index.js 2.72 KB
'use strict';
const {URL} = require('url');
const {Agent: HttpAgent} = require('http');
const {Agent: HttpsAgent} = require('https');
const got = require('got');
const registryUrl = require('registry-url');
const registryAuthToken = require('registry-auth-token');
const semver = require('semver');

// These agent options are chosen to match the npm client defaults and help with performance
// See: `npm config get maxsockets` and #50
const agentOptions = {
	keepAlive: true,
	maxSockets: 50
const httpAgent = new HttpAgent(agentOptions);
const httpsAgent = new HttpsAgent(agentOptions);

class PackageNotFoundError extends Error {
	constructor(packageName) {
		super(`Package \`${packageName}\` could not be found`); = 'PackageNotFoundError';

class VersionNotFoundError extends Error {
	constructor(packageName, version) {
		super(`Version \`${version}\` for package \`${packageName}\` could not be found`); = 'VersionNotFoundError';

const packageJson = async (packageName, options) => {
	options = {
		version: 'latest',

	const scope = packageName.split('/')[0];
	const registryUrl_ = options.registryUrl || registryUrl(scope);
	const packageUrl = new URL(encodeURIComponent(packageName).replace(/^%40/, '@'), registryUrl_);
	const authInfo = registryAuthToken(registryUrl_.toString(), {recursive: true});

	const headers = {
		accept: 'application/vnd.npm.install-v1+json; q=1.0, application/json; q=0.8, */*'

	if (options.fullMetadata) {
		delete headers.accept;

	if (authInfo) {
		headers.authorization = `${authInfo.type} ${authInfo.token}`;

	const gotOptions = {
		json: true,
		agent: {
			http: httpAgent,
			https: httpsAgent

	if (options.agent) {
		gotOptions.agent = options.agent;

	let response;
	try {
		response = await got(packageUrl, gotOptions);
	} catch (error) {
		if (error.statusCode === 404) {
			throw new PackageNotFoundError(packageName);

		throw error;

	let data = response.body;

	if (options.allVersions) {
		return data;

	let {version} = options;
	const versionError = new VersionNotFoundError(packageName, version);

	if (data['dist-tags'][version]) {
		data = data.versions[data['dist-tags'][version]];
	} else if (version) {
		if (!data.versions[version]) {
			const versions = Object.keys(data.versions);
			version = semver.maxSatisfying(versions, version);

			if (!version) {
				throw versionError;

		data = data.versions[version];

		if (!data) {
			throw versionError;

	return data;

module.exports = packageJson;
// TODO: remove this in the next major version
module.exports.default = packageJson;
module.exports.PackageNotFoundError = PackageNotFoundError;
module.exports.VersionNotFoundError = VersionNotFoundError;