nal-helpers.js 2.95 KB
import { bytesMatch, toUint8 } from './byte-helpers.js';
export var NAL_TYPE_ONE = toUint8([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]);
export var NAL_TYPE_TWO = toUint8([0x00, 0x00, 0x01]);
export var EMULATION_PREVENTION = toUint8([0x00, 0x00, 0x03]);
 * Expunge any "Emulation Prevention" bytes from a "Raw Byte
 * Sequence Payload"
 * @param data {Uint8Array} the bytes of a RBSP from a NAL
 * unit
 * @return {Uint8Array} the RBSP without any Emulation
 * Prevention Bytes

export var discardEmulationPreventionBytes = function discardEmulationPreventionBytes(bytes) {
  var positions = [];
  var i = 1; // Find all `Emulation Prevention Bytes`

  while (i < bytes.length - 2) {
    if (bytesMatch(bytes.subarray(i, i + 3), EMULATION_PREVENTION)) {
      positions.push(i + 2);

  } // If no Emulation Prevention Bytes were found just return the original
  // array

  if (positions.length === 0) {
    return bytes;
  } // Create a new array to hold the NAL unit data

  var newLength = bytes.length - positions.length;
  var newData = new Uint8Array(newLength);
  var sourceIndex = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < newLength; sourceIndex++, i++) {
    if (sourceIndex === positions[0]) {
      // Skip this byte
      sourceIndex++; // Remove this position index


    newData[i] = bytes[sourceIndex];

  return newData;
export var findNal = function findNal(bytes, dataType, types, nalLimit) {
  if (nalLimit === void 0) {
    nalLimit = Infinity;

  bytes = toUint8(bytes);
  types = [].concat(types);
  var i = 0;
  var nalStart;
  var nalsFound = 0; // keep searching until:
  // we reach the end of bytes
  // we reach the maximum number of nals they want to seach
  // NOTE: that we disregard nalLimit when we have found the start
  // of the nal we want so that we can find the end of the nal we want.

  while (i < bytes.length && (nalsFound < nalLimit || nalStart)) {
    var nalOffset = void 0;

    if (bytesMatch(bytes.subarray(i), NAL_TYPE_ONE)) {
      nalOffset = 4;
    } else if (bytesMatch(bytes.subarray(i), NAL_TYPE_TWO)) {
      nalOffset = 3;
    } // we are unsynced,
    // find the next nal unit

    if (!nalOffset) {


    if (nalStart) {
      return discardEmulationPreventionBytes(bytes.subarray(nalStart, i));

    var nalType = void 0;

    if (dataType === 'h264') {
      nalType = bytes[i + nalOffset] & 0x1f;
    } else if (dataType === 'h265') {
      nalType = bytes[i + nalOffset] >> 1 & 0x3f;

    if (types.indexOf(nalType) !== -1) {
      nalStart = i + nalOffset;
    } // nal header is 1 length for h264, and 2 for h265

    i += nalOffset + (dataType === 'h264' ? 1 : 2);

  return bytes.subarray(0, 0);
export var findH264Nal = function findH264Nal(bytes, type, nalLimit) {
  return findNal(bytes, 'h264', type, nalLimit);
export var findH265Nal = function findH265Nal(bytes, type, nalLimit) {
  return findNal(bytes, 'h265', type, nalLimit);