Gulpfile.js 2.34 KB
const assert      = require('assert');
const del         = require('del');
const eslint      = require('gulp-eslint');
const exec        = require('gulp-exec');
const File        = require('fs');
const gulp        = require('gulp');
const gutil       = require('gulp-util');
const notify      = require('gulp-notify');
const sourcemaps  = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const babel       = require('gulp-babel');

// gulp -> gulp watch
gulp.task('default', ['watch']);

// gulp lint -> errors if code dirty
gulp.task('lint', function () {
  return gulp.src([ 'js/**/*.js', 'test/*.js' ])

// gulp build -> compile coffee script
gulp.task('build', ['clean'], function() {
  return gulp.src('src/**/*.js')
      message: 'Zombie: built!',
      onLast:  true

// gulp clean -> clean generated files
gulp.task('clean', function() {
  return del('lib/**');

// gulp watch -> watch for changes and compile
gulp.task('watch', ['build'], function() {
  return'src/*.js', ['clean', 'build']);

// gulp tag -> Tag this release
gulp.task('tag', ['changes'], function() {
  const version = require('./package.json').version;
  const tag     = 'v' + version;

  gutil.log('Tagging this release', tag);
  return gulp.src('.changes')
    .pipe( exec('git add package.json') )
    .pipe( exec('git commit --allow-empty -m "Version ' + version + '"') )
    .pipe( exec('git tag ' + tag + ' --file .changes') )
    .pipe( exec('git push origin ' + tag) )
    .pipe( exec('git push origin master') );

// Generate a change log summary for this release
// git tag uses the generated .changes file
gulp.task('changes', function() {
  const version   = require('./package.json').version;
  const changelog = File.readFileSync('', 'utf-8');
  const match     = changelog.match(/^## Version (.*) .*\n([\S\s]+?)\n##/m);

  assert(match, ' missing entry: ## Version ' + version);
  assert.equal(match[1], version, ' missing entry for version ' + version);

  const changes   = match[2].trim();
  assert(changes, ' empty entry for version ' + version);
  File.writeFileSync('.changes', changes);