LocalBootstrap.js 4.29 KB
'use strict';

const url = require('url')
  , https = require('https')
  , sslCertificate = require('get-ssl-certificate')
  , httpClient = require('./HttpClientFetch')
  // , httpClient = require('./HttpClientAxios')
  , ApiError = require('../../ApiError')
  , Transport = require('./Transport')
  , Api = require('../Api')

const DEBUG = /node-hue-api/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG);
const INITIAL_HTTPS_AGENT = new https.Agent({rejectUnauthorized: false});

 * @typedef {import('./Api)} Api
 * @type {LocalBootstrap}
module.exports = class LocalBootstrap {

   * Create a Local Network Bootstrap for connecting to the Hue Bridge. The connection is ALWAYS over TLS/HTTPS.
   * @param {String} hostname The hostname or ip address of the hue bridge on the lcoal network.
   * @param {number=} port The port number for the connections, defaults to 443 and should not need to be specified in the majority of use cases.
  constructor(hostname, port) {
    this._baseUrl = url.format({protocol: 'https', hostname: hostname, port: port || 443});
    this._hostname = hostname;

   * Gets the Base URL for the local connection to the bridge.
   * @returns {String}
  get baseUrl() {
    return this._baseUrl;

   * Gets the hostname being used to connect to the hue bridge (ip address or fully qualified domain name).
   * @returns {String}
  get hostname() {
    return this._hostname;

   * Connects to the Hue Bridge using the local network.
   * The connection will perform checks on the Hue Bridge TLS Certificate to verify it is correct before sending any
   * sensitive information.
   * @param {String=} username The username to use when connecting, can be null, but will severely limit the endpoints that you can call/access
   * @param {String=} clientkey The clientkey for the user, used by the entertainment API, can be null
   * @param {Number=} timeout The timeout for requests sent to the Hue Bridge. If not set will default to 20 seconds.
   * @returns {Promise<Api>} The API for interacting with the hue bridge.
  connect(username, clientkey, timeout) {
    const self = this
      , hostname = self.hostname
      , baseUrl = self.baseUrl

    return httpClient.request({
        method: 'GET',
        url: `${baseUrl}/api/config`,
        json: true,
        httpsAgent: INITIAL_HTTPS_AGENT
      }).then(res => {
        const bridgeId = res.data.bridgeid.toLowerCase();

        return sslCertificate.get(hostname)
          .then(cert => {
            const subjectCn = cert.subject.CN.toLowerCase();

            if (DEBUG) {
                'Bridge Certificate:\n'
                + `  subject:       ${JSON.stringify(cert.subject)}\n`
                + `  issuer:        ${JSON.stringify(cert.subject)}\n`
                + `  valid from:    ${cert.valid_from}\n`
                + `  valid to:      ${cert.valid_to}\n`
                + `  serial number: ${cert.serialNumber}\n`

              console.log(`Performing validation of bridgeId "${bridgeId}" against certificate subject "${subjectCn}"; matched? ${subjectCn === bridgeId}`);

            if (subjectCn === bridgeId) {
              return new https.Agent({
                keepAlive: true,
                keepAliveMsecs: 10000,
                maxSockets: 50,
                timeout: getTimeout(timeout),
                rejectUnauthorized: false,
                // ca: cert.pemEncoded //TODO there are still issues here, as the certificate being self signed is failing somewhere deeper in TLS code
            } else {
              throw new ApiError('The hue bridge certificate does not match the expected issuer');
          }).catch(error => {
            throw new ApiError(error);
          .then(agent => {
            const apiBaseUrl = `${baseUrl}/api`
              , transport = new Transport(username, httpClient.create({baseURL: apiBaseUrl, httpsAgent: agent}))
              , config = {
                remote: false,
                baseUrl: apiBaseUrl,
                clientkey: clientkey,
                username: username,

            return new Api(config, transport);

function getTimeout(timeout) {
  return timeout || 20000;