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150 - <!--1. 과목별 성적 통계 결과 -->
151 - <h2 class="tit20 mt0"><span>1.</span> 과목별 성적 통계 결과</h2>
152 -
153 -
154 - <h3 class="tit30">
155 - 언어이해
156 - <em class="fSmall mt10">
157 - <strong class="mark9">* 응시인원</strong> : 943명
158 - <strong class="ml20 mark9">* 원점수 평균</strong> : 15.5점
159 - <strong class="ml20 mark9">* 표준편차</strong> : 4.4
160 - </em>
161 - </h3>
162 - <table class="tbl01">
163 - <colgroup>
164 - <col span="8" style="width:12.5%" />
165 - </colgroup>
166 - <thead>
167 - <tr>
168 - <th scope="col" colspan="4">원점수 기준</th>
169 - <th scope="col" colspan="4" >표준점수 기준</th>
170 - </tr>
171 - <tr>
172 - <th scope="col">최고점</th>
173 - <th scope="col">최저점</th>
174 - <th scope="col">상위 10% 컷</th>
175 - <th scope="col">상위 30% 컷</th>
176 - <th scope="col">최고점</th>
177 - <th scope="col">최저점</th>
178 - <th scope="col">상위 10% 컷</th>
179 - <th scope="col" >상위 30% 컷</th>
180 - </tr>
181 - </thead>
182 - <tbody>
183 - <tr>
184 - <td>28점</td>
185 - <td>0점</td>
186 - <td>21점</td>
187 - <td>18점</td>
188 - <td>70.5점</td>
189 - <td>13.3점</td>
190 - <td>56.2점</td>
191 - <td>50.1점</td>
192 - </tr>
193 - </tbody>
194 - </table>
195 -
196 - <h3 class="tit30">
197 - 추리논증
198 - <em class="fSmall mt10">
199 - <strong class="mark9">* 응시인원</strong> : 943명
200 - <strong class="ml20 mark9">* 원점수 평균</strong> : 21.2점
201 - <strong class="ml20 mark9">* 표준편차</strong> : 5.1
202 - </em>
203 - </h3>
204 - <table class="tbl01">
205 - <colgroup>
206 - <col span="8" style="width:12.5%" />
207 - </colgroup>
208 - <thead>
209 - <tr>
210 - <th scope="col" colspan="4">원점수 기준</th>
211 - <th scope="col" colspan="4" >표준점수 기준</th>
212 - </tr>
213 - <tr>
214 - <th scope="col">최고점</th>
215 - <th scope="col">최저점</th>
216 - <th scope="col">상위 10% 컷</th>
217 - <th scope="col">상위 30% 컷</th>
218 - <th scope="col">최고점</th>
219 - <th scope="col">최저점</th>
220 - <th scope="col">상위 10% 컷</th>
221 - <th scope="col" >상위 30% 컷</th>
222 - </tr>
223 - </thead>
224 - <tbody>
225 - <tr>
226 - <td>35점</td>
227 - <td>0점</td>
228 - <td>27점</td>
229 - <td>24점</td>
230 - <td>92.1점</td>
231 - <td>10.5점</td>
232 - <td>73.4점</td>
233 - <td>66.4점</td>
234 - </tr>
235 - </tbody>
236 - </table>
237 -
238 - <!--//1. 과목별 성적 통계 결과-->
239 -
240 -
241 - <!--2. 과목별 채점결과 -->
242 - <h2 class="tit20"><span>2.</span> 과목별 채점결과</h2>
243 -
244 - <h3 class="tit30">언어이해</h3>
245 - <table class="tbl02" style="width:500px;">
246 - <colgroup>
247 - <col style="width:15%" />
248 - <col style="width:10%" />
249 - <col style="width:15%" />
250 - <col style="width:10%" />
251 - </colgroup>
252 - <tbody>
253 - <tr>
254 - <th>정답 수/ 총 문항</th>
255 - <td>21/30 문항</td>
256 - <th>정답률</th>
257 - <td>70%</td>
258 - </tr>
259 - </tbody>
260 - </table>
261 - <div class="scroll">
262 - <table class="tbl01 mt10" style="width:1500px;">
263 - <colgroup>
264 - <col style="width:100px" />
265 - </colgroup>
266 - <thead>
267 - <tr>
268 - <th>구분</th>
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271 - <th>1</th>
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274 - <th>2</th>
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277 - <th>3</th>
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340 - <th>24</th>
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352 - <th>28</th>
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358 - <th>30</th>
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360 - </tr>
361 - </thead>
362 - <tbody>
363 - <tr>
364 - <th>정오</th>
365 -
366 - <td>O</td>
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368 - <td>O</td>
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370 - <td>O</td>
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372 - <td>X</td>
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374 - <td>O</td>
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378 - <td>O</td>
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382 - <td>X</td>
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386 - <td>O</td>
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388 - <td>X</td>
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390 - <td>O</td>
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392 - <td>O</td>
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394 - <td>O</td>
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396 - <td>O</td>
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398 - <td>O</td>
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400 - <td>O</td>
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402 - <td>O</td>
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404 - <td>O</td>
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406 - <td>X</td>
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408 - <td>X</td>
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410 - <td>O</td>
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412 - <td>X</td>
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414 - <td>O</td>
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416 - <td>O</td>
