compress.js 4.36 KB
 * Connect - compress
 * Copyright(c) 2010 Sencha Inc.
 * Copyright(c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk
 * MIT Licensed

 * Module dependencies.

var zlib = require('zlib');
var utils = require('../utils');

 * Supported content-encoding methods.

exports.methods = {
    gzip: zlib.createGzip
  , deflate: zlib.createDeflate

 * Default filter function.

exports.filter = function(req, res){
  return /json|text|javascript|dart|image\/svg\+xml|application\/x-font-ttf|application\/vnd\.ms-opentype|application\/vnd\.ms-fontobject/.test(res.getHeader('Content-Type'));

 * Compress:
 * Compress response data with gzip/deflate.
 * Filter:
 *  A `filter` callback function may be passed to
 *  replace the default logic of:
 *     exports.filter = function(req, res){
 *       return /json|text|javascript/.test(res.getHeader('Content-Type'));
 *     };
 * Threshold:
 *  Only compress the response if the byte size is at or above a threshold.
 *  Always compress while streaming.
 *   - `threshold` - string representation of size or bytes as an integer.
 * Options:
 *  All remaining options are passed to the gzip/deflate
 *  creation functions. Consult node's docs for additional details.
 *   - `chunkSize` (default: 16*1024)
 *   - `windowBits`
 *   - `level`: 0-9 where 0 is no compression, and 9 is slow but best compression
 *   - `memLevel`: 1-9 low is slower but uses less memory, high is fast but uses more
 *   - `strategy`: compression strategy
 * @param {Object} options
 * @return {Function}
 * @api public

module.exports = function compress(options) {
  options = options || {};
  var names = Object.keys(exports.methods)
    , filter = options.filter || exports.filter
    , threshold;

  if (false === options.threshold || 0 === options.threshold) {
    threshold = 0
  } else if ('string' === typeof options.threshold) {
    threshold = utils.parseBytes(options.threshold)
  } else {
    threshold = options.threshold || 1024

  return function compress(req, res, next){
    var accept = req.headers['accept-encoding']
      , vary = res.getHeader('Vary')
      , write = res.write
      , end = res.end
      , compress = true
      , stream
      , method;

    // vary
    if (!vary) {
      res.setHeader('Vary', 'Accept-Encoding');
    } else if (!~vary.indexOf('Accept-Encoding')) {
      res.setHeader('Vary', vary + ', Accept-Encoding');

    // see #724
    req.on('close', function(){
      res.write = res.end = function(){};

    // proxy

    res.write = function(chunk, encoding){
      if (!this.headerSent) this._implicitHeader();
      return stream
        ? stream.write(new Buffer(chunk, encoding))
        :, chunk, encoding);

    res.end = function(chunk, encoding){
      if (chunk) {
        if (!this.headerSent && getSize(chunk) < threshold) compress = false;
        this.write(chunk, encoding);
      } else if (!this.headerSent) {
        // response size === 0
        compress = false;
      return stream
        ? stream.end()

    res.on('header', function(){
      if (!compress) return;

      var encoding = res.getHeader('Content-Encoding') || 'identity';

      // already encoded
      if ('identity' != encoding) return;

      // default request filter
      if (!filter(req, res)) return;

      // SHOULD use identity
      if (!accept) return;

      // head
      if ('HEAD' == req.method) return;

      // default to gzip
      if ('*' == accept.trim()) method = 'gzip';

      // compression method
      if (!method) {
        for (var i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; ++i) {
          if (~accept.indexOf(names[i])) {
            method = names[i];

      // compression method
      if (!method) return;

      // compression stream
      stream = exports.methods[method](options);

      // header fields
      res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', method);

      // compression

      stream.on('data', function(chunk){, chunk);

      stream.on('end', function(){;

      stream.on('drain', function() {


function getSize(chunk) {
  return Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)
    ? chunk.length
    : Buffer.byteLength(chunk);