
Merge Frontend and Backend

1 +# Logs
2 +logs
3 +*.log
4 +npm-debug.log*
5 +yarn-debug.log*
6 +yarn-error.log*
7 +lerna-debug.log*
8 +
9 +# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html)
10 +report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json
11 +
12 +# Runtime data
13 +pids
14 +*.pid
15 +*.seed
16 +*.pid.lock
17 +
18 +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
19 +lib-cov
20 +
21 +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
22 +coverage
23 +*.lcov
24 +
25 +# nyc test coverage
26 +.nyc_output
27 +
28 +# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
29 +.grunt
30 +
31 +# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
32 +bower_components
33 +
34 +# node-waf configuration
35 +.lock-wscript
36 +
37 +# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
38 +build/Release
39 +
40 +# Dependency directories
41 +node_modules/
42 +jspm_packages/
43 +
44 +# TypeScript v1 declaration files
45 +typings/
46 +
47 +# TypeScript cache
48 +*.tsbuildinfo
49 +
50 +# Optional npm cache directory
51 +.npm
52 +
53 +# Optional eslint cache
54 +.eslintcache
55 +
56 +# Microbundle cache
57 +.rpt2_cache/
58 +.rts2_cache_cjs/
59 +.rts2_cache_es/
60 +.rts2_cache_umd/
61 +
62 +# Optional REPL history
63 +.node_repl_history
64 +
65 +# Output of 'npm pack'
66 +*.tgz
67 +
68 +# Yarn Integrity file
69 +.yarn-integrity
70 +
71 +# dotenv environment variables file
72 +.env
73 +.env.test
74 +
75 +# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)
76 +.cache
77 +
78 +# Next.js build output
79 +.next
80 +
81 +# Nuxt.js build / generate output
82 +.nuxt
83 +dist
84 +
85 +# Gatsby files
86 +.cache/
87 +# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and *not* Next.js
88 +# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support
89 +# public
90 +
91 +# vuepress build output
92 +.vuepress/dist
93 +
94 +# Serverless directories
95 +.serverless/
96 +
97 +# FuseBox cache
98 +.fusebox/
99 +
100 +# DynamoDB Local files
101 +.dynamodb/
102 +
103 +# TernJS port file
104 +.tern-port
1 +This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
2 +
3 +Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
4 +distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
5 +binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
6 +means.
7 +
8 +In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
9 +of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
10 +software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
11 +of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
12 +successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
13 +relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
14 +software under copyright law.
15 +
23 +
24 +For more information, please refer to <https://unlicense.org>
...@@ -103,4 +103,4 @@ Built With ...@@ -103,4 +103,4 @@ Built With
103 103
104 2018102190 박정민 jungmin59@khu.ac.kr 104 2018102190 박정민 jungmin59@khu.ac.kr
105 105
106 -프로젝트 주소 : [http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2018102190/TFT.git](http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2018102190/TFT.git) 106 +프로젝트 주소 : [http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2018102190/TFT.git](http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2018102190/TFT.git)
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })) ...@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }))
16 // 터미널창 연결방법 mongo 'mongodb+srv://hellowhales:qogudtjr`12@cluster0.7gz7l.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority'; 16 // 터미널창 연결방법 mongo 'mongodb+srv://hellowhales:qogudtjr`12@cluster0.7gz7l.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority';
17 // db.festivals.find({"title":"가무악극으로 만나는 토요 상설공연"}) 검색방법 17 // db.festivals.find({"title":"가무악극으로 만나는 토요 상설공연"}) 검색방법
18 18
19 +//https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/database-tools?tck=docs_databasetools 여기서 mongoexport 실행을 위한 tool 다운받아서 Program files/mongodb/bin 폴더 안에 넣어줘야 함
20 +
19 MongoClient.connect(url, (error, client) => { // 서버열때 url 사용 mongoDB와 연결시키기 21 MongoClient.connect(url, (error, client) => { // 서버열때 url 사용 mongoDB와 연결시키기
20 if (error) return console.log(error); 22 if (error) return console.log(error);
21 db = client.db('myFirstDatabase'); // 클러스터의 데이터베이스를 db변수에 저장 23 db = client.db('myFirstDatabase'); // 클러스터의 데이터베이스를 db변수에 저장
...@@ -27,14 +29,21 @@ MongoClient.connect(url, (error, client) => { // 서버열때 url 사용 mongoDB ...@@ -27,14 +29,21 @@ MongoClient.connect(url, (error, client) => { // 서버열때 url 사용 mongoDB
27 app.get('/festivalList', (req, res) => { // localhost:3000/festivalList 입력하면 list.ejs에 저장한 형식대로 정보 불러와짐 29 app.get('/festivalList', (req, res) => { // localhost:3000/festivalList 입력하면 list.ejs에 저장한 형식대로 정보 불러와짐
28 //디비에 저장된 festivals 라는 collection안의 데이터(제목 또는 내용 등)를 꺼내기 30 //디비에 저장된 festivals 라는 collection안의 데이터(제목 또는 내용 등)를 꺼내기
29 db.collection('festivals').find().toArray((err, rslt) => { //DB에서 데이터를 찾음 festivals라는 collection안의 데이터를 꺼내게 됨 31 db.collection('festivals').find().toArray((err, rslt) => { //DB에서 데이터를 찾음 festivals라는 collection안의 데이터를 꺼내게 됨
32 + if (err) throw err;
30 console.log(rslt); 33 console.log(rslt);
31 res.render('list.ejs', { posts: rslt }); // 찾은 데이터를 ejs 파일에 넣음 34 res.render('list.ejs', { posts: rslt }); // 찾은 데이터를 ejs 파일에 넣음
32 }); 35 });
33 }); 36 });
34 37
35 38
39 +
40 +// 서버 연결하고 mongoexport 설치 후 mongoexport -d myFirstDatabase -c festivals -o festivalList.json /pretty 'mongodb+srv://hellowhales:qogudtjr`12@cluster0.7gz7l.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority' 명령
41 +// 이용해서 myFirstDatabase라는 Db 안에서 festivals라는 collection 안의 데이터를 festivalList.json 파일로 export 해옴.
42 +
43 +
36 var indexRouter = require('./routes/index'); 44 var indexRouter = require('./routes/index');
37 var usersRouter = require('./routes/users'); 45 var usersRouter = require('./routes/users');
46 +const { mongo } = require('mongoose');
38 47
39 48
40 49
...@@ -72,17 +81,6 @@ app.use(function (err, req, res, next) { ...@@ -72,17 +81,6 @@ app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
72 81
73 82
74 83
75 -/*
76 -
77 -app.get('*', function (req, res) {
78 -
79 - //DB에서 json형태의 데이터를 유저가 접속하자마자 바로 불러와서 frontend에 뿌려주기
80 - // 렌더링할 때 frontend로 변수 뿌려주기
81 - res.render("asd.html");
82 -
83 -});
84 -*/
85 -
86 84
87 module.exports = app; 85 module.exports = app;
88 86
1 -var createError = require('http-errors');
2 -var express = require('express');
3 -var path = require('path');
4 -var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
5 -var logger = require('morgan');
6 -var app = express();
7 -const mongodb = require('mongodb');
8 -const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
9 -
10 -const url = 'mongodb+srv://hellowhales:qogudtjr`12@cluster0.7gz7l.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority';
11 -
12 -let db;
13 -
14 -app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }))
15 -
16 -// 터미널창 연결방법 mongo 'mongodb+srv://hellowhales:qogudtjr`12@cluster0.7gz7l.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority';
17 -// db.festivals.find({"title":"가무악극으로 만나는 토요 상설공연"}) 검색방법
18 -
19 -//https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/database-tools?tck=docs_databasetools 여기서 mongoexport 실행을 위한 tool 다운받아서 Program files/mongodb/bin 폴더 안에 넣어줘야 함
20 -
21 -MongoClient.connect(url, (error, client) => { // 서버열때 url 사용 mongoDB와 연결시키기
22 - if (error) return console.log(error);
23 - db = client.db('myFirstDatabase'); // 클러스터의 데이터베이스를 db변수에 저장
24 - app.listen(3001, () => {
25 - console.log('3001 port on');
26 - });
27 -});
28 -
29 -app.get('/festivalList', (req, res) => { // localhost:3000/festivalList 입력하면 list.ejs에 저장한 형식대로 정보 불러와짐
30 - //디비에 저장된 festivals 라는 collection안의 데이터(제목 또는 내용 등)를 꺼내기
31 - db.collection('festivals').find().toArray((err, rslt) => { //DB에서 데이터를 찾음 festivals라는 collection안의 데이터를 꺼내게 됨
32 - if (err) throw err;
33 - console.log(rslt);
34 - res.render('list.ejs', { posts: rslt }); // 찾은 데이터를 ejs 파일에 넣음
35 - });
36 -});
37 -
38 -
39 -
40 -// 서버 연결하고 mongoexport 설치 후 mongoexport -d myFirstDatabase -c festivals -o festivalList.json /pretty 'mongodb+srv://hellowhales:qogudtjr`12@cluster0.7gz7l.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority' 명령
41 -// 이용해서 myFirstDatabase라는 Db 안에서 festivals라는 collection 안의 데이터를 festivalList.json 파일로 export 해옴.