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418 - <td>X</td>
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420 - <td>X</td>
421 -
422 - <td>O</td>
423 -
424 - <td>O</td>
425 -
426 - </tr>
427 - <tr>
428 - <th>
429 - 전체<br>
430 - 정답률(%)
431 - </th>
432 -
433 - <td>81</td>
434 -
435 - <td>65</td>
436 -
437 - <td>70</td>
438 -
439 - <td>41</td>
440 -
441 - <td>59</td>
442 -
443 - <td>58</td>
444 -
445 - <td>58</td>
446 -
447 - <td>53</td>
448 -
449 - <td>30</td>
450 -
451 - <td>73</td>
452 -
453 - <td>44</td>
454 -
455 - <td>67</td>
456 -
457 - <td>44</td>
458 -
459 - <td>53</td>
460 -
461 - <td>62</td>
462 -
463 - <td>43</td>
464 -
465 - <td>69</td>
466 -
467 - <td>65</td>
468 -
469 - <td>54</td>
470 -
471 - <td>27</td>
472 -
473 - <td>52</td>
474 -
475 - <td>41</td>
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477 - <td>54</td>
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479 - <td>16</td>
480 -
481 - <td>54</td>
482 -
483 - <td>41</td>
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485 - <td>41</td>
486 -
487 - <td>25</td>
488 -
489 - <td>56</td>
490 -
491 - <td>56</td>
492 -
493 - </tr>
494 - <tr>
495 - <th>
496 - 난이도
497 - <a href="javascript:;" class="ico_help">
498 - 도움말
499 - <span class="help_layer" style="right:-314px;top:-156px;">
500 - <img src="" alt="">
501 - </span>
502 - </a>
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551 - <td>E</td>
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555 - <td>C</td>
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559 - <td>D</td>
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561 - <td>C</td>
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563 - <td>C</td>
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565 - </tr>
566 - </tbody>
567 - </table>
568 - </div>
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570 - <h3 class="tit30">추리논증</h3>
571 - <table class="tbl02" style="width:500px;">
572 - <colgroup>
573 - <col style="width:15%" />
574 - <col style="width:10%" />
575 - <col style="width:15%" />
576 - <col style="width:10%" />
577 - </colgroup>
578 - <tbody>
579 - <tr>
580 - <th>정답 수/ 총 문항</th>
581 - <td>28/40 문항</td>
582 - <th>정답률</th>
583 - <td>70%</td>
584 - </tr>
585 - </tbody>
586 - </table>
587 - <div class="scroll">
588 - <table class="tbl01 mt10" style="width:1500px;">
589 - <colgroup>
590 - <col style="width:100px" />
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594 - <th>구분</th>
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600 - <th>2</th>
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603 - <th>3</th>
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714 - <th>40</th>
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720 - <th>정오</th>
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724 - <td>X</td>
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726 - <td>O</td>
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728 - <td>O</td>
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740 - <td>O</td>
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798 - <td>X</td>
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800 - <td>O</td>
801 -
802 - </tr>
803 - <tr>
804 - <th>
805 - 전체<br>
806 - 정답률(%)
807 - </th>
808 -
809 - <td>55</td>
810 -
811 - <td>19</td>
812 -
813 - <td>74</td>
814 -
815 - <td>82</td>
816 -
817 - <td>56</td>
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819 - <td>20</td>
820 -
821 - <td>75</td>
822 -
823 - <td>63</td>
824 -
825 - <td>18</td>
826 -
827 - <td>64</td>
828 -
829 - <td>56</td>
830 -
831 - <td>50</td>
832 -
833 - <td>45</td>
834 -
835 - <td>88</td>
836 -
837 - <td>13</td>
838 -
839 - <td>76</td>
840 -
841 - <td>39</td>
842 -
843 - <td>65</td>
844 -
845 - <td>82</td>
846 -
847 - <td>55</td>
848 -
849 - <td>72</td>
850 -
851 - <td>32</td>
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853 - <td>31</td>
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855 - <td>61</td>
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857 - <td>54</td>
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859 - <td>54</td>
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861 - <td>56</td>
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863 - <td>59</td>
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865 - <td>76</td>
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867 - <td>63</td>
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869 - <td>52</td>
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871 - <td>33</td>
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873 - <td>29</td>
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875 - <td>64</td>
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877 - <td>78</td>
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879 - <td>30</td>
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881 - <td>62</td>
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883 - <td>46</td>
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885 - <td>30</td>
886 -
887 - <td>46</td>
