exp-golomb.js 3.86 KB
 * mux.js
 * Copyright (c) Brightcove
 * Licensed Apache-2.0 https://github.com/videojs/mux.js/blob/master/LICENSE
'use strict';

var ExpGolomb;

 * Parser for exponential Golomb codes, a variable-bitwidth number encoding
 * scheme used by h264.
ExpGolomb = function(workingData) {
    // the number of bytes left to examine in workingData
    workingBytesAvailable = workingData.byteLength,

    // the current word being examined
    workingWord = 0, // :uint

    // the number of bits left to examine in the current word
    workingBitsAvailable = 0; // :uint;

  // ():uint
  this.length = function() {
    return (8 * workingBytesAvailable);

  // ():uint
  this.bitsAvailable = function() {
    return (8 * workingBytesAvailable) + workingBitsAvailable;

  // ():void
  this.loadWord = function() {
      position = workingData.byteLength - workingBytesAvailable,
      workingBytes = new Uint8Array(4),
      availableBytes = Math.min(4, workingBytesAvailable);

    if (availableBytes === 0) {
      throw new Error('no bytes available');

                                          position + availableBytes));
    workingWord = new DataView(workingBytes.buffer).getUint32(0);

    // track the amount of workingData that has been processed
    workingBitsAvailable = availableBytes * 8;
    workingBytesAvailable -= availableBytes;

  // (count:int):void
  this.skipBits = function(count) {
    var skipBytes; // :int
    if (workingBitsAvailable > count) {
      workingWord          <<= count;
      workingBitsAvailable -= count;
    } else {
      count -= workingBitsAvailable;
      skipBytes = Math.floor(count / 8);

      count -= (skipBytes * 8);
      workingBytesAvailable -= skipBytes;


      workingWord <<= count;
      workingBitsAvailable -= count;

  // (size:int):uint
  this.readBits = function(size) {
      bits = Math.min(workingBitsAvailable, size), // :uint
      valu = workingWord >>> (32 - bits); // :uint
    // if size > 31, handle error
    workingBitsAvailable -= bits;
    if (workingBitsAvailable > 0) {
      workingWord <<= bits;
    } else if (workingBytesAvailable > 0) {

    bits = size - bits;
    if (bits > 0) {
      return valu << bits | this.readBits(bits);
    return valu;

  // ():uint
  this.skipLeadingZeros = function() {
    var leadingZeroCount; // :uint
    for (leadingZeroCount = 0; leadingZeroCount < workingBitsAvailable; ++leadingZeroCount) {
      if ((workingWord & (0x80000000 >>> leadingZeroCount)) !== 0) {
        // the first bit of working word is 1
        workingWord <<= leadingZeroCount;
        workingBitsAvailable -= leadingZeroCount;
        return leadingZeroCount;

    // we exhausted workingWord and still have not found a 1
    return leadingZeroCount + this.skipLeadingZeros();

  // ():void
  this.skipUnsignedExpGolomb = function() {
    this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLeadingZeros());

  // ():void
  this.skipExpGolomb = function() {
    this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLeadingZeros());

  // ():uint
  this.readUnsignedExpGolomb = function() {
    var clz = this.skipLeadingZeros(); // :uint
    return this.readBits(clz + 1) - 1;

  // ():int
  this.readExpGolomb = function() {
    var valu = this.readUnsignedExpGolomb(); // :int
    if (0x01 & valu) {
      // the number is odd if the low order bit is set
      return (1 + valu) >>> 1; // add 1 to make it even, and divide by 2
    return -1 * (valu >>> 1); // divide by two then make it negative

  // Some convenience functions
  // :Boolean
  this.readBoolean = function() {
    return this.readBits(1) === 1;

  // ():int
  this.readUnsignedByte = function() {
    return this.readBits(8);


module.exports = ExpGolomb;