42 -
43 -
44 -var indexRouter = require('./routes/index');
45 -var usersRouter = require('./routes/users');
46 -const { mongo } = require('mongoose');
47 -
48 -
49 -
50 -// view engine setup
51 -
52 -app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
53 -app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); // express에서 view엔진을 ejs로 설정하는과정
54 -
55 -
56 -
57 -app.use(logger('dev'));
58 -app.use(express.json());
59 -app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
60 -app.use(cookieParser());
61 -app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
62 -
63 -app.use('/', indexRouter);
64 -app.use('/users', usersRouter);
65 -
66 -// catch 404 and forward to error handler
67 -app.use(function (req, res, next) {
68 - next(createError(404));
69 -});
70 -
71 -// error handler
72 -app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
73 - // set locals, only providing error in development
74 - res.locals.message = err.message;
75 - res.locals.error = req.app.get('env') === 'development' ? err : {};
76 -
77 - // render the error page
78 - res.status(err.status || 500);
79 - res.render('error');
80 -});
81 -
82 -
83 -
84 -
85 -module.exports = app;
86 -
87 -//유저 로그인할때 모든 여행지에 대한 정보를 DB에서 싹다 불러옴 페이지 렌더링할때 data 뿌려줌
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -#!/usr/bin/env node
2 -
3 -/**
4 - * Module dependencies.
5 - */
6 -
7 -var app = require('../app');
8 -var debug = require('debug')('tft:server');
9 -var http = require('http');
10 -
11 -/**
12 - * Get port from environment and store in Express.
13 - */
14 -
15 -var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000');
16 -app.set('port', port);
17 -
18 -/**
19 - * Create HTTP server.
20 - */
21 -
22 -var server = http.createServer(app);
23 -
24 -/**
25 - * Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
26 - */
27 -
28 -server.listen(port);
29 -server.on('error', onError);
30 -server.on('listening', onListening);
31 -
32 -/**
33 - * Normalize a port into a number, string, or false.
34 - */
35 -
36 -function normalizePort(val) {
37 - var port = parseInt(val, 10);
38 -
39 - if (isNaN(port)) {
40 - // named pipe
41 - return val;
42 - }
43 -
44 - if (port >= 0) {
45 - // port number
46 - return port;
47 - }
48 -
49 - return false;
50 -}
51 -
52 -/**
53 - * Event listener for HTTP server "error" event.
54 - */
55 -
56 -function onError(error) {
57 - if (error.syscall !== 'listen') {
58 - throw error;
59 - }
60 -
61 - var bind = typeof port === 'string'
62 - ? 'Pipe ' + port
63 - : 'Port ' + port;
64 -
65 - // handle specific listen errors with friendly messages
66 - switch (error.code) {
67 - case 'EACCES':
68 - console.error(bind + ' requires elevated privileges');
69 - process.exit(1);
70 - break;
71 - case 'EADDRINUSE':
72 - console.error(bind + ' is already in use');
73 - process.exit(1);
74 - break;
75 - default:
76 - throw error;
77 - }
78 -}
79 -
80 -/**
81 - * Event listener for HTTP server "listening" event.
82 - */
83 -
84 -function onListening() {
85 - var addr = server.address();
86 - var bind = typeof addr === 'string'
87 - ? 'pipe ' + addr
88 - : 'port ' + addr.port;
89 - debug('Listening on ' + bind);
90 -}
1 -.DS_Store
2 -thumbs.db
3 -*.log
4 -node_modules/
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 { 1 {
2 - "name": "tft", 2 + "name": "svelte-base",
3 - "version": "0.0.0", 3 + "version": "1.0.0",
4 - "private": true, 4 + "description": "Basic svelte and express template I use for my application",
5 + "main": "server.js",
5 "scripts": { 6 "scripts": {
6 - "start": "node ./bin/www" 7 + "build": "webpack",
8 + "release": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack",
9 + "server": "node server.js",
10 + "start": "npm run build & npm run server",
11 + "dev": "nodemon --watch ./src -e svelte,js,json --exec npm start"
7 }, 12 },
13 + "repository": {
14 + "type": "git",
15 + "url": "git+https://github.com/Bigaston/svelte-base.git"
16 + },
17 + "author": "Bigaston",
18 + "license": "UNLICENSED",
19 + "bugs": {
20 + "url": "https://github.com/Bigaston/svelte-base/issues"
21 + },
22 + "homepage": "https://github.com/Bigaston/svelte-base#readme",
8 "dependencies": { 23 "dependencies": {
9 - "cookie-parser": "~1.4.4", 24 + "express": "^4.17.1",
10 - "debug": "~2.6.9", 25 + "jquery": "^3.6.0",
11 - "ejs": "~2.6.1", 26 + "nodemon": "^2.0.15",
12 - "express": "~4.16.1", 27 + "socket.io": "^4.3.2",
13 - "http-errors": "~1.6.3", 28 + "socket.io-client": "^4.3.2"
14 - "morgan": "~1.9.1" 29 + },
30 + "devDependencies": {
31 + "cross-env": "^7.0.2",
32 + "css-loader": "^3.5.2",
33 + "style-loader": "^1.1.3",
34 + "svelte": "^3.20.1",
35 + "svelte-loader": "^2.13.6",
36 + "webpack": "^4.42.1",
37 + "webpack-cli": "^3.3.11"
15 } 38 }
16 } 39 }
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 +html, body {
2 + position: relative;
3 + width: 100%;
4 + height: 100%;
5 +}
6 +
7 +body {
8 + color: #333;
9 + margin: 0;
10 + padding: 8px;
11 + box-sizing: border-box;
12 + font-family: '맑은 고딕 Semilight', "AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular", 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', "dotum", '돋움', sans-serif;
13 +}
14 +
15 +a {
16 + color: rgb(0,100,200);
17 + text-decoration: none;
18 +}
19 +
20 +a:hover {
21 + text-decoration: underline;
22 +}
23 +
24 +a:visited {
25 + color: rgb(0,80,160);
26 +}
27 +
28 +label {
29 + display: block;
30 +}
31 +
32 +input, button, select, textarea {
33 + font-family: inherit;
34 + font-size: inherit;
35 + -webkit-padding: 0.4em 0;
36 + padding: 0.4em;
37 + margin: 0 0 0.5em 0;
38 + box-sizing: border-box;
39 + border: 1px solid #ccc;
40 + border-radius: 2px;
41 +}
42 +
43 +input:disabled {
44 + color: #ccc;
45 +}
46 +
47 +button {
48 + color: #333;
49 + background-color: #f4f4f4;
50 + outline: none;
51 +}
52 +
53 +button:disabled {
54 + color: #999;
55 +}
56 +
57 +button:not(:disabled):active {
58 + background-color: #ddd;
59 +}
60 +
61 +button:focus {
62 + border-color: #666;
63 +}
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html lang="ko">
3 +<head>
4 + <meta charset='utf-8'>
5 + <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1'>
6 + <link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='/public/favicon.png'>
7 + <link rel='stylesheet' href='/public/global.css'>
8 +
9 +</head>
10 +
11 +<body>
12 + <noscript>
13 + <p>This website need JavaScript to work</p>
