

1 -var request = require('request');
2 -let express = require('express');
3 -let app=express();
4 -let bodyParser = require('body-parser');
5 -let session = require('express-session');
6 -let cors = require('cors');
7 -
8 -app.use(session({ secret: 'keyboard cat', cookie: { maxAge: 60000 }}))
9 -app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
10 -app.use(bodyParser.json());
11 -app.use(cors());
12 -//nx,ny구하기
13 -
14 -//변수들
15 -let curaddress;
16 -var url = '';
17 -var queryParams = '?' + encodeURIComponent('serviceKey') + '=3OcUyvx97Vx2YikiZ9IHyRQ6suapku7Xn8VlefQKQWrGIFOGaejhbevwagcubdHfSiQAqJwCV5lyIutw0%2BsppA%3D%3D'; /* Service Key*/
18 -
19 -//오늘의 날짜 구하기
20 -let base;
21 -
22 -let today=new Date();
23 -let CurDay=today.getFullYear().toString();
24 -if(today.getMonth()<9){
25 - CurDay+="0"+(today.getMonth()+1).toString();
26 -}
27 -else{
28 - CurDay+=(today.getMonth()+1).toString();
29 -}
30 -if(today.getDate()<10){
31 - base=CurDay+"0"+(today.getDate()-1).toString();
32 - CurDay+="0"+today.getDate().toString();
33 -}
34 -else{
35 - base=CurDay+(today.getDate()-1).toString();
36 - CurDay+=today.getDate().toString();
37 -}
38 -console.log(base);
39 -//nx,ny구하기
40 -const xlsx=require('xlsx')
41 -const excel=xlsx.readFile('location.xlsx');
42 -const sheet=excel.SheetNames[0];
43 -const first=excel.Sheets[sheet];
44 -const jsonData=xlsx.utils.sheet_to_json(first,{defval:""});
45 -let nx,ny;
46'/api/address', (req, res) => {
47 - let i=0;
48 - while(i<3788){
49 - if(jsonData[i].address1==req.body.address1 && jsonData[i].address2==req.body.address2 && jsonData[i].address3==req.body.address3){
50 - nx=jsonData[i].nx;
51 - ny=jsonData[i].ny;
52 - curaddress=jsonData[i];
53 - res.json({nx, ny});
54 - break;
55 - }
56 - i+=1;
57 - }
58 -});
59 -
60 -let a3=[], a4=[], a5=[], a6=[], a7=[], a8=[], a9=[], a10=[], a11=[], a12=[], a13=[], a14=[], a15=[], a16=[], a17=[], a18=[], a19=[], a20=[], a21=[], a22=[], a23=[];
61 -//입력받기
63 - const nx = req.body.dotX;
64 - const ny = req.body.dotY;
65 -
66 - queryParams += '&' + encodeURIComponent('pageNo') + '=' + encodeURIComponent('1'); /* */
67 - queryParams += '&' + encodeURIComponent('numOfRows') + '=' + encodeURIComponent('1000'); /* */
68 - queryParams += '&' + encodeURIComponent('dataType') + '=' + encodeURIComponent('JSON'); /* */
69 - queryParams += '&' + encodeURIComponent('base_date') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(base); /* */
70 - queryParams += '&' + encodeURIComponent('base_time') + '=' + encodeURIComponent('2300'); /* */
71 - queryParams += '&' + encodeURIComponent('nx') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(nx); /*nx*/
72 - queryParams += '&' + encodeURIComponent('ny') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(ny); /*ny*/
73 -
74 - request({
75 - url: url + queryParams,
76 - method: 'GET'
77 - }, function (error, response, body) {
78 - let ex=JSON.parse(body);
79 - let item=ex.response.body.items.item;
80 -
81 - let i=0;
82 - let a=[];//, a4=[], a5=[], a6=[], a7=[], a8=[], a9=[], a10=[], a11=[], a12=[], a13=[], a14=[], a15=[], a16=[], a17=[], a18=[], a19=[], a20=[], a21=[], a22=[], a23=[];
83 - while(item[i].fcstDate==CurDay){
84 - if(item[i].category=='POP' || item[i].category=='TMP'){
85 - a.push(item[i]);
86 - }
87 - i+=1;
88 - }
89 - let result=[];
90 - i=0;
91 - let Json;
92 - while(i<a.length){
93 - if(a[i].fcstValue<=8){
94 - Json={today:CurDay,time:a[i].fcstTime[0]+a[i].fcstTime[1],temperature:a[i].fcstValue,rainPer:a[i+1].fcstValue,weather:0};
95 - }
96 - else if(a[i].fcstValue>8 && a[i].fcstValue<=12){
97 - Json={today:CurDay,time:a[i].fcstTime[0]+a[i].fcstTime[1],temperature:a[i].fcstValue,rainPer:a[i+1].fcstValue,weather:1};
98 - }
99 - else if(a[i].fcstValue>12 && a[i].fcstValue<=18){
100 - Json={today:CurDay,time:a[i].fcstTime[0]+a[i].fcstTime[1],temperature:a[i].fcstValue,rainPer:a[i+1].fcstValue,weather:2};
101 - }
102 - else if(a[i].fcstValue>18 && a[i].fcstValue<=23){
103 - Json={today:CurDay,time:a[i].fcstTime[0]+a[i].fcstTime[1],temperature:a[i].fcstValue,rainPer:a[i+1].fcstValue,weather:3};
104 - }
105 - else{
106 - Json={today:CurDay,time:a[i].fcstTime[0]+a[i].fcstTime[1],temperature:a[i].fcstValue,rainPer:a[i+1].fcstValue,weather:4};
107 - };
108 - result.push(Json);
109 - i+=2;
110 - }
111 - res.json(result);
112 - });//pop:강수확률 tmp:한시간 기온
113 -});
114 -
115 -app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Server On 4000'));
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