compiler.js 6.42 KB

// MSSQL Query Compiler
// ------
import inherits from 'inherits';
import QueryCompiler from '../../../query/compiler';

import { assign, isEmpty, compact } from 'lodash'

function QueryCompiler_MSSQL(client, builder) {, client, builder)
inherits(QueryCompiler_MSSQL, QueryCompiler)

const components = [
  'columns', 'join', 'lock', 'where', 'union', 'group',
  'having', 'order', 'limit', 'offset'

assign(QueryCompiler_MSSQL.prototype, {

  _emptyInsertValue: 'default values',

  select() {
    const sql = this.with();
    const statements = =>
    return sql + compact(statements).join(' ');

  // Compiles an "insert" query, allowing for multiple
  // inserts using a single query statement.
  insert() {
    const insertValues = this.single.insert || [];
    let sql = this.with() + `insert into ${this.tableName} `;
    const { returning } = this.single;
    const returningSql = returning
      ? this._returning('insert', returning) + ' '
      : '';

    if (Array.isArray(insertValues)) {
      if (insertValues.length === 0) {
        return ''
    } else if (typeof insertValues === 'object' && isEmpty(insertValues)) {
      return {
        sql: sql + returningSql + this._emptyInsertValue,

    const insertData = this._prepInsert(insertValues);
    if (typeof insertData === 'string') {
      sql += insertData;
    } else  {
      if (insertData.columns.length) {
        sql += `(${this.formatter.columnize(insertData.columns)}`
        sql += `) ${returningSql}values (`
        let i = -1
        while (++i < insertData.values.length) {
          if (i !== 0) sql += '), ('
          sql += this.formatter.parameterize(
            insertData.values[i], this.client.valueForUndefined
        sql += ')';
      } else if (insertValues.length === 1 && insertValues[0]) {
        sql += returningSql + this._emptyInsertValue
      } else {
        sql = ''
    return {

  // Compiles an `update` query, allowing for a return value.
  update() {
    const updates = this._prepUpdate(this.single.update);
    const join = this.join();
    const where = this.where();
    const order = this.order();
    const top =;
    const { returning } = this.single;
    return {
      sql: this.with() + `update ${top ? top + ' ' : ''}${this.tableName}` +
        ' set ' + updates.join(', ') +
        (join ? ` from ${this.tableName} ${join}` : '') +
        (returning ? ` ${this._returning('update', returning)}` : '') +
        (where ? ` ${where}` : '') +
        (order ? ` ${order}` : '') +
        (!returning ? this._returning('rowcount', '@@rowcount') : ''),
      returning: returning || '@@rowcount'

  // Compiles a `delete` query.
  del() {
    // Make sure tableName is processed by the formatter first.
    const { tableName } = this;
    const wheres = this.where();
    const { returning } = this.single;
    return {
      sql: this.with() + `delete from ${tableName}` +
        (returning ? ` ${this._returning('del', returning)}` : '') +
        (wheres ? ` ${wheres}` : '') +
        (!returning ? this._returning('rowcount', '@@rowcount') : ''),
      returning: returning || '@@rowcount'

  // Compiles the columns in the query, specifying if an item was distinct.
  columns() {
    let distinct = false;
    if (this.onlyUnions()) return ''
    const columns = this.grouped.columns || []
    let i = -1, sql = [];
    if (columns) {
      while (++i < columns.length) {
        const stmt = columns[i];
        if (stmt.distinct) distinct = true
        if (stmt.type === 'aggregate') {
        else if (stmt.value && stmt.value.length > 0) {
    if (sql.length === 0) sql = ['*'];
    const top =;
    return `select ${distinct ? 'distinct ' : ''}` +
      (top ? top + ' ' : '') +
      sql.join(', ') + (this.tableName ? ` from ${this.tableName}` : '');

  _returning(method, value) {
    switch (method) {
      case 'update':
      case 'insert':
        return value
          ? `output ${this.formatter.columnizeWithPrefix('inserted.', value)}`
          : '';
      case 'del':
        return value
          ? `output ${this.formatter.columnizeWithPrefix('deleted.', value)}`
          : '';
      case 'rowcount':
        return value
          ? ';select @@rowcount'
          : '';

  // Compiles a `truncate` query.
  truncate() {
    return `truncate table ${this.tableName}`;

  forUpdate() {
    return 'with (READCOMMITTEDLOCK)';

  forShare() {
    return 'with (NOLOCK)';

  // Compiles a `columnInfo` query.
  columnInfo() {
    const column = this.single.columnInfo;
    let sql =`select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = ? and table_catalog = ?`;
    const bindings = [this.single.table, this.client.database()];

    if (this.single.schema) {
      sql += ' and table_schema = ?';
    } else {
      sql += ` and table_schema = 'dbo'`;

    return {
      bindings: bindings,
      output(resp) {
        const out = resp.reduce(function(columns, val) {
          columns[val.COLUMN_NAME] = {
            defaultValue: val.COLUMN_DEFAULT,
            type: val.DATA_TYPE,
            maxLength: val.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH,
            nullable: (val.IS_NULLABLE === 'YES')
          return columns
        }, {})
        return column && out[column] || out;

  top() {
    const noLimit = !this.single.limit && this.single.limit !== 0;
    const noOffset = !this.single.offset;
    if (noLimit || !noOffset) return '';
    return `top (${this.formatter.parameter(this.single.limit)})`;

  limit() {
    return '';

  offset() {
    const noLimit = !this.single.limit && this.single.limit !== 0;
    const noOffset = !this.single.offset;
    if (noOffset) return '';
    let offset = `offset ${noOffset ? '0' : this.formatter.parameter(this.single.offset)} rows`;
    if (!noLimit) {
      offset += ` fetch next ${this.formatter.parameter(this.single.limit)} rows only`;
    return offset;


// Set the QueryBuilder & QueryCompiler on the client object,
// in case anyone wants to modify things to suit their own purposes.
export default QueryCompiler_MSSQL;