14 + </noscript>
15 +
16 + <main></main>
17 +
18 + <script type="text/javascript" src="//dapi.kakao.com/v2/maps/sdk.js?appkey=046d27f1430524731d3ec6870f0c8923"></script>
19 + <script src='./public/build/bundle.js'></script>
20 +</body>
21 +</html>
1 -body {
2 - padding: 50px;
3 - font: 14px "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
4 -}
5 -
6 -a {
7 - color: #00B7FF;
8 -}
1 -var express = require('express');
2 -var router = express.Router();
3 -
4 -/* GET home page. */
5 -router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
6 - res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });
7 -});
8 -
9 -module.exports = router;
1 -var express = require('express');
2 -var router = express.Router();
3 -
4 -/* GET users listing. */
5 -router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
6 - res.send('respond with a resource');
7 -});
8 -
9 -module.exports = router;
1 +const express = require('express')
2 +const path = require("path")
3 +
4 +var app = express()
5 +
6 +const PORT = 1697;
7 +
8 +app.use("/public", express.static('./public'));
9 +
10 +app.get("/*", (req, res) => {
11 + res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "./public/index.html"))
12 +})
13 +
14 +var serv = app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Serveur lauched on port ${PORT}`))
1 +<script>
2 + import Menu from './Menu.svelte';
3 + import Backtotop from './SideItems/Backtotop.svelte';
4 + import Map from './Map.svelte';
5 + import Article from './Articles.svelte';
6 + import { AllFestas } from './Stores/AllFestas';
7 + import jQuery from 'jquery';
8 + import { DisplayedFestas } from './Stores/DisplayedFestas';
9 +
10 + function LoadFestas() {
11 + let url = "http://api.visitkorea.or.kr/openapi/service/rest/KorService/areaBasedList?ServiceKey=2lFkvQJYgzOOhwUKiUt8aZVNpd1PpBOf%2FfMNW17cl25DE0GUEDddeR9iGnuSUpggjUoIUgamfhcvnKQ3eH1dAw%3D%3D&contentTypeId=15&areaCode=&sigunguCode=&cat1=&cat2=&cat3=&listYN=Y&MobileOS=ETC&MobileApp=TourAPI3.0_Guide&arrange=A&numOfRows=12&pageNo=1&_type=json";
12 + jQuery.getJSON(url, (json) => {
13 + AllFestas.set(json.response.body.items.item);
14 + });
15 + }
16 +</script>
17 +
18 +<style>
19 + div {
20 + text-align: left;
21 + box-sizing: border-box;
22 + display: block;
23 + }
24 +
25 + :global(body) {
26 + padding: 0;
27 + margin: 0;
28 + align-items: center;
29 + align-content: center;
30 + text-align: center;
31 + justify-content: center;
32 + }
33 +
34 + :global(html) {
35 + scroll-behavior: smooth;
36 + }
37 +
38 +</style>
39 +
40 +<svelte:window on:load|once={LoadFestas}></svelte:window>
41 +<div>
42 + <Menu/>
43 + <Map/>
44 + <Backtotop/>
45 + <Article/>
46 +</div>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<style>
2 + .article{
3 + font-family: 맑은고딕, Malgun Gothic, dotum, gulim, sans-serif;
4 + font-size: 24pt;
5 + padding:10vw;
6 + text-align: center;
7 + display: flex;
8 + }
9 +
10 + .wbg{
11 + background-color: #ffffff;
12 + }
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14 + .gbg{
15 + background-color: #edeff2;
16 + }
17 +
18 + .article img {
19 + display: inline-block;
20 + max-width: 500px;
21 + width: 20vw;
22 + margin-left: 4vw;
23 + margin-right: 4vw;
24 + }
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26 + .article .text {
27 + display: inline-block;
28 + width: 50vw;
29 + }
30 +
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32 + display: flex;
33 + align-items: center;
34 + }
35 +</style>
36 +<script>
37 +</script>
38 +
39 +<div class="article wbg" id="article1">
40 + <div class="contents">
41 + <img src="./public/TFTlogo.png" alt=":)">
42 + <div class="text">
43 + <h3>TFT에 오신 걸 환영합니다!</h3>
44 + Travel & Festival with Temperature<br>
45 + 각종 행사 정보와 날씨 정보를 한눈에 알 수 있는 서비스입니다.
46 + </div>
47 + </div>
48 +</div>
49 +<div class="article gbg" id="article2">
50 + <div class="contents">
51 + <div class="text">
52 + <h3>손쉬운 행사 탐색</h3>
53 + TFT를 통해 전국에서 개최중인 행사와 축제를<br>
54 + 한 눈에 확인할 수 있습니다.
55 + </div>
56 + <img src="./public/exploremap.png" alt=";(">
57 + </div>
58 +</div>
59 +<div class="article wbg" id="article3">
60 + <div class="contents">
61 + <img src="./public/infofesta.png" alt=":)">
62 + <div class="text">
63 + <h3>행사 정보 확인</h3>
64 + 지도에 표시된 마커를 클릭하여<br>
65 + 행사 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.
66 + </div>
67 + </div>
68 +</div>
69 +<div class="article gbg" id="article4">
70 + <div class="contents">
71 + <div class="text">
72 + 사용된 기술 스택은 다음과 같습니다.<br><br>
73 + WEB : NodeJS / Express / Svelte<br>
74 + Database : MongoDB<br>
75 + API Handler : NodeJS / RequestJS<br>
76 + Docker
77 + </div>
78 + <img src="./public/stacks.png" alt=";(">
79 + </div>
80 +</div>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +export let COORDINATES = {
2 + "미선택" : {
3 + "미선택" : [ 127.46862435619565, 36.003837243591676, 13 ]
4 + },
5 + "서울특별시" : {
6 + "미선택" : [ 126.95401910605827, 37.53467856968404, 9],
7 + "종로구" : [ 126.9773171, 37.59492045, 7],
8 + "중구" : [ 126.9959683, 37.56014287, 7],
9 + "용산구" : [ 126.9799076, 37.53138556, 7],
10 + "성동구" : [ 127.0410588, 37.55103004, 7],
11 + "광진구" : [ 127.0857458, 37.54672166, 7],
12 + "동대문구" : [ 127.0548482, 37.58195725, 7],
13 + "중랑구" : [ 127.0928839, 37.59781902, 7],
14 + "성북구" : [ 127.0175783, 37.60570143, 7],
15 + "강북구" : [ 127.0111848, 37.64347732, 7],
16 + "도봉구" : [ 127.032367, 37.66910528, 7],
17 + "노원구" : [ 127.0750336, 37.65251633, 7],
18 + "은평구" : [ 126.9270283, 37.61921535, 7],
19 + "서대문구" : [ 126.9390632, 37.57778646, 7],
20 + "마포구" : [ 126.908264, 37.55931222, 7],
21 + "양천구" : [ 126.8554792, 37.52478964, 7],
22 + "강서구" : [ 126.8228036, 37.56123594, 7],
23 + "구로구" : [ 126.8563021, 37.49440412, 7],
24 + "금천구" : [ 126.9008177, 37.46056912, 7],
25 + "영등포구" : [ 126.9101694, 37.52230985, 7],
26 + "동작구" : [ 126.9516402, 37.49887636, 7],
27 + "관악구" : [ 126.9453355, 37.46737656, 7],
28 + "서초구" : [ 127.0312084, 37.47329793, 7],
29 + "강남구" : [ 127.0629749, 37.49664584, 7],
30 + "송파구" : [ 127.1152911, 37.50562076, 7],
31 + "강동구" : [ 127.1470146, 37.55045136, 7]
32 + },
33 + "부산광역시" : {
34 + "미선택" : [ 129.0315402, 35.10547796 , 9],
35 + "중구" : [ 129.0315402, 35.10547796, 7],
36 + "서구" : [ 129.0149128, 35.10296452, 7],
37 + "동구" : [ 129.0445861, 35.1291866, 7],
38 + "영도구" : [ 129.0648202, 35.07865091, 7],
39 + "부산진구" : [ 129.0430601, 35.16524533, 7],
40 + "동래구" : [ 129.0792188, 35.20621201, 7],
