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#!/usr/bin/env sh
############################## Table 3 #########################################
#### This commands Assumes that you have computed the best models for the architecture
#### or table 1 commands are already run
#### We show commands for k=2,
#### for other values of k just modify the frame_keep_fraction parameter
#### k=2 -> 0.5
#### k=4 -> 0.25
#### k=5 -> 0.2
#### k=10 -> 0.1
# 3d cnn with 50% frames (k=2), with imputation
python3 -m src.scripts.main -c config/config.py \
--exp_name 3d_cnn_eval_k=2_imputed \
-r /tmp \
--mode test \
--device $DEVICE --wandb.use 0 \
--model.arch.file src/arch/brain_age_3d.py \
--data.root_path "$DATA_ROOT_PATH" \
--data.frame_keep_style random --data.frame_keep_fraction 0.5 \
--data.impute fill \
--statefile result/3d_cnn/run_0001/best_model.pt
# 2d lstm with 50% frames (k=2), without imputation
python3 -m src.scripts.main -c config/config.py \
--exp_name 2d_slice_lstm_eval_k=2 \
-r /tmp \
--mode test \
--device $DEVICE --wandb.use 0 \
--model.arch.file src/arch/brain_age_slice_lstm.py \
--data.root_path "$DATA_ROOT_PATH" \
--data.frame_keep_style random --data.frame_keep_fraction 0.5 \
--data.impute drop \
--statefile result/2d_slice_lstm/run_0001/best_model.pt
# 2d lstm with 50% frames (k=2), with imputation
python3 -m src.scripts.main -c config/config.py \
--exp_name 2d_slice_lstm_eval_k=2_imputed \
-r /tmp \
--mode test \
--device $DEVICE --wandb.use 0 \
--model.arch.file src/arch/brain_age_slice_lstm.py \
--data.root_path "$DATA_ROOT_PATH" \
--data.frame_keep_style random --data.frame_keep_fraction 0.5 \
--data.impute fill \
--statefile result/2d_slice_lstm/run_0001/best_model.pt
# 2D-slice-attention with 50% frames (k=2), without imputation
python3 -m src.scripts.main -c config/config.py \
--exp_name 2d_slice_attention_eval_k=2 \
-r /tmp \
--mode test \
--device $DEVICE --wandb.use 0 \
--model.arch.file src/arch/brain_age_slice_set.py \
--model.arch.attn_dim 32 --model.arch.attn_num_heads 1 \
--model.arch.attn_drop 1 --model.arch.agg_fn "attention" \
--data.root_path "$DATA_ROOT_PATH" \
--data.frame_keep_style random --data.frame_keep_fraction 0.5 \
--data.impute drop \
--statefile result/2d_slice_attention/run_0001/best_model.pt
# 2D-slice-mean with 50% frames (k=2), without imputation
python3 -m src.scripts.main -c config/config.py \
--exp_name 2d_slice_mean_eval_k=2 \
-r /tmp \
--mode test \
--device $DEVICE --wandb.use 0 \
--model.arch.file src/arch/brain_age_slice_set.py \
--model.arch.attn_dim 32 --model.arch.attn_num_heads 1 \
--model.arch.attn_drop 1 --model.arch.agg_fn "mean" \
--data.root_path "$DATA_ROOT_PATH" \
--data.frame_keep_style random --data.frame_keep_fraction 0.5 \
--data.impute drop \
--statefile result/2d_slice_attention/run_0001/best_model.pt
# 2D-slice-max with 50% frames (k=2), without imputation
python3 -m src.scripts.main -c config/config.py \
--exp_name 2d_slice_max_eval_k=2 \
-r /tmp \
--mode test \
--device $DEVICE --wandb.use 0 \
--model.arch.file src/arch/brain_age_slice_set.py \
--model.arch.attn_dim 32 --model.arch.attn_num_heads 1 \
--model.arch.attn_drop 1 --model.arch.agg_fn "max" \
--data.root_path "$DATA_ROOT_PATH" \
--data.frame_keep_style random --data.frame_keep_fraction 0.5 \
--data.impute drop \
--statefile result/2d_slice_attention/run_0001/best_model.pt