context.js 4.36 KB

'use strict';

 * Module dependencies.

const createError = require('http-errors');
const httpAssert = require('http-assert');
const delegate = require('delegates');
const statuses = require('statuses');

 * Context prototype.

const proto = module.exports = {

   * util.inspect() implementation, which
   * just returns the JSON output.
   * @return {Object}
   * @api public

  inspect() {
    if (this === proto) return this;
    return this.toJSON();

   * Return JSON representation.
   * Here we explicitly invoke .toJSON() on each
   * object, as iteration will otherwise fail due
   * to the getters and cause utilities such as
   * clone() to fail.
   * @return {Object}
   * @api public

  toJSON() {
    return {
      request: this.request.toJSON(),
      response: this.response.toJSON(),
      originalUrl: this.originalUrl,
      req: '<original node req>',
      res: '<original node res>',
      socket: '<original node socket>'

   * Similar to .throw(), adds assertion.
   *    this.assert(this.user, 401, 'Please login!');
   * See:
   * @param {Mixed} test
   * @param {Number} status
   * @param {String} message
   * @api public

  assert: httpAssert,

   * Throw an error with `msg` and optional `status`
   * defaulting to 500. Note that these are user-level
   * errors, and the message may be exposed to the client.
   *    this.throw(403)
   *    this.throw('name required', 400)
   *    this.throw(400, 'name required')
   *    this.throw('something exploded')
   *    this.throw(new Error('invalid'), 400);
   *    this.throw(400, new Error('invalid'));
   * See:
   * @param {String|Number|Error} err, msg or status
   * @param {String|Number|Error} [err, msg or status]
   * @param {Object} [props]
   * @api public

  throw(...args) {
    throw createError(...args);

   * Default error handling.
   * @param {Error} err
   * @api private

  onerror(err) {
    // don't do anything if there is no error.
    // this allows you to pass `this.onerror`
    // to node-style callbacks.
    if (null == err) return;

    if (!(err instanceof Error)) err = new Error(`non-error thrown: ${err}`);

    let headerSent = false;
    if (this.headerSent || !this.writable) {
      headerSent = err.headerSent = true;

    // delegate'error', err, this);

    // nothing we can do here other
    // than delegate to the app-level
    // handler and log.
    if (headerSent) {

    const { res } = this;

    // first unset all headers
    if (typeof res.getHeaderNames === 'function') {
      res.getHeaderNames().forEach(name => res.removeHeader(name));
    } else {
      res._headers = {}; // Node < 7.7

    // then set those specified

    // force text/plain
    this.type = 'text';

    // ENOENT support
    if ('ENOENT' == err.code) err.status = 404;

    // default to 500
    if ('number' != typeof err.status || !statuses[err.status]) err.status = 500;

    // respond
    const code = statuses[err.status];
    const msg = err.expose ? err.message : code;
    this.status = err.status;
    this.length = Buffer.byteLength(msg);

 * Response delegation.

delegate(proto, 'response')

 * Request delegation.

delegate(proto, 'request')