41 + "남구" : [ 129.0940042, 35.12613858, 7],
42 + "북구" : [ 129.0234651, 35.22925311, 7],
43 + "해운대구" : [ 129.1535891, 35.19385742, 7],
44 + "사하구" : [ 128.9743481, 35.0893528, 7],
45 + "금정구" : [ 129.09153, 35.25889463, 7],
46 + "강서구" : [ 128.8924423, 35.13837168, 7],
47 + "연제구" : [ 129.0829344, 35.18241804, 7],
48 + "수영구" : [ 129.1111625, 35.16133249, 7],
49 + "사상구" : [ 128.9865939, 35.15803505, 7],
50 + "기장군" : [ 129.224475, 35.24135 , 7],
51 + },
52 + "대구광역시" : {
53 + "미선택" : [ 128.5936057, 35.86653525 , 9],
54 + "중구" : [ 128.5936057, 35.86653525, 7],
55 + "동구" : [ 128.6856499, 35.93444401, 7],
56 + "서구" : [ 128.5496976, 35.87500168, 7],
57 + "남구" : [ 128.5853297, 35.83517828, 7],
58 + "북구" : [ 128.5772056, 35.92892764, 7],
59 + "수성구" : [ 128.6612732, 35.83384974, 7],
60 + "달서구" : [ 128.529204, 35.82748641, 7],
61 + "달성군" : [ 128.4982969, 35.7596109, 7],
62 + },
63 + "인천광역시" : {
64 + "미선택" : [ 126.66832787491965, 37.45983498861199, 10],
65 + "중구" : [ 126.4828638, 37.46909379, 7],
66 + "동구" : [ 126.6395434, 37.48319411, 7],
67 + "미추홀구" : [ 126.6646576, 37.45259376, 7],
68 + "연수구" : [ 126.6494242, 37.39619493, 7],
69 + "남동구" : [ 126.7264666, 37.43135604, 7],
70 + "부평구" : [ 126.7212083, 37.49666082, 7],
71 + "계양구" : [ 126.7347032, 37.55729939, 7],
72 + "서구" : [ 126.6563686, 37.55783907, 7],
73 + "남구" : [ 126.6502972, 37.46369169, 7],
74 + "강화군" : [ 126.45730005738866, 37.68192191125021, 9],
75 + "옹진군" : [ 126.6388889, 37.443725 , 7],
76 + },
77 + "광주광역시" : {
78 + "미선택" : [ 126.9494622, 35.11738405, 9],
79 + "동구" : [ 126.9494622, 35.11738405, 7],
80 + "서구" : [ 126.8507245, 35.13569669, 7],
81 + "남구" : [ 126.8567385, 35.09405737, 7],
82 + "북구" : [ 126.9254668, 35.19324913, 7],
83 + "광산구" : [ 126.752903, 35.16504314, 7],
84 + },
85 + "대전광역시" : {
86 + "미선택" : [ 127.4750627, 36.32396534, 9],
87 + "동구" : [ 127.4750627, 36.32396534, 7],
88 + "중구" : [ 127.4110567, 36.28087229, 7],
89 + "서구" : [ 127.3451254, 36.28026323, 7],
90 + "유성구" : [ 127.333298, 36.37682167, 7],
91 + "대덕구" : [ 127.4401591, 36.41219042, 7],
92 + },
93 + "울산광역시" : {
94 + "미선택" : [ 129.3082427, 35.5710483, 9],
95 + "중구" : [ 129.3082427, 35.5710483, 7],
96 + "남구" : [ 129.3281901, 35.51605166, 7],
97 + "동구" : [ 129.4260695, 35.52558, 7],
98 + "북구" : [ 129.3798015, 35.6100624, 7],
99 + "울주군" : [ 129.1868265, 35.54669692, 7],
100 + },
101 + "세종특별자치시" : {
102 + "세종특별자치시" : [ 127.258722, 36.56072897, 9]
103 + },
104 + "경기도" : {
105 + "미선택" : [ 127.39154661008746, 37.427936253223265, 11],
106 + "수원시" : [ 127.0122222, 37.30101111, 9 ],
107 + "성남시" : [ 127.1477194, 37.44749167, 9 ],
108 + "의정부시" : [ 127.0684277, 37.73619293, 9 ],
109 + "안양시" : [ 126.9533556, 37.3897, 9 ],
110 + "부천시" : [ 126.7887094, 37.5042629, 9 ],
111 + "광명시" : [ 126.8646995, 37.44516419, 9 ],
112 + "평택시" : [ 126.9877522, 37.0118376 ],
113 + "동두천시" : [ 127.0779034, 37.91654298, 9 ],
114 + "안산시" : [ 126.8468194, 37.29851944, 9 ],
115 + "고양시" : [ 126.7770556, 37.65590833, 9 ],
116 + "과천시" : [ 127.0026802, 37.43384612, 9 ],
117 + "구리시" : [ 127.1312301, 37.59922784, 9 ],
118 + "남양주시" : [ 127.2436444, 37.66255685, 9 ],
119 + "오산시" : [ 127.0513236, 37.16329326, 9 ],
120 + "시흥시" : [ 126.7884122, 37.38940556, 9 ],
121 + "군포시" : [ 126.9211378, 37.34348472, 9 ],
122 + "의왕시" : [ 126.9896417, 37.36239655, 9 ],
123 + "하남시" : [ 127.205944, 37.5228201 ],
124 + "용인시" : [ 127.2038444, 37.23147778, 9 ],
125 + "파주시" : [ 126.8108037, 37.85624554, 9 ],
126 + "이천시" : [ 127.4809313, 37.2098301 ],
127 + "안성시" : [ 127.3027607, 37.03502502, 9 ],
128 + "김포시" : [ 126.6263868, 37.68179015, 9 ],
129 + "화성시" : [ 126.8748706, 37.16523209, 9 ],
130 + "광주시" : [ 127.3011721, 37.40312001, 9 ],
131 + "양주시" : [ 127.0011552, 37.80869566, 9 ],
132 + "포천시" : [ 127.2504236, 37.96989231, 9 ],
133 + "여주시" : [ 127.6156731, 37.30250497, 9 ],
134 + "가평군" : [ 127.450192, 37.81856681, 9 ],
135 + "양평군" : [ 127.5791946, 37.51803657, 9 ],
136 + "연천군" : [ 127.0770667, 38.09336389, 9 ],
137 + },
138 + "강원도" : {
139 + "미선택" : [ 127.12317975612937, 36.016711825127636, 11],
140 + "춘천시" : [ 127.7399546, 37.88984997, 9 ],
141 + "원주시" : [ 127.9295396, 37.30825853, 9 ],
142 + "강릉시" : [ 128.8322214, 37.70920125, 9 ],
143 + "동해시" : [ 129.055639, 37.50672984, 9 ],
144 + "태백시" : [ 128.9800625, 37.17236519, 9 ],
145 + "속초시" : [ 128.5195498, 38.1760275, 9 ],
146 + "삼척시" : [ 129.1674889, 37.44708611, 9 ],
147 + "홍천군" : [ 128.074507, 37.74486679, 9 ],
148 + "횡성군" : [ 128.0770646, 37.5091607, 9 ],
149 + "영월군" : [ 128.4999342, 37.20404507, 9 ],
150 + "평창군" : [ 128.4827677, 37.55699072, 9 ],
151 + "정선군" : [ 128.7390663, 37.37878577, 9 ],
152 + "철원군" : [ 127.398991, 38.23902719, 9 ],
153 + "화천군" : [ 127.6852023, 38.13843323, 9 ],
154 + "양구군" : [ 128.000222, 38.17567667, 9 ],
155 + "인제군" : [ 128.2647172, 38.06477754, 9 ],
156 + "고성군" : [ 128.4110731, 38.36284879, 9 ],
157 + "양양군" : [ 128.5949493, 38.00453158, 9 ],
158 + },
159 + "충청북도" : {
160 + "미선택" : [ 127.79255408173366, 36.77775337994217, 11],
161 + "청주시" : [ 127.5117306, 36.58399722, 9 ],
162 + "충주시" : [ 127.8955587, 37.01523811, 9 ],
163 + "제천시" : [ 128.1409071, 37.06007228, 9 ],
164 + "보은군" : [ 127.7293296, 36.48995371, 9 ],
165 + "옥천군" : [ 127.6565891, 36.32045893, 9 ],
166 + "영동군" : [ 127.8142658, 36.15967356, 9 ],
167 + "증평군" : [ 127.6046043, 36.78649107, 9 ],
168 + "진천군" : [ 127.4404342, 36.87102031, 9 ],
169 + "괴산군" : [ 127.8295825, 36.76968609, 9 ],
170 + "음성군" : [ 127.6141838, 36.97625907, 9 ],
171 + "단양군" : [ 128.3878861, 36.99451168, 9 ],
172 + },
173 + "충청남도" : {
174 + "미선택" : [ 127.35233920735703, 36.45690483533581, 11],
175 + "천안시" : [ 127.1524667, 36.804125, 9 ],
176 + "공주시" : [ 127.0751478, 36.47990652, 9 ],
177 + "보령시" : [ 126.5942136, 36.34031922, 9 ],
178 + "아산시" : [ 126.980082, 36.80735134, 9 ],
179 + "서산시" : [ 126.463562, 36.78409691, 9 ],
180 + "당진시" : [ 126.6302528, 36.89075 , 9 ],
181 + "논산시" : [ 127.1577061, 36.19090514, 9 ],
182 + "계룡시" : [ 127.2344204, 36.29160368, 9 ],
183 + "금산군" : [ 127.4782928, 36.11903032, 9 ],
184 + "서천군" : [ 126.7049244, 36.10661218, 9 ],
185 + "청양군" : [ 126.853086, 36.43059194, 9 ],
186 + "홍성군" : [ 126.6258234, 36.57009036, 9 ],
187 + "예산군" : [ 126.7842651, 36.67064001, 9 ],
188 + "태안군" : [ 126.2808032, 36.70386085, 9 ],
189 + "부여군" : [ 126.9118639, 36.27282222, 9 ],
190 + },
191 + "전라북도" : {
192 + "미선택" : [ 127.07737136324491, 35.63605805905352, 11],
193 + "전주시" : [ 127.1219194, 35.80918889, 9 ],
