url-toolkit.js 6.93 KB
// see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1808

(function (root) {
  var URL_REGEX =
  var FIRST_SEGMENT_REGEX = /^([^\/?#]*)([^]*)$/;
  var SLASH_DOT_REGEX = /(?:\/|^)\.(?=\/)/g;
  var SLASH_DOT_DOT_REGEX = /(?:\/|^)\.\.\/(?!\.\.\/)[^\/]*(?=\/)/g;

  var URLToolkit = {
    // If opts.alwaysNormalize is true then the path will always be normalized even when it starts with / or //
    // E.g
    // With opts.alwaysNormalize = false (default, spec compliant)
    // http://a.com/b/cd + /e/f/../g => http://a.com/e/f/../g
    // With opts.alwaysNormalize = true (not spec compliant)
    // http://a.com/b/cd + /e/f/../g => http://a.com/e/g
    buildAbsoluteURL: function (baseURL, relativeURL, opts) {
      opts = opts || {};
      // remove any remaining space and CRLF
      baseURL = baseURL.trim();
      relativeURL = relativeURL.trim();
      if (!relativeURL) {
        // 2a) If the embedded URL is entirely empty, it inherits the
        // entire base URL (i.e., is set equal to the base URL)
        // and we are done.
        if (!opts.alwaysNormalize) {
          return baseURL;
        var basePartsForNormalise = URLToolkit.parseURL(baseURL);
        if (!basePartsForNormalise) {
          throw new Error('Error trying to parse base URL.');
        basePartsForNormalise.path = URLToolkit.normalizePath(
        return URLToolkit.buildURLFromParts(basePartsForNormalise);
      var relativeParts = URLToolkit.parseURL(relativeURL);
      if (!relativeParts) {
        throw new Error('Error trying to parse relative URL.');
      if (relativeParts.scheme) {
        // 2b) If the embedded URL starts with a scheme name, it is
        // interpreted as an absolute URL and we are done.
        if (!opts.alwaysNormalize) {
          return relativeURL;
        relativeParts.path = URLToolkit.normalizePath(relativeParts.path);
        return URLToolkit.buildURLFromParts(relativeParts);
      var baseParts = URLToolkit.parseURL(baseURL);
      if (!baseParts) {
        throw new Error('Error trying to parse base URL.');
      if (!baseParts.netLoc && baseParts.path && baseParts.path[0] !== '/') {
        // If netLoc missing and path doesn't start with '/', assume everthing before the first '/' is the netLoc
        // This causes 'example.com/a' to be handled as '//example.com/a' instead of '/example.com/a'
        var pathParts = FIRST_SEGMENT_REGEX.exec(baseParts.path);
        baseParts.netLoc = pathParts[1];
        baseParts.path = pathParts[2];
      if (baseParts.netLoc && !baseParts.path) {
        baseParts.path = '/';
      var builtParts = {
        // 2c) Otherwise, the embedded URL inherits the scheme of
        // the base URL.
        scheme: baseParts.scheme,
        netLoc: relativeParts.netLoc,
        path: null,
        params: relativeParts.params,
        query: relativeParts.query,
        fragment: relativeParts.fragment,
      if (!relativeParts.netLoc) {
        // 3) If the embedded URL's <net_loc> is non-empty, we skip to
        // Step 7.  Otherwise, the embedded URL inherits the <net_loc>
        // (if any) of the base URL.
        builtParts.netLoc = baseParts.netLoc;
        // 4) If the embedded URL path is preceded by a slash "/", the
        // path is not relative and we skip to Step 7.
        if (relativeParts.path[0] !== '/') {
          if (!relativeParts.path) {
            // 5) If the embedded URL path is empty (and not preceded by a
            // slash), then the embedded URL inherits the base URL path
            builtParts.path = baseParts.path;
            // 5a) if the embedded URL's <params> is non-empty, we skip to
            // step 7; otherwise, it inherits the <params> of the base
            // URL (if any) and
            if (!relativeParts.params) {
              builtParts.params = baseParts.params;
              // 5b) if the embedded URL's <query> is non-empty, we skip to
              // step 7; otherwise, it inherits the <query> of the base
              // URL (if any) and we skip to step 7.
              if (!relativeParts.query) {
                builtParts.query = baseParts.query;
          } else {
            // 6) The last segment of the base URL's path (anything
            // following the rightmost slash "/", or the entire path if no
            // slash is present) is removed and the embedded URL's path is
            // appended in its place.
            var baseURLPath = baseParts.path;
            var newPath =
              baseURLPath.substring(0, baseURLPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) +
            builtParts.path = URLToolkit.normalizePath(newPath);
      if (builtParts.path === null) {
        builtParts.path = opts.alwaysNormalize
          ? URLToolkit.normalizePath(relativeParts.path)
          : relativeParts.path;
      return URLToolkit.buildURLFromParts(builtParts);
    parseURL: function (url) {
      var parts = URL_REGEX.exec(url);
      if (!parts) {
        return null;
      return {
        scheme: parts[1] || '',
        netLoc: parts[2] || '',
        path: parts[3] || '',
        params: parts[4] || '',
        query: parts[5] || '',
        fragment: parts[6] || '',
    normalizePath: function (path) {
      // The following operations are
      // then applied, in order, to the new path:
      // 6a) All occurrences of "./", where "." is a complete path
      // segment, are removed.
      // 6b) If the path ends with "." as a complete path segment,
      // that "." is removed.
      path = path.split('').reverse().join('').replace(SLASH_DOT_REGEX, '');
      // 6c) All occurrences of "<segment>/../", where <segment> is a
      // complete path segment not equal to "..", are removed.
      // Removal of these path segments is performed iteratively,
      // removing the leftmost matching pattern on each iteration,
      // until no matching pattern remains.
      // 6d) If the path ends with "<segment>/..", where <segment> is a
      // complete path segment not equal to "..", that
      // "<segment>/.." is removed.
      while (
        path.length !== (path = path.replace(SLASH_DOT_DOT_REGEX, '')).length
      ) {}
      return path.split('').reverse().join('');
    buildURLFromParts: function (parts) {
      return (
        parts.scheme +
        parts.netLoc +
        parts.path +
        parts.params +
        parts.query +

  if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
    module.exports = URLToolkit;
  else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
    define([], function () {
      return URLToolkit;
  else if (typeof exports === 'object') exports['URLToolkit'] = URLToolkit;
  else root['URLToolkit'] = URLToolkit;