parentFk);
    }).then(function() {
      options.query = knex;

       * Counting event.
       * Fired before a `count` query. A promise may be
       * returned from the event handler for async behaviour.
       * @event Model#counting
       * @param {Model}  model    The model firing the event.
       * @param {Object} options  Options object passed to {@link Model#count count}.
       * @returns {Promise}
      return this.syncing.triggerThen('counting', this.syncing, options);
    }).then(function() {
      return knex.count((column || '*') + ' as count');
    }).then(function(rows) {
      return rows[0].count;

  // Runs a `select` query on the database, adding any necessary relational
  // constraints, resetting the query when complete. If there are results and
  // eager loaded relations, those are fetched and returned on the model before
  // the promise is resolved. Any `success` handler passed in the
  // options will be called - used by both models & collections.
  select: Promise.method(function() {
    const knex           = this.query;
    const options        = this.options;
    const relatedData    = this.syncing.relatedData;
    const fks            = {};
    let columns = null;

    // Check if any `select` style statements have been called with column
    // specifications. This could include `distinct()` with no arguments, which
    // does not affect inform the columns returned.
    const queryContainsColumns = _(knex._statements)
      .filter({grouping: 'columns'})

    return Promise.bind(this).then(function() {
      // Set the query builder on the options, in-case we need to
      // access in the `fetching` event handlers.
      options.query = knex;

      // Inject all appropriate select costraints dealing with the relation
      // into the `knex` query builder for the current instance.
      if (relatedData) return Promise.try(function () {
        if (relatedData.isThrough()) {
          fks[relatedData.key('foreignKey')] = relatedData.parentFk;
          const through = new relatedData.throughTarget(fks);

          return through.triggerThen('fetching', through, relatedData.pivotColumns, options)
            .then(function () {
              relatedData.pivotColumns = through.parse(relatedData.pivotColumns);
    }).tap(() => {

      // If this is a relation, apply the appropriate constraints.
      if (relatedData) {
        relatedData.selectConstraints(knex, options);
      } else {

        // Call the function, if one exists, to constrain the eager loaded query.
        if (options._beforeFn), knex);

        if (options.columns) {

          // Normalize single column name into array.
          columns = _.isArray(options.columns)
            ? options.columns
            : [options.columns];

        } else if (!queryContainsColumns) {

          // If columns have already been selected via the `query` method
          // we will use them. Otherwise, select all columns in this table.
          columns = [_.result(this.syncing, 'tableName') + '.*'];

      // Set the query builder on the options, for access in the `fetching`
      // event handlers.
      options.query = knex;

       * Fired before a `fetch` operation. A promise may be returned from the
       * event handler for async behaviour.
       * @event Model#fetching
       * @param {Model} model
       *   The model which is about to be fetched.
       * @param {string[]} columns
       *   The columns to be retrieved by the query.
       * @param {Object} options
       *   Options object passed to {@link Model#fetch fetch}.
       * @param {QueryBuilder} options.query
       *   Query builder to be used for fetching. This can be modified to
       *   change the query before it is executed.
       * @returns {Promise}
      return this.syncing.triggerThen('fetching', this.syncing, columns, options);
    }).then(() =>;

  // Issues an `insert` command on the query - only used by models.
  insert: Promise.method(function() {
    const syncing = this.syncing;
    return this.query.insert(syncing.format(_.extend(Object.create(null), syncing.attributes)), syncing.idAttribute);

  // Issues an `update` command on the query - only used by models.
  update: Promise.method(function(attrs) {
    const syncing = this.syncing, query = this.query;
    if ( != null) query.where(syncing.idAttribute,;
    if (_.filter(query._statements, {grouping: 'where'}).length === 0) {
      throw new Error('A model cannot be updated without a "where" clause or an idAttribute.');
    return query.update(syncing.format(_.extend(Object.create(null), attrs)));

  // Issues a `delete` command on the query.
  del: Promise.method(function() {
    const query = this.query, syncing = this.syncing;
    if ( != null) query.where(syncing.idAttribute,;
    if (_.filter(query._statements, {grouping: 'where'}).length === 0) {
      throw new Error('A model cannot be destroyed without a "where" clause or an idAttribute.');
    return this.query.del();


module.exports = Sync;