194 + "익산시" : [ 126.989503, 36.02314348, 9 ],
195 + "정읍시" : [ 126.9058697, 35.6026358, 9 ],
196 + "남원시" : [ 127.4419364, 35.42253429, 9 ],
197 + "군산시" : [ 126.7388444, 35.96464167, 9 ],
198 + "김제시" : [ 126.8948294, 35.80671465, 9 ],
199 + "완주군" : [ 127.2152214, 35.91876217, 9 ],
200 + "진안군" : [ 127.4300802, 35.82889325, 9 ],
201 + "무주군" : [ 127.7129494, 35.93937729, 9 ],
202 + "장수군" : [ 127.5443403, 35.65753552, 9 ],
203 + "임실군" : [ 127.2366564, 35.5982329, 9 ],
204 + "순창군" : [ 127.0900463, 35.43362681, 9 ],
205 + "고창군" : [ 126.6160791, 35.44819175, 9 ],
206 + "부안군" : [ 126.6444614, 35.67792233, 9 ],
207 + },
208 + "전라남도" : {
209 + "미선택" : [ 126.9842629432299, 34.805397241331605, 11],
210 + "목포시" : [ 126.3918464, 34.80376301, 9 ],
211 + "여수시" : [ 127.6535295, 34.69839004, 9 ],
212 + "순천시" : [ 127.3891379, 34.99477437, 9 ],
213 + "나주시" : [ 126.7204163, 34.98859351, 9 ],
214 + "광양시" : [ 127.6551052, 35.02193047, 9 ],
215 + "담양군" : [ 126.9952608, 35.29155078, 9 ],
216 + "곡성군" : [ 127.2635431, 35.21663483, 9 ],
217 + "구례군" : [ 127.5030878, 35.23679742, 9 ],
218 + "고흥군" : [ 127.3146561, 34.59855727, 9 ],
219 + "보성군" : [ 127.1621881, 34.81440563, 9 ],
220 + "화순군" : [ 127.0335393, 35.00825383, 9 ],
221 + "장흥군" : [ 126.9215255, 34.67668231, 9 ],
222 + "강진군" : [ 126.7721471, 34.62048424, 9 ],
223 + "영암군" : [ 126.6307699, 34.79957499, 9 ],
224 + "무안군" : [ 126.4257885, 34.95327665, 9 ],
225 + "함평군" : [ 126.5356108, 35.11269517, 9 ],
226 + "영광군" : [ 126.4531334, 35.27849439, 9 ],
227 + "장성군" : [ 126.7685691, 35.32960098, 9 ],
228 + "완도군" : [ 126.7769747, 34.29559715, 9 ],
229 + "진도군" : [ 126.2151837, 34.43942431, 9 ],
230 + "신안군" : [ 126.0495583, 34.81262298, 9 ],
231 + "해남군" : [ 126.6012889, 34.57043611, 9 ],
232 + },
233 + "경상북도" : {
234 + "미선택" : [ 128.81204394329464, 36.353709379365114, 11],
235 + "포항시" : [ 129.3616667, 36.00568611, 9 ],
236 + "경주시" : [ 129.235873, 35.826691, 9 ],
237 + "김천시" : [ 128.0778448, 36.06051569, 9 ],
238 + "안동시" : [ 128.7800407, 36.58030946, 9 ],
239 + "구미시" : [ 128.3554644, 36.20734109, 9 ],
240 + "영주시" : [ 128.5976539, 36.87055896, 9 ],
241 + "영천시" : [ 128.9426073, 36.01581613, 9 ],
242 + "상주시" : [ 128.0669903, 36.42955021, 9 ],
243 + "문경시" : [ 128.1486973, 36.69080984, 9 ],
244 + "경산시" : [ 128.809053, 35.83410302, 9 ],
245 + "군위군" : [ 128.6481186, 36.17011731, 9 ],
246 + "의성군" : [ 128.6149052, 36.36201086, 9 ],
247 + "청송군" : [ 129.0574327, 36.35707112, 9 ],
248 + "영양군" : [ 129.145057, 36.69647487, 9 ],
249 + "영덕군" : [ 129.3173817, 36.48249776, 9 ],
250 + "청도군" : [ 128.7865755, 35.67292328, 9 ],
251 + "고령군" : [ 128.3067568, 35.73721147, 9 ],
252 + "성주군" : [ 128.233394, 35.90724515, 9 ],
253 + "칠곡군" : [ 128.4625866, 36.01551093, 9 ],
254 + "예천군" : [ 128.4224645, 36.65391037, 9 ],
255 + "봉화군" : [ 128.9129168, 36.93415717, 9 ],
256 + "울진군" : [ 129.312205, 36.90408324, 9 ],
257 + "울릉군" : [ 130.8641677, 37.50196388, 9 ],
258 + },
259 + "경상남도" : {
260 + "미선택" : [ 128.53769042792499, 35.44400982880079, 11],
261 + "창원시" : [ 128.6401544, 35.2540033 , 9 ],
262 + "진주시" : [ 128.1297644, 35.20514752 , 9 ],
263 + "통영시" : [ 128.3741039, 34.8294728 , 9 ],
264 + "사천시" : [ 128.0376567, 35.04971902 , 9 ],
265 + "김해시" : [ 128.8452254, 35.27216917 , 9 ],
266 + "밀양시" : [ 128.7896424, 35.49850039 , 9 ],
267 + "거제시" : [ 128.6231604, 34.8704778 , 9 ],
268 + "양산시" : [ 129.0410367, 35.40190499 , 9 ],
269 + "의령군" : [ 128.2771012, 35.39245631 , 9 ],
270 + "함안군" : [ 128.430905, 35.29101218 , 9 ],
271 + "창녕군" : [ 128.4930122, 35.50827649 , 9 ],
272 + "고성군" : [ 128.2906976, 35.01630929 , 9 ],
273 + "남해군" : [ 127.9411169, 34.81831061 , 9 ],
274 + "하동군" : [ 127.7789218, 35.13838231 , 9 ],
275 + "산청군" : [ 127.8843644, 35.36863784 , 9 ],
276 + "함양군" : [ 127.7220744, 35.55172723 , 9 ],
277 + "거창군" : [ 127.9041319, 35.73261316 , 9 ],
278 + "합천군" : [ 128.1415535, 35.57666246 , 9 ],
279 + },
280 + "제주특별자치도" : {
281 + "미선택" : [ 126.5808984756216, 33.357067644200384, 10],
282 + "제주시" : [ 126.5294524, 33.44212371, 9 ],
283 + "서귀포시" : [ 126.5812981, 33.32493064, 9 ],
284 + }
285 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +export let DISTRICTS = {
2 + "name": "korea-administrative-district",
3 + "version": "20160125",
4 + "url": "https://github.com/cosmosfarm/korea-administrative-district",
5 + "data":[
6 + {"미선택":[
7 + "미선택"
8 + ]},
9 + {"서울특별시":[
10 + "미선택", "종로구", "중구", "용산구", "성동구", "광진구", "동대문구", "중랑구", "성북구", "강북구", "도봉구", "노원구", "은평구", "서대문구", "마포구", "양천구", "강서구", "구로구", "금천구", "영등포구", "동작구", "관악구", "서초구", "강남구", "송파구", "강동구"
11 + ]},
12 + {"부산광역시":[
13 + "미선택", "중구", "서구", "동구", "영도구", "부산진구", "동래구", "남구", "북구", "강서구", "해운대구", "사하구", "금정구", "연제구", "수영구", "사상구", "기장군"
14 + ]},
15 + {"인천광역시":[
16 + "미선택", "중구", "동구", "남구", "연수구", "남동구", "부평구", "계양구", "서구", "강화군", "옹진군"
17 + ]},
18 + {"대구광역시":[
19 + "미선택", "중구", "동구", "서구", "남구", "북구", "수성구", "달서구", "달성군"
20 + ]},
21 + {"광주광역시":[
22 + "미선택", "동구", "서구", "남구", "북구", "광산구"
23 + ]},
24 + {"대전광역시":[
25 + "미선택", "동구", "중구", "서구", "유성구", "대덕구"
26 + ]},
27 + {"울산광역시":[
28 + "미선택", "중구", "남구", "동구", "북구", "울주군"
29 + ]},
30 + {"세종특별자치시":[
31 + "미선택", "세종특별자치시"
32 + ]},
33 + {"경기도":[
34 + "미선택", "가평군", "고양시", "과천시", "광명시", "광주시", "구리시", "군포시", "김포시", "남양주시", "동두천시", "부천시", "성남시", "수원시", "시흥시", "안산시", "안성시", "안양시", "양주시", "양평군", "여주시", "연천군", "오산시", "용인시", "의왕시", "의정부시", "이천시", "파주시", "평택시", "포천시", "하남시", "화성시"
35 + ]},
36 + {"강원도":[
37 + "미선택", "원주시", "춘천시", "강릉시", "동해시", "속초시", "삼척시", "홍천군", "태백시", "철원군", "횡성군", "평창군", "영월군", "정선군", "인제군", "고성군", "양양군", "화천군", "양구군"
38 + ]},
39 + {"충청북도":[
40 + "미선택", "청주시", "충주시", "제천시", "보은군", "옥천군", "영동군", "증평군", "진천군", "괴산군", "음성군", "단양군"
41 + ]},
42 + {"충청남도":[
43 + "미선택", "천안시", "공주시", "보령시", "아산시", "서산시", "논산시", "계룡시", "당진시", "금산군", "부여군", "서천군", "청양군", "홍성군", "예산군", "태안군"
44 + ]},
45 + {"경상북도":[
46 + "미선택", "포항시", "경주시", "김천시", "안동시", "구미시", "영주시", "영천시", "상주시", "문경시", "경산시", "군위군", "의성군", "청송군", "영양군", "영덕군", "청도군", "고령군", "성주군", "칠곡군", "예천군", "봉화군", "울진군", "울릉군"
47 + ]},
48 + {"경상남도":[
49 + "미선택", "창원시", "김해시", "진주시", "양산시", "거제시", "통영시", "사천시", "밀양시", "함안군", "거창군", "창녕군", "고성군", "하동군", "합천군", "남해군", "함양군", "산청군", "의령군"
50 + ]},
51 + {"전라북도":[
52 + "미선택", "전주시", "익산시", "군산시", "정읍시", "완주군", "김제시", "남원시", "고창군", "부안군", "임실군", "순창군", "진안군", "장수군", "무주군"
53 + ]},
54 + {"전라남도":[
55 + "미선택", "여수시", "순천시", "목포시", "광양시", "나주시", "무안군", "해남군", "고흥군", "화순군", "영암군", "영광군", "완도군", "담양군", "장성군", "보성군", "신안군", "장흥군", "강진군", "함평군", "진도군", "곡성군", "구례군"
