fuzzy.js 2.32 KB
'use strict';

var URL = require('./')
  , url = new URL('');

 * A dictionary with all kind of different options that should generate a valid
 * and parse-able URL.
 * @type {Object}
 * @api private
var combinations = {};

combinations.protocol = [
combinations.username = ['foo', 'bar'];
combinations.password = combinations.username;
combinations.hostname = [
combinations.port = ['8080', '844', '3340'];
combinations.pathname = [
combinations.query = ['foo=bar',
combinations.hash = [

 * Get a random item from the given array.
 * @param {String} name Name of the array we want to have a random item returned.
 * @returns {Mixed}
 * @api private
function get(name) {
  var data = combinations[name];

  return data[Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length)];

 * Return a random boolean.
 * @returns {Boolean}
 * @api private
function yep() {
  return !!Math.round(Math.random() * 1);

 * Generate the actual URL.
 * @returns {Object} specification
 * @api public
module.exports = function generate() {
  var spec = {}
    , key;

  spec.protocol = get('protocol');
  spec.hostname = get('hostname');
  spec.pathname = get('pathname');

  if (yep()) spec.port = get('port');
  if (yep()) spec.query = '?'+ get('query');
  if (yep()) spec.hash = '#'+ get('hash');
  if (yep()) {
    spec.username = get('username');
    spec.password = get('password');

  for (key in combinations) {
    url[key] = '';

  for (key in spec) {
    url[key] = spec[key];

  spec.href = url.toString();
  return spec;