load-image-iptc-map.js 3.99 KB
 * JavaScript Load Image IPTC Map
 * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image
 * Copyright 2013, Sebastian Tschan
 * Copyright 2018, Dave Bevan
 * IPTC tags mapping based on
 * https://iptc.org/standards/photo-metadata
 * https://exiftool.org/TagNames/IPTC.html
 * Licensed under the MIT license:
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

/* global define, module, require */

;(function (factory) {
  'use strict'
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    // Register as an anonymous AMD module:
    define(['./load-image', './load-image-iptc'], factory)
  } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
    factory(require('./load-image'), require('./load-image-iptc'))
  } else {
    // Browser globals:
})(function (loadImage) {
  'use strict'

  var IptcMapProto = loadImage.IptcMap.prototype

  IptcMapProto.tags = {
    0: 'ApplicationRecordVersion',
    3: 'ObjectTypeReference',
    4: 'ObjectAttributeReference',
    5: 'ObjectName',
    7: 'EditStatus',
    8: 'EditorialUpdate',
    10: 'Urgency',
    12: 'SubjectReference',
    15: 'Category',
    20: 'SupplementalCategories',
    22: 'FixtureIdentifier',
    25: 'Keywords',
    26: 'ContentLocationCode',
    27: 'ContentLocationName',
    30: 'ReleaseDate',
    35: 'ReleaseTime',
    37: 'ExpirationDate',
    38: 'ExpirationTime',
    40: 'SpecialInstructions',
    42: 'ActionAdvised',
    45: 'ReferenceService',
    47: 'ReferenceDate',
    50: 'ReferenceNumber',
    55: 'DateCreated',
    60: 'TimeCreated',
    62: 'DigitalCreationDate',
    63: 'DigitalCreationTime',
    65: 'OriginatingProgram',
    70: 'ProgramVersion',
    75: 'ObjectCycle',
    80: 'Byline',
    85: 'BylineTitle',
    90: 'City',
    92: 'Sublocation',
    95: 'State',
    100: 'CountryCode',
    101: 'Country',
    103: 'OriginalTransmissionReference',
    105: 'Headline',
    110: 'Credit',
    115: 'Source',
    116: 'CopyrightNotice',
    118: 'Contact',
    120: 'Caption',
    121: 'LocalCaption',
    122: 'Writer',
    125: 'RasterizedCaption',
    130: 'ImageType',
    131: 'ImageOrientation',
    135: 'LanguageIdentifier',
    150: 'AudioType',
    151: 'AudioSamplingRate',
    152: 'AudioSamplingResolution',
    153: 'AudioDuration',
    154: 'AudioOutcue',
    184: 'JobID',
    185: 'MasterDocumentID',
    186: 'ShortDocumentID',
    187: 'UniqueDocumentID',
    188: 'OwnerID',
    200: 'ObjectPreviewFileFormat',
    201: 'ObjectPreviewFileVersion',
    202: 'ObjectPreviewData',
    221: 'Prefs',
    225: 'ClassifyState',
    228: 'SimilarityIndex',
    230: 'DocumentNotes',
    231: 'DocumentHistory',
    232: 'ExifCameraInfo',
    255: 'CatalogSets'

  IptcMapProto.stringValues = {
    10: {
      0: '0 (reserved)',
      1: '1 (most urgent)',
      2: '2',
      3: '3',
      4: '4',
      5: '5 (normal urgency)',
      6: '6',
      7: '7',
      8: '8 (least urgent)',
      9: '9 (user-defined priority)'
    75: {
      a: 'Morning',
      b: 'Both Morning and Evening',
      p: 'Evening'
    131: {
      L: 'Landscape',
      P: 'Portrait',
      S: 'Square'

  IptcMapProto.getText = function (id) {
    var value = this.get(id)
    var tagCode = this.map[id]
    var stringValue = this.stringValues[tagCode]
    if (stringValue) return stringValue[value]
    return String(value)

  IptcMapProto.getAll = function () {
    var map = {}
    var prop
    var name
    for (prop in this) {
      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this, prop)) {
        name = this.tags[prop]
        if (name) map[name] = this.getText(name)
    return map

  IptcMapProto.getName = function (tagCode) {
    return this.tags[tagCode]

  // Extend the map of tag names to tag codes:
  ;(function () {
    var tags = IptcMapProto.tags
    var map = IptcMapProto.map || {}
    var prop
    // Map the tag names to tags:
    for (prop in tags) {
      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tags, prop)) {
        map[tags[prop]] = Number(prop)