56 + ]},
57 + {"제주특별자치도":[
58 + "미선택", "제주시", "서귀포시"
59 + ]}
60 + ]
61 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<style>
2 + #map_bg {
3 + box-sizing: border-box;
4 + justify-content: center;
5 + display: flex;
6 + height: 100vh;
7 + background-color:#edeff2;
8 + }
9 +
10 + #map {
11 + margin-top: 50px;
12 + box-sizing: border-box;
13 + display: flex;
14 + height: 80vh;
15 + width: 60vw;
16 + background-color:#edeff2;
17 + border-radius: 10px;
18 + border: 1px solid black;
19 + box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgb(0 0 0 / 15%);
20 + }
21 +</style>
22 +
23 +<script>
24 + import Info from './SideItems/Info.svelte';
25 + import Festalist from './SideItems/Festalist.svelte';
26 + import Arealist from './SideItems/Arealist.svelte';
27 + import { COORDINATES } from "./Data/coordinates";
28 + import { DisplayedFestas } from "./Stores/DisplayedFestas";
29 +
30 + var {kakao} = window;
31 +
32 + var ShowArea = false;
33 + var ShowFesta = false;
34 + var ShowInfo = false;
35 +
36 + var Festa = {};
37 + var markers = [];
38 + var infowindows = [];
39 + var map;
40 +
41 + function createMap() {
42 + var mapContainer = document.getElementById('map'), // 지도를 표시할 div
43 + mapOption = {
44 + center: new kakao.maps.LatLng(36.46682, 127.37865), // 지도의 중심좌표
45 + level: 12, // 지도의 확대 레벨
46 + mapTypeId : kakao.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP // 지도종류
47 + };
48 +
49 + markers= [];
50 + map = new kakao.maps.Map(mapContainer, mapOption); // 카카오 지도
51 + }
52 +
53 + $: drawMarkers($DisplayedFestas);
54 +
55 + function drawMarkers (data) {
56 + let len = data.length >= 9 ? 9 : data.length;
57 +
58 + markers.forEach( mk => {
59 + mk.setMap(null);
60 + });
61 + infowindows.forEach( iw => {
62 + iw.close();
63 + });
64 + markers, infowindows = [], [];
65 +
66 + for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
67 + // 지도에 마커를 생성하고 표시한다
68 + let marker = new kakao.maps.Marker({
69 + position: new kakao.maps.LatLng(data[i].mapy, data[i].mapx), // 마커의 좌표
70 + map: map // 마커를 표시할 지도 객체
71 + });
72 +
73 + let infowindow = new kakao.maps.InfoWindow({
74 + content : '<div style="padding:5px;white-space:nowrap;">' + data[i].title + '</div>' // 인포윈도우에 표시할 내용
75 + });
76 + infowindow.open(map, marker);
77 +
78 + // 마커 클릭 시 이벤트
79 + let showInfo = function(festa) {
80 + return function() {
81 + Festa = festa;
82 + ShowInfo = true;
83 + console.log(Festa);
84 + }
85 + };
86 + kakao.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', showInfo(data[i]));
87 + infowindows.push(infowindow);
88 + markers.push(marker);
89 +
90 + };
91 + }
92 +
93 + function moveTo(district, city) {
94 + let [x, y, level] = COORDINATES[district][city];
95 + var moveLatLon = new kakao.maps.LatLng(y, x);
96 + map.setLevel(level);
97 + map.panTo(moveLatLon);
98 + }
99 +
100 + function closeBars() {
101 + ShowArea = false;
102 + ShowFesta = false;
103 + ShowInfo = false;
104 + }
105 +
106 +</script>
107 +
108 +<svelte:window on:load={createMap}></svelte:window>
109 +<Festalist bind:sidebar_show={ShowFesta}/>
110 +<Arealist bind:sidebar_show={ShowArea} {moveTo}/>
111 +<Info bind:sidebar_show={ShowInfo} bind:festa={Festa}/>
112 +<div id="map_bg">
113 + <div id="map"></div>
114 +</div>
1 +<script>
2 + import Menuitems from './Menuitems.svelte'
3 +
4 + // 메뉴 바 항목들
5 + const navItems = [
6 + { label: "TFT 소개", href: "#article1" },
7 + { label: "행사 탐색", href: "#article2" },
8 + { label: "행사 정보", href: "#article3" },
9 + { label: "기술 스택", href: "#article4" }
10 + ];
11 +</script>
12 +
13 +<style>
14 + nav {
15 + background-color: #edeff2;
16 + font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
17 + height: 70px;
18 + /* width: 50vw; */
19 + top: 0;
20 + }
21 +
22 + .inner {
23 + max-width: 700px;
24 + padding-left: 10px;
25 + padding-right: 10px;
26 + margin: auto;
27 + box-sizing: border-box;
28 + display: flex;
29 + align-items: center;
30 + justify-content: center;
31 + height: 100%;
32 + }
33 +
34 + .logo img{
35 + display: flex;
36 + width: 120px;
37 + left: 20px;
38 + top: 15px;
39 + margin-right: 400px;
40 + }
41 +
42 + .navbar-list {
43 + display: flex;
44 + padding: 0;
45 + width: 100%;
46 + justify-content: space-between;
47 + margin: 0;
48 + }
49 +</style>
50 +
51 +<nav id="nav">
52 + <div class="inner">
53 + <div class="logo"><img alt="Logo" src="./public/TFTlogo.png"></div>
54 + <ul class='navbar-list'>
55 + {#each navItems as item}
56 + <Menuitems {item}/>
57 + {/each}
58 + </ul>
59 + </div>
60 +</nav>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<style>
2 + li {
3 + display: flex;
4 + list-style-type: none;
5 + position: relative;
6 + margin-left: 50px;
7 + height: 45px;
8 + white-space: nowrap;
9 + align-items: center;
10 + }
11 +
12 + li:before {
13 + content: "";
14 + position: absolute;
15 + bottom: 0;
16 + left: 0;
17 + width: 100%;
18 + height: 1px;
19 + }
20 +
21 + a {
22 + color: #000000;
23 + text-decoration: none;
24 + display: inline-flex;
25 + padding: 0 10px;
26 + font-size: 20px;
27 + }
28 +
29 + @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
30 + a {
31 + display: none;
32 + }
33 + }
34 +
35 + .onmouse {
36 + text-decoration: underline;
37 + }
38 +</style>
39 +
40 +<script>
41 + export let item;
42 + let onmouse;
43 +
44 + function enter() {
45 + onmouse = true;
46 + }
47 +
48 + function leave() {
49 + onmouse = false;
50 + }
51 +</script>
52 +
53 +<li on:mouseenter={enter} on:mouseleave={leave} >
54 + <a href={item.href} class:onmouse>{item.label}</a>
55 +</li>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<script>
2 + import { fly } from 'svelte/transition'
3 + import SideBar from './SideBar.svelte';
4 + var icon_show = true;
5 + var sidebar_show = false;
6 +
7 + function showBar() {
8 + sidebar_show = true;
9 + }
10 +
11 + function hide() {
12 + if (window.scrollY < 400) {
13 + icon_show = true;
14 + } else {
15 + icon_show = false;
16 + sidebar_show = false;
17 + }
18 + }
19 +
20 + import { DISTRICTS } from '../Data/district'
21 + import { District, City, Changed } from '../Stores/DistrictStore'
22 +
23 + export var moveTo;
24 +
25 + let curDisrict = {"미선택" : ["미선택"]};
26 + let curCity = "미선택";
27 +
28 + $: if(Object.keys(curDisrict)[0] != "미선택") {
29 + District.set(Object.keys(curDisrict)[0]);
30 + } else {
31 + District.set("");
32 + };
33 +
34 + $: if(curCity != "미선택") {
