deprecated.test.js 3.42 KB
/* eslint-disable no-console */
"use strict";

var assert = require("@sinonjs/referee-sinon").assert;
var sinon = require("@sinonjs/referee-sinon").sinon;

var deprecated = require("./deprecated");

var msg = "test";

describe("deprecated", function () {
    describe("defaultMsg", function () {
        it("should return a string", function () {
                deprecated.defaultMsg("sinon", "someFunc"),
                "sinon.someFunc is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon."

    describe("printWarning", function () {
        beforeEach(function () {
            sinon.replace(process, "emitWarning", sinon.fake());


        describe("when `process.emitWarning` is defined", function () {
            it("should call process.emitWarning with a msg", function () {
                assert.calledOnceWith(process.emitWarning, msg);

        describe("when `process.emitWarning` is undefined", function () {
            beforeEach(function () {
                sinon.replace(console, "info", sinon.fake());
                sinon.replace(console, "log", sinon.fake());
                process.emitWarning = undefined;


            describe("when `` is defined", function () {
                it("should call `` with a message", function () {
                    assert.calledOnceWith(, msg);

            describe("when `` is undefined", function () {
                it("should call `console.log` with a message", function () {
           = undefined;
                    assert.calledOnceWith(console.log, msg);

    describe("wrap", function () {
        // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-setup-in-describe
        var method = sinon.fake();
        var wrapped;

        beforeEach(function () {
            wrapped = deprecated.wrap(method, msg);

        it("should return a wrapper function", function () {
            assert.match(wrapped, sinon.match.func);

        it("should assign the prototype of the passed method", function () {
            assert.equals(method.prototype, wrapped.prototype);

        context("when the passed method has falsy prototype", function () {
            it("should not be assigned to the wrapped method", function () {
                method.prototype = null;
                wrapped = deprecated.wrap(method, msg);
                assert.match(wrapped.prototype, sinon.match.object);

        context("when invoking the wrapped function", function () {
            before(function () {
                sinon.replace(deprecated, "printWarning", sinon.fake());

            it("should call `printWarning` before invoking", function () {
                assert.calledOnceWith(deprecated.printWarning, msg);

            it("should invoke the passed method with the given arguments", function () {
                assert.calledOnceWith(method, {});