888 -
889 - </tr>
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897 - </span>
898 - </a>
899 - </th>
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901 - <td>C</td>
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903 - <td>E</td>
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905 - <td>B</td>
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907 - <td>A</td>
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909 - <td>C</td>
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911 - <td>E</td>
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913 - <td>B</td>
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915 - <td>B</td>
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917 - <td>E</td>
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919 - <td>B</td>
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921 - <td>C</td>
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923 - <td>C</td>
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925 - <td>C</td>
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927 - <td>A</td>
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929 - <td>E</td>
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931 - <td>B</td>
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933 - <td>D</td>
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935 - <td>B</td>
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937 - <td>A</td>
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949 - <td>C</td>
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951 - <td>C</td>
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953 - <td>C</td>
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955 - <td>C</td>
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957 - <td>B</td>
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959 - <td>B</td>
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961 - <td>C</td>
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963 - <td>D</td>
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965 - <td>D</td>
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967 - <td>B</td>
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969 - <td>B</td>
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971 - <td>D</td>
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973 - <td>B</td>
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975 - <td>C</td>
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977 - <td>D</td>
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988 - <strong class="mark9 f13">우선 복습 문항</strong>
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990 - 우선 복습 문항이란 쉬운 난도임에도 불구하고 틀린 문항으로, 난도가 낮은 문항을 틀린다는 것은 그만큼의 점수를 손해 본다는 것을 의미하기 때문에 해당 문항에 대해서는 반드시 정답을 맞혀야 합니다.
991 - </p>
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994 - <col style="width:20%" />
995 - <col style="width:80%" />
996 - </colgroup>
997 - <tbody>
998 - <tr>
999 - <th>언어이해</th>
1000 - <td>12</td>
1001 - </tr>
1002 - <tr>
1003 - <th>추리논증</th>
1004 - <td>7, 8</td>
1005 - </tr>
1006 - </tbody>
1007 - </table>
1008 - </div>
1009 - <!--//2. 과목별 채점결과 -->
1010 -
1011 -
1012 -
1013 -
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1015 - <h3 class="tit30" id="ox_note">오답노트</h3>
1016 - <div class="sel_box mt10" style="width:910px;padding-right:20px;">
1017 - <select name="select_exam_cd" id="select_exam_cd" title="" onChange="javascript:ExamFrmSubmit(this.value,02031458, 20);">
1018 -
1019 - <option value="1030" selected>제2회 전국모의고사</option>
1020 -
1021 - <option value="1029" >제1회 전국모의고사</option>
1022 -
1023 - </select>
1024 - &nbsp;&nbsp;
1025 - <select name="select_sub_cd" id="select_sub_cd" onChange="javascript:SubFrmSubmit(this.value);">
1026 - <option value="20" selected>언어이해</option>
1027 - <option value="21" >추리논증</option>
1028 - </select>
1029 -
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1031 - <a href="javascript:ItemPopupAct();" onFocus="this.blur();" class="btn31a"><i>오답노트 문항추가</i></a>
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1034 -
1035 - <!-- 문항선택 -->
1036 - <form name="SubFrm" method="post" action="#">
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1038 - <input type="hidden" name="exam_no" value="02031458" />
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1040 - <input type="hidden" name="mem_id" value="yunju712" />
1041 - <input type="hidden" name="exam_view_mode" value="" />
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1044 - <tbody>
1045 - <div class="tx_03_question_box">
1046 - <tr>
1047 -
1048 - <tr>
1049 - <th style="width:60px;">문항선택</th>
1050 -
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1052 -
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1054 -
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1056 -
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1058 -
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1060 -
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1062 -
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1064 -