35 + City.set(curCity);
36 + } else {
37 + City.set("");
38 + }
39 +
40 + function setDistrict(district) {
41 + curDisrict = district;
42 + if(Object.keys(curDisrict)[0] == "세종특별자치시")
43 + curCity = "세종특별자치시";
44 + else
45 + curCity = "미선택";
46 + moveTo(Object.keys(curDisrict)[0], curCity);
47 + Changed.set(true);
48 + }
49 +
50 + function setCity(city) {
51 + curCity = city;
52 + moveTo(Object.keys(curDisrict)[0], curCity);
53 + Changed.set(true);
54 + }
55 +
56 +</script>
57 +
58 +<style>
59 + .sidebtn {
60 + border-radius: 5px;
61 + border: 0px;
62 + width: 70px;
63 + height: 70px;
64 + position: fixed;
65 + left: -20px;
66 + top: 120px;
67 + padding-right: 10px;
68 + text-align: right;
69 + background-color: #b71c1c;
70 + color: #ffffff;
71 + box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgb(0 0 0 / 15%);
72 + }
73 +
74 + .sidebtn:focus {
75 + background-color: #ef5350;
76 + }
77 +
78 + .sidebtn:hover {
79 + background-color: #d32f2f;
80 + }
81 +
82 + .areas {
83 + display: flex;
84 + border-bottom: #999999 solid 1px;
85 + width: 100%;
86 + flex-wrap: wrap;
87 + justify-content: space-evenly;
88 + }
89 +
90 + .areatitle {
91 + display: inline-block;
92 + text-align:center;
93 + width: 200px;
94 + }
95 +
96 + .district {
97 + display: inline-block;
98 + text-align:center;
99 + width: 125px;
100 + margin: 5px;
101 + border: 1px solid black;
102 + border-radius: 5px;
103 + padding-top: 5px;
104 + padding-bottom: 5px;
105 + }
106 +
107 + .district:hover {
108 + background-color: #ffebee;
109 + }
110 +
111 + .district:focus {
112 + background-color: #ffcdd2;
113 + }
114 +
115 + .district.selected{
116 + background-color: #ffcdd2;
117 + }
118 +
119 + .city {
120 + display: inline-block;
121 + text-align:center;
122 + width: 125px;
123 + margin: 5px;
124 + border: 1px solid black;
125 + border-radius: 5px;
126 + padding-top: 5px;
127 + padding-bottom: 5px;
128 + }
129 +
130 + .city:hover {
131 + background-color: #ffebee;
132 + }
133 +
134 + .city:focus {
135 + background-color: #ffcdd2;
136 + }
137 +
138 + .city.selected{
139 + background-color: #ffcdd2;
140 + }
141 +
142 +</style>
143 +
144 +<svelte:window on:scroll={hide}></svelte:window>
145 +
146 +{#if (icon_show)}
147 + <button class="sidebtn"
148 + transition:fly="{{ x : -50, duration : 400}}"
149 + on:click={showBar}>
150 + 지역<br>선택
151 + </button>
152 +{/if}
153 +<SideBar bind:show={sidebar_show}>
154 + <div class="areas">
155 + <div class="areatitle">광역시/도</div>
156 + {#each DISTRICTS.data as d}
157 + <div class="{Object.keys(curDisrict)[0] == Object.keys(d)[0] ? 'district selected' : 'district'}"
158 + on:click={() => {setDistrict(d)}}>
159 + {Object.keys(d)[0]}
160 + </div><br>
161 + {/each}
162 + </div><br>
163 + <div class="areas">
164 + <div class="areatitle">시/군/구</div>
165 + {#each curDisrict[Object.keys(curDisrict)[0]] as c}
166 + <div class="{curCity == c ? 'city selected' : 'city'}"
167 + on:click={() => {setCity(c)}}>
168 + {c}
169 + </div><br>
170 + {/each}
171 + </div>
172 +</SideBar>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<script>
2 + import { fly } from 'svelte/transition'
3 + let show = false;
4 +
5 + function scrollUp() {
6 + document.body.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"})
7 + }
8 +
9 + function hide() {
10 + if (window.scrollY > 60) {
11 + show = true
12 + } else {
13 + show = false
14 + }
15 + }
16 +</script>
17 +
18 +<style>
19 + #backtotop {
20 + border-radius: 100%;
21 + width: 50px;
22 + height: 50px;
23 + position: fixed;
24 + right: 4%;
25 + bottom: 10%;
26 + }
27 +
28 +</style>
29 +
30 +<svelte:window on:scroll={hide}></svelte:window>
31 +
32 +{#if (show)}
33 + <button id="backtotop"
34 + transition:fly="{{ y : 200, duration:400}}"
35 + on:click={scrollUp}>
36 +
37 + </button>
38 +{/if}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<script>
2 + import { fly } from 'svelte/transition'
3 + import SideBar from './SideBar.svelte';
4 + let icon_show = true;
5 + let sidebar_show = false;
6 +
7 + function showBar() {
8 + sidebar_show = true;
9 + }
10 +
11 + function hide() {
12 + if (window.scrollY < 400) {
13 + icon_show = true;
14 + } else {
15 + icon_show = false;
16 + sidebar_show = false;
17 + }
18 + }
19 +
20 + import { District, City, Changed } from '../Stores/DistrictStore';
21 + import { AllFestas } from "../Stores/AllFestas";
22 + import { DisplayedFestas } from "../Stores/DisplayedFestas";
23 +
24 + let festaChecked = [];
25 + $: festaList = $AllFestas.filter( v => {
26 + if(v.addr1) {
27 + let district = v.addr1.split(" ")[0];
28 + let city = v.addr1.split(" ")[1];
29 + return ($District === "" || district === $District) &&
30 + ($City === "" || city === $City);
31 + } else {
32 + return false;
33 + }
34 + });
35 + $: festaParsed = festaList.map( (v, i) => {
36 + return { "id" : i, "title" : v.title, "addr1" : v.addr1, "contentid" : v.contentid, "checked" : false }
37 + });
38 + $: if ($Changed) {
39 + let len = festaList.length >= 9 ? 9 : festaList.length;
40 + festaChecked = [];
41 + for(let i = 0; i < len; i++)
42 + check(i);
43 + }
44 + $: DisplayedFestas.set(festaChecked);
45 +
46 + function check(idx) {
47 + if (!festaParsed[idx].checked) {
48 + if(festaChecked.length <= 8) {
49 + festaParsed[idx].checked = true;
50 + festaChecked = festaChecked.concat(festaList[idx]);
51 + } else {
52 + alert("9개 이상 선택하실 수 없습니다.");
53 + }
54 + } else {
55 + festaParsed[idx].checked = false;
56 + festaChecked = festaChecked.filter( v => {
57 + return v.contentid !== festaParsed[idx].contentid;
58 + });
59 + }
60 + }
61 +</script>
62 +
63 +<style>
64 + .sidebtn {
65 + border-radius: 5px;
66 + border: 0px;
67 + width: 70px;
68 + height: 70px;
69 + position: fixed;
70 + left: -20px;
71 + top: 200px;
72 + padding-right: 10px;
73 + text-align: right;
74 + background-color: #e65100;
75 + color: #ffffff;
76 + box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgb(0 0 0 / 15%);
77 + }
78 +
79 + .sidebtn:focus {
80 + background-color: #f57c00;
81 + }
82 +
83 + .sidebtn:hover {
84 + background-color: #ef6c00;
85 + }
86 +
87 + .festa {
88 + border: 1px solid #aaa;
89 + border-radius: 2px;
90 + box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
91 + padding: 2px;
92 + margin-bottom: 5px;
93 + }
94 +
95 + .festa:hover {
96 + background-color: #fff3e0;
97 + }
98 +
99 + .festa:focus {
100 + background-color: #ffe0b2;