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1068 -
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1072 -
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1074 -
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1102 -
1103 -
1104 - function ItemPopupAct(){
1105 -'2020_exam_report3_pop.asp', 'report_pop', 'width=814, height=644,scrollbars=yes,left=0,top=0');
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1113 - $("#select_exam_cd").slideDown();
1114 - }else{
1115 - $("#select_exam_cd").slideUp();
1116 - }
1117 - }
1118 -
1119 - function SelectSubTest(){
1120 - if($("#select_sub_cd").css("display") == "none"){
1121 - $("#select_sub_cd").slideDown();
1122 - }else{
1123 - $("#select_sub_cd").slideUp();
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1126 -
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1130 - }else{
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1155 - //document.SubFrm.sub_cd.value = sub_cd;
1156 - document.ExamMenuFrm.action = "2020_exam_report3.asp?mode=&sub_cd=20&gbn="+gbn;
1157 - document.ExamMenuFrm.submit();
1158 - }
1159 -
1160 - function ItemSelectView(item_no,obj){
1161 - var exam_cd = $("input[name=exam_cd]").val();
1162 - var sub_cd = $("#sub_cd").val();
1163 - var exam_no = $("input[name=exam_no]").val();
1164 - var exam_view_mode = $("input[name=exam_view_mode]").val();
1165 -
1166 - //초기화
1167 - $("[id^='select_qst_']").removeClass("select")
1168 -
1169 - if (obj) {
1170 - $('#select_qst_'+obj).attr("class","select");
1171 -
1172 - //var position = $('#btn_ox_add').offset();
1173 - //$('html, body').animate({scrollTop :}, 500);
1174 - } else {
1175 - $('#select_qst_0').attr("class","select");
1176 - }
1177 -
1178 - //alert("mode=view&exam_cd="+exam_cd+"&sub_cd="+sub_cd+"&exam_no="+exam_no+"&item_no="+item_no+"&exam_view_mode="+exam_view_mode);
1179 -
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1186 - data:"mode=view&exam_cd="+exam_cd+"&sub_cd="+sub_cd+"&exam_no="+exam_no+"&item_no="+item_no+"&exam_view_mode="+exam_view_mode+"&gbn_mode=",
1187 - success:function(content){
1188 - $("#Item_Content_view").html(content);
1189 - }
1190 - });
1191 - }
1192 -
1193 - //모범답안 확인
1194 - function cor_img_change(){
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1196 - $("#ItemResultData").show();
1197 - $("#cor_defult_img").show();
1198 - }
1199 -
1200 -
1201 - //byte체킹
1202 - function updateChar(FieldName, contentName){
1203 - var strCount = 0;
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1205 - var frm = document.getElementById(contentName);
1206 - var size = frm.value.length;
1207 -
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1210 - if(escape(tempStr).length > 4) strCount += 2;
1211 - else strCount += 1 ;
1212 - }
1213 -
1214 - if (strCount > FieldName){
1215 - alert("최대 " + FieldName + "byte이므로 초과된 글자수는 자동으로 삭제됩니다.");
1216 - strCount = 0;
1217 - tempStr2 = "";
1218 - for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
1219 - {
1220 - tempStr = frm.value.charAt(i);
1221 - if(escape(tempStr).length > 4) strCount += 2;
1222 - else strCount += 1 ;
1223 - if (strCount > FieldName)
1224 - {
1225 - if(escape(tempStr).length > 4) strCount -= 2;
1226 - else strCount -= 1 ;
1227 - break;
1228 - }
1229 - else tempStr2 += tempStr;
1230 - }
1231 -
1232 - frm.value = tempStr2;
1233 -
1234 - return false;
1235 - }
1236 - }
1237 -
1238 -
1239 - //오답 노트 메모
1240 - function ox_memo_submit(exam_no, item_no){
1241 - var exam_cd = $("input[name=exam_cd]").val();
1242 - var sub_cd = $("#sub_cd").val();
1243 - var mem_id = $("input[name=mem_id]").val();
1244 - var exam_view_mode = $("input[name=exam_view_mode]").val();
1245 - var ox_memo = '';
1246 -
1247 - var i = 0;
1248 - var chk_cnt = 1;
1249 -
1250 - ox_memo = ox_memo + ', ' + $("#ox_memo").val();
1251 - //j-query ajax
1252 - $.ajax({
1253 - type:"POST",
1254 - url:"2020_exam_report1_2_ax.asp",
1255 - data:"mode=upd&exam_cd="+exam_cd+"&sub_cd="+sub_cd+"&mem_id="+mem_id+"&exam_no="+exam_no+"&item_no="+item_no+"&exam_view_mode="+exam_view_mode+"&ox_memo="+escape(ox_memo),
1256 - success:function(rw){
1257 - if(rw == "Y"){
1258 - alert("답안 선택 이유가 등록되었습니다.");
1259 - ItemSelectView(item_no);
1260 - }else{
1261 - alert("답안 선택 이유가 등록에 실패하였습니다.");
1262 - return;
1263 - }
1264 - }
1265 - });
1266 - }
1267 -
1268 -
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32 - <h3 class="tit30 mt0">
33 -<strong class="mark1">2</strong>회 전국모의고사 <strong class="mark1">언어이해</strong>
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44 - <table cellspacing="0" class="tbl_type19 tbl03" summary="No,배점,정답,답안,정오,문항분류표,오답노트 문항 전체추가 순으로 제공합니다.">
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233 - <td>1</td>
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266 - <td>5</td>
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361 - <td>2</td>
362 - <td>2</td>
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378 - <td>1</td>
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394 - <td>1</td>
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