101 + }
102 +
103 + .selected {
104 + background-color: #ffe0b2;
105 + border: 1px solid #aaa;
106 + border-radius: 2px;
107 + box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
108 + padding: 2px;
109 + margin-bottom: 5px;
110 + }
111 +
112 + .title {
113 + font-weight: bold;
114 + border-bottom: 2px solid #ff3e00;
115 + }
116 +
117 + .addr {
118 + display: flex;
119 + align-items: center;
120 + }
121 +
122 + .addr img {
123 + width: 20px;
124 + height: 20px;
125 + }
126 +
127 +</style>
128 +
129 +<svelte:window on:scroll={hide}></svelte:window>
130 +
131 +{#if (icon_show)}
132 + <button class="sidebtn"
133 + transition:fly="{{ x : -50, duration : 400}}"
134 + on:click={showBar}>
135 + 행사<br>목록
136 + </button>
137 +{/if}
138 +<SideBar bind:show={sidebar_show}>
139 +
140 + {#if festaParsed.length > 0}
141 + {#each festaParsed as festa}
142 + <div class="{festa.checked ? "selected" : "festa"}"
143 + on:click={() => {check(festa.id)}}>
144 + <div class="title">{festa.title}</div>
145 + <div class="addr"><img alt="pin" src="/public/map-pin.png"><div>{festa.addr1}</div></div>
146 + </div>
147 + {/each}
148 + {:else}
149 + 개최되는 축제가 없습니다.
150 + {/if}
151 +
152 +</SideBar>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<script>
2 + import SideBar from "./SideBar.svelte"
3 +
4 + export let festa;
5 + export let sidebar_show = false;
6 + let side = "right";
7 +
8 + function hide() {
9 + if (window.scrollY > 400) {
10 + sidebar_show = false;
11 + }
12 + }
13 +</script>
14 +
15 +<style>
16 + .title {
17 + font-size: 18pt;
18 + font-weight: bold;
19 + text-align: center;
20 + }
21 +
22 + .content {
23 + padding: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;
24 + text-align: center;
25 + }
26 +
27 + .info img {
28 + max-height: 20rem;
29 + }
30 +
31 +</style>
32 +
33 +<svelte:window on:scroll={hide}></svelte:window>
34 +<SideBar bind:show={sidebar_show} {side}>
35 + <div class="info">
36 + <div class="title">{festa.title}</div>
37 + <img alt="festaImg" src={festa.firstimage}><br>
38 + <div class="content">
39 + 개최지 : {festa.addr1}<br>
40 + 전화번호 : {festa.tel}<br>
41 + <!-- 행사 시작일 : {festa.startdate}<br>
42 + 행사 시작일 : {festa.enddate}<br>
43 + 날씨 : {festa.weather 어쩌구} -->
44 + </div>
45 + </div>
46 +
47 +
48 +
49 +</SideBar>
1 +<script>
2 + import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';
3 +
4 + export let show = true;
5 + export let side = "left";
6 + </script>
7 +
8 +<style>
9 + .nav {
10 + overflow-y: auto;
11 + overflow-x: hidden;
12 + }
13 +
14 + .left {
15 + position: fixed;
16 + top: 0;
17 + left: 0;
18 + height: 100%;
19 + border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
20 + background: #fff;
21 + overflow-y: auto;
22 + width: 330px;
23 + z-index: 900;
24 + white-space: pre-line;
25 + }
26 +
27 + .right {
28 + position: fixed;
29 + top: 0;
30 + right: 0;
31 + height: 100%;
32 + border-left: 1px solid #aaa;
33 + background: #fff;
34 + overflow-y: auto;
35 + width: 560px;
36 + z-index: 900;
37 + }
38 +
39 + .navtop {
40 + display: flex;
41 + width: 100%;
42 + height: 60px;
43 + background-color: white;
44 + font-size: 30pt;
45 + color: #AAAAAA;
46 + justify-content: right;
47 + padding: 5px 5px 5px;
48 + border-bottom: #999999 solid 1px;
49 + }
50 + .bg {
51 + position: fixed;
52 + display: block;
53 + width: 100vw;
54 + height: 100vw;
55 + left: 0;
56 + top: 0;
57 + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);
58 + z-index: 800;
59 + }
60 +
61 + .navitems {
62 + display: flex;
63 + flex-direction: column
64 + }
65 +
66 + .left .navitems {
67 + padding: 2rem 1rem 0.6rem;
68 + }
69 +
70 +</style>
71 +
72 +{#if show}
73 + {#if side == "right"}
74 + <div class="bg" on:click={() => {show = false;}}></div>
75 + {/if}
76 + <nav class={"nav " + side} transition:fly={{x: (side == "left" ? -400 : 600), opacity: 1, duration: 800}}>
77 + {#if side == "left"}
78 + <div class="navtop" on:click={() => {show = false;}}
79 + style="justify-content:{side == "left" ? "right" : "left"}; cursor:pointer;">
80 + { side == "left" ? "<" : ">" }
81 + </div>
82 + {/if}
83 + <div class="navitems">
84 + <slot>
85 +
86 + </slot>
87 + </div>
88 + </nav>
89 +{/if}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
2 +
3 +function create() {
4 + const { subscribe, set } = writable([]);
5 +
6 + return {
7 + subscribe,
8 + set: (e) => set(e),
9 + }
10 +}
11 +
12 +export const AllFestas = create();
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
2 +
3 +function create() {
4 + const { subscribe, set} = writable([]);
5 +
6 + return {
7 + subscribe,
8 + set: (e) => set(e),
9 + }
10 +}
11 +
12 +export const DisplayedFestas = create();
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
2 +
3 +export const District = writable("미선택");
4 +export const City = writable("미선택");
5 +export const Changed = writable("true");
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +import App from './App.svelte';
2 +
3 +const app = new App({
4 + target: document.body,
5 + props: {
6 + // name: 'world'
7 + }
8 +});
9 +
10 +export default app;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 -<h1><%= message %></h1>
2 -<h2><%= error.status %></h2>
3 -<pre><%= error.stack %></pre>
1 -<!DOCTYPE html>
2 -<html>
3 - <head>
4 - <title><%= title %></title>
5 - <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
6 - </head>
7 - <body>
8 - <h1><%= title %></h1>
9 - <p>Welcome to <%= title %></p>
10 - </body>
11 -</html>
1 +const path = require('path');
2 +
3 +const mode = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
4 +const prod = mode === 'production';
5 +
6 +module.exports = {
7 + entry: {
8 + bundle: ['./src/main.js']
9 + },
10 + resolve: {
11 + alias: {
12 + svelte: path.resolve('node_modules', 'svelte')
13 + },
14 + extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.svelte'],
15 + mainFields: ['svelte', 'browser', 'module', 'main']
16 + },
17 + output: {
18 + path: __dirname + '/public/build',
19 + filename: '[name].js',
20 + chunkFilename: '[name].[id].js'
21 + },
22 + module: {
23 + rules: [
24 + {
25 + test: /\.svelte$/,
26 + use: {
27 + loader: 'svelte-loader',
28 + options: {
29 + emitCss: true,
30 + hotReload: true
31 + }
32 + }
33 + },
34 + {
35 + test: /\.css$/,
36 + use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']
37 + }
38 + ]
39 + },
40 + mode,
41 + plugins: [],
42 + devtool: prod ? false: 'source-map'
43 +};